28 research outputs found

    Kajian keperluan pembinaan modul pentaksiran berasaskan sekolah bagi tajuk dinamik dalam Mata Pelajaran Sains Tingkatan 2

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    Penambahbaikan Sistem Pentaksiran Pendidikan Kebangsaan (SPPK) bagi Penilaian Menengah Rendah (PMR) telah dipersetujuidalam Mesyuarat Jemaah Menteri bertarikh 17 Disember 2010. Penekanan akan diberikan kepada pentaksiran untuk pembelajaran(assessment for learning) dan pentaksiran tentang pembelajaran (assessment of learning). Pelaksanaan Pentaksiran BerasaskanSekolah (PBS) dengan wajaran 100 peratus dalam PMR telah dimulakan pada tahun 2012 bagi murid-murid Tingkatan 1 secaraberterusan sehingga 2014 apabila murid-murid ini berada di Tingkatan 3. PBS adalah pentaksiran yang dirancang, dibina,ditadbir, diperiksa, direkod dan dilapor oleh guru sekolah yang berkenaan. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji keperluanpembinaan Modul Pentaksiran Berasaskan Sekolah (MoPBeS) bagi tajuk Dinamik dalam mata pelajaran Sains Tingkatan 2.MoPBeS merupakan satu modul pentaksiran yang berfokus kepada pentaksiran berasaskan tugasan, pentaksiran dalampembelajaran dan pentaksiran untuk pembelajaran. Kajian ini dijalankan secara 3 Fasa. Fasa pertama adalah analisis dokumenyang dijalankan terhadap kajian-kajian lepas berkaitan keberkesanan pentaksiran dalam bilik darjah (classroom assessment). Fasa kedua merupakan analisis terhadap tajuk Dinamik dalam mata pelajaran Sains tingkatan 2. Fasa ketiga merupakan kajian berbentuk soal selidik bertujuan untuk meninjau pandangan guru tentang keperluan MoPBeS untuk menambahbaik perlaksanaanPBS dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran di bilik darjah. Hasil kajian keperluan ini adalah penting bagi memastikan pembinaandan penilaian MoPBes yang akan dijalankan memberikan impak kepada pelaksanaan PBS

    Delinkuen pelajar dan cadangan penyelesaiannya menerusi model pembangunan sahsiah remaja/ pelajar muslim bersepadu

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    Kebelakangan ini, masalah gejala sosial dan keruntuhan akhlak masyarakat terutama generasi muda (termasuk golongan pelajar) semakin membimbangkan. Pelbagai jenis delinkuen sosial yang melibatkan pelajar bermula daripada salah laku yang ringan seperti datang lewat ke sekolah, ponteng kelas, ponteng sekolah, dan melanggar peraturan sekolah, diikuti salah laku sederhana seperti melawan guru, menghisap rokok, ‘merempit’, gengsterisme dan buli, sehinggalah kepada salah laku yang lebih berat seperti pergaulan seks bebas, mengandung, melahirkan anak luar nikah, pembuangan bayi, penagihan dadah, dan rogol dilaporkan hampir setiap hari dalam media massa. Oleh itu penulisan ini akan membincangkan sebab-sebab berlakunya delinkuen dalam kalangan pelajar sekolah dan cara-cara membendung perlakuan tidak bermoral tersebut. Penulisan ini juga akan mengemukakan satu Model Pembangunan Sahsiah Pelajar/Remaja Muslim Bersepadu yang melibatkan peranan pelbagai pihak sebagai usaha pencegahan pada peringkat awal sebelum berlakunya salah laku sosial khususnya dalam kalangan pelajar menurut perspektif Islam

    Avoiding pseudo international journal

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    In this paper, the simple technique of avoiding pseudo intemational journal, selecting the real international journal, and the role of lecturer as academic advisor are described Some recommendations on the importance of lndonesian repository and lecturer's role in creating research culture to promote publication ethics are offered. It is also recommended for lecturer to play a role as sstudents' advisor in the reference tracking in accordance with research topic, data collection and data analysis

