1,343 research outputs found

    Religious Patronage and Clientelism: Russia’s Soft Power and Networks of Influence in Syria

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    In parallel to its military aid to the Assad Regime since 2011, Russia’s ‘soft power’ tools and forms started with the inflow of humanitarian aid to the Syrian Government and Syria Arab Red Crescent. Additionally, Russian efforts have been integrated and mobilised through religious, diaspora, political, and civil society delegations, whose communications and outreach efforts developed with visits from the Russian Orthodox Church to Syria in 2011, including the humanitarian assistance and relief initiatives that were launched to support Orthodox, displaced Christian communities and affected populations in Syria. Then, in the wake of Russia’s 2015 intervention and Russian-led inflow of relief assistance, Moscow developed a networking strategy that integrates tools with aid, cultural, development, and religious dimensions. In coordination with the Hmeimim-based Russian Reconciliation Centre (RRC) in Syria, Russian Muslim communities, diaspora networks, Caucasian states (former-Soviet Islamic states), Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) and Imperial Palestinian Orthodox Society, and other charities from the Russia federation have started to operate in Syria. This article explores and analyses their contribution to Russian soft power in Syria, and how the wider instrumentalization of humanitarian aid, diaspora networks, and religious diplomacy for military and long-term political goals have been escalated to promote the Russian position in Syria. The research also argues that Russia's soft power in Syria is targeting micro-audiences and communities who are either favourable to Russia or disconnected and disenfranchised from liberal values

    El plan de estudios palestino desde una perspectiva israelí

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    Este artículo aborda el plan de estudios existente en los centros educativos de Palestina desde un punto de vista israelí. La realidad de la escuela y de los libros de texto palestinos son objeto de controversia y debate en Israel. Promueven una realidad y alienta otra mirada que es observada con recelo si no hay unas bases sólidas de acuerdo y respeto entre ambos pueblos. El artículo parte del derecho de cada pueblo a diseñar su plan de estudios. Del mismo modo, señala que es compatible el ejercicio de este derecho desde una identidad nacional propia con el trabajo activo por la comprensión y el conocimiento como bases para la confianza. El artículo Indaga sobre las dos principales posturas que suscita fuera de Palestina: a favor o reconociendo el derecho palestino a diseñar su educación y materiales curriculares; o bien, en contra y recelando de estos materiales y de sus consecuencias. Delimita las principales argumentaciones que se esgrimen en el debate. Y concluye con un escenario de conocimiento e indagación para la mutua comprensión y respeto. Por lo que promueve un nuevo análisis del currículum y los libros de texto palestinos actuales, que será objeto de su tesis doctoral: “El Currículo Palestino y la Representación de la Identidad Palestina en el año 2010”

    Artificial Neural Network for Predicting COVID 19 Using JNN

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    Abstract: The emergence of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in 2019 has presented the world with an unprecedented global health crisis. The rapid and widespread transmission of the virus has strained healthcare systems, disrupted economies, and challenged societies. In response to this monumental challenge, the intersection of technology and healthcare has become a focal point for innovation. This research endeavors to leverage the capabilities of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) to develop an advanced predictive model for forecasting the spread of COVID-19. It involves the collection, analysis, and integration of diverse datasets encompassing epidemiological, clinical, and social factors that influence the virus's dissemination

    Peat Resources, its Quality and Condition of Deposition, Bijoynagar Upazila, B’Baria District, Bangladesh

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    The report is prepared on the basis of peat exploration at 4000 hectre areas of Bijoynagar Upazila at B’Baria district which is in the north-eastern part of Bangladesh. It has been studied extensively for the exploration of peat resources, particularly areal extent, reserve, quality and their condition of deposition. Nine peat bearing areas were identified in the studied area are covering six unions of Paharpur, Haraspur, and Chompoknagar and Uttar Singair beel. Peat was randomly found in surface to near surface at different places of investigated area. The total reserve of peat is about 32.61 million tons in wet condition or 13.044 million tons in dry condition. The chemical analysis of the peat shows average fixed carbon-20.5%, Ash content-32% and calorific value-7000 B.T.U. The quality of this peat is good. Geology, tectonics and environment of any area are controlling parameter for peat deposition. Fluvial and deltaic plain with area of active subsidence are suitable for peat deposition. The peat of the area may deposit from plant material that accumulated insitu (Autochthonous) and transported from short distance (Hypoautochthonous). The peat layers of the study area are found at surface or at shallow depth ranging from few centimeters to 7 meters below surface. Present of clay and silt of the upper part of the deposits indicating that the sediments are deposits usually in the winter season when the current of the water become weak. Moreover, the sediment may also be laid down in stagnant water after the recession of the flood

    Antigenic Detection of Salmonella Infection among Pediatric Patients with Acute Gastroenteritis

