8 research outputs found

    Polemik Gender dan Realiti Gaya Komunikasi Pemimpin Wanita Dunia

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    Kaum wanita sebagai figura dunia merupakan satu pengikitirafan dan penghormatan tertinggi bagi mereka. Beberapa ‘figura’ wanita dunia dijadikan sebagai unit analisis untuk mengkategorikan gaya komunikasi yang diaplikasi dalam melaksanakan tanggungjawab sebagai ketua kerajaan dan juga sebagai idola masyarakat dunia.Salah satu ciri untuk menjadi figura dan pemimpin yang berkesan adalah dengan mengamalkan gaya komunikasi yang difikirkan sesuai berdasarkan persoalan tentang Siapa, Di mana dan Bagaimana gaya komunikasi tersebut diaplikasikan. Gaya komunikasi merupakan satu wadahyang digunakan bukan sahaja untuk memastikan kelancaran perjalanan pengurusan sesebuah organisasi namun juga penting dalam urusan hal ehwal tadbir melibatkan kerajaan sesebuah negara serta ketika berhadapan dengan khalayak. “The way you lead is thru the way you speak” merupakan falsafah budaya kepemimpinan yang menjadi asas kepada kertas kerja ini. Konsep kertas kerja ini adalah berpaksikan kepada enam gaya komunikasi oleh Tubbs dan Moss (2008) dengan menggunakan kaedah analisis dokumen. Kertas kerja ini juga akan memberikan pemahaman yang lebih jelas tentang gaya komunikasi yang diamalkan oleh ‘figura’wanita dunia dalam melaksanakan praktis pengurusan dan pentadbiran kerajaan, organisasi yang diwakili mahupun sewaktu mereke perlu berhadapan dengan publik. Kertas kerja ini diharapkan mampu untuk menjadi perintis agar satu kajian yang lebih mendalam berkaitan karisma wanita samaada sebagai ketua kerajaan mahupun “public figure”daripada aspek komunikasi dapat dilakukan pada masa akan datang

    Laman Blog: Platform Mencanai Pendapat, Memprojeksi Nilai dan Juri Awam Terhadap Kerajaan

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    Internet users in this country celebrate the blogs, microblogs and social networking as an ideal platform to present their ideas and opinions to members of the community. A growing number of bloggers and blogs may provide advantages to visitors of the blog to demonstrate their personal or collective opinions. In the meantime, the collective opinions should be embraced by the authorities in order to ensure the public service delivery is on track. Thus, it is the role of the people (blogs visitors) who become eyes and ears of the government in helping the government to deliver an efficient process of public duties and services. It should be made explicit by using constructive feedback on the quality of public services. However, some people may have their own personal intention which is purportedly used to make a prejudgment towards government especially on issues pertaining to its duties. Hence, it should clearly shows on how the Internet especially blogs being used (or misused) by public as a court to put government in a certain position of guilt or not

    A Meta-Synthesis Study on Adaptation of Academic and Research Management during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Public Universities

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    The ability of a tertiary institution to pursue academic studies and research during the pandemic and now endemic covid-19 is a measure of the strength of the university or college in facing the biggest test of this decade. Thus, various measures and approaches have been taken by the university management, especially in ensuring the momentum of study operations and even research at the university does not stop just like that. However, the biggest challenge seen and felt by all parties including students as the most important stakeholders is the online teaching and learning mechanism. Similarly, research planning and the ability of researchers are seen as very critical, especially in the success of data collection activities with the community and matters related to the study location. This meta-synthesis study potrayed the continuous efforts of the university in adapting and at the same time maintaining the quality of knowledge and skills taught are so significant and become the reason for the development of academic activities in crisis situations especially covid-19 pandemic. Studies from 2020 to 2021 were referred specifically to review teaching and learning situations as well as research during pandemics and endemics show that academics and researchers have an optimistic and dynamic attitude in adapting their respective teaching and research approaches

    Lesson learned from the Pandemic, remediation of radio

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    Radio research is not a new thing, and in fact, it was portrayed as an under researched field. There is a long debate about radio acceptance, conventional radio migration to digital and will podcast kills conventional radio before the pandemic. However, pandemic Covid-19 affects the listenership of radio. At times of pandemics, radio has played a leading role, and throughout history, radio has been vital during major natural disasters and health emergencies. This research aims to recognise and address radio research's opportunities and challenges. A qualitative research approach is adopted through document analysis and observation. Findings show an increase in radio listening during the pandemic, the most flexible and accessible medium. Radio is the most versatile and experienced remediation at all times

    Geopolitik negeri Johor dan prestasi parti politik dalam Pilihan Raya Umum DUN Johor 2022

