35 research outputs found
Acute effects of suspension training and other perturbative sources on lower limb strength tasks
Actualment, els dispositius de suspensi贸 s贸n un dels materials m茅s utilitzats per produir pertorbaci贸 i enfortir de forma global la majoria de grups musculars. Encara que, manquen evid猫ncies dels seus efectes sobre l鈥檈xtremitat inferior. Aix铆, l鈥檕bjectiu principal d鈥檃questa tesi doctoral va ser quantificar la producci贸 de for莽a, l鈥檃ctivitat muscular i la magnitud de la pertorbaci贸 a l鈥檈squat b煤lgar i altres exercicis de l鈥檈xtremitat inferior en condicions d鈥檌nestabilitat. Es van analitzar 18 estudis per dur a terme una revisi贸 sistem脿tica (estudi 1) i 75 participants f铆sicament actius van ser reclutats per realitzar els diferents estudis transversals sobre els efectes dels dispositius de suspensi贸, les superf铆cies inestables i les vibracions mec脿niques (plataforma vibrat貌ria i vibraci贸 superposada) en exercicis de l鈥檈xtremitat inferior (estudis 2-6). Es va confirmar que l鈥檃ctivaci贸 a la part inferior del cos nom茅s va ser investigada en el concentrat d鈥檌squiosurals en suspensi贸 (estudi 1). La posici贸 i el ritme d鈥檈xecuci贸 (70 bpm) van ser determinants per la producci贸 de for莽a exercida sobre el tirant de suspensi贸 a l鈥檈squat b煤lgar (estudi 2). El dispositiu de suspensi贸 a l鈥檈squat b煤lgar va augmentar les forces verticals contra el terra (estudi 3). Sobre el dispositiu la producci贸 de for莽a va ser major quan el nivell d鈥檌nestabilitat era baix (estudi 3 i 4), per貌 a nivell muscular el dispositiu va ser igual de demandant que l鈥檈xercici tradicional (estudi 3). Un augment de la pertorbaci贸, va incrementar l鈥檃ctivaci贸 muscular (estudis 3, 4, 5) i la magnitud de la inestabilitat per l鈥檈squat b煤lgar i el mig squat amb barra (estudis 4 i 5). Aix铆, la vibraci贸 superposada en un dispositiu de suspensi贸 esdev茅 un repte per incrementar el nivell de pertorbaci贸 i millorar la for莽a, la resist猫ncia muscular i l鈥檈stabilitzaci贸 (estudi 6). A m茅s, els sensors de for莽a s贸n una eina adequada i usable per valorar les forces exercides sobre els dispositius de suspensi贸, i l鈥櫭簊 de l鈥檃cceler貌metre permet determinar la magnitud de la pertorbaci贸 que ofereixen els diferents materials desestabilitzadors mesurant l鈥檃cceleraci贸 del centre de masses corporal.Actualmente, los dispositivos de suspensi贸n son uno de los materiales m谩s utilizados para producir perturbaci贸n y fortalecer globalmente la mayor铆a de los m煤sculos. Aunque, faltan evidencias de sus efectos sobre la extremidad inferior. As铆, el objetivo principal de esta tesis doctoral fue cuantificar la producci贸n de fuerza, la actividad muscular y la magnitud de la perturbaci贸n en la sentadilla b煤lgara y otros ejercicios de la extremidad inferior en condiciones de inestabilidad. Se analizaron 18 estudios para llevar a cabo una revisi贸n sistem谩tica (estudio 1) y 75 participantes f铆sicamente activos fueron reclutados para realizar los diferentes estudios transversales sobre los efectos de los dispositivos de suspensi贸n, las superficies inestables y las vibraciones mec谩nicas (plataforma vibratoria y vibraci贸n superpuesta) en ejercicios de la extremidad inferior (estudios 2-6). Se confirm贸 que la activaci贸n en la parte inferior del cuerpo s贸lo fue investigada en el concentrado de isquiosurales en suspensi贸n (estudio 1). La posici贸n y el ritmo de ejecuci贸n (70 bpm) fueron determinantes para la producci贸n de fuerza ejercida sobre el tirante de suspensi贸n en la sentadilla b煤lgara (estudio 2). El dispositivo de suspensi贸n en la sentadilla b煤lgara aument贸 las fuerzas verticales contra el suelo (estudio 3). Sobre el dispositivo la producci贸n de fuerza fue mayor cuando el nivel de inestabilidad era bajo (estudio 3 y 4), pero a nivel muscular el dispositivo fue igual de demandante que el ejercicio tradicional (estudio 3). Un