73 research outputs found

    On-the job knowledge sharing: how to train employees to share job knowledge

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    One of the challenging issues many organizations are facing is to find the best ways to encourage employees share what they have learned on their jobs. Rewarding employees may be one of the techniques used to promote knowledge sharing but there are still psychological barriers preventing employees from sharing knowledge. In many cases, rewarding employees for sharing knowledge ends up in developing the behaviour of hoarding knowledge among employees. Based on a review of existing literature, this article explains how employers can make employees practice knowledge sharing in their daily work activities. The article introduces 12 approaches on how knowledge sharing can be cultivated in the job and train employees to accept that it is their job to share knowledge. Some of the methods discussed include; peer assist, training and mentoring, challenging projects, job description, job rotation, cross training, and sharing sessions. The article also discusses how on-the-job knowledge sharing can promote individual performance among employees. The intention of this article is to provide a framework that helps organizations to choose various methods of knowledge sharing that suit the organization’s needs in order to cultivate sharing of job knowledge and to save the knowledge as an asset

    Distance Learners' Satisfaction Towards Information Technology Usage

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    The study focuses on learners' satisfaction towards IT usage in DE programmes. The first objective is to determine the satisfaction level of learners towards Internet and WWW Usage in terms of facilities, presentation mode and support services provided. Secondly, it determines the difference in learners' satisfaction level towards Internet and WWW usage with learner background in the various aspects of ethnic group, gender, organisation, professions, computer experience, educational achievement and computer background. The size of sample was 74 respondents from the population of 140 learners of IDEAL. Data were collected using self-administered questionnaires were given to respondents in one of their face-to-face meetings with their lecturers in Universiti Putra Malaysia. Results showed that respondents' satisfaction level on the overall usage of IT in their learning was said to be of moderate satisfaction. Specifically, however, in relation to facilities provided in the program, it was rated as moderate satisfaction. There were some aspects of the facilities such as the availability of registration and scheduling facilities of on-line tutorial and modules for learners and the need of back-up servers as these aspects are very important in the running of their program. The second component which is presentation mode showed that respondents were also moderately satisfied with the way materials were presented. It was found that several improvements could be made in terms of having up-dated on-line help tools, attachments of study references and having more colourful presentation of materials which could attract learners. As for support services, it was quite difficult to see learners' perception on this, but it could be concluded that as overall, respondents were also moderately satisfied with the current system. Nevertheless, with quicker response time and availability of back-up sites would improve the current situation of the program. For the second objective, the study showed that there was no difference in learners' satisfaction level of IT usage towards the aspects of facilities, presentation mode and support services provided from the various characteristics of learners

    Distance learner's satisfaction towards information technology usage

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    The study focuses on learner's satisfaction towards Information Technology (IT) usage in Distance Education (DE) programmes. The first objective is to determine the satisfaction level of learners towards Internet and Website usage in terms of facilities, presentation mode and support services provided. Secondly, it determines the difference in learners' satisfaction level towards Internet and Website usage with learner backgrounds in the various aspects of ethnicity, gender, type of organization, type of profession, computer experience and educational achievement. Data were from 81 distance learners of UPM, collected using self-administered questionnaires. Results showed that respondents' satisfaction level On the overall usage of IT in their learning was of model-ate satisfaction. There "''as no difference in learners' satisfaction level of IT usage towards the aspects of facilities, presentation mode and support services provided with learners' background of ethnicity, gender, type of employer, type of profession, computer experience, and educational attainment. The study suggests some recommendations in order to improve the current practice of Distance Education using IT

    Calling line managers in employee continuous professional development in South East Asia

