646 research outputs found

    Hydrogen and hydrogen sulphide in volcanic gases: abundance, processes, and atmospheric fluxes

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    Hydrogen (H2) and hydrogen sulphide (H2S) are typically present at only minor to trace levels in volcanic gas emissions, and yet they occupy a key role in volcanic degassing research in view of the control they exert on volcanic gas reducing capacity (e.g., their ability to remove atmospheric O2). In combination with other major compounds, H2 and H2S are also key to extracting information on source magma conditions (temperature and redox) from observed magmatic gas compositions. Here, we use a catalogue, compiled by extracting from the geological literature a selection of representative analyses of magmatic to mixed (magmatic–hydrothermal) gases, to review the processes that control H2 and H2S abundance in volcanic gases. We show that H2 concentrations and H2/H2O ratios in volcanic gases both exhibit strong positive temperature dependences, while H2S concentrations and H2S/SO2 ratios are temperature insensitive overall. The high H2 concentrations (and low H2S/SO2 compositions, of ∼0.1 on average) in high-temperature (>1000 °C) magmatic gases are overall consistent with those predicted thermodynamically assuming external redox buffering operated by the coexisting silicate melt, at oxygen fugacities ranging from ∆FMQ −1 to 0 (non-arc volcanoes) to ∆FMQ 0 to +2 (arc volcanoes) (where ∆FMQ is oxygen fugacity expresses as a log unit difference relative to the Fayalite–Magnetite–Quartz oxygen fugacity buffer). Lower temperature (<1000 °C) volcanic gases exhibit more oxidizing redox conditions (typically above the Nickel–Nickel Oxide buffer) that are caused by a combination of (i) gas re-equilibration during closed-system (gas-phase only) adiabatic cooling in a gas-buffered system, and (ii) heterogenous (gas–mineral) reactions. We show, in particular, that gas-phase equilibrium in the H2–H2S–H2O–SO2 system is overall maintained upon cooling down to ∼600 °C, while quenching of higher temperature equilibria (at which Apparent Equilibrium Temperatures, AETs, largely exceed measured discharge temperatures) is more frequently observed for higher extents of cooling (e.g., at T <600 °C). In such lower temperature volcanic environments, gas–mineral reactions also become increasingly important, scavenging magmatic SO2 and converting it into H2S and hydrothermal minerals (sulphates and sulphides). These heterogeneous reactions, when occurring, can also control the temperature dependence of the volcanic gas H2/H2O ratios. Finally, by using our volcanic gas dataset in tandem with recently published global volcanic SO2 and CO2 budgets, we provide refined estimates for total H2S (median, 1.4 Tg/yr; range, 0.9–8.8 Tg/yr) and H2 (median, 0.23 Tg/yr; range, 0.06–1 Tg/yr) fluxes from global subaerial volcanism

    Quantification of the depletion of ozone in the plume of Mount Etna

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    Volcanoes are an important source of inorganic halogen species into the atmosphere. Chemical processing of these species generates oxidised, highly reactive, halogen species which catalyse considerable O<sub>3</sub> destruction within volcanic plumes. A campaign of ground-based in situ O<sub>3</sub>, SO<sub>2</sub> and meteorology measurements was undertaken at the summit of Mount Etna volcano in July/August 2012. At the same time, spectroscopic measurements were made of BrO and SO<sub>2</sub> columns in the plume downwind. <br><br> Depletions of ozone were seen at all in-plume measurement locations, with average O<sub>3</sub> depletions ranging from 11–35 nmol mol<sup>−1</sup> (15–45%). Atmospheric processing times of the plume were estimated to be between 1 and 4 min. A 1-D numerical model of early plume evolution was also used. It was found that in the early plume O<sub>3</sub> was destroyed at an approximately constant rate relative to an inert plume tracer. This is ascribed to reactive halogen chemistry, and the data suggests the majority of the reactive halogen that destroys O<sub>3</sub> in the early plume is generated within the crater, including a substantial proportion generated in a high-temperature "effective source region" immediately after emission. The model could approximately reproduce the main measured features of the ozone chemistry. Model results show a strong dependence of the near-vent bromine chemistry on the presence or absence of volcanic NO<sub>x</sub> emissions and suggest that near-vent ozone measurements can be used as a qualitative indicator of NO<sub>x</sub> emission

    AGU Centennial Grand Challenge: Volcanoes and Deep Carbon Global CO2 Emissions From Subaerial Volcanism—Recent Progress and Future Challenges

