11 research outputs found

    First Record: a Stem and Bulb Plant Parasitic Nematode at Garlic Area Centre Temanggung, Central Java, Indonesia with Species Reference to Ditylenchus Dipsaci

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    A survey to investigate the stem and bulb plant parasitic nematode at one of garlic area centre, in Temanggung, Central Java, Indonesia was conducted from Januaryto February 2018. Infected plant with specific symptoms, morphological and morphometric characters both of female and male of adult nematodes were used to describe a A1 quarantine plant parasitic nematode Ditylenchus dipsaci. Seven from nine observed locations were postively infected with population in average 2.67 nematodes per 100 g of soil and 2.67–189.33 per bulb. This is the first report of D. dipsaci from Indonesia and consequently further investigations were needed to know their distribution and also to confirm the origin of the nematode. IntisariSurvei keberadaan nematoda parasit batang dan umbi dilakukan pada bulan Januari–Februari 2018 pada satu sentra penangkaran bawang putih di Temanggung, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. Tanaman terinfeksi dengan gejala serangan yang spesifik, karakter morfologi dan morfometri nematoda betina dan jantan dewasa dipergunakan dalam identifikasi Ditylenchus dipsaci yang merupakan nematoda parasit tanaman yang termasuk OPTK A1 (Organisme Pengganggu Tanaman Karantina A1) di Indonesia. Sebanyak tujuh dari sembilan lokasi yang diamati mengindikasikan positif sebagai daerah sebaran nematoda tersebut dengan populasi rata-rata 2,67 ekor per 100 gram tanah dan 2,67–189,33 nematoda per umbi. Laporan pertama tentang nematoda D. dipsaci ini membawa konsekuensi perlunya penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mengetahui daerah sebaran dan juga konfirmasi dari mana nematoda tersebut berasal

    The Ratcheting Behaviour of Plain Carbon Steel Pressurized Piping Elbows Subjected to Simulated Seismic In-Plane Bending

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    In this paper, cyclic loading behavior of carbon steel pressurized piping elbows are described. Effects of internal pressure and bending moment amplitude on the ratcheting rate are investigated. The AF kinematic hardening model is used to predict the plastic behavior of the elbows. Material parameters and stress-strain data have been obtained from several stabilized cycles of specimens that are subjected to symmetric strain cycles. The results show that the maximum ratcheting strain occurred mainly in the hoop direction at flanks. Hoop strain ratcheting was found at intrados for individual specimen. Ratcheting strain rate increases with increase of the bending loading level at the constant internal pressure. The results show that the initial rate of ratcheting is large and then it decreases with the increasing cycles. The FE model predicts the hoop strain ratcheting rate to be near that found experimentally in all cases that M Ml ≤ 1

    Social well-being of Iranian retired men of the armed forces and their wives

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    Background: Social well-being is a major component of health, which was somehow neglected until the last few decades. The aim of this study was to determine the state of social well-being of Iranian retired men of the armed forces and their wives in the metropolis of Tehran. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study which was conducted in Tehran, capital of Iran, in 2016. Three hundred retired men of the armed forces and their wives were selected by random sampling. We used the Social Well-Being Scale to collect data. We assessed its internal consistency and validity with Cronbach's alpha and exploratory factor analysis before using it. We used SPSS V.24 software to analyse the data via � 2 , Pearson's correlation, t-test and analysis of variance. Results: The mean age was 66.39±6.98 years; 60 were male. The findings revealed that retired men of the armed forces and their wives report a relatively modest degree of well-being. Social well-being of the participants was significantly related to their marital status (p=0.03), education (p=0.03), employment status (p<0.01), housing status (p<0.01), financial status (p<0.01) and health status (p<0.01). Conclusion: The social well-being of retired men of the armed forces and their wives was moderate and was not different from each other, and it was related to housing ownership, employment, self-rated socioeconomic condition, education, good health and married status. © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2019. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ

    Concept of error and nature of nursing error detectors in military hospitals: A qualitative content analysis

