14 research outputs found

    Reflectance Spectra Comparison of Orbital Debris, Intact Spacecraft, and Intact Rocket Bodies in the GEO Regime

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    A key objective of NASA s Orbital Debris program office at Johnson Space Center (JSC) is to characterize the debris environment by way of assessing the physical properties (type, mass, density, and size) of objects in orbit. Knowledge of the geosynchronous orbit (GEO) debris environment in particular can be used to determine the hazard probability at specific GEO altitudes and aid predictions of the future environment. To calculate an optical size from an intensity measurement of an object in the GEO regime, a 0.175 albedo is assumed currently. However, identification of specific material type or types could improve albedo accuracy and yield a more accurate size estimate for the debris piece. Using spectroscopy, it is possible to determine the surface materials of space objects. The study described herein used the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) to record spectral data in the 0.6 to 2.5 micron regime on eight catalogued space objects. For comparison, all of the objects observed were in GEO or near-GEO. The eight objects consisted of two intact spacecraft, three rocket bodies, and three catalogued debris pieces. Two of the debris pieces stemmed from Titan 3C transtage breakup and the third is from COSMOS 2054. The reflectance spectra of the Titan 3C pieces share similar slopes (increasing with wavelength) and lack any strong absorption features. The COSMOS debris spectra is flat and has no absorption features. In contrast, the intact spacecraft show classic absorption features due to solar panels with a strong band gap feature near 1 micron. The two spacecraft are spin-stabilized objects and therefore have solar panels surrounding the outer surface. Two of the three rocket bodies are inertial upper stage (IUS) rocket bodies and have similar looking spectra. The slopes flatten out near 1.5 microns with absorption features in the near-infrared that are similar to that of white paint. The third rocket body has a similar flattening of slope but with fewer features of white paint - indicating that the surface paint on the SL-12 may be different than the IUS. This study shows that the surface materials of debris appear different spectrally than intact rocket bodies and spacecraft and therefore are not believed to be solar panel material or pristine white paint. Further investigation is necessary in order to eliminate materials as possible choices for the debris pieces

    Optical Properties of Multi-Layered Insulation

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    Multi-layer insulation, MLI, is a material used on rocket bodies and satellites mainly for thermal insulation. MLI can be comprised of a variety of materials, layer numbers, and dimensions based on its purpose. A common composition of MLI consists of outer facing copper-colored Kapton with an aluminized backing for the top and bottom layers and the middle consisting of alternating layers of DARCON or Nomex netting with aluminized Mylar. If this material became separated from the spacecraft or rocket body its orbit would vary greatly in eccentricity due to its high area to mass (A/m) and susceptibility to solar radiation pressure perturbations. Recently a debris population was found with high A/m, which could be MLI. Laboratory photometric measurements of one intact piece and three different layers of MLI is presented in an effort to predict the characteristics of a MLI light curve and aid in identifying the source of the new population. For this paper, the layers used will be consistent with the common MLI mentioned in the above paragraph. Using a robotic arm, the piece was rotated from 0-360 degrees in one degree increments along the object s longest axis. Laboratory photometric data was recorded with a CCD camera using various filters (Johnson B, Johnson V and Bessell R). The measurements were taken at an 18 degree (light-object-camera) phase angle. As expected, the MLI pieces showed characteristics similar to a bimodal magnitude plot of a flat plate, but with more photometric features, dependant upon the layer of MLI. Time exposures varied from piece to piece such that the amount of pixels saturated would be minimal. In addition to photometric laboratory measurements, laboratory spectral measurements are shown for the same MLI samples. Spectral data will be combined to match the wavelength region of photometric data so a measure of truth can be established for the photometric measurements. Spectral data shows a strong absorption feature near 4800 angstroms, which is due to the copper color of Kapton. If the debris is MLI and the outer layer of copper coloring of Kapton is present, evidence would be seen spectrally by the specific absorption feature as well as using R-B (red-blue) light curves. Using laboratory photometric measurements and the results from spectral laboratory measurements, an optical property database is provided for an object with a high A/m. The benefits of this database for remote optical measurements of orbital debris are shown by illustrating the optical properties expected for a high A/m object, specifically common satellite and rocket body MLI

    Using Light Curves to Characterize Size and Shape of Pseudo-Debris

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    Photometric measurements were collected for a new study aimed at estimating orbital debris sizes based on object brightness. To obtain a size from optical measurements the current practice is to assume an albedo and use a normalized magnitude to calculate optical size. However, assuming a single albedo value may not be valid for all objects or orbit types; material type and orientation can mask an object s true optical cross section. This experiment used a CCD camera to record data, a 300 W Xenon, Ozone Free collimated light source to simulate solar illumination, and a robotic arm with five degrees of freedom to move the piece of simulated debris through various orientations. The pseudo-debris pieces used in this experiment originate from the European Space Operations Centre s ESOC2 ground test explosion of a mock satellite. A uniformly illuminated white ping-pong ball was used as a zero-magnitude reference. Each debris piece was then moved through specific orientations and rotations to generate a light curve. This paper discusses the results of five different object-based light curves as measured through an x-rotation. Intensity measurements, from which each light curve was generated, were recorded in five degree increments from zero to 180 degrees. Comparing light curves of different shaped and sized pieces against their characteristic length establishes the start of a database from which an optical size estimation model will be derived in the future