aumento de la perturbaci贸n increment贸 la activaci贸n muscular (estudios 3, 4, 5) y la magnitud de la inestabilidad en la sentadilla b煤lgara y la media sentadilla con barra (estudios 4 y 5). As铆, la vibraci贸n superpuesta en un dispositivo de suspensi贸n se convierte en un reto para incrementar el nivel de perturbaci贸n y mejorar la fuerza, la resistencia muscular y la estabilizaci贸n (estudio 6). Adem谩s, los sensores de fuerza son una herramienta adecuada y usable para valorar las fuerzas ejercidas sobre los dispositivos de suspensi贸n, y el uso del aceler贸metro permite determinar la magnitud de la perturbaci贸n que ofrecen los diferentes materiales desestabilizadores midiendo la aceleraci贸n del centro de masas corporal.Nowadays, suspension devices are one of the most widely used pieces of equipment to produce perturbation and strengthen most muscle groups globally. However, there is a lack of evidence of their effects on the lower limb. Thus, the main objective of this doctoral thesis was to quantify force production, muscle activity and the magnitude of perturbation in the Bulgarian squat and other lower extremity exercises under unstable conditions. Eighteen studies were analysed for a systematic review (study 1) and 75 physically active participants were recruited to perform the different cross-sectional studies on the effects of suspension devices, unstable surfaces, and mechanical vibrations (vibration platform and superimposed vibration) on lower limb exercises (studies 2-6). It was confirmed that lower body activation had only been previously investigated in the suspended hamstring curl (study 1). Position and pace (70 bpm) were determinants for the force exerted on the suspension strap in the Bulgarian squat (study 2). The suspension device in the Bulgarian squat increased the vertical ground reaction forces (study 3). The force production was higher on the device when the level of instability was low (study 3 and 4), but for muscle activity the device was just as demanding as a traditional exercise (study 3). Increased perturbation enhanced muscle activation (studies 3, 4, 5) and the magnitude of instability in the Bulgarian squat and barbell half-squat (studies 4 and 5). Thus, superimposed vibration on a suspension device becomes a challenge to increase the level of perturbation and improve strength, muscular endurance, and stabilisation (study 6). In addition, load cells are a suitable and practical tool to assess the forces exerted on suspension devices, and the use of an accelerometer makes it possible to determine the magnitude of the perturbation offered by different equipment providing instability by measuring the acceleration of the body's centre of mass
Effects of wearing a customized bite-aligning mouthguard on powerful actions in highly trained swimmers
The study was supported and funded by the Faculty of Faculty of Psychology, Education Sciences and Sport Blanquerna, Ramon Llull University, Barcelona, Spain, grant number PIF1920-PSITICBackground/objectives: The potential advantages of wearing customized bite-aligning mouthguards on
several performance parameters such as muscular strength, power and reaction time have been reported.
Literature shows that the concurrent activation potentiation phenomenon, elicited by a powered and
balanced jaw clenching, can provide athletes with several neuromuscular advantages. The aim of the
present study was to investigate the acute effects of jaw clenching while wearing a customized bitealigning
mouthguard on swimming start, countermovement jump and swim bench test, in contrast to
two other conditions: non-jaw clenching and jaw clenching without mouthguard.
Methods: A randomized, repeated measure within study designwas used to compare the condition effect
on eight highly trained elite male and female swimmers.
