90 research outputs found

    Estrutura da Demanda Final e Distribuição de Renda no Brasil: Uma Abordagem Multissetorial Utilizando uma Matriz de Contabilidade Social

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    Several studies have attempted to reveal the relations between growth and income distribution in Brazil. Nevertheless, the theme continues in the light of current theoretical controversies and inequalities still existing. The aim of this study is to examine to what extent changes in the profile of final demand resulting from increases in consumption for the poorest families, change the distribution of income among household groups. For this, a model is used multipliers a social accounting matrix of the Brazilian economy. The results do not say that the increased consumption of these families creates a more equitable pattern of income.Estrutura da Demanda Final, Crescimento Econômico, Estrutura Produtiva, Distribuição de Renda, Matriz de Contabilidade Social

    Matriz de Contabilidade Social Regional: Procedimentos Metodológicos e Aplicação ao Rio Grande do Sul

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    The formulation of Regional Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) models demands the set up of a coherent and consistent data bank of the economy under investigation. This data bank is provided by the Social Accounting Matrix (SAM), which specifies the interdependencies between the economic agents, and the direction of the incoming flows between them. The objective of this work is to describe the procedures used to generate a SAM for the Rio Grande do Sul, and to build a regional CGE for this state. Publishing the procedures adopted for the creation of the SAM, the authors hope to stimulate the assemblage of CGE models for the remaining Brazilian states. When both SAMs and CGE models become available for all of the Brazilian regional economies, it will be possible to perform cross multi-regional analyzesMatriz de Contabilidade Social Regional, Modelo de Equilíbrio Geral Computável Regional

    Reforma tributária, crescimento e distribuição de renda no Brasil: lições de um modelo de equilíbrio geral computável

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    This work analysis the effects of an alternative tributary reforms in the economic growth and in the income distribution applying a model of computable general equilibrium. Simulations were performed comparing the historical trajectory of the Brazilian economy in the period between 1996 through 1998 against the effect of alternative fiscal policies. It was evidenced that tributary reform options leading to an increase of indirect taxes produce negative results in terms of growth and distribution. The best fiscal option is a relative decrease of indirect taxes, specially on basic products, balanced with an increase in the direct taxes to the richest families


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    The real Brazilian tributary system presents a series of problems and despite everybody knows that a changing is necessary, it was not yet done. A lot of efforts is realized trying to evaluate the impacts of different proposals of tributary system alteration but their results are not persuasive enough to generate an suitable reform. The proposal of this work is to contribute for this comprehension. Then, it is utilized a general equilibrium model with overlaid generations to analysis the long-term economic effects of tributary alterations. The obtained results allow to conclude the following: a) if it is necessary to reduce the tributary load, it s better to reduce the indirect taxes participation; and b) if it is necessary to replace taxes to maintain the tributary load unchanged, it is better to replace the direct taxes for indirect ones.

    Testando um modelo de equilíbrio geral computável para a economia gaúcha: impactos da reestruturação tributária

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    This work presents a model of regional computable general equilibrium that was constructed to analyze national and regional economic politics. The model was applied to Rio Grande do Sul to evaluate the impacts of a tributary politic proposed by State government. With this aim the model was adapted to contemplate the relevant aspects of the regional productive structure, as well as their economic relations with the rest of Brazil and the World. The tributary politic analyzed was the re-structuration of the tributary matrix proposed recently by State government. The model produced results coherent with the economic theory and In the same direction of another studies what stimulates the utilization of this model in the analysis of impacts of changes in the regional and national economic politic.Este trabalho apresenta um modelo protótipo de equilíbrio geral computável regional, o qual foi construído para analisar políticas econômicas nacionais e regionais. Para avaliar sua validade empírica, o modelo foi aplicado para ver os impactos econômicos de uma política tributária proposta pelo Governo do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Para isso, o modelo foi adequado para contemplar os aspectos relevantes da estrutura produtiva da economia regional, bem como suas relações econômicas com o resto do Brasil e do mundo. A política tributária analisada com o modelo foi a reestruturação da matriz tributária proposta recentemente pelo Governo do Estado. Em geral, o modelo produziu resultados coerentes com a teoria econômica e voltados para a mesma direção de outros estudos similares, o que estimula sua utilização na análise de impactos de mudanças de políticas econômicas nacionais e regionais. Palavras-chave Economia regional; política tributária; equilíbrio geral computável regional

    A evolução das disparidades regionais no Rio Grande do Sul: uma aplicação de matrizes de Markov Evolution of regional income disparities in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul - application of Markov model]

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    This paper analyses the regional convergence of the per capita income in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. A distributional function of the per capita income is estimated for the years of 1985 and 1999. Five income classes are defined. Based on these two functions, a Markov transitional probability matrix is estimated. The results indicate a process of income convergence toward the state average. In the long run, the five income classes would be reduced to three, with the disappearance of the lowest and the highest income classes.regional economy, income convergence, Markov model, the economy of Rio Grande do Sul

    Análise da convergência da produtividade da mão-de-obra agropecuária entre os estados brasileiros: aplicação de matrizes de Markov, 1990-2000

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    The study analyzes the convergence of the labor productivity in the Brazilian agricultural sector in the nineties, comparing it with its productivity in the other sectors and projecting its future behavior through Markov matrices. The results indicate that the Brazilian states are diverging in the labor productivity in the agricultural sector. Some states will move to a high level and others to a low level of labor productivity. In five of the other sectors of the Brazilian economy there will be a convergence of the states with regard to the labor productivity. In three of these five sectors the states will converge to a low level of labor productivity; in one sector they will converge to two classes of low productivity and in another sector the states will move to a class of high productivity. The time required for convergence of the Brazilian states is very long; indicating that the economic factors prevailing during the period on which the analysis is based did not impact very strongly on this process.agricultural, labor productivity, convergence, Markov model, Agribusiness,