8 research outputs found

    Komposisi Senyawa Isoprenoid Pada Mangrove Sejati Minor Jenis Teruntun (Aegiceras Corniculatum (L.) Blanco) Sebagai Biomarker Di Daerah Estuarina

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    This study described the analyzing of composition and diversity of triterpenoid and phytosterol in North Sumatera mangrove species A. corniculatum as biomarkers and input lipids in to estuarine ecosytem. Phytosterols found in the roots and leaves of A. corniculatum were stigmasterol, campesterol, β-sitosterol, and cycloartenol. Taraxerol, β-amyrin, germanicol, betulin, α-amyrin, lopenone and lupeol were the triterpenoids identified. Betulin was the major component triterpenoids had the highest content (31,8%) in the roots. This research may provide information the composition of triterpenoid and phytosterol to contribute to estimating the lipid input and as biomarker from A. corniculatum to estuarine ecosytem

    Respon Pertumbuhan Dan Komposisi Isoprenoid Semai Acanthus Ilicifolius Linn

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze growth of A. ilicifolius seedling in response to salinities and its isoprenoid composition. The mangrove seedling were grown under different salinities for 5 mounth. The maximum growth of A. ilicifolius seedlings was in 0.5 % salinity and this elevation appeared to be attenuated by increasing of salinity. The results showed the composition of the isoprenoid in A.ilicifolius were consist of four phytosterols namely stigmasterol, campesterol, β-sitosterol, cycloartenol, and six triterpenoids : taraxerol, β-amyrin, germanicol, betulin, α-amyrin and lupeol. This research may provide information the characterization of triterpenoid and phytosterol of A. ilicfolius seedlings

    Production Optimation of Clones Slow Starter IRR 42 Application Through Stimulant Etefon

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    IRR 42 clones belonging to clone a slow starter who has good growth and great girth, but production of the rubber tends to be low when compared to other superior clones. This study aims to obtain stimulant treatment may be able to optimize the production potential clones IRR 42. The research wasconducted at the Research Institute for Experimental Sungei White, Rubber Research Center for four months (May-August 2012) in the area of crop planting clones IRR 42 years in 2006 (6 years old plants). The treatments tested include concentration of stimulant (S) consisting of 1.25%, 2.50%, 3.50% and 4.50%,treatment application interval (W) consists of one and two times per month as well as application control treatment (without stimulants). The results showed an average production of 2.50% on stimulant treatment and 4.50% at intervals of twice per month (S2W2 and S4W2) have higher production compared with other treatments. In general, plant physiology is still below the threshold. S2W2 treatment is the best treatment to optimize the potential of the plant because it has high production but showed lower stress than the exploitation S4W2. Further research is needed in a longer period of time to determine plant responses to each treatmen

    Respon Pertumbuhan Dan Biomassa Semai Rhizopora Apiculata BI Terhadap Salinitas Dan Kandungan Lipidanya Pada Tingkat Pohon

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    Growth and biomass Rhizopora apiculata BI seedlings under varied salinities and their lipid content at tree stage. The research was conducted at Green house, Faculty of Agriculture and Research Laboratory, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of North Sumatra from August 2011 to July 2012. This study aims to determine the effect of salinity on the growth and biomassa of mangrove non secreter R. apiculata seedlings level and lipid and NSL (Nonsaponifiable Lipids) content at tree level. Five levels of salinities of 0%, 0.5%, 1.5%, 2%, 3% were treated and seedlings were planted for 5 months. The results showed that maximum growth of R. apiculata seedling at 1.5% concentration, leaf number and leaf area were in the salinity of 0.5%. Stem and root biomass achieved in 1.5%, while the leaf biomass in the salinity of 0.5%. The content of total lipid and NSL obtained from the leaves and the roots R. apiculata tree. The content of total lipid R. apiculata trees in the leaves (9.60 mg) were more amounts than in the roots (6.40 mg). NSL content of R. apiculata trees in the roots (0,226 mg) were more than in the leaves (0.10 mg). The results of this study may provide information to the rehabilitation program in order to obtain R. apiculata seedlings growing best based on their salinities

    Karakterisasi Senyawa Isoprenoid Dan Pertumbuhan Semai Mangrove Avicennia Alba Bl.

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    This study aims to determine the characterization of isoprenoid compounds in the mangrove A. alba and seedling growth of A. alba at different levels of salinity. The results showed the total lipids in the leaves of A. alba (21 mg) was higher than that in the roots (11,7 mg). Total Non Saponifiable Lipids (NSL) content in the leaves of A. alba (1,1 mg) greater than that in the roots (0,6 mg). NSL composition of A. alba consists of 3 major factions namely triterpenoids, phytosterols, and other compounds. Phytosterol composition in the leaves and roots of A. alba showed the presence of compounds such as campesterol, stigmasterol and β-sitosterol. As frase for the composition triterpenoid found the presence of β-amyrin, germanicol, betulin, lupeol and α-amyrin. Phytol, cholesterol, and squalene were also found as the other compounds. The content of the NSL triterpenoid was higher than phytosterol in the leaves and roots of A. alba. The results also showed that phytol compounds had the highest content of leaves of A. alba (71.4 %) and the β-sitosterol had the highest content of root A. alba (27.8 %). Based on the analysis of the effect of salinity on seedling growth of A. alba showed that the salinity of 2% significantly affected the seedling height and diameter of 3 months of A. alba

    Karakterisasi Senyawa Isoprenoid Sebagai Produk Alami Pada Mangrove Sejati Minor Non Sekresi Excoecaria Agallocha L., Di Hutan Mangrove Sumatera Utara

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    Characterization of isoprenoid compounds for natural products on true mangrove minor non-secreting Excoecaria agallocha L. in North Sumatran mangrove forest. This study aims to determine the characterization of isoprenoid compounds and lipid content of the mangrove type of non-secretion (Excoecaria agallocha L.) The samples were collected from the leaves and roots of E. Agallocha L. The results showed the composition NSL of E. agallocha L. were squalen, campesterol, stigmasterol, β-sitiosterol, cycloarterol, taraxerol, β-amyrin, germanicol, lupenone, betulin, lupeol, and α-amyrin. Stigmasterol is part of phytosterol had the highest content of 13.2. This research may provide information the diversity of triterpenoid and phytosterol composition in North Sumatran mangrove E. Agallocha L

    Analisis Awal Keragaman Molekuler Kelapa Sawit (Elaies Guineensis Jacq.) Menggunakan Lima Primer SSR (Simple Sequences Repeats)

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    Moleculer variance is very important. Information was resulted from analysis in moleculer level can to adventadge as a first step to manage of breeding programs. The aim of this research was to determine moleculer variance in palm oil based on SSR primer using FR0465, FR391, FR304, FR0350 and FR3693 primers. The research was conducted at Terpadu Laboratory, Faculty of Medicines, North Sumatera University from September 2015 to February 2016. Gen Alex ver. 6.501, Power Marker 3.25 and software DARwin Softwere Versi 6 were used to calculate and analysis. The result of this research showed that value of moleculer varians of Palm Oil (E. guineensis) was 62.43%, polymorphic information content (PIC) was 0.338. Measure of fragment about 120 bp – 496 bp. FR02350 has a highest number of alel and value of expected heterozygote (He) was 0.685