41 research outputs found

    A generic competency framework for entry level construction managers in Malaysia / Haryanti Mohd Affandi

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    The changes in industry needs have further highlighted the problems of incompetence entry level construction managers and brought significant changes in construction management education. Moreover, culmination from the issues faced in the entry level construction management, it suggests that there is problem relating to the mismatch of generic competency in entry level construction management. The mismatch of generic competency appears when there are changes in industry requirements added with education provision in developing construction management students’ generic competency. Furthermore, there’s an absence of strategic framework for Malaysian entry level construction managers. The aim of this research is to address part of the problem in construction management generic competency education and construction industry by suggesting an improved generic competency framework of entry level construction managers in Malaysia. This study adopts a mixed method approaches and results from questionnaire survey and interviews which highlight the major issues. Sequential explanatory model are chosen in determining the mismatch. In developing the generic competency framework, this study adapts and improves Spencer & Spencer (1993) competency development model

    A generic competency framework for entry level construction managers in Malaysia / Haryanti Mohd Affandi

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    The changes in industry needs have further highlighted the problems of incompetence entry level construction managers and brought significant changes in construction management education. Moreover, culmination from the issues faced in the entry level construction management, it suggests that there is problem relating to the mismatch of generic competency in entry level construction management. The mismatch of generic competency appears when there are changes in industry requirements added with education provision in developing construction management students’ generic competency. Furthermore, there’s an absence of strategic framework for Malaysian entry level construction managers. The aim of this research is to address part of the problem in construction management generic competency education and construction industry by suggesting an improved generic competency framework of entry level construction managers in Malaysia. This study adopts a mixed method approaches and results from questionnaire survey and interviews which highlight the major issues. Sequential explanatory model are chosen in determining the mismatch. In developing the generic competency framework, this study adapts and improves Spencer & Spencer (1993) competency development model. Responses for questionnaire surveys were collected from contactors and undergraduate construction management students and have been analyzed by inferential statistical analyses using Winsteps. Qualitative analysis was done by validating the framework and explaining the existence of mismatch. Results from this study, manage to develop a generic competency framework for entry level construction managers based on their roles and tasks. This framework consists of 12 generic competencies which are communication, behavioral characteristics, negotiation, teamwork, leadership, problem solving, entrepreneurship, ethics, analytical and critical thinking, flexibility, lifelong learning and relationship building. From this framework, this study determines the mismatch between industry requirement and construction management students expectation towards generic competency. This study find the existence of mismatch are contributed by students attitude, inexperience lecturers and less opportunity in experienced onsite work during internship. The results in general reveal that students attitude play significant roles in the existence of mismatch. Moreover, from the finding, it is suggested that industry and university need to improve their collaboration in exchanging knowledge and experience in enhance the construction management students generic competency

    Ketekunan, kreativiti dan inovasidi kalangan pelajar UTHM

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    Kajian ini di jalankan untuk mengkaji ketekunan, kreativiti dan inovasi di kalangan pelajar UTHM. Rekabentuk kajian yang dipilih ialah statistik deskriptif dimana, data yang diperolehi akan dianalisis oleh perisian SPSS untuk mendapatkan nilai dan keputusan yang tepat. Ujian korelasi di jalankan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pencapaian prestasi pelajar dengan tahap tabiat minda (ketekunan, kreativiti dan inovasi) mereka dan hubungan antara lokasi tempat tinggal dengan tahap tabiat minda (ketekunan, kreativiti dan inovasi) mereka. Ujian t di lakukan untuk mengenalpasti perbezaan antara tahap tabiat minda (ketekunan, kreativiti dan inovasi) merentas tahun pengajian. Pemilihan sampel dilakukan menggunakan kaedah rawak mudah di mana jumlah keseluruhan sampel bagi tahun satu dan tiga ialah 134 orang dari jumlah populasi seramai 305 orang. Instrumen kajian yang digunakan ialah borang soal selidik menggunakan skala likert sebanyak 34 soalan. Berdasarkan nilai Cronbach Alpha yang diperolehi semasa ujian rintis di jalankan ( 0.909 ), menunjukkan soal selidik tersebut boleh digunakan untuk keija di lapangan. Berdasarkan analisis data yang diperolehi, tahap tabiat minda (ketekunan, kreativiti dan inovasi) responden adalah berada di tahap sederhana. Manakala, tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara tabiat minda (ketekunan, kreativiti dan inovasi) dengan pencapaian prestasi pelajar dan lokasi tempat tinggal. Seterusnya, ujian t di jalankan dan di dapati tidak terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan antara tahap tabiat minda (ketekunan, kreativiti dan inovasi) merentas tahun pengajian. Berdasarkan kajian yang di jalankan di dapati bahawa, responden kurang menamalkan tabiat minda (ketekunan, kreativiti dan inovasi) mereka dalam pembelajaran dan pengajaran manakala, pihak universiti kurang mendedahkan mereka dengan amalan tabiat minda (ketekunan, kreativiti dan inovasi)