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    Purpose: The paper aims to study the relationship of Line Managers’ (LMs) Human Resource (HR) role and its facets within employee’s Continuous Professional Development (CPD). Design/methodology/approach: A quantitative approach using 100 questionnaires were distributed to line managers in a South East Asia with a response rate of 87%. Findings: Results depict that LMs are actively involved in Strategic Partner, Employee Champion, and Change Agent roles. Study also shows that these three HR roles correlate with employee CPD. LMs’ are neither involved in Administrative Expert role, nor it correlates with employee Continuous Professional Development. Research limitations: Inability of the line managers to be fully involved with the four HR roles constraints the process of line manager deployment of HR roles specifically to employee CPD. Practical implications: Argues that the importance of strategic partner, employee champion, and change agent roles are the most important barrier and enabler of employee CPD, thus indirectly promoting organizational success and productivity. Social implications: Highlights the difficulties of managing organisations by getting the line managers directly involve in the development of employee CPD. Many line managers have to be made and given opportunities to develop their capabilities on this platform. Contends that HR can help an organization to succeed, provided that all line managers understand their roles, work together and take responsibility for their contribution. In addition is the adoption of the HR roles for the smooth delivery of HR functions which aligns with the overall organizational success. Originality/value: Specific HR roles are significant importance to the development of employee CPD within the setting of this South East Asian organization.Peer Reviewe

    Role of OCB and demographic factors in the relationship of motivation and employee performance

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    Purpose: This research seeks to broaden the study by investigating the interplay of organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB) and demographic factor (gender and organizational tenure) on the motivation and employee performance relationship.Design/methodology/approach: Multiple linear regression was used to test the relationship between motivation (intrinsic and extrinsic) and employee performance among (n=368) lecturers in Malaysia. To test the mediating effect of OCB, path analysis was employed. Furthermore, the demographic factors (gender and organizational tenure) was tested using the moderated multiple regression analysis.Findings: Significant differences in explaining the variance of employee performance was found between intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. In addition, OCB was found perfectly mediating the relationship of extrinsic motivation and employee performance, however, OCB was found partially mediating the relationship between intrinsic motivation and employee performance. Furthermore, gender and organizational tenure do not show any moderate results in the relationship between OCB and employee performance.Research limitations: Study limitations (e.g. cross-sectional research design and biasness) and future opportunities are outlined.Practical implications: Argues that the suitable type of motivation in explaining the variances of employee performance. Also, identifies the important of OCB between the motivation and employee performance relationship, thus gender and organizational tenure were not significant to OCB and employee performance relationship.Social implications: HR can help an organization to succeed, provided that the suitable motivations are adopted to monitor lecturer performance and helping behavior. In addition, HR should not emphasize too much of gender and organizational tenure to justify the lecturer performance as the findings show insignificant relationship.Originality/value: This paper identifies and discusses the types of motivation that explain higher variance of employee performance and how OCB play role as mediator in the motivation and employee performance relationship. In addition, the moderating effect of gender and organizational tenure were also discussed. This is the first attempt to include all the variables in the same theoretical framework.</p

    Activity-based costing user satisfaction and type of system: a research note

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    This paper examines user perceptions of Activity-based costing (ABC) performance for three different types of system in a major information and communication provider in South East Asia. Few prior ABC studies have considered the effect of system type on ABC performance. The study draws on a survey of 54 developers and 181 users of 16 different ABC systems within the organisation to produce five performance constructs (cost accuracy, cost-benefit trade-off, ABC impact, information use, and decision action). The results show that both the development inputs and user performance perceptions varied with the type of system (embedded, stand-alone, ad-hoc). While embedded systems enjoyed far stronger inputs (e.g. top management support, rewards and recognition, task significance) and greater development team cohesion than stand-alone systems, they were perceived by users to perform significantly less well. These findings suggest that system type is an important factor in assessing ABC performance

    O encaixe da organização de pessoas e as oportunidades de emprego são importantes na relação de intenção de rotatividade de práticas de GRH: um modelo de mediação moderado

