70 research outputs found

    Historical and legal aspects of the civil society in Russia

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    The article describes the history of civil society in Russia. The relevance of the study of citizenship in the social and political arena, Russia is due to the fact that the characteristic features of civil society devices were feudalism and autocracy lasted until the XIX century. While in Europe in the XVI century as a result of the revolutions of the individuals of the society began to recognize certain rights and freedoms. The backwardness of denationalization of society characterized by a special, characteristic of our country's path of development.В статье рассмотрена история становления гражданского общества в России. Актуальность изучения гражданственности на общественно-политической арене России обусловлена тем, что характерными чертами устройства гражданского общества были крепостничество и самодержавие, продержавшиеся вплоть до XIX века. В то время как в Европе уже в XVI веке в результате революций за индивидами общества стали признаваться определенные права и свободы. Запоздалость разгосударствления общества характеризует особый, свойственный нашей стране путь развития гражданского общества

    Peculiarities of regulation of heart rate and stroke volume in rats during ontogeny

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    Changes in heart rate and stroke volume after successive blockade of cardiac adrenoand cholinoceptors were examined on rats of different age. It was established that irrespective of animal age the heart rate remained unchanged under conditions of total adreno-and cholinergic blockade of the heart. Stroke volume under conditions of total adreno-and cholinergic blockade increased with age. © Springer Science+Business Media, Inc. 2006

    Role of 5-HT<inf>2B</inf> Serotonin Receptor Agonist in the Regulation of Pumping Function of the Heart

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    © 2015, Springer Science+Business Media New York. The effect of α-methyl-5-hydroxytryptamine maleate, an agonist of 5-HT2B serotonin receptors, on the pumping function of the heart was examined in rats with forced motor behavior. At rest, swim-trained rats demonstrated lower HR and greater stroke volume and cardiac output than untrained rats. The agonist decreased HR, stroke volume, and cardiac output in 21- and 70-day-old swim-trained rats, but not in 100- and 200-day-old rat

    Influence of 5-HT 2 Receptor Agonist on Cardiac Pumping Function of Trained Offspring of Trained Rats

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    We studied cardiac pumping function in the offspring of rats subjected to swimming exercise and the offspring of untrained rats. The rat pups were adapted for swimming with stepwise increasing load from day 21 to 70 life. At the age of 21 and 70 days, offspring of trained rats showed lower HR and significantly higher stroke volume and cardiac output than offspring of untrained rats. Agonist of 5-HT 2-receptors α-methyl-5-hydroxytryptamine maleate (30 μg/kg) reduced enhanced stroke volume in trained offspring born by trained mothers. In trained offspring of untrained rats, the agonist had more pronounced effect on HR. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc

    Heart pumping ability in athletes within physical exercise performance to train agility

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    The purpose of the present research was to study motor agility and heart rate indices in athletes engaged in physical exercises differing by the character of performance. The research results of special agility physical exercise facilitated allocation of the features of heart rate change and manifestation of motor agility depending on the tes-tees' sex and character of performance of pysical exercise by athletes within competitive activity. The studies proved that the level of agility development and heart rate change in conditions of performance of special agility physical exercise, depend on the character of competitive exercise and type of motor activity. The technique of agility allocation subjected by the researchers and the worked apparatus were proved to be effective in practical use since they do not require additional charges at further operation. The apparatus is small and comfortable in transportation. The subjected technique can be applied while determining agility in children at specialized children's sport school on the first stages of sports selection in kinds of sport where result mostly depends on the physical quality of agility

    Infl uence of 5-HT2 receptor agonist on cardiac pumping function of trained offspring of trained rats

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    We studied cardiac pumping function in the offspring of rats subjected to swimming exercise and the offspring of untrained rats. The rat pups were adapted for swimming with stepwise increasing load from day 21 to 70 life. At the age of 21 and 70 days, offspring of trained rats showed lower HR and signifi cantly higher stroke volume and cardiac output than offspring of untrained rats. Agonist of 5-HT2-receptors a-methyl-5-hydroxytryptamine maleate (30 μg/ kg) reduced enhanced stroke volume in trained offspring born by trained mothers. In trained offspring of untrained rats, the agonist had more pronounced effect on HR. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc

