650 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Abu Layang sebagai Bahan Pembentuk Gelas pada Vitrifikasi Limbah Cair Tingkat Tinggi

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    UTILIZATION OF FLY ASH AS A GLASS FRITS ON HIGH LEVEL LIQUID WASTE VITRIFICATION. High level liquid waste (HLLW) is a waste generated from reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel. This waste contains many fission products and a few actinides. The waste is vitrification with borosilicate glass. The important factors influencing the characteristics of the waste-glass among others waste content and glass frits composition. Fly ash is the ash generated from coal firing. The ash composed of SiO2, Al2O3, CaO and Fe2O3, which is similar to that of glass frits. It was assumed that fly ash is possible to be used as substitute for glass frits. The aims of this research was to study the utilization of glass frits for HLLW vitrification. Some waste-glass were studied, namely waste-glasses A, B, C that contain waste loading of 23.21; 36.75 and 50.133 wt % respectively, and waste-glass D that was vitrified whith fly ash without addition of SiO2 oxide. A standard glass from JAEA was used as reference. The characteristics to be observed were density. leaching rate and devitrification. The higher the density and waste loading of the waste-glass, made the leaching rate higher. The waste-glass with the highest density was the waste-glass C; while the highest leaching rate was the waste-glass D. Devitrification occured on the waste glass A under temperature of 700 0C for 5 hours heating. The devitrification was identified by the formation of crystal dominated by SiO2. It was concluded that the fly ash can be used as glass frits on vitrification of HLLW with addition of SiO2 for improvement of waste-glass characteristics, in order to meet the requirement

    Hubungan Pemakaian Alat Kontrasepsi Suntik dengan Perubahan Siklus Menstruasi pada Akseptor Kb di Klinik Nurjaimah Kecamatan Gebang Kabupaten Langkat Tahun 2016

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    Family Planning Program (KB) one of the basic social programs. That is very important for the progress of the nation. This program contributes greatly to the development of human resources in the present and the future, which is a prerequisite for the progress and independence of the nation. Family Planning Program means to achieve a just, prosperous and prosperous society (BKKBN, 2011). The purpose of this study is to determine whether there is a relationship between the use of contraceptive injections with the menstruation cycle on the family planning acceptor at Nurjaimah Clinic Gebang District in 2016. This type of research is a quantitative description research using correlation research method with the number of samples of 40 peoples. The results of the study revealed that based on the intravenous contraception of 40 respondents, the majority used the 3-month injection (Progesterone) as much as 62.5% and the minority used the 1 month injection (Progesterone and Estrogen) as much as 37.5% that based on the change of menstrual cycle from 40 respondents majority there is change as much (52,5%) and minority there is no change as much as (47,5%) The conclusion of this research is there is relation between USAge of injection contraception tool with change of menstrual cycle at acceptor KB where at a significant level (α) = 5% (0,05) the result p.value = 4,177 at df = 1 where X2count> X2table (4,117> 3,841) or sig <α (0,041 <0,05) guidance counseling is given periodically to acceptors to improve the stability of acceptors in the use of contraceptives and recommended not to move the contraceptive and to improve the quality of counseling given primarily related to modesty, simplicity of language and affirmation of all material counseling, because these three things have the strongest impact on the understanding so that it also affects the stability of acceptors

    Evaluating Students' Achievement Test in Reading for Interpretation

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    Reading is one of the important subjects in learning foreign language. Based on the curriculum 2014 in English Department, reading has some series. In order to get satisfying result of students in reading comprehension, the lecturer should know about the students' achievement in comprehending the text. By knowing students' achievement in reading for interpretation, the lecturer will know what they will do for the next and what should the lecturer give more attention to. This research is aimed to know the students' achievement in comprehending the text. The subject of this research is the first year students of English department. This research is expected to give contribution for some aspects. For the students, it is expected to give information and feedback to the students about their competence in reading. For the teacher, this research is expected to give information for the lecturer about the students' error in comprehending the text. Key words: Achievement test, Readin

    Devitrifikasi Gelas Limbah dan Korosi Canister dalam Storage dan Disposal Limbah Radioaktif