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    Quantifying the global volcanic CO2 output from subaerial volcanism is key for a better understanding of rates and mechanisms of carbon cycling in and out of our planet and their consequences for the long-term evolution of Earth's climate over geological timescales. Although having been the focus of intense research since the early 1990s, and in spite of recent progress, the global volcanic CO2 output remains inaccurately known. Here we review past developments and recent progress and examine limits and caveats of our current understanding and challenges for future research. We show that CO2 flux measurements are today only available for ~100 volcanoes (cumulative measured flux, 44 Tg CO2/year), implying that extrapolation is required to account for the emissions of the several hundred degassing volcanoes worldwide. Recent extrapolation attempts converge to indicate that persistent degassing through active crater fumaroles and plumes releases ~53–88 Tg CO2/year, about half of which is released from the 125 most actively degassing subaerial volcanoes (36.4 ± 2.4 Tg CO2/year from strong volcanic gas emitters, Svge). The global CO2 output sustained by diffuse degassing via soils, volcanic lakes, and volcanic aquifers is even less well characterized but could be as high as 83 to 93 Tg CO2/year, rivaling that from the far more manifest crater emissions. Extrapolating these current fluxes to the past geological history of the planet is challenging and will require a new generation of models linking subduction parameters to magma and volatile (CO2) fluxes

    First in-situ sensing of volcanic gas plume composition at Boiling Lake (Dominica, West Indies)

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    Dominica, a small Caribbean island between Martinique (to the South) and Guadeloupe (to the North), is, because of the high number of potentially active volcanic centres,one of the most susceptible sites to volcanic risk in the Lesser Antilles arc. Seven major volcanic centres, active during the last 10ka, are considered likely to erupt again, and one of these is the Valley of Desolation volcanic complex. This is an area of 0.5 km2, located in on SW Dominica, where a number of small explosion craters, hot springs,bubbling pools and fumaroles testify for vigorous and persistent hydrothermal activity. Two main phreatic explosions have been documented in historical time (1880 and 1997), and the most likely centre of future activity is the Boiling Lake, a nearby high-T volcanic crater lake produced by an undated phreatic/phreatomagmatic explosion. Hot (80 to 90\ub0C) and acidic (4-6) waters normally characterize the steady-state activity of the lake, whereby which vigorous gas upwelling in the lake\u2019s centre feeds a persistent steaming plume. Stability of the Boiling Lake has occasionally been interrupted in the past (since 1876) by crises, the most recent in 2004, involving rapid draining of the lake and changes in water temperature and pH, likely as a result of drastic decrease of hydrothermal fluid input into the lake. While the chemical and isotopic composition of the lake waters is well characterised, there are no compositional data available for the gas plume leaving the lake, due to inherent difficulties in direct gas sampling. Here, we present the results of the first direct measurements of the Boiling Lake\u2019s plume, performed by using the MultiGAS technique in February 2012. We acquired 0.5 Hz time-series of H2O, CO2, H2S and SO2 plume concentrations,which were seen to peak (with maximum background-corrected concentrations of 3680, 101 and 25 ppm for respectively H2O, CO2 and H2S) during phases of visible increase in lake outgassing. SO2 was virtually absent in the plume. From the concentration data, the characteristic CO2/H2S (5.2\ub10.4) and H2O/CO2 (31.4\ub16) volatile ratios in the Boiling lake\u2019s atmospheric plume were derived. This reveals similar C to S signature for Boiling lake and Valley of Desolation (for which we also obtained data using the same technique), likely indicative of common source reservoir. The Boiling lake\u2019s plume is far more H2O-rich than the Valley of Desolation gas, suggesting that a significant fraction of in-plume H2O in the former originates from re-evaporation of the lake water itself. Our data here provide a first compositional baseline for quiescent volcanic gas emissions at Boiling Lake, and may form the basis to stimulate emerging geochemical monitoring programs in the area

    Mount Etna the major point source of metals in the Mediterranean basin: impact on atmospheric precipitation