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    Background and objectives Nursing errors can cause irreparable consequences. Understanding the concept of error and the nature of nursing error detectors can significantly reduce this type of errors. The present study was conducted to explain the concept of error and the nature of nursing error detectors in military hospitals. Materials and methods The present study was conducted on eight nurses working in different wards of military hospitals using a qualitative approach to content analysis proposed by Graneheim and Lundman. Data were collected through in-depth semistructured interviews. Findings 'The concept of error' and 'the nature of error detectors' in military hospitals were the two main categories extracted from data analysis. The present findings showed that the nature of errors in military hospitals is inevitable, a threat to job position and bipolar. Nurses use different resources to identify errors, including personal, environmental and organisational factors of detection. Discussion and conclusion Given the military nature of the study hospitals, organisational factors of detection played a key role in identifying errors. Moreover, given the perception of military nurses of errors, they were not inclined to personal detectors. The managers of military hospitals are therefore recommended to pursue a justice-oriented and supportive culture to help nurses play a more active role in identifying errors. © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2021. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ

    Development of a Procedure for Risk-Based Qualification of Additively Manufactured Components: Adopting to Oil and Gas Industrial Applications

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    Recent advances in additive manufacturing (AM) technology provide the potential for on-demand and rapid production of spare parts during urgent repair times. Recently, big oil and gas companies have shown early progress in using additive technology in manufacturing specific heat exchangers, downhole cleanout tool nozzles, offshore risers, gas turbine nozzles, and subsea chemical stick injection tools. Despite the mentioned progress, the current adoption level of additive technology for the offshore oil and gas industry is very limited. Non-destructive and destructive evaluation methods of additively manufactured metallic components have been studied extensively. However, the technique selection procedure and scope of the required test methods have not been studied sufficiently. This paper discusses various elements related to the qualification of additively manufactured components for application in the oil and gas industry. A risk-based qualification method for identifying the scopes of required non-destructive and destructive tests and the resulting qualification procedure for additively manufactured spare components in offshore oil and gas applications is suggested

    Development of a Procedure for Risk-Based Qualification of Additively Manufactured Components: Adopting to Oil and Gas Industrial Applications

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    Recent advances in additive manufacturing (AM) technology provide the potential for on-demand and rapid production of spare parts during urgent repair times. Recently, big oil and gas companies have shown early progress in using additive technology in manufacturing specific heat exchangers, downhole cleanout tool nozzles, offshore risers, gas turbine nozzles, and subsea chemical stick injection tools. Despite the mentioned progress, the current adoption level of additive technology for the offshore oil and gas industry is very limited. Non-destructive and destructive evaluation methods of additively manufactured metallic components have been studied extensively. However, the technique selection procedure and scope of the required test methods have not been studied sufficiently. This paper discusses various elements related to the qualification of additively manufactured components for application in the oil and gas industry. A risk-based qualification method for identifying the scopes of required non-destructive and destructive tests and the resulting qualification procedure for additively manufactured spare components in offshore oil and gas applications is suggested

    Rancang Bangun Alat Perontok Kacang Tanah (Arachis Hypogaea L.) Semi Mekanis Tipe Vertikal

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    Kacang tanah merupakan tanaman polong-polongan yang termasuk dalam golongan komoditi pangan terbesar di Indonesia. Umumnya petani masih menggunakan cara tradisional dalam perontokan kacang tanah sehingga mempunyai kapasitas kecil dan membutuhkan banyak tenaga kerja. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan rancang bangun alat perontok kacang tanah semi mekanis tipe vertikal yang mempunyai kapasitas besar. Metode penelitian dimulai dari identifikasi masalah dan penyempurnaan ide rancangangan alat perontok kacang tanah. Kemudian dilakukan pembuatan alat, uji fungsional dan uji kinerja. Terakhir dilakukan analisa ekonomi. Hasil uji kinerja alat perontok kacang tanah semi mekanis tipe vertikal diperoleh kapasitas alat 22 kg/jam, rendemen 41% persentase kacang tidak terontok 4.44%, presentase buah rusak 4.66% dan laju pengumpanan 58 kg/jam. Hasil analisa ekonomi teknik diperoleh break event point (BEP) pengoperasian alat input 284 kg/tahun dan break event point (BEP) pengoperasian alat output 408,60 kg/tahun