Results: Statistical analysis revealed a significant increase in the countermovement jump height
(p 录 0.041) when comparing the use of mouthguards with the non-jaw condition. In the swim bench, a
significant greater time to peak force (p 录 0.049) was found when comparing the use of mouthguards
with the jaw condition. Although, non-significant effects, small differences were found in the start reaction
time and 15-m freestyle swimming when comparing the use of mouthguards with the non-jaw
Conclusion: This study demonstrated that wearing customized, bite-aligning mouthguards had an ergogenic
effect on specific measures of vertical jump and swim bench test, whereas non-meaningful but
small differences were found in swimming start.Faculty of Faculty of Psychology, Education Sciences and Sport Blanquerna, Ramon Llull University, Barcelona, Spain PIF1920-PSITI
Muscle activity and forces in different suspension lunge exercises
Although there are some researches about lunge exercise and instability conditions (i.e.,
Bosu, fitball), few researches were found comparing different methods using a
suspension device and its load quantification. The purpose of this study was to examine
the effect of suspension training and instability surfaces on muscle activity and force
production while performing different variations of the lunge exercise. A randomized
within-subjects design was used to study the effects of five conditions (traditional,
suspension, suspension-Bosu, suspension-Vibro30 or Vibro40) on five different
muscles (rectus femoris, biceps femoris, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis and gluteus
medius) in physically active male university students (n = 7; age = 25.71卤 .06 years
old). During lunge performance, muscle activation was recorded using surface
electromyography (sEMG). Force production was obtained using both Wii Balance
Board and a S-Type load cell. Mean peak force and normalized sEMG values were
compared across the 5 exercises. Results showed no significant differences in muscle
activity between traditional and suspension lunge. However lunges performed with dual
instability increased sEMG activity in the analysed muscles in comparison with single
instability condition. Furthermore, force output on the strap decrease when instability
increase and suspension lunge showed significant differences (p< .05) on forward leg
exerted force in comparison with traditional lunge. In conclusion, the results obtained in
the present study could be useful for select the optimal lunge progression and the load
cell seems to be an adequate tool to quantify the load while performing a suspension
A influ锚ncia de marcar primeiro no h贸quei em patins
El principal objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la ventaja de marcar el primer gol del partido en hockey sobre
patines y conocer su incidencia en el resultado final. Un objetivo secundario fue determinar si existen diferencias
significativas en funci贸n de si el equipo que marca primero es el local o el visitante. Para ello se analizaron 240
partidos de la Ok Liga (la m谩xima categor铆a deportiva espa帽ola) y 182 de la Primera Divisi贸n Nacional (segunda
categor铆a m谩s alta) de la temporada 2016-2017, valorando el resultado final de los equipos cuando se adelantaban
en el marcador.
Los resultados muestran que existe la ventaja de marcar primero tanto en la Ok Liga c贸mo en la Primera Divisi贸n
Nacional con un efecto del 64.14% y 62.91% respectivamente. Asimismo, se obtiene una ventaja de marcar el
primer gol significativamente mayor cuando los equipos juegan como locales en la Primera Divisi贸n Nacional y
una alta correlaci贸n entre el rendimiento final de los equipos (puntos obtenidos en la clasificaci贸n) y la ventaja de
marcar el primer gol. En consecuencia, se demuestra la importancia que tiene para un equipo dominar dicho
aspecto y se sugiere que estos datos pueden ayudar a los equipos t茅cnicos a decidir la estrategia deportiva en cada
momento del juego seg煤n el resultado del marcador.Abstract: The main purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of the first goal in roller hockey and to know its impact on
the final result. A secondary objective was to assess if there were significant differences when the team that scores
first was the local or the visitor. For this purpose, 240 matches of Ok Liga (the highest Spanish division) and 182 of
First National Division (the second highest division) were analyzed during the season 2016-2017, assessing the
final result of the teams when they scored first.