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    Politik Negeri Johor bergolak apabila Menteri Besar Johor bertindak menyerahkan warkah pembubaran Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Johor kepada Baginda Sultan Johor yang mendapat perkenan Baginda pada 22 Januari 2022 untuk diadakan pilihan raya DUN baru bagi mewujudkan sebuah Kerajaan Negeri yang stabil. Pilihan raya yang diadakan pada 12 Mac 2022 tersebut dianggap sebagai kontroversi kerana diadakan dalam keadaan penularan wabak pandemik COVID-19 yang belum pulih sebaiknya dan keadaan ekonomi rakyat yang tidak mengizinkan. Namun pilihan raya ini dapat dijadikan sebagai kayu ukur bagi prestasi parti politik menuju Pilihan Raya Umum ke-15 (PRU-15) akan datang di samping merupakan pilihan raya pertama yang melibatkan undi-18. Justeru adalah menjadi tujuan penulisan artikel ini untuk menganalisis geopolitik Negeri Johor dan prestasi parti politik dalam Pilihan Raya Umum DUN Johor 2022. Berdasarkan analisis data keputusan PRU DUN Johor 2022, pemerhatian di lapangan dan analisis sumber sekunder seperti artikel jurnal dan kertas persidangan, dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa Barisan Nasional (BN) berjaya memenangi pilihan raya tersebut dengan jumlah kerusi DUN yang memberangsangkan namun Perikatan Nasional (PN) turut memberi cabaran yang hebat terutamanya di kawasan majoriti pengundi etnik Melayu manakala Pakatan Harapan (PH) terus mendominasi kawasan bandar majoriti etnik Cina. Parti-parti politik lain sekadar memenuhi tuntutan demokrasi dan memeriahkan suasana kempen pilihan raya. Pilihan raya ini juga menyaksikan jumlah peratus keluar mengundi menurun kepada hanya 54.92 peratus. Justeru, pilihan raya ini masih belum dapat dijadikan indikator sokongan pengundi pada PRU-15 kerana peratus keluar mengundi yang rendah di samping isu besar yang boleh muncul secara tiba-tiba menuru PRU-15 nanti

    Virtual Learning during COVID-19: Exploring Challenges and Identifying Highly Vulnerable Groups Based on Location

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    Amid the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in the year 2020, educational platforms have been forced to change and adapt from conventional physical learning to virtual learning. Nearly all higher learning institutions worldwide are forced to follow the new educational setting through virtual platforms. Sabah is one of the poorest states in Malaysia with the poorest infrastructure, with the technology and communication facilities in the state remaining inept. With the changes in virtual platforms in all higher education institutions in Malaysia, higher learning institutions in Sabah are expected to follow the lead, despite the state lagging in its development. This has certainly impacted the overall productivity and performance of students in Sabah. Therefore, this study aims to explore the challenges of the implementation of virtual learning among students in Sabah. More specifically, this study seeks to identify vulnerable groups among students based on their geographical location. To achieve the objective of this study, a survey has been conducted on a total of 1,371 students in both private and public higher learning institutions in Sabah. The sample selection for this study was determined using a purposive sampling technique. Based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA), it was found that there are five challenges in virtual learning faced by students in higher learning institutions in Sabah. These are the unconducive learning environment (var(X) = 20.12%), the deterioration of physical health (var(X) = 13.40%), the decline of mental health (var(X) = 12.10%), the limited educational facilities (var(X) = 10.14%) and social isolation (var(X) = 7.47%). The K-Means Clustering analysis found that there are six student clusters in Sabah (Cluster A, B, C, D, E & F), each of which faces different challenges in participating in virtual learning. Based on the assessment of location, almost half of the total number of districts in Sabah are dominated by students from Cluster A (9 districts) and Cluster B (4 districts). More worryingly, both Cluster A and Cluster B are classified as highly vulnerable groups in relation to the implementation of virtual learning. The results of this study can be used by the local authorities and policymakers in Malaysia to improve the implementation of virtual learning in Sabah so that the education system can be more effective and systematic. Additionally, the improvement and empowerment of the learning environment are crucial to ensuring education is accessible and inclusive for all societies, in line with the fourth of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG-4)

    The role of personal ethics and organization ethics in decision making for public relations tasks and responsibilities

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    The main concern in the context of ethical issues in public relations practice is, it is conceptualized based on descriptive and normative ethics where personal evaluation and collective evaluation of ethical situations respectively applied in decision making and this study managed to highlight the statistical relationship between personal and organizational factors in ethical decision-making among public relations practitioners, focusing on a locality of Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. The data is based on the questionnaire on public relations practitioners’ ethical decisions that include the criteria of intention consideration, reasoning, and judgment, hence their ethical evaluation is used as the parameter to measure personal ethics. On the other hand, ethical climate reflects a collective perception of ethics in an organization, therefore used as the parameter to measure organizational ethics. A total of n=100 practitioners in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah was participating in this study. The data is tested using Pearson Correlation analysis. The result shows that practitioners’ ethical evaluation has a statistically significant correlation with organizational ethical climate at r=0.314 and p<0.01, which is positive but moderately weak. This correlation indicates that personal and organizational ethics has a weak but positive correlation, and the correlation is statistically significant. The finding conclude that the weak correlation insinuates conflicting the ethical perceptions on both individual and organizational aspects. It can be summarized that the proactive measures can be applied to increase the consistency in criteria of personal ethics as well as the ethical climate of the organization in the pursuit of excellence in public relations

    Re-conceptualizing information credibility in the age of networking society

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    The main objective of this paper is to re-conceptualize the concept of information credibility. This is due to the fact that the current society, which is best labelled as ‘network society’ are becoming more complicated in relation to consuming information. The boundary of information producer and consumers are becoming thinner due to the advances in information technology. The existing body of knowledge about information credibility also warrant further investigation. Studies on information credibility are dispersed between the disciplines of communication, information technology and business studies. This has resulted in different conception of information credibility. Thus, this study was carried out using the Grounded Theory approach. There were four focus group discussions held to identify how the current society perceived information credibility. The choice of informants was based on the existing dialogue of digital natives and digital migrants. The finding shows that there is indeed new conception of information credibility. The concept of source and message are being strengthened, while two new concepts; ‘viral’ and ‘behaviour’ were added. The finding also reveals generational differences that warrant further investigation. The finding of this study is still open for further test due to the limitations of grounded theory approach