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    Mount Etna is a huge volcano in the Mediterranean basin and is located in the eastern part of Sicily. It is considered to be, on the long-term average, the major atmospheric point source of many environmental harmful compounds. Their emission occurs either through continuous passive degassing from open-conduit activity or through sporadic paroxysmal eruptive activity, in the form of gases, aerosols or particulate. Volcanic volatiles and aerosol emitted into the atmosphere fall on the Earth’s surface as wet or dry deposition, and can influence the environment both at local and regional scale. To estimate the environmental impact of magma-derived trace metals and their depositions processes, bulk deposition samples have been collected approximately fortnightly, using a network of 5 rain gauges located at various altitudes on the upper flanks close to the summit craters, from April 2006 to December 2007. Samples were analyzed for the main chemicalphysical parameters (electric conductivity and pH) and for major and trace elements concentrations. The data obtained clearly show that the volcanic contribution is always prevailing in the sampling site closest to the summit craters (∼1.5 km). In the distal sites (5.5-10 km from the summit) and downwind of the summit craters, the volcanic contribution is also detectable but often overwhelmed by anthropogenic or other natural (seawater spray, geogenic dust) contributions. Volcanogenic contribution may derive from both dry and wet deposition of gases and aerosols from the volcanic plume, but sometimes also from leaching of freshly emitted volcanic ashes. In fact, in our background site (7.5 km in the upwind direction), after an ash deposition event high concentration of lithophiles elements (Si, Al, Fe, Ti) have been measured. Sulphur, Chlorine and Fluorine, represent the main constituents that characterize the volcanic contribution in the bulk deposition on Mt. Etna, although high concentrations of many trace elements (Si, Al, Fe, Ti, Cu, As, Rb, Pb, Tl, Cd, Cr, U and Ag) display, in the site most exposed to the volcanic emissions, average concentrations of about two orders of magnitude higher than those measured in the background site (Mount Intraleo)

    The tropospheric processing of acidic gases and hydrogen sulphide in volcanic gas plumes as inferred from field and model investigations

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    Improving the constraints on the atmospheric fate and depletion rates of acidic compounds persistently emitted by non-erupting (quiescent) volcanoes is important for quantitatively predicting the environmental impact of volcanic gas plumes. Here, we present new experimental data coupled with modelling studies to investigate the chemical processing of acidic volcanogenic species during tropospheric dispersion. Diffusive tube samplers were deployed at Mount Etna, a very active open-conduit basaltic volcano in eastern Sicily, and Vulcano Island, a closed-conduit quiescent volcano in the Aeolian Islands (northern Sicily). Sulphur dioxide (SO<sub>2</sub>), hydrogen sulphide (H<sub>2</sub>S), hydrogen chloride (HCl) and hydrogen fluoride (HF) concentrations in the volcanic plumes (typically several minutes to a few hours old) were repeatedly determined at distances from the summit vents ranging from 0.1 to ~10 km, and under different environmental conditions. At both volcanoes, acidic gas concentrations were found to decrease exponentially with distance from the summit vents (e.g., SO<sub>2</sub> decreases from ~10 000 &mu;g/m<sup>3</sup>at 0.1 km from Etna&apos;s vents down to ~7 &mu;g/m<sup>3</sup> at ~10 km distance), reflecting the atmospheric dilution of the plume within the acid gas-free background troposphere. Conversely, SO<sub>2</sub>/HCl, SO<sub>2</sub>/HF, and SO<sub>2</sub>/H<sub>2</sub>S ratios in the plume showed no systematic changes with plume aging, and fit source compositions within analytical error. Assuming that SO<sub>2</sub> losses by reaction are small during short-range atmospheric transport within quiescent (ash-free) volcanic plumes, our observations suggest that, for these short transport distances, atmospheric reactions for H<sub>2</sub>S and halogens are also negligible. The one-dimensional model MISTRA was used to simulate quantitatively the evolution of halogen and sulphur compounds in the plume of Mt. Etna. Model predictions support the hypothesis of minor HCl chemical processing during plume transport, at least in cloud-free conditions. Larger variations in the modelled SO<sub>2</sub>/HCl ratios were predicted under cloudy conditions, due to heterogeneous chlorine cycling in the aerosol phase. The modelled evolution of the SO<sub>2</sub>/H<sub>2</sub>S ratios is found to be substantially dependent on whether or not the interactions of H<sub>2</sub>S with halogens are included in the model. In the former case, H<sub>2</sub>S is assumed to be oxidized in the atmosphere mainly by OH, which results in minor chemical loss for H<sub>2</sub>S during plume aging and produces a fair match between modelled and measured SO<sub>2</sub>/H<sub>2</sub>S ratios. In the latter case, fast oxidation of H<sub>2</sub>S by Cl leads to H<sub>2</sub>S chemical lifetimes in the early plume of a few seconds, and thus SO<sub>2</sub> to H<sub>2</sub>S ratios that increase sharply during plume transport. This disagreement between modelled and observed plume compositions suggests that more in-detail kinetic investigations are required for a proper evaluation of H<sub>2</sub>S chemical processing in volcanic plumes

