172 research outputs found

    Quality Management System In Construction

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    This paper describes the Quality Management System (QMS) concept and its application in the construction industry. A misunderstanding among the construction players on the QMS concept has become the stumbling block for its successful implementation

    Impact of Education Status, Religious Knowledge and Family Economy on the Practicing Prayer Students for Primary School in Setiu District, Terengganu Malaysia

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    Prayer is a religious pillar where prayer is the greatest of worship that brings the servant closer to his Lord and it is the steadfastness of the relationship of the creature and its creator. The sholat according to syarak is defined as a few words and deeds commenced with takbir and endorsed with greetings and with the conditions specified. This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of educational status, religious knowledge and family economy on student prayer practice primary school in Setiu District. Total sample 175 secondary school students (level two) of the study. Data were analyzed using IBM-SPSS-AMOS (SEM) program version 21.0. The findings indicate that the educational status, religious knowledge, and family economy on student prayer practice primary school. Furthermore, Inference analysis findings also show educational status, religious knowledge and family economy, have a positive and significant influence on student prayer practice. This shows that family education, especially in religious knowledge and economic family, plays a role in the practice of prayer in primary schools. In conclusion, the implications of this research, the researchers are aware of the need for cooperation from the school to emphasize the students on the practice of prayer in their daily lives. Although the level of education and family economics is a factor in the practice of prayer in this study, the role of teachers helps to overcome them. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3467647 &nbsp

    Teachers’ autonomy and innovative work behavior: the mediating role of schools’ innovation climate

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    For schools to maintain their competitiveness and enhance the standards of their education, they need to implement innovative approaches that allow them to stay abreast of the constantly changing technological, economic, and social environment. The success of these innovative approaches in schools relies heavily on teachers’ innovative work behavior (IWB), and so the role of teachers in this regard is pivotal. It is therefore crucial to determine the factors that affect teachers’ IWB. Thus, the purpose of the current study was to investigate the relationship between teachers’ autonomy, schools’ innovation climate, and IWB. A sample of teachers (n=376) from 12 primary and secondary schools in Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia, were surveyed through a questionnaire that was self-administered. Utilizing structural equation modelling with IBM AMOS version 24, schools’ innovation climate was found to have a full mediating role in the relationship between teachers’ autonomy and IWB. The findings suggest the important role of innovation climate in linking teachers’ autonomy to IWB and therefore have significant implications for school leaders

    Managing Type 2 Diabetes through Diet and Exercise: Effects on Sleep and Sexual Health in Men from Mazar-e-Sharif, Afghanistan (1398-1399)

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    The control of type 2 diabetes by diet, exercise and its positive effects on sleep and sexual performance of men in the conditions of Afghanistan in the city of Mazar-e-Sharif between the years 1398-1399 among 200 referring patients in private home examination and Balkh hospital of the Faculty of Medicine of the Balkh University of Afghanistan

