105 research outputs found

    Over-expression of alpha-synuclein in human neural progenitors leads to specific changes in fate and differentiation

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    Missense mutations and extra copies of the α-Synuclein gene result in Parkinson disease (PD). Human stem and progenitor cells can be expanded from embryonic tissues and provide a source of non-transformed neural cells to explore the effects of these pathogenic mutations specifically in human nervous tissue. We over-expressed the wild type, A53T and A30P forms of α-synuclein in expanded populations of progenitors derived from the human fetal cortex. The protein localized in the nucleus and around microvesicles. Only the A53T form was acutely toxic, suggesting a unique vulnerability of these progenitors to this mutation. Interestingly, constitutive over-expression of wild-type α-synuclein progressively impaired the innate ability of progenitors to switch toward gliogenesis at later passages. To explore the effect of α-synuclein on neuronal subtypes selectively affected in PD, such as dopaminergic neurons, α-synuclein and its mutations were also over-expressed in terminally differentiating neuroectodermal cultures derived from human embryonic stem cells (hESC). Alpha-synuclein induced acute cytotoxicity and reduced the number of neurons expressing either tyrosine hydroxylase or gamma-aminobutyric acid over time. Consistent with the selective vulnerability of ventral midbrain dopaminergic neurons, α-synuclein cytotoxicity appeared most pronounced following FGF8/SHH specification and was decreased by inhibition of dopamine synthesis. Together, these data show that α-synuclein over-expressed in human neural embryonic cells results in patterns of degeneration that in some cases match features of Parkinson Disease. Thus, neural cells derived from hESC provide a useful model system to understand the development of α-synuclein-related pathologies and allow therapeutic drug screenin

    Polo-like kinase 2 regulates selective autophagic α-synuclein clearance and suppresses its toxicity in vivo

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    An increase in α-synuclein levels due to gene duplications/triplications or impaired degradation is sufficient to trigger its aggregation and cause familial Parkinson disease (PD). Therefore, lowering α-synuclein levels represents a viable therapeutic strategy for the treatment of PD and related synucleinopathies. Here, we report that Polo-like kinase 2 (PLK2), an enzyme up-regulated in synucleinopathy-diseased brains, interacts with, phosphorylates and enhances α-synuclein autophagic degradation in a kinase activity-dependent manner. PLK2-mediated degradation of α-synuclein requires both phosphorylation at S129 and PLK2/α-synuclein complex formation. In a rat genetic model of PD, PLK2 overexpression reduces intraneuronal human α-synuclein accumulation, suppresses dopaminergic neurodegeneration, and reverses hemiparkinsonian motor impairments induced by α-synuclein overexpression. This PLK2-mediated neuroprotective effect is also dependent on PLK2 activity and α-synuclein phosphorylation. Collectively, our findings demonstrate that PLK2 is a previously undescribed regulator of α-synuclein turnover and that modulating its kinase activity could be a viable target for the treatment of synucleinopathies

    Phosphorylation does not prompt, nor prevent, the formation of α-synuclein toxic species in a rat model of Parkinson's disease

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    Phosphorylation is involved in numerous neurodegenerative diseases. In particular, alpha-synuclein is extensively phosphorylated in aggregates in patients suffering from synucleinopathies. However, the share of this modification in the events that lead to the conversion of alpha-synuclein to aggregated toxic species needed to be clarified. The rat model that we developed through rAAV2/6-mediated expression of alpha-synuclein demonstrates a correlation between neurodegeneration and formation of small filamentous alpha-synuclein aggregates. A mutation preventing phosphorylation (S129A) significantly increases alpha-synuclein toxicity and leads to enhanced formation of beta-sheet-rich, proteinase K-resistant aggregates, increased affinity for intracellular membranes, a disarrayed network of neurofilaments and enhanced alpha-synuclein nuclear localization. The expression of a mutation mimicking phosphorylation (S129D) does not lead to dopaminergic cell loss. Nevertheless, fewer but larger aggregates are formed, and signals of apoptosis are also activated in rats expressing the phosphorylation-mimicking form of alpha-synuclein. These observations strongly suggest that phosphorylation does not play an active role in the accumulation of cytotoxic pre-inclusion aggregates. Unexpectedly, the study also demonstrates that constitutive expression of phosphorylation-mimicking forms of alpha-synuclein does not protect from neurodegeneration. The role of phosphorylation at Serine 129 in the early phase of Parkinson's disease is examined, which brings new perspective to therapeutic approaches focusing on the modulation of kinases/phosphatases activity to control alpha-synuclein toxicit

    Perineuronal net digestion with chondroitinase restores memory in mice with tau pathology.

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    Alzheimer's disease is the most prevalent tauopathy and cause of dementia. We investigate the hypothesis that reactivation of plasticity can restore function in the presence of neuronal damage resulting from tauopathy. We investigated two models with tau hyperphosphorylation, aggregation and neurodegeneration: a transgenic mouse model in which the mutant P301S tau is expressed in neurons (Tg P301S), and a model in which an adeno-associated virus expressing P301S tau (AAV-P301S) was injected in the perirhinal cortex, a region critical for object recognition (OR) memory. Both models show profound loss of OR memory despite only 15% neuronal loss in the Tg P301S and 26% in AAV-P301S-injected mice. Recordings from perirhinal cortex slices of 3month-old P301S transgenic mice showed a diminution in synaptic transmission following temporal stimulation. Chondroitinase ABC (ChABC) can reactivate plasticity and affect memory through actions on perineuronal nets. ChABC was injected into the perirhinal cortex and animals were tested for OR memory 1week later, demonstrating restoration of OR memory to normal levels. Synaptic transmission indicated by fEPSP amplitude was restored to control levels following ChABC treatment. ChABC did not affect the progression of neurodegenerative tauopathy. These findings suggest that increasing plasticity by manipulation of perineuronal nets offers a novel therapeutic approach to the treatment of memory loss in neurodegenerative disorders.This work was supported by the European Union Framework 7 Project Plasticise (S.Y., M.C., M.G.S., J.W.F., P.R., P.A., B.L.S.), the Wellcome Trust (L.M.S., T.J.B.), the Alzheimer's Research UK (M.G.S.), and the UK Medical Research Council (L.M.S., T.J.B.). J.W.F.'s work is supported by the ERC-ECMneuro, the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation and the NIHR Cambridge biomedical research center.This article was originally published in Experimental Neurology (S Yang, M Cacqueve, LM Saksida, TJ Bussey, BL Schneider, P Aebischer, R Melani, T Pizzorusso, JW Fawcett, MG Spillantini, Experimental Neurology 2015, 265, 48-58

