9,101 research outputs found

    An Efficient Parallel Quarter-sweep Point Iterative Algorithm for Solving Poisson Equation on SMP Parallel Computer

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    A new point iterative algorithm which uses the quarter-sweep approach was shown to be much faster than the full-and half- sweep point iterative algorithms for solving two dimensional Poison equation (Othman el at. 1998». However, the last two algorithms were found to be suitable for parallel implementation (Evans 1984) and Ali el at. (1997». In this paper, the parallel implementation of the new algorithm with the chessboard (CB) strategy on Symmetry Multi Processors (SMP) parallel computer was presented. The experimental results of a test problem were compared with the later two parallel algorithms

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Rotating Trio Exchange (Rte) untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Siswa pada Pokok Bahasan Hidrolisis Garam di Kelas XI IPA SMA N 9 Pekanbaru

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    The implementation of cooperative learning model Rotating Trio Exchange (RTE) has been conducted to determine the improve in student achievement and improve learning achievement category on the subject of salt hydrolysis in class XI SMA N 9 Pekanbaru. Forms of this research is experimental research design with pretest - posttest. Time data collection between February 8 to April 13, 2016. The sample consisted of two classes, grade XI IPA 3 as the control class and class XI IPA 5 as an experimental class selected at random. Grades given experimental treatment with the application of Rotating Trio Exchange (RTE), while the control class are given learning lecture method. Data analysis technique used is the t-test. Based on the analysis of data processing obtained t¬hitung> ttable is 4.94> 1.67 means that the implementation of cooperative learning model Rotating Trio Exchange (RTE) can improve student achievement on the subject of salt hydrolysis in class XI SMA N 9 Pekanbaru. Category increase student achievement in the classroom experiment with a normalized gain value (N-gain) of 0.91 is included in the high category

    Do Stressed Women Have Abnormal Glucose Level?

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    Stress is a physical, mental and emotional response to a challenging event and is a normal part of everyone\u27s life. It has been linked to suppression of the immune system and could increase the risk of getting ill or alter the course of existing illness. Studies show that stress is associated with increased HBA1c, especially in females. Therefore the purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of stress with abnormal glucose value among the women community. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 168 residents of Mukim Sg. Pelek, Sepang, Selangor. Participants were selected through a simple random sampling and were asked to answer questionnaires provided. The Depression, Stress and Anxiety (DASS-21) scale was used to determine the prevalence of stress and random blood sugar (RBS) for measurement of the glucose level. Data was analyzed using Statistical Package Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20 and Chi-square analyses for determining the association between variables. The study found that 58.3% of the stressed women in the community have abnormal blood glucose level, which indicated that the risk of getting diabetes is slightly high. This finding has important implication for designing strategic plans for intervention program on awareness towards coping with stress positively

    Linear-nonlinear stiffness responses of carbon fiber-reinforced polymer composite materials and structures: a numerical study

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    The stiffness response or load-deformation/displacement behavior is the most important mechanical behavior that frequently being utilized for validation of the mathematical-physical models representing the mechanical behavior of solid objects in numerical method, compared to actual experimental data. This numerical study aims to investigate the linear-nonlinear stiffness behavior of carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) composites at material and structural levels, and its dependency to the sets of individual/group elastic and damage model parameters. In this regard, a validated constitutive damage model, elastic-damage properties as reference data, and simulation process, that account for elastic, yielding, and damage evolution, are considered in the finite element model development process. The linear-nonlinear stiffness responses of four cases are examined, including a unidirectional CFRP composite laminate (material level) under tensile load, and also three multidirectional composite structures under flexural loads. The result indicated a direct dependency of the stiffness response at the material level to the elastic properties. However, the stiffness behavior of the composite structures depends both on the structural configuration, geometry, lay-ups as well as the mechanical properties of the CFRP composite. The value of maximum reaction force and displacement of the composite structures, as well as the nonlinear response of the structures are highly dependent not only to the mechanical properties, but also to the geometry and the configuration of the structures

    Regression Analysis on Experience Based Factory Model for Software Development Process

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    Software organizations are still struggling to reuse the best of their knowledge and experiences in future projects. Often, when there are changes on employee re-assignment, a lot of time and effort are spent for knowledge transfer activities. This however may not assure that all knowledge and experiences are well transferred and shared; some could be missing or misplaced. In this study, a model has been proposed for managing knowledge and experiences based on experience factory approach to provide a more efficient and effective experience management for software development community. Experience Factory is an infrastructure that aims for reuse of products, processes and experiences gained during a system life cycle. A set of components have been identified as the predictors of the model which eventually forms the two main organizations: project organization and experience factory organization. This study further has gone through a correlational survey research to verify the relationship between the identified predictors towards the experience factory goals. Reliability analysis has been conducted to validate the measures, while correlation and regression analyses have been carried out to examine the relationship between the constructs and the goals. Results reveal that reliability of the model is high and construct validity is satisfactory. Experience factory organization is found having more positively significant towards experience goals as compared to project organization; however, there is no significant impact towards the model due to inexistence of causal relation

    Faktor Risiko Kejadian Flu Burung pada Peternakan Unggas Rakyat Komersial di Kabupaten Sidenreng Rappang 2007-2008

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    Bird flu or Avian Influenza (AI) is a contagious disease that can infection all types of birds, humans, pigs, horses and dogs and is caused by Avian Influenza virus type A of the Ortho-myxoviridae family. Bird flu virus is zoonosis and it has a high mutation rate, so that this disease has a social impact, economic and political big enough. This study aims to analyze some of the risk factors bird flu outbreak in commercial layer poultry farm in the District Sidrap years 2007-2008. Research design used was analytical observasional Case Control Study. Research in April - May 2009. Elections sample purposively sampling of 136 poultry farm layer consisting of 68 sample cases as livestock and animal husbandry as 68 control samples. Data analyzed with the test Odds Ratio (OR) and logistic regression with convidence interval 95% (α = 0.05). Results of this research show that the breeder has knowledge OR 4.371 (CI = 2.089 - 9.144); environmental hygiene pen OR 2.460 (CI = 1.128 - 5.366); hygiene personnel cage OR 10.086 (CI = 4.182 - 24.327); interval enclosure OR 4.218 ( CI = 2.042 - 8.713); distance pen OR 2.962 (CI = 1.366 - 6.420) System maintenance is not contemporary OR 8.907 (CI = 3.907 - 18.407) and the existence of wild animals OR 1.436 (CI = 0.621 - 3.320). From the results of the research conclude that the personnel cage, cage environmental hygiene, hygiene of personel cage, cage rest time, distance, and system maintenance shed that is not contemporary risk factors is a bird flu outbreak. Hygiene of personnel is the enclosure of most risk factors for bird flu outbreak. Biosekurity conducted in each period of maintenance to prevent the risk of trans-mission disease agents, and conducted further research on the mechanism for their role factor in the cause of the spread of bird flu virus, and socialization to the farm in order to perform decon-tamination personnel cage at the time of entry and exit enclosure.Key Words : Sex, Knowledge, Under One Roof Contacting, Neighbor Contacting, Densty Of Family Membe