111 research outputs found
Networking of Information – An information-centric approach to the network of the future
Timing is everything: the impact of wakeup schedule distribution on asynchronous power save protocols
Asynchronous power save protocols have been proposed for use in ad hoc networks. In many protocols, nodes independently follow a common periodic wakeup schedule, each with some unknown offset relative to its neighbors.
The schedule is defined to ensure deterministic intervals of overlap between nodes, regardless of the distribution of the nodes' wakeup schedules. This paper studies the sensitivity of a simple asynchronous power save
protocol to the actual distribution of the nodes' wakeup schedules. In practical terms: For given topology and traffic load, are there particularly "good" or "bad" distributions?
We define a simplified model of network operation that allows us to study this question in simulation. The results show that the performance variation has a narrow probability distribution, but with long tails. The variation is shown to derive largely from timing dependencies rather than overall capacity of the system. The result suggests the feasibility of manipulating the wakeup schedule distribution to improve performance. Although the best wakeup distributions often mitigate the performance penalty imposed by the power save
protocol, their relative rarity implies that randomized strategies will not be sufficient to obtain maximum advantage
The impact of wakeup schedule distribution in synchronous power save protocols on the performance of multihop wireless networks
By definition, the operation of an asynchronous power save protocol permits an arbitrary distribution of nodes' wakeup schedules. This wakeup schedule distribution creates an uncoordinated pattern of times at which nodes will attempt to transmit. Intuitively, we would expect that some patterns will be more (or less) favorable than others for a given traffic pattern.
We investigate the impact of this wakeup pattern on network capacity and present simulation data showing that the capacity associated with the best wakeup patterns is significantly larger than that of the worst. This result not only gives insight to the behavior of such protocols, but also acts as a feasibility study showing the potential benefit of mechanisms by which nodes adapt their wakeup schedules to obtain improved performance
Enabling limited traffic scheduling in asynchronous ad hoc networks
We present work-in-progress developing a communication framework that addresses the communication challenges of the decentralized multihop wireless environment. The main contribution is the combination of a fully distributed, asynchronous power save mechanism with adaptation of the timing patterns defined by the power save mechanism to improve the energy and bandwidth efficiency of communication in multihop wireless networks. The possibility of leveraging this strategy to provide more complex forms of traffic management is explored
Experiments with Subversion Over OpenNetInf and CCNx
We describe experiences and insights from adapting the Subversion version control system to use the network service of two information-centric networking (ICN) prototypes: OpenNetInf and CCNx. The evaluation is done using a local collaboration scenario, common in our own project work where a group of people meet and share documents through a Subversion repository.
The measurements show a performance benefit already with two clients in some of the studied scenarios, despite being done on un-optimised research prototypes. The conclusion is that ICN clearly is beneficial also for non mass-distribution applications
Design and implementation of the node identity internetworking architecture
The Internet Protocol (IP) has been proven very flexible, being able to accommodate all kinds of link technologies and supporting a broad range of applications. The basic principles of the original Internet architecture include end-to-end addressing, global routeability and a single namespace of IP addresses that unintentionally serves both as locators and host identifiers. The commercial success and widespread use of the Internet have lead to new requirements, which include internetworking over business boundaries, mobility and multi-homing in an untrusted environment. Our approach to satisfy these new requirements is to introduce a new internetworking layer, the node identity layer. Such a layer runs on top of the different versions of IP, but could also run directly on top of other kinds of network technologies, such as MPLS and 2G/3G PDP contexts. This approach enables connectivity across different communication technologies, supports mobility, multi-homing, and security from ground up. This paper describes the Node Identity Architecture in detail and discusses the experiences from implementing and running a prototype
Ambient networks: Bridging heterogeneous network domains
Providing end-to-end communication in heterogeneous internetworking environments is a challenge. Two fundamental problems are bridging between different internetworking technologies and hiding of network complexity and differences from both applications and application developers. This paper presents abstraction and naming mechanisms that address these challenges in the Ambient Networks project. Connectivity abstractions hide the differences of heterogeneous internetworking technologies and enable applications to operate across them. A common naming framework enables end-to-end communication across otherwise independent internetworks and supports advanced networking capabilities, such as indirection or delegation, through dynamic bindings between named entities
Subversion Over OpenNetInf and CCNx
We describe experiences and insights from adapting the Subversion version control system to use the network service of two information-centric networking (ICN) prototypes: OpenNetInf and CCNx. The evaluation is done using a local collaboration scenario, common in our own project work where a group of people meet and share documents through a Subversion repository.
The measurements show a performance benefit already with two clients in some of the studied scenarios, despite being done on un-optimised research prototypes. The conclusion is that ICN clearly is beneficial also for non mass-distribution applications.
It was straightforward to adapt Subversion to fetch updated files from the repository using the ICN network service. The adaptation however neglected access control which will need a different approach in ICN than an authenticated SSL tunnel. Another insight from the experiments is that care needs to be taken when implementing the heavy ICN hash and signature calculations. In the prototypes, these are done serially, but we see an opportunity for parallelisation, making use of current multi-core processors
Dimensioning Links for IP Telephony
Transmitting telephone calls over the Internet causes problems not
present in current telephone technology such as packet loss and delay
due to queueing in routers. In this undergraduate thesis we study how
a Markov modulated Poisson process is applied as an arrival process to
a multiplexer and we study the performance in terms of loss
probability. The input consists of the superposition of independent
voice sources. The predictions of the model is compared with results
obtained with simulations of the multiplexer made with a network
simulator. The buffer occupancy distribution is also studied and we
see how this distribution changes as the load increases
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