    Nigrostriatal overabundance of α-synuclein leads to decreased vesicle density and deficits in dopamine release that correlate with reduced motor activity

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    α-Synuclein (α-syn) is a presynaptic protein present at most nerve terminals, but its function remains largely unknown. The familial forms of Parkinson's disease associated with multiplications of the α-syn gene locus indicate that overabundance of this protein might have a detrimental effect on dopaminergic transmission. To investigate this hypothesis, we use adeno-associated viral (AAV) vectors to overexpress human α-syn in the rat substantia nigra. Moderate overexpression of either wild-type (WT) or A30P α-syn differs in the motor phenotypes induced, with only the WT form generating hemiparkinsonian impairments. Wild-type α-syn causes a reduction of dopamine release in the striatum that exceeds the loss of dopaminergic neurons, axonal fibers, and the reduction in total dopamine. At the ultrastructural level, the reduced dopamine release corresponds to a decreased density of dopaminergic vesicles and synaptic contacts in striatal terminals. Interestingly, the membrane-binding-deficient A30P mutant does neither notably reduce dopamine release nor it cause ultrastructural changes in dopaminergic axons, showing that α-syn's membrane-binding properties are critically involved in the presynaptic defects. To further determine if the affinity of the protein for membranes determines the extent of motor defects, we compare three forms of α-syn in conditions leading to pronounced degeneration. While membrane-binding α-syns (wild-type and A53T) induce severe motor impairments, an N-terminal deleted form with attenuated affinity for membranes is inefficient in inducing motor defects. Overall, these results demonstrate that α-syn overabundance is detrimental to dopamine neurotransmission at early stages of the degeneration of nigrostriatal dopaminergic axon

    Axonal Localization of Integrins in the CNS Is Neuronal Type and Age Dependent.

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    The regenerative ability of CNS axons decreases with age, however, this ability remains largely intact in PNS axons throughout adulthood. These differences are likely to correspond with age-related silencing of proteins necessary for axon growth and elongation. In previous studies, it has been shown that reintroduction of the α9 integrin subunit (tenascin-C receptor, α9) that is downregulated in adult CNS can improve neurite outgrowth and sensory axon regeneration after a dorsal rhizotomy or a dorsal column crush spinal cord lesion. In the current study, we demonstrate that virally expressed integrins (α9, α6, or β1 integrin) in the adult rat sensorimotor cortex and adult red nucleus are excluded from axons following neuronal transduction. Attempts to stimulate transport by inclusion of a cervical spinal injury and thus an upregulation of extracellular matrix molecules at the lesion site, or cotransduction with its binding partner, β1 integrin, did not induce integrin localization within axons. In contrast, virally expressed α9 integrin in developing rat cortex (postnatal day 5 or 10) demonstrated clear localization of integrins in cortical axons revealed by the presence of integrin in the axons of the corpus callosum and internal capsule, as well as in the neuronal cell body. Furthermore, examination of dorsal root ganglia neurons and retinal ganglion cells demonstrated integrin localization both within peripheral nerve as well as dorsal root axons and within optic nerve axons, respectively. Together, our results suggest a differential ability for in vivo axonal transport of transmembrane proteins dependent on neuronal age and subtype

    A Parkinson's disease gene regulatory network identifies the signaling protein RGS2 as a modulator of LRRK2 activity and neuronal toxicity

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    Mutations in LRRK2 are one of the primary genetic causes of Parkinson's disease (PD). LRRK2 contains a kinase and a GTPase domain, and familial PD mutations affect both enzymatic activities. However, the signaling mechanisms regulating LRRK2 and the pathogenic effects of familial mutations remain unknown. Identifying the signaling proteins that regulate LRRK2 function and toxicity remains a critical goal for the development of effective therapeutic strategies. In this study, we apply systems biology tools to human PD brain and blood transcriptomes to reverse-engineer a LRRK2-centered gene regulatory network. This network identifies several putative master regulators of LRRK2 function. In particular, the signaling gene RGS2, which encodes for a GTPase-activating protein (GAP), is a key regulatory hub connecting the familial PD-associated genes DJ-1 and PINK1 with LRRK2 in the network. RGS2 expression levels are reduced in the striata of LRRK2 and sporadic PD patients. We identify RGS2 as a novel interacting partner of LRRK2 in vivo. RGS2 regulates both the GTPase and kinase activities of LRRK2. We show in mammalian neurons that RGS2 regulates LRRK2 function in the control of neuronal process length. RGS2 is also protective against neuronal toxicity of the most prevalent mutation in LRRK2, G2019S. We find that RGS2 regulates LRRK2 function and neuronal toxicity through its effects on kinase activity and independently of GTPase activity, which reveals a novel mode of action for GAP proteins. This work identifies RGS2 as a promising target for interfering with neurodegeneration due to LRRK2 mutations in PD patient
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