    Assessment practices of science process skills in the classroom: an evaluation

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    This study aimed to assess the overall implementation of the practices of Science Process Skills Assessment (SPSA) in the classroom for subjects of science Form 2 in terms of dimensional context, input, process and products and its relationship with student’s level of mastery based on model CIPP. Evaluation on the dimensions of the context is the assessment carried out on its parallels the implementation of SPSA in the classroom with the policies, principles and methods of implementation. Input dimension assessment was conducted on valuation provided input in terms of curriculum content, availability and competency of teachers and infrastructure that help in the implementation of the SPSA. The assessment of the dimensions of the process is the evaluation of the processes and implementation of SPSA by teachers in the classroom. Product dimensions evaluation emphasizes the effectiveness of implementation of SPSA on the level of Science Process Skill (SPS) students. Researchers using qualitative and quantitative affiliate review. Qualitative method used in the evaluation context, input assessment and evaluation process. Interview Protocol and checklist for official documents is an instrument used in qualitative methods. Interviews will be conducted on the study participants consisted of teachers who teach Science subjects Form 2. Quantitative methods were used in the assessment of the inputs, processes and products. Instrument in use is Science Process Skill Test to be administered to the formers

    Formative assessment in HE : feedback practices from UTM postgraduate students’ perspective

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    Formative assessment aids learning by generating feedback information. Feedback has been shown as one of the most potent influences on student learning and achievement. In Higher Education (HE), Assessment Feedback (AFB) enables postgraduate students to restructure understanding, skills and develop more powerful ideas and capabilities to meet HE standard. A focus on AFB practices among the lecturers from postgraduate students? perspective is pertinent in enhancing retention and completion especially on research study. Thus, this prelim study is to investigate mean differences and interactions of AFB practices on three dimensions (Timeliness, Meaningfulness, Specificity) in relation to gender, mode of study (Taught Course, Mixed Mode and Full Research) and Field of Study (Social Science, Science and Technology and Engineering). A sample of 37 postgraduate students who are currently pursuing their research studies in UTM was selected as the respondents. Assessment Feedback Practices Inventory (AFBI) was analyzed using the Rasch Measurement Model for reliability and validity, with a Cronbach Alpha reported of 0.96 for item reliability. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation and Spearman rho correlation coefficient). It was found that AFB practices are at the highest level for Meaningfulness (M = 4.69, SD = .75) followed by Timeliness (M = 4.04, SD = .53), and Specificity (M = 3.88, SD = .55). As for AFB forms practiced among lecturers, it was reported that verbal form (M = 2.80, SD = 1.27) practiced more compared to the written form (M = 2.48, SD = .63). Eighty-one percent prefers the feedback to be in both, verbal and written form. Another 10.8% prefers verbal, whereas a total of 8.1% prefers the feedback to be in written form. However, there are weak relationship between AFB and the independent factors (Gender, Mode of Study, and Field of Study). It is suggested that an assessment feedback standard form should be developed to further assist the students in term of the specificity of assessment feedback

    Taking Mendeley as multimedia-based application in academic writing

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    Mendeley is one of the references managers that provide web, desktop, and mobile version. This research aims at exploring the Indonesian Mendely users' preference on Mendeley use as multimedia-based application in academic writing. The researchers conducted survey research design to find data for deciding the obvious groups' characteristics on certain topic or issue in a diverse group. Data on this research was taken in 2015 to explore 100 Indonesian Mendeley users' preference on Mendeley features as web based application in academic writing. The researchers used weighted average find out rate and percentage adjusment for the influence of a binary confounder. The weighted average in this research was automatically generated by SurveyMonkey analytic. This research indicated what Mendeley features as multimedia web application for academic writing that Indonesian Mendeley users took in and ou

    Design and Validation of Online Learning Environment Questionnaire

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    This study aims at designing and validating the questionnaire as an instrument to assess the lecturers’ perception in terms of factors affecting the ‘online learning environment’. Forty participants who have been teaching English completed the 125 items in questionnaire. The result of the study showed that average variance extracted for peer support was 0.66 and instructor support was 0.52 indicating adequate convergence. The construct reliability showed value of 0.83 for peer support and 0.70 for instructor support indicating the good construct validity. Peer support and instructor support constructs in this study were the model fit to the factors affecting the ‘online learning environment