12 research outputs found

    Francia: há nacido um nuevo movimiento social

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    The article discusses the origins and characteristics of the new social movements in France and the networks established with the other European movements, as well as the precarious conditions in which the over growing army of unemployed people liveEste artĂ­culo nos muestra el origen y caracteristicas de los nuevos movimientos sociales en Francia y las redes establecidas con el resto de movimientos europeos, asi como las condiciones de precariedad en las que viven el ejercito de desempleados en creciente ascens

    L’année 2023 en France, une année de luttes et de mobilisations

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    Mapping the Movement

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    Christophe Aguiton looks at why the global justice movement is attracting so many diverse social forces sketching the different generations of movements and the way they build their networks and campaigns as well as exploring some of the challenges ahead. Development (2005) 48, 10–14. doi:10.1057/palgrave.development.1100149

    Barcamps and Coworking : Collective Web-based Infrastructures for Innovation

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    Cet article porte sur le modèle d'innovation qui préside à la conception des plateformes relationnelles sur Internet. Sous l'étiquette de « Web 2.0 » s'est développé récemment un ensemble de pratiques de conception qui associe étroitement les usagers innovateurs et les petites entreprises présentes sur Internet. On montre notamment comment cette tendance prolonge et transforme la dynamique des innovations ascendantes et le mouvement du logiciel libre. L'article s'attache à décrire deux espaces d'innovation particuliers qui permettent de réunir un réseau hétérogène de concepteurs: les barcamps et les coworking places

    Les mouvements pour la justice climatique après la COP26

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    Does showing off help to make friends? Experimenting a sociological game on self-exhibition and social networks

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    International audienceThe purpose of this study is to give an empirical glance on different forms of self-exposure on Social Network Sites (SNS). Based on a sociological on-line game, it explores the different tendencies in the self-exhibition shift and tries to find out how it is linked to different strategies in order to choose friends. In the first game, people have to select, among four ranked pictures, the one they would accept to publish on their personal webpage. In the second game, they had to choose friends by discovering, step by step, five informational attributes to their internet profile. Analysis of a sample of 12,354 French respondents shows a middle-range level of exhibition and isolates five different ways to expose oneself: Modest, Traditional Exhibition, Bodily Immodesty, Show-off and Provocative. Those different self-exhibition patterns lead to specific relational behaviors on the Internet. The study underlines socio-demographic differences (age, gender, diploma, and occupation) in self-disclosure practices and shows that exhibition on the Internet must be considered as a strategic performance

    O 2Âş FĂłrum Social Mundial de Porto Alegre e os desafios do movimento social global The 2nd Porto Alegre World Social Forum and the challenges of the global social movement

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    O artigo se propõe a utilizar elementos analíticos relativos ao significado, alcance e perspectivas do movimento social transnacional contra a globalização neoliberal no conturbado contexto pós-11 de setembro da política mundial. Nas condições extremamente adversas desse novo contexto, a segunda edição do Fórum Social Mundial tornou-se um acontecimento político revelador, tanto da vitalidade e do potencial transformador do "movimento dos movimentos" contra-hegemônico, ainda em processo de constituição, como de suas limitações, contradições e dilemas.<br>The article suggests a framework of analysis to evaluate the meaning, scope and perspectives of the transnational social movement against neoliberal globalization in post-September 11 world politics. In the adverse conditions of this context, the second edition of the World Social Forum revealed the vitality and the potential of transformation of the counter-hegemonic "movement of movements". It revealed, as well, its limits, contradictions and dilemmas

    Influência e contribuição: a igreja católica progressista brasileira e o fórum social mundial

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    Desde o começo dos anos 1980, a Igreja Católica Progressista organizou e influenciou as práticas, as ideias e os objetivos da sociedade civil brasileira. A proposta do presente artigo consiste em analisar as diferentes maneiras pelas quais a Igreja Católica Progressista influenciou o Fórum Social Mundial (FSM). Os dois principais eixos de análise são, primeiro, a influência dos princípios, da visão de mundo e da metodologia da Igreja Católica Progressista sobre indivíduos e organizações da sociedade civil que estiveram envolvidos na concepção e na realização do FSM e, segundo, a participação da Igreja Católica Progressista no FSM através de organizações ligadas à Igreja Católica, forçando a inclusão da agenda da Igreja Progressista naquela do FSM. O artigo analisa como e por que a Teologia da Libertação e a Igreja Popular brasileiras influenciaram as ideias que levaram à criação e organização do FSM, além de discutir em detalhe a participação da Igreja Católica Progressista nas edições subsequentes do Fórum.<br>Since the early 1980s, the Progressive Church in Brazil has organised and influenced Brazilian civil society practices, ideas and goals. This paper proposes to study the different ways which the Brazilian Progressive Church has influenced the World Social Forum (WSF). The two principle axes of influence include: its principles, world vision and methodology on individuals and civil society organisations who have been involved in the conception and realization of the WSF; and its participation through Church related organisations in the WSF that push to include the Progressive Church's agenda within that of the WSF. This paper analyses why and how the Brazilian Liberation Theology and Popular Church have influenced the ideas that lead to the conception and organisation of the WSF and details the participation of the Brazilian Progressive Church in the WSFs