5 research outputs found

    Integrated Flat Plate Solar Thermoelectric System

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    A simple flat plate solar collector, which serves as a water heater and integrated to thermoelectric modules, was put in place. The essence was to harness the same solar energy that causes the bulk of heat gains to the building to heat water while at the same time the unit acts as an air-conditioner and generator to drive air circulating fans. A space with six occupants was considered for the study. A heat gain assessment was carried out to determine the power required of the thermoelectric modules to match the space. A collector size to power the modules, was then determined, constructed and the performance assessed. With two glass covers, average maximum temperature of 1060C was recorded at mid clear sky days on latitude 7°0'49" North, 6°30'14" East in the months of April to September. Each of the thermoelectric element (TE) modules generated a voltage of 2V, enough to power a fan and a number of light emitting diodes (LED). The performance of the system was strongly dependent on the intensity of solar insolation and temperature difference of hot and cold sides for the thermoelectric module. Integrated design suggested that all of the device’s features and components were chosen to work in harmony with each other toward the goal of creating a sustainable built environment. This encouraged attention to the materials chosen so that they will age gracefully and require an appropriate amount of maintenance over their lifetim

    Development of a horizontal three bladed windmill with vortex tubes

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    Researchers have been continuously searching for the most readily available means of producing electricity without any negative effect on the environment. Renewable source of energy like solar energy, hydro electric energy, biomass and wind energy has been considered as the alternative. Wind energy among others is rated the best renewable sources of energy because it’s level of environmental friendliness. In this paper, a horizontal windmill was designed, fabricated and its performance evaluated with two types of vortices and without a vortex. The component parts of the mills are towel, blades, shafts, base, tail vain and vortex. During the design of the windmill, consideration was given to the size, area of the blade and the blade material that produce maximum speed. The performance evaluation was carried out to compare the performance of the mill with the solid vortex, gap vortex and without vortex. The result of the evaluation reflects that the solid vortices have the highest wind speed irrespective of time of the day and with an optimum wind speed of 5.04 m/s. Also, the wind mill performed at a higher efficiency with the vortex compare to when it was running without vortex. &nbsp

    Carbondioxide Electricity Generation Prospect in Nigeria

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    The need to meet up with the present energy demand in Nigeria calls for urgent mediation. Using the carbon dioxide data obtained from IEA through the ministry of Environment in Nigeria and the knowledge of bottoming power generation; the ability of Carbon dioxides exhaust gas from the power plant is exploited. Qualitative amount of power is estimated from the nation industrial Carbon dioxide potential generation. The result shows that an optimum amount of 564.7MW of electricity per year could be estimated from this power source; this is equivalent to 10.8% of projected power required for year 2030. Therefore, using Carbon dioxide hybrid turbine a total amount of 1265MW of electricity could be spawned by year 2030. With these results it is concluded that Carbon dioxides powered turbine has better prospects in Nigeria energy needs. 1.0 Introduction The electricity demand in Nigeria is far outstrips its supply, this has been attributed to a number of causes Sambo, (2008). The little power available is epileptic in nature for few locations that is distributed. Its enormous needs in technological and socio-economic developments called for urgent attention; no substantial development could occur without it copiousness. Despites our huge resources and potential for power generation, this defect has made the development in the country to be so retrogressive. The fact that the first electricity installed in Nigeria is over a century, coupled with our potentials of having a stable power supply is enough to possess a developed steady economics. More so, literature had it that the electricity came to Nigeria just after fifteen years it was introduced in England. According to Sambo, (2008) various bodies were established in the process of regimenting this sector such blocs are; The Electricity Corporation of Nigeria (ECN) in 1950, Native Authorities and Nigeria Electricity Supply Company (NESCO), Niger Dams Authority (NDA), National Electric Power Authority (NEPA) and now Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN), Energy Commission of Nigeria (ECN), with all the policies of these established bodies the power generation in the country is yet to be upright. In fact, Osueke and Ezeh, (2011) emphasized that instead for positive income elasticity demand Nigeria is having negative which show an in balance energy Furthermore, a capacity of about 5,600MW power generating station was installed in Nigeria but less than 2000MW is generated as at 2001 and even now less than 2,600MW is available as compared to a load demands of 6,000MW and 120000MW in 2005 and 2030 respectively IAEA/ECN, Osueke and Ezeh, (2011), IAEA/ECN, (2007). The mandate given by act 19 in 1989 gave strategic planning and co-ordination of national policies in the field of energy in all its ramifications. In all these power sources 31.3% and 68.3% Sambo, (2008) were for hydro and natural gas stations respectively and other occupied the remaining percentages. In spite of all these efforts the available power in the country now is less than 3000MW of electricity and the most of this power stations and other heavy duties industries give out huge emission of CO2, a green house gas, GHG, which has great effects on the environmental conduciveness. Sims et al (2007) studied the various sources of green houses gases and found out that over 70% of energy generation emit CO2 virtually in all parts of the world. Though most developed nations adopt different methods to control these like capturing methods but scientist still envisaged that greater measure is required to combat the release of this harmful gases. This means that all cost-effective means of reducing carbo