105 research outputs found


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    Hasil penelitihan menunjukkan bahwa Absensi Finger Print, Motivasi dan pengawasan secara bersamaan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Disiplin Aparatur Sipil Negara. Hasil Uji F diperoleh nilai F hitung sebesar 15.321, sedangkan nilai Ftabel pada tingkat kepercayaan 95% (α = 0,05) sebesar 2,70. Hal ini berarti bahwa nilai Fhitung > Ftabel (19.945 > 3,10) dan tingkat signifikansinya (0,000 ttabel (2,665 > 1,985) dan nilai sig. 0,009 t tabel (2,467 > 1,985) dan nilai sig. 0,015 ttabel (3,797 > 1,985) dan nilai sig. 0,000 < 0,05. Dari hasil uji parsial diatas, maka menolak H0  dan merima H2.. Hasil uji koefisien determinasi (R2) adalah sebesar 0,311. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa sebesar 31,1% variabel Absensi Finger Print, Motivasi dan Pengawasan berpengaruh terhadap Disiplin Aparatur Sipil Negara Sedangkan sisanya 68,9% dijelaskan oleh variabel bebas lain yang tidak diteliti dan tidak dimasukkan ke dalam model regresi.                                          Kata Kunci: Absensi Finger Print,  Motivasi, Pengawasan, Disiplin Aparatur Negar

    Willingness to pay for the sustainability of recreational forest reserve in Malaysia: Case study Gunung Nuang, Hulu Langat, Selangor

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    Recreational areas centred around nature are gaining popularity among Malaysians.One such area, the Gunung Nuang Recreational Forest, charges a minimal fee of only RM1.In view of rising maintenance costs, it is necessary to determine the amount that the public is willing to pay for access to Gunung Nuang.As environmental factors can not be assigned monetary value, a Contingent Valuation method is utilized for this purpose.This paper aims to determine the willingness to pay of visitors to Gunung Nuang Recreational Forest.The results show that visitors are willing to pay up to RM2.50 per entry. This study is also intended to aid technical officers in future valuations of this nature

    APEC procurement principles influencing the legal framework of government procurement in Malaysia

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    This paper discusses the application of Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) procurement principles in the legal framework of government procurement (government contracting) in Malaysia.Each principle governing government procurement under the APEC non-binding scheme is analysed to determine whether these APEC standards have been adopted by the Malaysian government in its national procurement procedures and processes.The paper finds that there is a strong linkage between these APEC standards and the current principles and policy on government procurement in Malaysia. However, there are challenges faced by Malaysia in applying the said standards. The paper suggests that APEC standards are useful to strengthen Malaysia s effort to reform its national procurement system

    Grounds for Termination of Franchise Agreement in Jordan

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    Purpose: This study explores the termination of franchise agreement in Jordan. The study discusses the grounds to terminate the franchise agreement by each party whether franchisor or franchisee. Regulating the franchise sector by a specific act minimizes unfair termination and helps strengthen the franchise sector in Jordan. Design/methodology/approach: This study is qualitative. Eleven in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with the relevant parties involved in franchise agreements as well as legislatures. The analysis was thematically conducted and accordingly supported by sufficient excerpts. Findings: The study found several grounds to terminate the franchise agreement by the parties involved. Emphatically, the participants were unanimous regarding the breach of the contract terms and conditions as the main ground to terminate the franchise agreement. Research limitations: The research participants were franchisors, franchisees and parliamentarians in Jordan. Additionally, the data collection constrained by funds paucity and difficulties in securing appointments with the participants who were always busy and not available. Two of the participant answered the interview questions by filling up the questions instead of face to face and recorded interview. Practical implications: The study suggests that the termination grounds of the franchise agreement need to be more specific and limited to certain provisions which should be provided by specific act for this purpose. Otherwise the unfair termination whether by the franchisors or franchisees will continue. Originality/value: Even though franchise agreement literatures are aplenty, this study, however, is the first attempt at qualitatively exploring in-depth regarding the termination grounds for the franchise agreement in Jordan. Paper type: Research Paper Keywords: franchise agreement, termination, specific act, franchise la

    The role of expert evidence in medical negligence litigation in Malaysia

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    The courts are continuing to allow greater participation in the justice system by experts. Expert evidence is admissible in court whenever there are matters or issues which require their expertise in terms of observation, analysis, description and resolution.In medical negligence litigation, the ‘Bolam’ test is cited as the starting point.The test requires doctors to conform to a ‘responsible’ body of medical opinion. However, it has failed to define what a ‘responsible’ body of medical opinion is.The article aims to examine the role of expert evidence in medical negligence litigation cases. The scope of this article is limited to expert evidence in medical negligence litigation in Malaysia in the context of the standard of care required from doctors in the course of treatment, diagnosis and provision of information to their patients.The methodology is a legal, library-based research focusing mainly on primary and secondary sources.The findings indicate a need for reforms such as improving the quality of medical expert witness testimony by strengthening the qualifications for serving as a medical expert and providing more specific guidelines that govern the conduct of physicians throughout the legal process