    Survey and Chase: A New Method of Observations For The Michigan Orbital Debris Survey Telescope (MODEST)

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    For more than 40 years astronauts have been observing Earth, taking photographs or digital images from their spacecraft. Today, a robust program of observation from the International Space Station (ISS) has yielded hundreds of thousands of images of the Earth s surface collected since 2001. Seeing Earth through the eyes of an astronaut is exciting to the general public, and the images are popular in classrooms. Because the ISS has an orbital inclination of 51.6 degrees (the north-south limits of the orbit are at 51.6 degrees latitude), high latitude observations are common. Some of the most striking images collected include views of polar phenomena. Astronauts routinely pass above brilliant red and green aurora; view high, wispy clouds at the top of the atmosphere; or look down on glaciers and floating ice rafts. These images, framed and captured by humans, are easily interpreted by students and teachers. Astronaut observations provide a way to visualize complicated polar phenomena and communicate about them to students of all ages. Over the next two years, astronauts aboard the ISS will formally focus their observations on polar phenomena as participants in the International Polar Year (IPY). Imagery acquisition from the ISS will be coordinated with other IPY scientists staging studies and field campaigns on the ground. The imagery collected from the ISS will be cataloged and served on NASA s web-based database of images, http://eol.jsc.nasa.gov . The website allows investigators, students and teachers to search through the imagery, assemble image datasets, and download the imagery and the metadata. We display some of the most spectacular examples of polar imagery and demonstrate NASA s database of astronaut images of Earth

    History of On-orbit Satellite Fragmentations (14th Edition)

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    Since the first serious satellite fragmentation occurred in June 1961 (which instantaneously increased the total Earth satellite population by more than 400%) the issue of space operations within the finite region of space around the Earth has been the subject of increasing interest and concern. The prolific satellite fragmentations of the 1970s and the marked increase in the number of fragmentations in the 1980s served to widen international research into the characteristics and consequences of such events. Continued events in all orbits in later years make definition and historical accounting of those events crucial to future research. Large, manned space stations and the growing number of operational robotic satellites demand a better understanding of the hazards of the dynamic Earth satellite population

    Optical Photometric Observations of GEO Debris

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    We report on a continuing program of optical photometric measurements of faint orbital debris at geosynchronous Earth orbit (GEO). These observations can be compared with laboratory studies of actual spacecraft materials in an effort to determine what the faint debris at GEO may be. We have optical observations from Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO) in Chile of two samples of debris: 1. GEO objects discovered in a survey with the University of Michigan's 0.6-m aperture Curtis-Schmidt telescope MODEST (for Michigan Orbital DEbris Survey Telescope), and then followed up in real-time with the CTIO/SMARTS 0.9-m for orbits and photometry. Our goal is to determine 6 parameter orbits and measure colors for all objects fainter than R = 15 t11 magnitude that are discovered in the MODEST survey. 2. A smaller sample of high area to mass ratio (AMR) objects discovered independently, and acquired using predictions from orbits derived from independent tracking data collected days prior to the observations. Our optical observations in standard astronomical BVRI filters are done with either telescope, and with the telescope tracking the debris object at the object's angular rate. Observations in different filters are obtained sequentially. We have obtained 71 calibrated sequences of R-B-V-I-R magnitudes. A total of 66 of these sequences have 3 or more good measurements in all filters (not contaminated by star streaks or in Earth's shadow). Most of these sequences show brightness variations, but a small subset has observed brightness variations consistent with that expected from observational errors alone. The majority of these stable objects are redder than a solar color in both B-R and R-I. There is no dependence on color with brightness. For a smaller sample of objects we have observed with synchronized CCD cameras on the two telescopes. The CTIO 0.9-m observes in B, and MODEST in R. The CCD cameras are electronically linked together so that the start time and duration of observations are the same to better than 50 milliseconds. Thus, the B-R color is a true measure of the surface of the debris piece facing the telescopes for that observation. Any change in color reflects a real change in the debris surface. We will compare our observations with models and laboratory measurements of selected surfaces

    Optical Reflection Spectroscopy of GEO Objects

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    We report on optical reflection spectroscopy of geosynchronous (GEO) objects in the US Space Surveillance Network (SSN) catalog. These observations were obtained using imaging spectrographs on the 6.5-m Magellan telescopes at the Las Campanas Observatory in Chile. Our goal is to determine the composition of these objects by comparing these spectral observations with ground-based laboratory measurements of spacecraft materials. The observations are all low resolution (1 nm after smoothing) obtained through a 5 arcsecond wide slit and using a grism as the dispersing element. The spectral range covered was from 450 nm to 800 nm. All spectra were flux calibrated using observations of standard stars with the exact same instrumental setup. An effort was made to obtain all observations within a limited range of topocentric phase angle, although the solar incident angle is unknown due to the lack of any knowledge of the attitude of the observed surface at the time of observation

