251 research outputs found

    The endeavour of Malaysian muslim NGOs in spreading the message of peace in Malaysia: activities and challenges

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    This paper investigates the efforts of Malaysian Muslim NGOs in spreading peace in our current time, a time of hyper-volatility overshadowed by the threat of extremism. Instead of taking an empirical approach to this investigation, this paper will take a cultural-critical approach, drawing on the theories of Western and Muslim intellectuals in order to gain greater insight into the peace-promoting efforts. The paper opens by providing a justification for this cultural-critical approach; the opening also explains why three major Malaysian NGOs have been used as a representative example for this investigation. The second part of the paper discusses the importance of creating counter-narratives on Islam that help defrocking extremists of their pseudo-religious authority. The endeavours of the NGOs in Dawah will be examined. Part three outlines the unique narrative on Islam that has been historically dominant in Malaysia and how this helps in forming a counter-narrative. Part four analyses the roots of terrorist violence and sees how the NGOs try to tackle these roots via social projects. The fourth part looks into the sense of alienation that causes people to opt for terror instead of peace. The NGOs role in counselling is highlighted. Part five looks into why the NGOs stress ethics as a means of promoting peace. The sixth part points to how the NGOs diffuse rising frustration among Muslims at the increased injustice that the Ummah is facing. The paper concludes that the success of Malaysian Muslim NGOs in spreading peace has been due to correctly understanding the threat of extremism, and also due to finding effective alternatives to extremism; thus, allowing the NGOs to create a culture of peace in Malaysian society

    Using multimedia to teach Arabic literature

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    In the context of the Malaysian native Malay language speaker, learning Arabic literature, specifically poetry as a second or a foreign language, no specific research was found as well as in teaching Arabic poetry, i.e; classical to the Malaysian non-native speaker, ie:, via multimedia sources no specific research was found. However in the teaching of language context, numerous studies were found in the use of multimedia as well as non multimedia arenas. This is however not the scope of this study as it assumes that the target group has this type of elementary language base in order to progress to literature studies. Poetry has been used in many forms in the teaching of Arabic language. It has been highlighted as being the link to fill the cultural void in teaching language. Learners thus experience the culture of the language and therefore relate to the language much more than just memorizing vocabulary, syntax and grammatical rules. Literature in general has also been discussed in the context of developing critical, analytical skills in the foreign learner of a language. It is however complex for second and foreign learners of that language. It therefore requires specific tools i.e. language tools geared to the literature context in order to facilitate the grasping of a literary work. The learning and teaching of literature also has its specific inherent problems which are not covered in that of linguistics teaching. A specific problem based theory which can discuss these issues to bridge the gap in literary understanding is a necessity. Thus in the teaching of literature it is optimum to have a preparatory phase, which provides linguistic activities and establishes comprehension, an interpretive phase, which includes expression and exchange of student reactions and a synthesis phase, which provides for an overall evaluation of the text. Hence, this study concentrates on formulating the tools necessary for these skills to be acquired, tailor made for the Malaysian student studying Arabic poetry, designed to increase their analytical ability in the Arabic language. The presentation of this in a multimedia package is to promote motivation and take the monotony out of the memorization text based context. This will also encourage independence and instill a level of confidence to take the challenge of Arabic literature

    Islam and leadership universal values in the construction of a pluralistic world

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    Leadership can be defined as “a dynamic relationship based on mutual influence and common purpose between leaders and collaborators in which both are moved to higher levels of motivation and moral development as they affect real, intended change.” (Rost, 1991). At the same time, Burns [1978] defines leadership as “leaders inducing followers to act for certain goals that represent the values and the motivations — the wants and needs, the aspirations and expectations — of both leaders and followers.” The transformational dimension highlighted by both definitions is very much a part of the Islamic paradigm of leadership, which stresses the reciprocal enrichment of the leaders and the followers. “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” This is a quote made famous by Dr. John C. Maxwell, in his bestselling book, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. When leadership is great, success inevitably follows. Likewise, when leadership is poor, failure inevitably follows. This keynote address elaborates on a number of leadership skills and styles proposed by a number of renowned leadership trainers and laments on the incredible leadership skills and characteristics of our Prophet , which he exemplified in all areas of his life, in a plurastic world

    نافذة على مناهج الأدبية الإسلامية الملايوية (Nafizah 'ala manahij al-adabiyah al-Islamiyah al-Malayuwiyah)