    Reform of The Islamic Education System in Indonesia According to Azyumardi Azra

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    Rapid technological change requires Islamic educational institutions to make changes in various aspects, fundamentally and comprehensively so that Islamic education is able to face the global challenges of education towards civil society. If not, he will be left far behind from modern education. In Indonesia, Azyumardi Azra is one of the professors who is concerned in the field of education whose thoughts can be used as role models in the reform of Indonesian Islamic education. The study of the concept of renewal of the Islamic education system according to Azyumardi Azra was reviewed based on the social background and historical setting of the renewal of Islamic education that took place in the early XX century in Indonesia. Azyumardi's thoughts Azra helped to give a new color to Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia, besides introducing new systems and methods, educational figures at that time also integrated general sciences into the curriculum of Islamic education so that it could bring Islamic schools and higher education. This study is descriptive analysis using a sociological historical and social hermeneutical approach. The method of study in the form of content analysis namely analysis of the text content and hermeuneutic analysis based on the interpretation of his books and his papers. Azyumardi Azra sees the reformation of the Islamic education system is very important that functions as an instrument in the creation of Indonesian human resources that have intellectual, spiritual, and moral. The results of this study can be concluded that the acceptance of a modern Islamic education system is projected to play a more constructive role in welcoming civilized societies capable of integrating Islamic, scientific, and Indonesian-oriented educational systems. The Islamic element is a great concern for the classical Islamic treasures which enables the emergence of educational results that have spiritual qualities. The scientific element compromises general science with religious knowledge. While the Indonesian element is intended because the pesantren institution is used as a reference for future education. the concept of cohesiveness in the education system is used as a philosophical reference framework for education that is capable of producing leaders and at the same time has an Islamic scientific ethos in civic education. This is clearly seen in the grounding of universal Islamic values at the time of the reform of the Islamic higher education system initiated by Azyumardi Azra. Abstrak Perubahan dan kemajuan teknologi yang pesat menuntut lembaga pendidikan Islam melakukan perubahan dalam berbagai aspek, secara mendasar dan menyeluruh agar pendidikan Islam mampu menghadapi tantangan global pendidikan menuju masyarakat madani. Jika tidak, ia akan tertinggal jauh dari pendidikan modern. Di Indonesia, Azyumardi Azra adalah salah seorang guru besar yang konsen dalam bidang pendidikan yang pemikirannya dapat dijadikan sebagai rol model dalam pembaharuan pendidikan Islam Indonesia. Kajian tentang konsep pembaharuan system pendidikan Islam menurut Azyumardi Azra dikaji berdasarkan latar belakang sosial dan setting sejarah pembaharuan pendidikan Islam yang terjadi pada awal abad XX di Indonesia. Pemikiran Azyumardi Azra ikut memberikan warna baru bagi lembaga pendidikan Islam di Indonesia, disamping memperkenalkan sistem dan metode baru, tokoh-tokoh  pendidikan ketika itu juga memadukan ilmu-ilmu umum kedalam kurikulum pendidikan Islam sehingga melahirkan madrasah dan pendidikan tinggi Islam. Kajian ini bersifat descriptive analisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan historis sosiologis dan hermeunetik social. Metode kajiannya berupa: Contens analisis yakni analisis isi dari teks dan  hermeuneutik analisis yakni interpretasi buku-buku dan tulisan-tulisannya. Azyumardi Azra melihat eksistensi pembaharuan sistem pendidikan Islam sangat penting yang  berfungsi sebagai instrumen dalam penciptaan SDM Indonesia yang memiliki intelektual, spiritual, dan moral. Hasil kajian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerimaan sistem pendidikan Islam yang modern diproyeksikan dapat berperan lebih konstruktif menyongsong masyarakat berperadaban yang mampu mengintegrasikan sistem pendidikan berwawasan keislaman, keilmuan, dan keindonesiaan. Unsur keislaman merupakan perhatian besar terhadap khazanah Islam klasik yang memungkinkan lahirnya hasil pendidikan yang memiliki kualitas spiritual. Unsur keilmuan mengkompromikan ilmu umum dengan ilmu agama. Sedangkan unsur keindonesiaan dimaksudkan karena institusi pesantren yang dijadikan rujukan pendidikan masa depan. konsep keterpaduan dalam sistem pendidikan tersebut dijadikan kerangka rujukan filosofis pendidikan yang mampu melahirkan pemimpin dan sekaligus memiliki etos keilmuan Islam dalam pendidikan kewarganegaraan (civil education). Ini terlihat jelas dalam pembumian nilai-nilai Islam universal pada saat pembaharuan sistem pendidikan tinggi Islam yang digagas oleh Azyumardi Azra DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.403300

    [Further Discussion on The Concept and The Approach of Modern Islamic Literature] Kupasan Lanjut Terhadap Konsep dan Peranan Pendekatan Sastera Islam Moden

