12 research outputs found


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    Reactions to Bioabsorbable Suture Thread Embedded in Rat Subcutaneous Tissue

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    We examined the subcutaneous tissue reactions in rats to bioabsorbable suture thread using histopathological methods. Using Wister rats, Vicryl®, a bioabsorbable suture thread, was embedded into the subcutaneous tissue and histopathological examination was carried out after 4 weeks. Cholesterin crystals were used for the control. Furthermore, immunohistochemistry for CD68 was done. Histopathological examination showed proliferation of granulation tissues inboth experimental and control groups. The majority of cells in the granulation tissues were macrophages and giant cells. Fibroblasts were also observed in the proliferating granulation tissues surrounding the embedded bioabsorbable suturethread. Immunohistochemistry revealed that macrophages and giant cells were positive to CD68. The results suggest that the embedded bioabsorbable suture thread is not only fabricated to undergo absorption but also for phagocytosis bymacrophages and foreign body giant cells


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    In this study, it was divided into 2 groups by the presence of the food experience of the tablet which mixed Capparis Masaikai (MT), and the sensory evaluation of the tablet of improvement (K-MT) were carried out among the young women, and the effect of the improvement was examined. As the result, the group (S-W group) with the food experience of MT showed the tendency in which K-MT was higher than MT for the evaluation of sweetness, refreshingness, moisture sensation, the time in which sweetness and moisture sensation continued were long, and it was shown that bitterness and astringent taste shorten. In addition, the significance could not be accepted on the preference of the taste under the group (F-W group) without the food experience of MT between K-MT and MT, and the time in which sweetness and moisture sensation continued was long, and it was shown that bitterness and astringent taste shorten. But the total evaluation was also low on tasting and after for the K-MT. From this result, there seemed to be a necessity of improving evaluation of the preference of taste of K~MT. It was shown that sweetness and moisture sensation were long and that the duration of bitterness and astringent taste shortened as an effect of the improvement of MT. The time in which sweetness and moisture sensation continued was long, and it was shown that bitterness and astringent taste shorten as an effect of the improvement of MT

    Sphingosine 1-Phosphate (S1P) in the Peritoneal Fluid Skews M2 Macrophage and Contributes to the Development of Endometriosis

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    Sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P), an inflammatory mediator, is abundantly contained in red blood cells and platelets. We hypothesized that the S1P concentration in the peritoneal cavity would increase especially during the menstrual phase due to the reflux of menstrual blood, and investigated the S1P concentration in the human peritoneal fluid (PF) from 14 non-endometriosis and 19 endometriosis patients. Although the relatively small number of samples requires caution in interpreting the results, S1P concentration in the PF during the menstrual phase was predominantly increased compared to the non-menstrual phase, regardless of the presence or absence of endometriosis. During the non-menstrual phase, patients with endometriosis showed a significant increase in S1P concentration compared to controls. In vitro experiments using human intra-peritoneal macrophages (MΦ) showed that S1P stimulation biased them toward an M2MΦ-dominant condition and increased the expression of IL-6 and COX-2. An in vivo study showed that administration of S1P increased the size of the endometriotic-like lesion in a mouse model of endometriosis

    Investigation of Patients with Oral Trauma Treated at University Hospital Department of Pedodontics-Comparison with Examination and Treatment Conditions 17 years Prior

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    我々は,2007年4月から2010年3月までの3年間に本院小児歯科へ口腔外傷を主訴として受診した0歳から15歳の233人(男154人,女79人)を対象として調査を行い,17年前に行った同様の調査報告と比較検討を行った。1.受傷時年齢は幼児期後期が最も高いが,17年前の45.5%から38.2%と減少傾向を示した。学童期後期についても17年前の15.6%から10.7%へと減少傾向を示した。一方,幼児期前期は17年前の13.8%から25.3%と増加傾向が認められた。2.受傷原因は,17年前は打撲による受傷が35.9%と最も多く,次いで転倒25.7%,親の目が届かない原因不明の受傷が24.6%の順で多かったが,今回は転倒による受傷が55.4%と最も多く,次いで衝突18.9%の順であった。3.受傷の既往歴があった小児はほぼ変わらなかったが,受傷の既往が不明である割合は17年前の22.8%からO.4%へと減少傾向を示した。4. 受傷部位については17年前とほぼ同様で,上顎前歯部の受傷が約7割を占めた。5. 受傷様式では,17年前と比べ軟組織の裂傷を合併するものが多い傾向を示した。6. 来院までに何らかの処置を受けた者は,17年前も現在も約15%とほぼ同じ割合であった。初診時の処置は経過観察が多いが,今回は整復固定といった機能維持や修復による審美回復の処置が増加傾向を示した


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