    A Content Analysis on Quality for Cad Based Product Design: Developing a Framework for Malaysian Technical Teacher Training Institute

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    Product design is a complicated process and requires a systematic requirement and specification to produce sufficient quality to remain competitive. One of the most important components in the design process is Computer-Aided Design (CAD), which renders a detailed drawing in either two-dimensional (2D) or three-dimensional modeling (3D). This paper discusses the conception of quality design to produce a creative design product. This study employed a systematic review to produce a framework of quality product design based on Computer-Aided Design (CAD). Out of 210 papers that were identified, 102 were reviewed and also 12 other relevant articles, books, reports, and documents, hence a total of 114 papers were included in this review. The reviews revealed that there are main aspect drivers of the product design, design process, design quality, customer need on the product, product evaluation, and design concept of quality products. The study also showed that the initial stage of idea-generating is an essential phase to produce innovative, creative and quality product design. This framework is useful as a guide for teachers to standardize product design concept and to assist Malaysian design and technology trainee teachers in producing a quality product design. Finally, this research proposes a conceptual framework based on our propositions. The proposed quality product design framework is beneficial to be used as a guideline for the Malaysian Technical Teacher Training Institute and policy makers to enhance the skills in the development of a quality product

    Factors impeding the industrialized building system (IBS) implementation of building construction in Malaysia

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    In Malaysian construction industry, Industrialised Building System (IBS) has been introduced to replace the traditional construction method. While the government has been making significant efforts to encourage the IBS adoption, the uptake of IBS in Malaysia construction projects remains low. This study seeks to identify the barriers to the uptake of IBS and to propose the strategies to enhance the implementation IBS in Malaysian housing construction process from the perspectives of consultants. Interviews were conducted with five selected experienced individuals who were working with consultants (civil and structure engineer and quantity surveyor). The results revealed that, lack of knowledge and insufficient skilled workers are the main factors that impede the IBS uptake in Malaysia. Meanwhile, the most strategy proposed by the interviewees is to increase the facilities and incentives in order to expand research and development in IB

    The development of on job training assessment constructs and elements for construction technology students in Malaysian vocational college

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    On Job Training (OJT) (organisation) assessment rubric is widely considered instrumental in assessing Diploma in Construction Technology students with required competencies to function effectively in the work environment. OJT remains predominantly process-focused with little attention to the criteria in OJT (organisation) assessment rubric. The aim of this study is to develop constructs and elements for OJT (organisation) assessment rubric. The research design for this study is a survey that was carried out qualitatively through document analysis to identify the constructs and elements in the OJT (organisation) assessment rubric. From meta data analysis, 110 elements are identified to be the constructs and elements in OJT (organisation) assessment rubric. After the expert validation process using questionnaire form as an instrument, only 75 elements are valid to be included in the OJT (organisation) assessment rubric while 35 elements discarded. The majority of experts agreed that four elements are suitable to be constructs of soft skills, 5 items are suitable to be constructs of technical skills while remaining 66 elements divided into technical skills and soft skills. Based on the 66 elements, 45 elements are technical skills and 21 elements in soft skills. Therefore, it is suggested to conduct a pilot study for the reliability of constructs and elements of developed OJT (organisation) assessment rubric of Diploma in Construction Technology

    The influence of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation on Malaysian academics participation in the national innovation strategy

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    The practice of workplace motivation is always use in activating, directing and maintaining people’s behaviors towards specific courses of actions. In this study, the attentions are focus on studying the factors that motivating Malaysia academic citizens in participating in Malaysia National Innovation Strategy. The methodology of this exploratory study involve a quantitative designed, web-based survey method. Population include all academicians with Malaysia citizenships in all twenty Malaysia public universities, while actual samples collected consist of 833 respondents. Results were analyzed by Kruskall-Wallis test (SPSS) and Structural Equation Modelling-Partial Least Square (SmartPLS). Findings has presented that the eight motivation factors of Equity, Trust, Responsibility, Actualization, Physical Condition, Culture, Career Prospect, and Work-Life Integration have different significant results among the three categories of Malaysia public universities. Implication of this study has revealed the significance of motivation factors National Innovation Strategy, as well as the differences of significances among the three categories of public universities

    The Soft Skill Elements in an On-Job Training (OJT) (Organisation) Assessment Rubric for Construction Technology Students in Malaysian Vocational Colleges