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    The purpose of this paper is to give additional explanation on the concept of Islamic literature and its fundamental elements according to the article “Pendekatan Sastera Islam Moden (The Approach of Modern Islamic Literature)” by Rosni Samah and Nurhasma Muhamad Saad, in Jurnal Islam dan Masyarakat Kontemporari volume 5, July 2012. This is to give further explanation on the concept, roles, origin of the theory, and the key elements of the Islamic literature definition. To achieve this purpose, their article was analyzed by focusing on the relationship between Islamic literature and religion, roles, origin of the theory and the key elements of the Islamic literature definition. This study found that based on aqidah, Islamic literature is a beautiful  expression of arts which can admire the hearts produced by a muslim resulting from his interpretation about life, human being and the universe following the principles of tasawwur  Islam (Islamic world view). Islamic literature serves as a media of dacwah for the good in this life and hereafter in line with the principles of Islam itself. The development of Islamic literature started from an idea proposed by the late Sayyid Qutb in 1952. The development on this idea should be known by Islamic literature practitioners so they will understand that the establishment of Islamic literature theory actually derived from Islamic resurgence in the 20th century on the name of muslim brotherhood. The two key elements of Islamic literature are aesthetic values and Islamic values. The combination of aesthetic and ethics then can lead to the perfect meeting between the beauty of arts and the truth of God. Keywords:  Islamic literature; tasawwur Islam; media of dacwah; arts; aesthetic   Kertas ini bertujuan membuat kupasan lanjut tentang konsep sastera Islam dan elemen-elemen penting yang berkaitan berdasarkan artikel “Pendekatan Sastera Islam Moden” oleh Rosni Samah dan Nurhasma Muhamad Saad, Jurnal Islam dan Masyarakat Kontemporari keluaran 5, Julai 2012. Ia bagi memberikan maklumat tambahan berkaitan dengan konsep, peranan, punca cetusan teori dan inti pati definisi sastera Islam. Bagi mencapai tujuan tersebut, artikel yang berkenaan telah dianalisis dengan menumpukan kepada hubungan sastera Islam dengan agama, peranan, punca cetusan teori sastera Islam dan inti pati penting dalam definisi sastera Islam. Kajian ini mendapati bahawa dengan berpaksikan aqidah, sastera Islam adalah luahan seni yang indah, dapat menawan kalbu, terhasil daripada seseorang mukmin serta merupakan terjemahan tentang kehidupan, insan dan alam semesta berasaskan tasawur Islam. Sastera Islam berperanan sebagai wadah dakwah untuk kebaikan duniawi dan ukhrawi yang sejajar dengan prinsip-prinsip Islam itu sendiri. Perkembangannya bermula dengan cetusan idea yang dikemukakan oleh al-marhum Sayyid Qutb pada tahun 1952. Kronologi perkembangan idea sastera Islam perlu diketahui oleh para pejuang sastera Islam agar mereka memahami bahawa teori seni sastera Islam terbentuk adalah hasil daripada kebangkitan Islam pada abad ke-20 yang digembleng di atas dasar ukhuwah Islamiyah. Terdapat dua elemen utama dalam sastera Islam iaitu nilai estetika dan nilai keislaman. Kombinasi elemen estetika dan etika inilah yang membawa kepada pertemuan yang begitu sempurna antara keindahan seni dan kebenaran Ilahi. Kata kunci: sastera Islam, tasawur Islam, media dakwah, kesenian, estetika

    The Effect of Parental Involvement in Preventing a Children’s Behaviour Disorders

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    The supposition of this study is that involvement of parents in school events, which covers manifold positions of communication between parents and schools and a corporation in decision making, is advantageous for the educational and general progress of students. This article focused to explore the effect of parental involvement in preventing children’s behaviour disorders. The study is conceptual review, content analysis of the qualitative approach were used to accumulate information about the subject matter. The findings revealed that parental involvement help to prevent a children’s behaviour disorders. However, it also indicates that parent’s involvement do not only benefit the children’s educational performance but also influence in many aspects of their life including the way they behave. For that, government as well as private agencies have to work immensely to ensure the successful involvement of parents. Parents also have to understand that they are primarily needed to provide good citizens who are morally sound. Keywords: effect, parents,  involvement, preventing, children, behaviour disorders