    Heart contractive activity specifics in speed endurance building process

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    The study was designed to explore the heart contractive functionality in the speed endurance building process in the differently skilled racing skiers' training system. The heart contractive functionality was tested using tetrapolar chest rheograms during the test practices dominated by the speed and speed endurance building ones. The tests showed that the progress pace of the movement speed building component decreased and the speed endurance increased with the growing athletic fitness rates. Variations of the heart rates and stroke volumes tested in the racing skiers' muscular training process were less expressed versus the prior study data. This progress was due to a variety of speed-building practices included in the training process to train the skiers for competitive ski sprints. The heart contractive functionality profiling studies in the context of the speedand speed-endurance-building practices will be given a high priority in the junior athletes' selection and training system design initiatives

    Historical and legal aspects of the civil society in russia

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    В статье рассмотрена история становления гражданского общества в России. Актуальность изучения гражданственности на общественно-политической арене России обусловлена тем, что характерными чертами устройства гражданского общества были крепостничество и самодержавие, продержавшиеся вплоть до XIX века. В то время как в Европе уже в XVI веке в результате революций за индивидами общества стали признаваться определенные права и свободы. Запоздалость разгосударствления общества характеризует особый, свойственный нашей стране путь развития гражданского общества.The article describes the history of civil society in Russia. The relevance of the study of citizenship in the social and political arena, Russia is due to the fact that the characteristic features of civil society devices were feudalism and autocracy lasted until the XIX century. While in Europe in the XVI century as a result of the revolutions of the individuals of the society began to recognize certain rights and freedoms. The backwardness of denationalization of society characterized by a special, characteristic of our country's path of development

    The pumping function of the heart in athletic tourists during a PWC170 exercise

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    Changes in the pumping function of the heart (cardiac output) were studied in athletic tourists and untrained subjects during a PWC170 test. It was confirmed that regular training remarkably improves the pumping function of the heart. At rest and during the PWC170 test, the athletes exhibited more pronounced changes in the cardiac output than their untrained counterparts. © MAIK Nauka 2008

    The Institution of Bukaul in Turko-Mongol States: Ilkhanid, Jochid and Chagataid Traditions

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    Introduction. The article examines the institution of bukaul in Chinggisid states and their successors. Special attention is given to functions implemented by the official in the uluses of Hulagu, Jochi and Chagatai — and the former’s evolution throughout centuries. It is also explained why the functions tended to vary in different Turko-Mongol states. Goals. The study seeks to characterize the status of bukaul in Chinggisid and post-Chinggisid states. To facilitate this, the paper introduces a Russian translation and an interdisciplinary analysis of one legislative act — yarliq (decree) — appointing an army bukaul, and compares it to other sources for specific features of this official in Turko-Mongol states. Materials and methods. The paper examines Dastur al-Katib fi Tayin al-Maratib (A Scribe’s Guide to Determining Ranks) compiled in the mid-fourteenth century by Persian official Muhammad ibn Hindushah Nakhchivani, and other historical sources on Turko-Mongol states — from the empire of Genghis Khan and to Central Asian khanates of the eighteenth–nineteenth centuries. The work employs a series of historical and legal research methods, such as those of source criticism, diplomatic analysis, comparative historical research, formal legal approach, historical legal and comparative legal analyses. Results. Bukauls are often mentioned by medieval Asian historians but the messages tend to vary, which gives rise to different opinions as to their status and functions. The paper introduces the yarliq appointing a bukaul from Dastur al-Katib into Russian-language scientific discourse and supplements it with a detailed interdisciplinary analysis. Our comparative insights into other sources attest to that functions of bukaul in different Chinggisid states were as different and diverse, which resulted from the latter’s specific sociopolitical and economic development conditions. Conclusions. Depending on correlations between Mongol imperial and regional traditions of power, administrative and socioeconomic patterns, bukaul could serve as distributor of material benefits in the army (Mongol Iran), as executive of administrative and law-enforcement structures (Ulus of Jochi), and even as courtier in charge of khans’ cuisine (Chagatai Ulus). At the same time in Chinggisid and post-Chinggisid states, bukauls were usually ethnic Turko-Mongols of noble origin with military-oriented minds and corresponding training, which resulted in that they could be actively involved into military endeavors regardless of their official positions and functions