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    Background: Diarrheal diseases are one of the social problems in developing countries. The pathogens commonly associated with childhood diarrhea are Salmonella, Clostridium difficile, Shigella, Yersinia and Escherichia coli but the highest attack rate for salmonellosis in infancy. Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate the presence of Salmonella antigen in acute gastroenteritis in children admitted to a pediatric hospital. Material and Methods: The study was performed on freshly collected stool samples among 94 acute diarrheal children below two years admitted to AL-Khadymia and AL-Elweya pediatric hospitals from May 2015 to January 2016. A questionnaire was completed for each patient’s name, age, gender, clinical data like fever, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. The criteria included hemorrhagic fresh stool sample in addition to containing parasite agent. Fresh stool samples were tested by immunochromatographic assay for antigenic detection of Salmonella. Results: Salmonella antigen identified in five stool samples one for male and four for females. All pediatric patients show fever, vomiting and abdominal pain, while the stool consistency distributed to 75.5% watery and 24.5% loosely. Stool samples show 69.1% with blood and 39.9% without blood, 16.9% with pus and 83.1% without pus, 83% with mucous and 17% without mucous. Four cases with giardiasis and 24 cases with entamebiasis and 14 cases with cyst of E. histolytica or G. lamblia in addition to absence the parasites ova in all stool samples. Conclusion: Salmonella antigen present in five stool samples, all the patients show vomiting, fever, abdominal pain, 65 cases with blood in comparison with, 29 without blood 15 cases with pus in comparison with 79 without pus. 78 cases with mucous in comparison with, 16 without mucous, four cases with goddesses and 24 cases with entamebiasis, 14 cases with cyst of E. histolytica or G. lamblia in addition to absence the parasites ova in all stool samples

    Compliance with antimicrobials de-escalation in septic patients and mortality rates: an old subject revisited

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    Background To compare the recent de-escalations rates with a six-year earlier study, and mortality associated with de-escalation. Methods Settings A prospective multicenter study including septic patients, all were on broad-spectrum antimicrobials (BSA). Excluded from the study patients on antimicrobial prophylaxis, and patients without a microbiological diagnosis, or bacteria were solely BSA-susceptible. The study team made recommendations for antimicrobials de-escalation to the treating physician(s) must an opportunity loomed. Results 182 patients were available for analysis. De-escalation was achieved in 43 (24%) patients. The clinical diagnoses, comorbidities, commonly used antimicrobials, the microbiological diagnoses were not different between the two groups (patients with and without de-escalation). Logistic regression analysis showed no correlation between bacterial species and de-escalation (Nagelkerke R2 = 0.076). Relapsing sepsis and reinfection were not different (P > 0.05). The in-hospital mortality rates for the de-escalated patients were lower (P = 0.015), not on day 30 (P = 0.354). The length of the ICU stay and ward stay were not different (P >0.05), but more de-escalated patients were discharged home from the ICU (P = 0.034), however, patients without de-escalation were discharged more from the ward (P = 0.002). Conclusion De-escalation rates increased within six years from 6.7% - 24% (P = 0.000), with added benefits of shorter ICU stay and less in-hospital mortalit

    Artificial Bee Colony with Different Mutation Schemes: A comparative study

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    Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) is a swarm-based metaheuristic for continuous optimization. Recent work hybridized this algorithm with other metaheuristics in order to improve performance. The work in this paper, experimentally evaluates the use of different mutation operators with the ABC algorithm. The introduced operator is activated according to a determined probability called mutation rate (MR). The results on standard benchmark function suggest that the use of this operator improves performance in terms of convergence speed and quality of final obtained solution. It shows that Power and Polynomial mutations give best results. The fastest convergence was for the mutation rate value (MR=0.2)

    Response of potato to ash as an alternative source of potassic fertilizer

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    An experiment was carried out during rabi season of 2011-2012 in the experimental field of Soil Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh. The objectives of present research work was to evaluate ash as an alternative source of potassic fertilizer for potato cultivation. The treatment combinations were i) Control (No K), ii) 100% K of recommended dose from muriate of potash (MoP), iii) 75% K from MoP+ 25% K from ash, iv) 50% K from MoP + 50% K from ash, v) 25% K from MoP + 75% K from ash, and vi) 100% K from ash. The result of the experiment indicated that various combinations of ash and MoP influenced the yield, yield contributing characters (length of the tubers, breadth of the tubers, number of tubers per hill, weight of tubers per hill, weight of ten tubers and gross yield of tubers per plot), K content of potato as well as weed infestation. Among the treatments the highest yield was obtained from 50% K from MoP + 50% from ash (T3) treated plot. The K content in the potato tuber and weed infestation was also highest for that plot. Considering the yield contributing parameters, yield and number of weeds the T3 (50% K from MoP + 50% K from ash) treatment was found more suitable than others