    [Factors Affecting Motivation on Learning Arabic] Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Motivasi terhadap Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab

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    The purpose of this study is identify factors that affect students motivation in  learning Arabic among lower secondary level students at Naim Lilbanat National Religious Secondary School (SMKA), Kota Bharu, Kelantan. To achieve this purpose, four objectives have been outlined; to identify the level of students performance in Arabic, to identify the level of students interest towards Arabic, to identify factors that affect students motivation towards Arabic and to evaluate the relationship between motivation and students performance in Arabic. This quantitative research used questionnaires for collecting data. 93 students at lower secondary level at SMKA Naim Lilbanat were selected by simple random technique as the sample that represent 40% of the research population. A pilot study was conducted to ensure the quality of feasibility, validity and reliability of the instrument. The validity of items was obtained by referring to 10 experts of the subject matter. Coefficient of reliability value was obtained at a high level that is 0.86 through Cronbach Alpha test using SPSS version 19. The study found that 88 (94.6%) respondents have a good performance in Arabic and 78 (83.9%) respondents have a good interest towards Arabic. According to this study, five factors that affect students motivation in descending order are: attitude toward Arabic as they consider it as important, Arabic environment, attitude toward Arabic as they consider it as easy to learn and understand, self-awareness and the effectiveness of teaching and learning in the classroom. The Pearson correlation test showed that there is a positive significant relationship at a moderate level between level of interest and performance of Arabic among lower secondary level students at SMKA Naim Lilbanat.   Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti faktor-faktor yang membentuk motivasi terhadap pembelajaran bahasa Arab dalam kalangan pelajar peringkat menengah rendah di Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Agama (SMKA) Naim Lilbanat, Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Bagi mencapai tujuan tersebut, empat objektif telah digariskan iaitu mengenal pasti tahap pencapaian pelajar bagi mata pelajaran Bahasa Arab, mengenal pasti tahap minat pelajar terhadap mata pelajaran Bahasa Arab, mengenal pasti faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi motivasi pelajar terhadap mata pelajaran Bahasa Arab dan menguji hubungan tahap motivasi pelajar dengan pencapaian Bahasa Arab. Kajian ini berbentuk kuantitatif dan menggunakan soal selidik sebagai alat pengumpulan data. Seramai 93 orang pelajar peringkat menengah rendah di SMKA Naim Lilbanat telah dipilih secara rawak mudah sebagai sampel yang merupakan 40% daripada jumlah populasi kajian. Satu kajian rintis telah dijalankan bagi menjamin kualiti kebolehlaksanaan, kesahan dan kebolehpercayaan instrumen. Kesahan instrumen diperoleh secara merujuk kepada 10 orang pakar bidang. Nilai keefisienan kebolehpercayaan item diperoleh pada tahap tinggi iaitu 0.86 daripada ujian Alpha Cronbach menggunakan perisian SPSS versi 19. Kajian ini mendapati 88 orang (94.6%) responden mempunyai pencapaian yang baik dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Arab. Kajian ini juga mendapati 78 orang (83.9%) responden mempunyai tahap minat yang baik terhadap mata pelajaran Bahasa Arab. Lima faktor yang paling mempengaruhi motivasi pelajar secara turutan menurun ialah: sikap terhadap mata pelajaran Bahasa Arab yang dianggap penting, persekitaran bahasa Arab, sikap terhadap mata pelajaran Bahasa Arab yang dianggap mudah dipelajari dan difahami, kesedaran diri dan keberkesanan pengajaran dan pembelajaran dalam bilik darjah. Ujian korelasi Pearson memperlihatkan wujud hubungan positif yang signifikan pada kadar sederhana antara tahap motivasi dan pencapaian Bahasa Arab dalam kalangan pelajar peringkat menengah rendah di SMKA Naim Lilbanat
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