Results showed that the advantage of scoring first exists both in the Ok Liga and in the First National Division with
64.14% and 62.91% respectively. Likewise, the advantage of scoring the first goal when teams play at home is
significantly greater for the First National Division teams than Ok Liga teams. In addition, it was obtained a high
correlation between the final performance of the teams (points obtained in the classification) and the effect of
scoring first. Therefore, it is demonstrated the importance for a team to dominate this aspect and it is suggested that
this data can help the coach and staff to decide which strategy to use at each moment of the game according to the
result.Resumo: O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi analisar a vantagem de marcar o primeiro gol do jogo em h贸quei em patins e
conhecer o seu impacto no resultado final. Um objetivo secund谩rio foi avaliar se existem diferen莽as significativas
dependendo se a equipa que pontua primeiro 茅 a local ou a visitante. Para este fim, foram analisados 240 jogos da
Ok Liga (a mais alta categoria desportiva espanhola) e 182 da Primeira Divis茫o Nacional (segunda maior categoria)
da temporada 2016-2017, avaliando o resultado final das equipas quando estavam 脿 frente no placar.
Os resultados mostram que h谩 a vantagem de marcar primeiro tanto na Ok Liga quanto na Primeira Divis茫o
Nacional, com um efeito de 64.14% e 62.91%, respetivamente. Da mesma forma, obt茅m-se uma vantagem de
marcar o primeiro gol significativamente maior quando as equipas jogam em casa na Primeira Divis茫o Nacional e
uma alta correla莽茫o entre o desempenho final das equipas (pontos obtidos na classifica莽茫o) e a vantagem de marcar
o primeiro gol. Consequentemente, demonstra-se a import芒ncia que tem para uma equipa a dominar esse aspecto e
sugere-se que esses dados possam ajudar 脿s equipas t茅cnicas a decidirem a estrat茅gia t谩tica a ser utilizada em cada
momento do jogo de acordo com o resultado do placar
Influencia de marcar primero en hockey sobre patines
El principal objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la ventaja de marcar el primer gol del partido en hockey sobre patines y conocer su incidencia en el resultado final. Un objetivo secundario fue determinar si existen diferencias significativas en funci贸nde si el equipo que marca primero es el local o el visitante. Para ello se analizaron 240 partidos de la Ok Liga (la m谩xima categor铆a deportiva espa帽ola) y 182 de la Primera Divisi贸n Nacional (segunda categor铆a m谩s alta) de la temporada 2016-2017, valorando el resultado final de los equipos cuando se adelantaban en el marcador.Los resultados muestran que existe la ventaja de marcar primero tanto en la Ok Ligac贸mo en la Primera Divisi贸n Nacional con un efecto del 64.14% y 62.91% respectivamente. Asimismo,se obtiene una ventaja de marcar el primer gol significativamente mayor cuando los equipos juegan como locales en la Primera Divisi贸n Nacional y una alta correlaci贸n entre el rendimiento final de los equipos (puntos obtenidos en la clasificaci贸n) y la ventaja de marcar el primer gol. En consecuencia, se demuestra la importancia que tiene para un equipo dominar dicho aspecto y se sugiere que estos datos pueden ayudar a los equipos t茅cnicos a decidir la estrategia deportiva en cada momento del juego seg煤n elresultado del marcadorThe main purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of the first goal in roller hockey and to know its impact on the final result. A secondary objective was to assess if there were significant differences when the team that scores first was the local or the visitor. For this purpose, 240 matches of Ok Liga(the highest Spanish division) and 182 of First National Division (the second highest division) were analyzed during the season 2016-2017, assessing the final result of the teams when they scored first. Results showed that the advantage of scoring first exists both in the Ok Ligaand in the First National Division with 64.14% and 62.91% respectively. Likewise, the advantage of scoring the first goal when teams play at home is significantly greater for the First National Division teams than Ok Ligateams. In addition, it was obtained a high correlation between the final performance of the teams (points obtained in the classification) and the effect of scoring first. Therefore, it is demonstrated the importance for a team to dominate this aspect and it is suggested that this data can help the coach and staff to decide which strategy