    Atmospheric impact of volcanic volatiles: trace elements in snow and bulk deposition samples at Mount Etna (Italy)

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    Volcanoes represent an important natural source of several trace elements to the atmosphere. For some species (e.g., As, Cd, Pb and Se) they may be the main natural source and thereby strongly influencing geochemical cycles from the local to the global scale. Mount Etna is one of the most actively degassing volcanoes in the world, and it is considered to be, on the long-term average, the major atmospheric point source of many environmental harmful compounds. Their emission occurs either through continuous passive degassing from open-conduit activity or through sporadic paroxysmal eruptive activity, in the form of gases, aerosols or particulate. To estimate the environmental impact of magma-derived trace metals and their depositions processes, rainwater and snow samples were collected at Mount Etna area. Five bulk collectors have been deployed at various altitudes on the upper flanks around the summit craters of the volcano; samples were collected every two week for a period of one year and analyzed for the main chemical-physical parameters (electric conductivity and pH) and for major and trace elements concentrations. Chemical analysis of rainwater clearly shows that the volcanic contribution is always prevailing in the sampling site closest to the summit crater (about 1.5 km). In the distal sites (5.5-10 km from the summit) and downwind of the summit craters, the volcanic contribution is also detectable but often overwhelmed by anthropogenic or other natural (seawater spray, geogenic dust) contributions. Volcanic contribution may derive from both dry and wet deposition of gases and aerosols from the volcanic plume, but sometimes also from leaching of freshly emitted volcanic ashes. In fact, in our background site (7.5 km in the upwind direction) volcanic contribution has been detected only following an ash deposition event. About 30 samples of fresh snow were collected in the upper part of the volcano, during the winters 2006 and 2007 to estimate deposition processes at high altitude during cold periods. Some of the samples were collected immediately after a major explosive event from the summit craters to understand the interaction between snow and fresh erupted ash. Sulphur, Chlorine and Fluorine, are the major elements that prevailingly characterize the volcanic contribution in atmospheric precipitation on Mount Etna, but high concentrations of many trace elements are also detected in the studied samples. In particular, bulk deposition samples display high concentration of Al, Fe, Ti, Cu, As, Rb, Pb, Tl, Cd, Cr, U and Ag, in the site most exposed to the volcanic emissions: median concentration values are about two orders of magnitude higher than those measured in our background site. Also in the snow samples the volcanic signature is clearly detectable and decreases with distance from the summit craters. Some of the analysed elements display very high enrichment values with respect to the average crust and, in the closest site to the summit craters, also deposition values higher than those measured in polluted urban or industrial sites

    First-time lidar measurement of water vapor flux in a volcanic plume

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    The CO2 laser-based lidar ATLAS has been used to study the Stromboli volcano plume. ATLAS measured water vapor concentration in cross-sections of the plume and wind speed at the crater. Water vapor concentration and wind speed were retrieved by differential absorption lidar and correlation technique, respectively. Lidar returns were obtained up to a range of 3 km. The spatial resolution was 15 mand the temporal resolution was 20 s. By combining these measurements, the water vapor flux in the Stromboli volcano plume was found. To our knowledge, it is the first time that lidar retrieves water vapor concentrations in a volcanic plume.Published1295–12981.10. TTC - TelerilevamentoJCR Journalreserve

    Vulcamera: a program for measuring volcanic SO2 using UV cameras

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    We report here on Vulcamera, a stand-alone program for the determination of volcanic SO2 fluxes using ultraviolet cameras. The code enables field image acquisition and all the required post-processing operations

    Recent advances in ground-based ultraviolet remote sensing of volcanic SO2 fluxes

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    Measurements of volcanic SO2 emission rates have been the mainstay of remote-sensing volcanic gas geochemistry for almost four decades, and they have contributed significantly to our understanding of volcanic systems and their impact upon the atmosphere. The last ten years have brought stepchange improvements in the instrumentation applied to these observations, which began with the application of miniature ultraviolet spectrometers that were deployed in scanning and traverse configurations, with differential optical absorption spectroscopy evaluation routines. This study catalogs the more recent empirical developments, including: ultraviolet cameras; wideangle field-of-view differential optical absorption spectroscopy systems; advances in scanning operations, including tomography; and improved understanding of errors, in particular concerning radiative transfer. Furthermore, the outcomes of field deployments of sensors during the last decade are documented, with respect to improving our understanding of volcanic dynamics and degassing into the atmosphere
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