    Air pollution and its governing legal administrative mechanisms in Iraq

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    Iraq has had a big share of air pollution due to industrial development taking place in the country.To address the air pollution issues in Iraq, the government has passed some important environmental legislations, such as the Act of Ministry of Environment in 2008, the Act of Protect and Improve Environment in 2009, and the Order of Air Protection in 2012 with a few international environmental responsibilities. These legislations consist of mechanisms allowing administration to use it in order to maintain air quality.This paper discusses the executive mechanisms:- preventive and curative to maintain air quality by utilizing the existing legal system tools.Further, to give an explanation for the sources of air pollutants in Iraq.It relies on primary sources namely, in-depth interview with participants in different criteria such as the professionals including experts, academics and supported with secondary sources

    Air Pollution and Its Governing Legal Administrative Mechanisms in Iraq

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    iraq has had a big share of air pollution due to industrial development taking place in the country. To address the air pollution issues in Iraq, the government has passed some important environmental legislations, such as the Act of Ministry of Environment in 2008, the Act of Protect and Improve Environment in 2009, and the Order of Air Protection in 2012 with a few international environmental responsibilities. These legislations consist of mechanisms allowing administration to use it in order to maintain air quality. This paper discusses the executive mechanisms:- preventive and curative to maintain air quality by utilizing the existing legal system tools. Further, to give an explanation for the sources of air pollutants in Iraq. It relies on primary sources namely, in-depth interview with participants in different criteria such as the professionals including experts, academics and supported with secondary sources. Key words: Sources of Air Pollution, Administrative Legal Mechanisms, Iraq

    Ethno-sectarian division and the predicaments of national integration in plural societies: a study of Nigeria and Iraq

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    Objective: The purpose of this paper is to examine the problem of sectarianism in Nigeria and Iraq, as both countries provide typical examples of ethno-sectarian divided societies characterized by huge contrasts in social norms and religious values among the citizens. Methodology: Adopting content analysis, the current paper argues that ethno-sectarianism negatively affects political process in both countries which invariably undermines their effort toward national integration.The paper seeks to answer the following question: will restructuring the Nigerian and Iraqi federal relations contribute to resolving sectarian tensions? First, the paper examines the sources of sectarianism in both countries.The paper therefore examines how ethno-sectarianism shaped and molds the polity of both countries, where ethnic and religious values play major role in determining citizen’s reaction to political phenomenon Results: Coordination mechanisms such as framework legislation and dispute resolution committees are also necessary to ensure that the transition to viable federalism occurs with minimal encumbrance.To respect the complex and diverse identities of nations, safeguards need to be established to protect the rights of sub-federal nations.For example, the political future of Iraq and Nigeria is not a return to failed approaches of division, but rather the construction of a viable modern federal state that promotes unity, political compromise, and consensus building.Implication: This paper therefore posits that there is a need for deep mental changes and social adjustment among the citizens of both countries where attributes such as tolerance, dignity of human persons and above all patriotism must be re-defined and this requires collaboration between political leaders, community leaders and religious bodies as the problem is societal bound

    Creating a Culture of Sustainability using Mission Statements of Cooperative Organizations

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    Mission statements are recognized as effective strategic management tools that influence firms’ performance. The evolution of a culture of sustainability begins with a mission statement that strikes a balance between financial performance and social commitments. The clear articulation of sustainability as part of the firm’s mission, values, goals, and strategy are key factors in fostering sustainability focused culture. This study illustrates the fundamental tenets of the culture of organizational sustainability model proposed by Galpin, Whitttington, and Bell (2015) using selected cooperatives in Malaysia. The contents of the mission statements were then analyze using the nine elements model by Pearce and David (1987) in findings its relations to and the existence of sustainability culture within the cooperatives. Findings from the study confirm building an organizational infrastructure that fosters a culture of sustainability results in positive employee and organizational-level sustainability performance. A reference was made to Bank Rakyat, one of the leading cooperative-based banking in the country for its outstanding performance.© 2016. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies, Faculty of Architecture, Planning &amp; Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia.Keywords: Mission statement; sustainability; culture; cooperativ
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