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    During on-Job Training (OJT), students are assessed by using the OJT (Organisation) assessment rubric.  However, soft skill elements in the current assessment rubric are quite general in assessing students according to the job scope for Diploma in Construction Technology. The items in the current assessment rubric are not specific to assess soft skills of site supervisors which are important in the construction industry.  Therefore, this study aims to identify the soft skill elements for OJT (Organisation) assessment rubric for Construction Technology students.  The research design for this study is a survey that was carried out quantitatively through questionnaires involving contractors of G4 to G7 as the population of this study and administered to 180 contractors by using simple random sampling.  After document analysis and expert validation process, five items were selected to be the constructs of soft skills and 21 items were chosen to be the elements for soft skills.  From the Rasch Model analysis which referred to the Infit and Outfit values, one item was discarded which was Item C05 because it showed out-of-range values for both the Mean Square Infit and Outfit as well as the Z Standard value for Infit and Outfit.  This finding was validated by experts. As a result, only 20 elements were accepted to be elements of the OJT (Organisation) assessment rubric. However, according to the item polarity analysis, all 21 elements were accepted to be elements in the OJT (Organisation) assessment rubric.  The data analysis also indicated that both item and person reliability were good. The five constructs identified from this study were communication skill, critical thinking and problem-solving skill, teamwork, ethics and professional moral and leadership skill.  In conclusion, this study was able to identify specific soft skills for site supervisors which could help to solve the problem of the general assessment elements in the current OJT rubric. Students may use these elements as a reference for job scope during OJT. Therefore, it is suggested to conduct a study for determining the descriptors for the soft skill elements

    Knowledge, Attitude and Awareness Towards Research Practice Among Malaysian Premier Polytechnics Academics

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    Conducting research and implementing its findings is an important ongoing agenda to empower institutions of higher education in Malaysia. Despite ongoing efforts, the number of academics undertaking research activities in the technical and vocational higher education institutions namely, polytechnic education sector remains quite low. This study explored potential factors that may contribute to this situation namely, academics’ levels of research knowledge, awareness, and attitudes towards research practice.  A total of 317 of respondents were selected from the engineering and non-engineering academics in three polytechnics; the Sultan Ibrahim Polytechnic, Johor; the Ungku Omar Polytechnic, Perak and the Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Polytechnic, Selangor. Data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistical technique for determining average mean scores and differences between means. The data analyses results indicate that academics has high level of research knowledge, positive attitudes and high awareness level towards research practice in the polytechnics. Furthermore, no difference is found between engineering and non-engineering academics. It is concluded that awareness, attitude and knowledge of research practice could not explain the low participations in research practice. &nbsp

    Kesedaran pengurusan sisa botol plastik di kalangan pelajar Kolej Vokasional di Malaysia

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    Pengurusan sisa pepejal terutamanya sisa botol plastik semakin menjadi perhatian. Keculasan dalam mengurus sisa pepejal akan memberi impak negatif kepada kehidupan. Satu kajian bagi mengetahui kecaknaan para pelajar kolej vokasional dalam menangani isu lambakan sisa botol plastik telah dilakukan. Kajian dijalankan secara dalam talian dengan mengedarkan pautan video animasi berserta soalan terbuka kepada para pelajar kolej vokasional di Malaysia. Para pelajar memberi pandangan masing-masing untuk menyelesaikan isu lambakan sisa botol plastik tersebut. Seramai 197 pelajar kolej vokasinal telah mengambil bahagian dalam kajian ini. Hasil maklumbalas daripada para pelajar dianalasis secara kod bertema menggunakan perisian Atlas.ti versi 22. Berdasarkan hasil yang dijana daripada pautan yang diedarkan, terdapat dua kategori utama bagi kajian ini iaitu inisiatif untuk menyelesaikan isu lambakan sisa botol plastik dan kepentingan pengurusan sisa botol plastik dengan baik dan terancang. Bagi inisiatif penyelesaian masalah, pandangan para pelajar dikategorikan kepada tujuh kod iaitu guna semula, kesedaran, kitar semula, mengurangkan penggunaan, pelupusan, pengasingan sisa, dan penguatkuasaan. Selanjutnya, aspek penjagaan alam sekitar dan kesihatan pula merupakan dua kategori yang mewakili kepentingan pengurusan sisa botol plastik dengan baik. Secara keseluruhan, para pelajar kolej vokasional sedar dan cakna akan tindakan yang perlu diambil bagi menangani isu lambakan botol plastik yang berlaku hari ini. Para pelajar juga berupaya memberi cadangan penyelesaian yang bersesuaian dan selari dengan usaha-usaha yang dijalankan oleh pihak kerajaan seperti kempen 3R, 5R serta pengasingan sisa di punca. Sebagai tambahan, para pelajar mampu mengaitkan kepentingan pengurusan sisa pepejal dalam usaha menjaga alam sekitar dan penjagaan kesihatan awam