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    لا يخفى على كل مهتم ما حظى به الأدب الإسلامي الملايوي من الدراسات والجهود المضنية من قبل الباحثين الغيورين، ويهدف هذا البحث إلى دراسة خلفية الأدب الإسلام ي الملايو ي، كما يدرس نظام الأدب الملايو ي التقليد ي معتمدين على مفهوم "بويتيكا ملايو" لدى محمد حاجي صالح، ومفهوم الأدب الملايوي التقليدي عند براغينسكي وذلك لما لهذا النظام من الأهمية لفهم القضايا المثارة من قبل بعض المنظِّرين الملايوين، مشيرا إلى تلكم الإسهامات التي قدمها هؤلاء الجهابذة في مجال الأدب الإسلامي الملايوي. كما ناقش هذا البحث أسس الأدب الملايوي "المعاصر" من خلال النماذج الأدبية المختارة. ولم يغفل دور بعض الأدباء الملايويين في هذا المضمار مثل شحنون أحمد عثمان كلانتن هاشم أوانج وغيرهم. وقد انتهج هذا البحث المنهج التحليلي والوصفي في الوصول إلى التنائج المرجوة

    The significant contribution of Caliphs in the efflorescence of Muslim librarianship: a historical account

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    Muslim education started as early as the first revelation received by Prophet Muhammad . The quest for knowledge is an obligation on all Muslims in Islam. Hence, it has been the mission and passion of all the Muslim rulers throughout the Islamic civilization. History has witnessed the quest and mission of the Umayyads and Abbasids caliphs and many others in the acquiring of books, establishment of institutions, and the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge. This paper investigates the beginning of Muslim librarianship and development of the book industry across the centuries. It also examines the evolution of Muslim bibliophilism and the establishment of libraries that would eventually become cultural institutions. In addition, the current paper attempts to understand the significant role of caliphs who devoted their fortunes for Muslim education. The paper follows a qualitative research founded on historical and descriptive approaches, through which the data was collected and interpreted objectively

    اللغة العربية وقدرتها على مواكبة المستحدثات الحضارية (al-lughah al-arabiyyah wa qudratiha 'ala muakabah al-mustahadithat al-hadharah)

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    مازال موضوع قدرة اللغة العربية أو عدم قدرتها على مواكبة الحضارة الحديثة -على كثرة ما كتب فيها من بحوث ودراسات- موضوعاً تتضارب وتتباين فيه الآراء والنزاعات، وبناء على ذلك أصبح الموضوع بحاجة مستمرة إلى معالجات جادة تساعد على الوصول إلى حل فعّال يرد الأمور إلى مسارها الصحيح. وقد أصبح ازدهار النهضة متزايداً منذ بضعة قرون خلون إلى هذه الأيام، ووجد العرب أنفسهم أمام مستحدثات وتحديات لا قبل لهم بها إلا إذا جدوا متكافئين في مجال العلوم والتقنية، وقد أدت هذه التطورات المتزايدة إلى اتهام اللغة العربية بأنها لغة دينية غير قادرة على استيعاب الحضارة المعاصرة، وقد وجه هذا الاتهام من أبناء اللغة العربية وبعض الغربيين على السواء

    ملامح الخطاب الاجتماعية في القصص الملايوية والأردنية النسوية الحديثة

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    القصة تمثل مجموعة من تجارب وقدرات مبدعة متنوعة لدى مبدعها، فبالرغم من أن القصة من اختراع وخيال المبتدع إلا أن أسلوبه الخاص به يجعل القصة نتاجاً مُبدعاً. فهي تضم فلسفة وفناً جميلاً وتضم أفكاراً تُناقَش بأسلوب مختار كما تضم موضوعات مختارة. لقد لفت انتباهي وأنا أطالع المجموعات القصيصة أن الأقلام النسائية حظيت بحظٍ كبيرٍ من مجموعِ القاصين. وهذا كما طرحه ناقد أدبي في جريدة الدستور وهو: "إن المتصفح لملاحق الدستور الثقافية على مدار عام كامل، يكتشف أن 90 % من كتاب القصة القصيرة الشباب الجدد هم من النساء، بحيث أصبحت كتابتهن ظاهرة تثير الانتباه لدرجة أننا نستطيع أن نتفاءل ونقول إن مستقبل الكتابة القصصية في الأردن هو للأنث

    آفاق الأدب اﻹسلامي الملايوي

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    هذا الكتاب يقدم صورة شبه شاملة للأدب الملايوي في ماليزيا عبر العصور من حيث اﻹتجاهات اﻹسلامية في الأدب وطبيعة الموضوعات التي تستحون على اﻹهتمام وبالطبع التعرف على معظم الأسماء في عالم الأدب الملايوي كما أنها تفيد القارئ العربي الذي لم تسنح له الفرصة للاطلاع على نتاجات وآراء الكتاب والأدباء الماليزيين كي يكون فكرة شاملة عن هذا الأدب من خلال هذه المناقشات