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    This study aims to develop and test a moderated-mediation model with the person-organisation fit as a mediator in the relations between human resource management (HRM) practices and intention to leave, and job opportunities as a moderator of the indirect link between HRM practices and the intention to leave via person-organisation fit. Data were collected from 250 faculty members of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Pakistan. Hypotheses are tested through partial least squares structural equation modelling and PROCESS macro. The results showed that the relations between HRM practices and intention to leave was partially mediated by person-organization fit. The results also revealed that job opportunities not only moderated the direct relations between person-organisation fit and intention to quit but also moderated the mediated indirect relationship between HRM practices and intention to leave via person organisation fit thus providing evidence of moderated-mediation. This paper is the first of its kind to examine moderated-mediation among HRM practices, person-organisation fit and intention to leave the job.Este estudio tiene como objetivo desarrollar y probar un modelo de mediación moderada con la persona-organización adecuada como mediador en las relaciones entre las prácticas de gestión de recursos humanos (HRM) y la intención de abandonar, y las oportunidades de trabajo como moderador del vínculo indirecto entre Las prácticas de gestión de recursos humanos y la intención de salir a través de persona-organización en forma. Se recopilaron datos de 250 miembros de la facultad de instituciones de educación superior (HEI) en Pakistán. Las hipótesis se prueban mediante el modelo de ecuación estructural de mínimos cuadrados parciales y la macro PROCESS. Los resultados mostraron que las relaciones entre las prácticas de GRH y la intención de salir estaban parcialmente mediadas por la persona-organización adecuada. Los resultados también revelaron que las oportunidades de trabajo no solo moderaban las relaciones directas entre el ajuste de la organización y la intención de renunciar, sino que también moderaban la relación indirecta mediada entre las prácticas de GRH y la intención de abandonar a través del ajuste de la organización de la persona, proporcionando así evidencia de una mediación moderada. Este documento es el primero de su tipo que examina la mediación moderada entre las prácticas de GRH, el ajuste de la organización y la intención de dejar el trabajo.Este estudo tem como objetivo desenvolver e testar um modelo de mediação moderada com o encaixe pessoa-organização como mediador nas relações entre práticas de gestão de recursos humanos (GRH) e intenção de deixar, e oportunidades de trabalho como moderador do elo indireto entre Práticas de gestão de recursos humanos e a intenção de sair por meio da adequação pessoa-organização. Os dados foram coletados de 250 membros do corpo docente de Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) no Paquistão. As hipóteses são testadas através de modelagem de equações estruturais de mínimos quadrados parciais e macro PROCESS. Os resultados mostraram que as relações entre práticas de GRH e intenção de abandonar foram parcialmente mediadas pelo ajuste pessoa-organização. Os resultados também revelaram que as oportunidades de trabalho não apenas moderaram as relações diretas entre o ajuste pessoa-organização e a intenção de parar, mas também moderaram a relação indireta mediada entre práticas de GRH e a intenção de deixar a organização via pessoa apta, fornecendo evidência de mediação moderada. Este artigo é o primeiro de seu tipo a examinar a mediação moderada entre práticas de gestão de recursos humanos, adequação da organização da pessoa e intenção de deixar o cargo

    The Influence of High Performance Work Systems (HPWS) On Innovative Work Behaviour Through Work Engagement

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    High performance work systems (HPWS) has dominated human resource management research on the importance of this bundle of HR practices to organizations. To date, research in this area has focused greatly on the organizational performance and innovation. However, mainstream HPWS research has paid little attention to employees‟ innovative work behaviour, or to the relationship between HPWS and work engagement. . Therefore the purpose of this study to investigate the relationship between HPWS and innovative work behaviour. This study also aims to examine the mediating role of work engagement between HPWS and innovative work behaviour. In this article, theory of job-demand resource used to describe the influence of HPWS as organizational resources on innovative work behaviour through work engagement. . The outcome of this study generates relevant information for organizations in recognizing the HPWS practices as well as enabling the organizations to highlight the most practical and significant HPWS implementatio

    COVID-19 pandemic crisis: the recovery strategy of hotel business in Bengkulu City through adoption new-normal

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    The pandemic has had a worldwide economic impact. During the turbulent period in Indonesia, Bengkulu's gross domestic product (GRP) was the lowest in Sumatra in 2020. During the pandemic COVID-19 crisis, it is essential to investigate hotel business recovery strategies in Bengkulu. The purpose of this study is to determine the level of customer satisfaction in TripAdvisor's adaptation to new-normal conditions, as well as how business hotels used the COVID-19 standard operating procedures (SOPs) policy at City hotels in Bengkulu. The study employed the content analysis technique, which was carried out by evaluating 302 TripAdvisor reviews and was followed by first-hand observations of a selection of hotel businesses in Bengkulu. The study's findings reveal that the client is pleased with the improvements, and the hotel followed the standard COVID-19 practice of wearing masks, washing hands, and keeping a safe distance. According to the findings of this study, the government should put its faith in hotel operators whose local communities are affected by the rules that have been enacted