5 research outputs found

    Approximate quantum gates compiling with self-navigation algorithm

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    The compiling of quantum gates is crucial for the successful quantum algorithm implementations. The environmental noise as well as the bandwidth of control pulses pose a challenge to precise and fast qubit control, especially in a weakly anharmonic system. In this work, we propose an algorithm to approximately compile single-qubit gates with arbitrary accuracy. Evaluation results show that the overall rotation distance generated by our algorithm is significantly shorter than the commonly used U3U3 gate, then the gate time can be effectively shortened. The requisite number of pulses and the runtime of scheme design scale up as O[Log(1/ϵ)]\mathcal{O}[\mathrm{Log}(1/\epsilon)] with very small prefactors, indicating low overhead costs. Moreover, we explore the trade-off between effectiveness and cost, and find a balance point. In short, our work opens a new avenue for efficient quantum algorithm implementations with contemporary quantum technology.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Effects of non-Markovian squeezed bath on the dynamics of open systems

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    Control of the dynamics of an open quantum system is crucial in quantum information processing. Basically there are two ways: one is the control on the system and the other is tuning the bath parameters. In this paper, we use the latter to analyze the non-Markovian dynamics of the open system. The model is that the system is immersed in non-Markovian squeezed baths. For the dynamics, a non-Markovian master eqation is obtained using the quantum state diffusion (QSD) equation technique for the weak system-bath couplings. We use the adiabatic evolution or quantum state transmission as examples to analyze the effects of the bath parameters: non-Markovianity γ\gamma, the squeezed direction θ\theta and squeezed strength rr. For the adiabatic or state transmission fidelity, the calculation results show that they both can be enhanced by a smaller γ\gamma or bigger pp-quadrature. Interestingly, when 0<θ<π/20<\theta<\pi/2, the squeezed quadrature is determined by the combination of rr and θ\theta, and by numerical simulation we find that the fidelity peak occurs at r=12θ/πr=1-2\theta/\pi. The fidelities increase with increasing rr when r(0,12θ/π]r\in (0,1-2\theta/\pi]. When θπ/2\theta\ge\pi/2, lower fidelities are obtained due to the squeezed bath. Our results show that the dynamics of the open systems can be effectively controlled by reservoir enginerring.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Stochastic learning control of adiabatic speedup in a non-Markovian open qutrit system

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    Precise and efficient control of quantum systems is essential to perform quantum information processing tasks. In terms of adiabatic speedup via leakage elimination operator approach, for a closed system, the ideal pulse control conditions have been theoretically derived by P-Q partitioning technique. However, it is a challenge to design the corresponding control pulses for an open system, which requires to tackle noisy environments. In this paper, we apply the stochastic search procedures to an open qutrit system and successfully obtain the optimal control pulses for significant adiabatic speedup. The calculation results show that these optimal pulses allow us to acquire higher fidelities than the ideal pulses. The improvement of fidelity is large for relatively strong system-bath coupling strength and high bath temperature. For certain coupling strength and bath temperature, the maximal improvement can be achieved for a critical characteristic frequency which represents the memory time of the environment. Our investigation indicates that the stochastic search procedures are powerful tools to design control pulses for combating the detrimental effects of the environment.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Optimized control for high-fidelity state transmission in open systems

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    Quantum state transfer (QST) through spin chains has been extensively investigated. Two schemes, the coupling set for perfect state transfer (PST) or adding a leakage elimination operator (LEO) Hamiltonian have been proposed to boost the transmission fidelity. However, these ideal schemes are only suitable for closed systems and will lose their effectiveness in open ones. In this work, we invoke a well explored optimization algorithm, Adam, to expand the applicable range of PST couplings and LEO to the open systems. Our results show that although the transmission fidelity decreases with increasing system-bath coupling strength, Markovianity and temperature for both ideal and optimized cases, the fidelities obtained by the optimized schemes always outweigh the ideal cases. The enhancement becomes more bigger for a stronger bath, indicating a stronger bath provides more space for the Adam to optimize. This method will be useful for the realization of high-fidelity information transfer in the presence of environment

    Quantum Energy Current Induced Coherence in a Spin Chain under Non-Markovian Environments

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    We investigate the time-dependent behaviour of the energy current between a quantum spin chain and its surrounding non-Markovian and finite temperature baths, together with its relationship to the coherence dynamics of the system. To be specific, both the system and the baths are assumed to be initially in thermal equilibrium at temperature Ts and Tb, respectively. This model plays a fundamental role in study of quantum system evolution towards thermal equilibrium in an open system. The non-Markovian quantum state diffusion (NMQSD) equation approach is used to calculate the dynamics of the spin chain. The effects of non-Markovianity, temperature difference and system-bath interaction strength on the energy current and the corresponding coherence in cold and warm baths are analyzed, respectively. We show that the strong non-Markovianity, weak system-bath interaction and low temperature difference will help to maintain the system coherence and correspond to a weaker energy current. Interestingly, the warm baths destroy the coherence while the cold baths help to build coherence. Furthermore, the effects of the Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya (DM) interaction and the external magnetic field on the energy current and coherence are analyzed. Both energy current and coherence will change due to the increase of the system energy induced by the DM interaction and magnetic field. Significantly, the minimal coherence corresponds to the critical magnetic field which causes the first order phase transition.This research was funded by Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province grant number ZR2021LLZ004, and grant PID2021-126273NB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, and by “ERDF A way of making Europe” and the Basque Government through grant number IT1470-22