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    WASTE GLASS DEVITRIFICATION AND CANISTERS CORROSION IN RADIOACTIVE WASTE STORAGE AND IN DISPOSAL. High level liquid waste arising from the reprocessing ofspent fuel contains of many fission products and a few actinides. This waste is vitrified withborosilicate glass to become waste-glass form which is poured into canisters at a temperature of1150 0C. The canisters are temporarily stored in storage and finally disposed in geologicalformations. Devitrification of waste glass and canister corrosion possibly occurs in the storage dueto either decay heat from the fission products or the heat of waste glass melt that can not beaccommodated by the process cooling system during pouring of the melt into glass canisters. Whilethe possibility of contact between the canister with water intruding into the disposal might increasethe rate of canister corrosion and leaching rate of the waste glass. A simulation on devitrification ofwaste glass containing waste of 20 % and 30 % by weight which was heated at the range of (600∼1100 C) for 1∼30 hours. While the canister corrossion study was performed by heatingstainless steel samples of AISI 304 , 304L and 321 are heated at a temperature of 700 and 1100 0Cfor 2 hours. The results showed that the waste glass containing waste of 30 % was easier todevitrify than the waste glass containing 20 % by weight. The leaching rate of the devitrified wasteglass was higher significantly than the leaching rate of a standard waste glass. The corrosion rateof materials AISI 304, 304L and 321 which were heated at a temperature of 700 C was greaterthan that of materials heated at 1100 0C. The magnitude of the corrosion rate was in the order ofAISI 304 > AISI 304L > AISI 321, eiter in the medium of sea water or in bentonite solution

    Ekspresi Ceria pada Fasilitas Penunjang Perkembangan Anak

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    Sekolah yang ada saat ini cenderung memandang anak-anak sebagai individu yang harus mampu menguasai materi yang diajarkan, padahal dalam aktivitas belajar dan bermain, suasana yang menyenangkan juga perlu dihadirkan agar aktivitas tersebut dapat berjalan secara maksimal. Objek rancang Fasilitas Penunjang perkembangan Anak (Gambar. 1) yang berfungsi sebagai tempat anak-anak mengeksplorasi dirinya, menghadirkan kesan ceria melalui berbagai aspek, diantaranya aspek bentuk bangunan, selubung bangunan, warna, sirkulasi, serta struktur bangunan. Pendekatan desain melalui peninjauan terhadap karakter anak dilakukan dengan meninjau karakter anak itu sendiri secara umum, diantaranya suka bergerak, mudah bosan dan emosi yang kuat terhadap warna. Dalam menghadirkan suasana ceria pada objek rancang, perlu memperhatikan kriteria-kriteria lain yang juga musti dipenuhi, diantaranya keamanan, Kenyamanan, terarah, serta eksploratif. Namun diantara kriteria tersegbut, kriteria keamanan merupakan kriteria yang paling berlawanan dengan kriteria ceria, sehingga faktor keamanan perlu diperhitungkan proporsi kehadirannya agar tidak mengurangi aspek kriteria ceria yang muncul. Dengan munculnya ekspresi ceria pada objek rancang, diharapkan anak dapat melakukan aktivitas belajar secara nyaman, serta proses perkembangannya pun berjalan optimal

    Analisis Kelayakan USAha Kerajinan Bunga Kering di Desa Kulu Kuta Kecamatan Kutablang Kabupaten Bireuen

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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di desa Kulu Kuta kecamatan Kutablang kabupaten Bireuen pada kerajinan bunga kering milik Ibu Mardiana, yang dilakukan pada bulan Januari 2017. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keuntungan dan menganalisis kelayakan USAha kerajinan bunga kering di desa Kulu Kuta kecamatan Kutablang kabupaten Bireuen. Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan rumus analisis biaya, penerimaan, keuntungan, Revenue Cost Ratio (R/C), Benefit Cost Ratio (B/C) dan Return of Invesment (ROI). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan analisis yang telah dilakukan diketahui bahwa USAha kerajinan bunga kering di desa Kulu Kuta kecamatan Kutablang kabupaten Bireuen menguntungkan, dengan total keuntungan adalah sebesar Rp. 13.575.000,-/produksi atau sebesar Rp. 54.300.000,-/tahun. Dari besarnya keuntungan yang diperoleh dan berdasarkan perhitungan nilai R/C rasio, B/C rasio dan Return of Invesment (ROI) dapat disimpulkan bahwa USAha kerajinan bunga kering di desa Kulu Kuta kecamatan Kutablang kabupaten Bireuen layak untuk diusahakan