    Comparisons of a Constrained Least Squares Model Versus Human-in-the-Loop for Spectral Unmixing to Determine Material Type of GEO Debris

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    Spectral reflectance data through the visible regime was collected at Las Campanas Observatory in Chile using an imaging spectrograph on one of the twin 6.5-m Magellan telescopes. The data were obtained on 1-2 May 2012 on the 'Landon Clay' telescope with the LDSS3 (Low Dispersion Survey Spectrograph 3). Five pieces of Geosynchronous Orbit (GEO) or near-GEO debris were identified and observed with an exposure time of 30 seconds on average. In addition, laboratory spectral reflectance data was collected using an Analytical Spectral Device (ASD) field spectrometer at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo on several typical common spacecraft materials including solar cells, circuit boards, various Kapton materials used for multi-layer insulation, and various paints. The remotely collected data and the laboratory-acquired data were then incorporated in a newly developed model that uses a constrained least squares method to unmix the spectrum in specific material components. The results of this model are compared to the previous method of a human-in-the-loop (considered here the traditional method) that identifies possible material components by varying the materials and percentages until a spectral match is obtained. The traditional model was found to match the remotely collected spectral data after it had been divided by the continuum to remove the space weathering effects, or a "reddening" of the materials. The constrained least-squares model also used the de-reddened spectra as inputs and the results were consistent with those obtained through the traditional method. For comparison, a first-order examination of including reddening effects into the constrained least-squares model will be explored and comparisons to the remotely collected data will be examined. The identification of each object's suspected material component will be discussed herein

    Observations of GEO Debris with the Magellan 6.5-m Telescopes

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    Optical observations of geosynchronous orbit (GEO) debris are important to address two questions: 1. What is the distribution function of objects at GEO as a function of brightness? With some assumptions, this can be used to infer a size distribution. 2. Can we determine what the likely composition of individual GEO debris pieces is from studies of the spectral reflectance of these objects? In this paper we report on optical observations with the 6.5-m Magellan telescopes at Las Campanas Observatory in Chile that attempt to answer both questions. Imaging observations over a 0.5 degree diameter field-of-view have detected a significant population of optically faint debris candidates with R > 19th magnitude, corresponding to a size smaller than 20 cm assuming an albedo of 0.175. Many of these objects show brightness variations larger than a factor of 2, suggesting either irregular shapes or albedo variations or both. The object detection rate (per square degree per hour) shows an increase over the rate measured in the 0.6-m MODEST observations, implying an increase in the population at optically fainter levels. Assuming that the albedo distribution is the same for both samples, this corresponds to an increase in the population of smaller size debris. To study the second issue, calibrated reflectance spectroscopy has been obtained of a sample of GEO and near GEO objects with orbits in the public U.S. Space Surveillance Network catalog. With a 6.5-m telescope, the exposures times are short (30 seconds or less), and provide simultaneous wavelength coverage from 4500 to 8000 Angstroms. If the observed objects are tumbling, then simultaneous coverage and short exposure times are essential for a realistic assessment of the object fs spectral signature. We will compare the calibrated spectra with lab-based measurements of simple spacecraft surfaces composed of a single material

    Searching for Optically Faint GEO Debris

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    We report on results from a search for optically faint debris (defined as R > 20th magnitude, or smaller than 10 cm assuming an albedo of 0.175)) at geosynchronous orbit (GEO) using the 6.5-m Magellan telescope "Walter Baade" at Las Campanas Observatory in Chile. Our goal is to characterize the brightness distribution of debris to the faintest limiting magnitude possible. Our data was obtained during 6 hours of observing time during the photometric nights of 26 and 27 March 2011 with the IMACS f/2 instrument, which has a field of view (fov) of 0.5 degrees in diameter. All observations were obtained through a Sloan r filter, and calibrated by observations of Landolt standard stars. Our primary objective was to search for optically faint objects from one of the few known fragmentations at GEO: the Titan 3C Transtage (1968-081) fragmentation in 1992. Eight debris pieces and the parent rocket body are in the Space Surveillance Network public catalog. We successfully tracked two cataloged pieces of Titan debris with the 6.5-m telescope, followed by a survey for unknown objects on similar orbits but with different mean anomalies. To establish the bright end of the debris population, calibrated observations were acquired on the same field centers, telescope rates, and time period with a similar filter on the 0.6-m MODEST (Michigan Orbital DEbris Survey Telescope), located 100 km to the south of Magellan at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, Chile. We will show the calibrated brightness distributions from both telescopes, and compare the observed brightness distributions with that predicted for various population models of debris of different sizes