to use at each moment of the game according to the result.O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi analisar a vantagem de marcar o primeiro gol do jogo em h贸quei em patins e conhecer o seu impacto no resultado final. Um objetivo secund谩rio foi avaliar se existem diferen莽as significativas dependendo se a equipa quepontua primeiro 茅 a local ou a visitante. Para este fim, foram analisados 240 jogos da Ok Liga (a mais alta categoria desportiva espanhola) e 182 da Primeira Divis茫o Nacional (segunda maior categoria) da temporada 2016-2017, avaliando o resultado final das equipas quando estavam 脿 frente no placar. Os resultados mostram que h谩 a vantagem de marcar primeiro tanto na Ok Liga quanto na Primeira Divis茫o Nacional, com um efeito de 64.14% e 62.91%, respetivamente. Da mesma forma, obt茅m-se uma vantagem de marcaro primeiro gol significativamente maior quando as equipas jogam em casa na Primeira Divis茫o Nacional e uma alta correla莽茫o entre o desempenho final das equipas (pontos obtidos na classifica莽茫o) e a vantagem de marcar o primeiro gol. Consequentemente, demonstra-se a import芒ncia que tem para uma equipa a dominar esse aspecto e sugere-se que esses dados possam ajudar 脿s equipas t茅cnicas a decidirem a estrat茅gia t谩tica a ser utilizada em cada momento do jogo de acordo com o resultado do placar
An谩lisis de la influencia de jugar como local en hockey sobre patines
El prop贸sito del estudio fue analizar la ventaja de
jugar como local en la liga profesional masculina de
hockey sobre patines (OkLiga). Para el estudio se
analizaron los datos de las 煤ltimas 17 temporadas de
la OkLiga (desde la 1999-2000 hasta la 2015-2016) y
se analizaron 3964 partidos. Se analizaron tambi茅n
los goles marcados y recibidos cuando los equipos
juegan como local. Adem谩s se ha analizado si el
cambio en el reglamento del hockey sobre patines
impuesto en 2009 ha repercutido sobre el home
advantage y en los goles marcados por partido.
Los resultados muestran que existe la ventaja de
jugar en casa en la OkLiga con un valor del 59.8%.
Asimismo, los resultados tambi茅n indican que los
equipos marcan un mayor n煤mero de goles cuando
juegan como local. El cambio de reglamentaci贸n,
revela que los equipos marcan una media de dos
goles m谩s por partido y tambi茅n que la ventaja de
jugar en casa ha disminuido dos puntos porcentuales.The aim of the current study was to analyze the home
advantage effect in Spanish roller hockey male
league (OkLiga). For this purpose, 3964 Spanish
league roller hockey matches were analyzed from the
1999-2000 season to 2015-2016 season. Goals scored
and received were also analyzed when the teams play
at home. In addition, it has been analyzed whether the
change in the regulation of roller hockey imposed in
2009 has affected in the home advantage and in the
goals scored for match.
Results show that exist the home advantage in
Spanish roller hockey men鈥檚 league (OkLiga) with a
value of 59.8%. Moreover, the results indicate that
teams score more goals when playing at home. The
change of regulation show that the teams score an
average of two more goals per game and also that
home advantage has decreased by two percentage
Competitive balance using Accumulated Points Difference method in male and female roller hockey leagues
The purpose of this study was to quantify the competitive balance in both men鈥檚 and women鈥檚 professional
division roller hockey competitions (Spanish and Portugal leagues) comparing the results obtained according to
the sex of participants. The sample was composed of 5,942 roller hockey games (2,044 in Spanish male league,
1,580 in Spanish female league, 1,814 in Portuguese male league and 504 in Portuguese female league)
between the 2009-2010 and 2017-18 seasons. To calculate the competitive balance, it was used the
Accumulated Points Difference index andthe one way ANOVA followed by Tukey Post Hoc multiple
comparison test.
The results showed that male leagues are more balanced than female (71.41卤11.29 vs. 79.65卤5.75 for Spanish
leagues and 75.56卤7.54 vs. 80.16卤15.01 for Portuguese leagues).
The results in relation to the sex of participants are consistent with previous studies in other sports like football.
The analysis of the competitive balance could be useful for the governing body of Roller Hockey Federations
to have quantitative data of the equality that exists in each league and to asses if it is necessary to introduce
changes in the competition to make it more equalized in order to increase the audience