    Penggunaan Model Cooperative Learning Tipe Think Pair Share Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar PKn Pada Siswa Kelas IV SD Muhammadiyah 3 Palu

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    Hasil belajar PKn materi globalisasi kelas IV SD Muhammadiyah 3 Palu masih rendah disebabkan karena guru dalam proses pembelajaran Lebih banyak menggunakan metode cerarnah dan pemberian tugas. Pemanfaatan media dalam pembelajaran kurang, sehingga siswa merasa sulit dalam menahami materi dan jenuh dalam pembelajaran. Subjek dan penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IV SD Muhammadiyah 3 Palu tahun pelajaran 2015/2016 yang berjumlah 27 orang. Indikator keberhasilan penelitian ini yaitu rata-rata nilai hasil belajar siswa minimal 70, dengan persentasi ketuntasan minimal 70%, dengan persentase ketuntasan siswa dalam kegiatan pembelajaran minimal 70%, dan skor performansi guru minimal B (80). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada siklus I rata-rata nilai hash belajar slswa 70,93 dengan ketuntasan belajar klasikal 63%, persentase keaktifan siswa dalam proacs pembelajaran sebesar 68,13%, dan nilai performansi guru 7663 (B). Pada sikius II rata-rata nilai hash belajar siswa 80,19 dengan ketuntasan belajar klasikal 96%, keaktifan siswa dalam proses pembelajaran 82,89%, dan nilai performansi guru 90.5 (A). Hasil tersebut menunjukkan adanya peningkatan dan sikius I ke siklus I

    Perubahan Komposisi Bahan Pembentuk Gelas pada Karakteristik Gelas Limbah

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    Daur bahan bakar nuklir menimbulkan limbah cair aktivitas tinggi (LCAT) yang banyak mengandung hasil belah dan sedikit aktinida yang komposisinya akan berbeda-beda tergantung antara lain dari jenis reaktor, pengkayaan bahan bakar, lama pendinginan bahan bakar bekas, dan fraksi bakar. Vitrifikasi LCAT dilakukan dengan gelas borosilikat dan melelehkan campuran di dalam melter pada suhu 1150 0C dan kemudian menuangkannya dalam canister. Komposisi LCAT yang berbeda mengharuskan Perubahan komposisi bahan pembentuk gelas agar karakteristik gelas-limbah yang dihasilkan memenuhi ketentuan yang disyaratkan. Silika dalam bahan pembentuk gelas merupakan salah satu unsur pembentuk kerangka gelas yang jumlahnya akan mempengaruhi karakteristik gelas-limbah. Pada peneltian ini dipelajari Perubahan komposisi bahan pembentuk gelas, dalam hal ini Perubahan kandungan SiO2 dalam bahan pembentuk gelas pada karakteristik gelas limbah, yaitu densitas, titik leleh dan koefisien muai panjang. Perubahan SiO2 yang dipelajari adalah 44%, 45,3%, 46%, 48% dan 48,7% berat. Makin tinggi kadar SiO2 akan menaikkan densitas dan titik leleh gelas-limbah, sedangkan koefisien muai panjangnya akan menurun. Dengan menggunakan acuan gelas standar yang diproduksi oleh Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) yang mempunyai karakteristik densitas 2,74 g/cm3, titik leleh 1150 0C dan koefisien muai panjang 83x10-7/0C, maka untuk gelas-limbah dengan kadar SiO2 sampai dengan 48,7% memiliki harga densitas, titik leleh dan koefisien muai panjang yang masih diperkenankan
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