781 research outputs found

    Fossil remains of family Cervidae from the Siwaliks of Pakistan

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    Resilience and Subjective Well-being among survivors of Dengue Fever

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    The purpose of the study was to explore the relationship between resilience and subjective well-being among the survivors of dengue fever. It was hypothesized that there would be significant positive relationship between resilience and subjective well-being among the dengue fever. It was correlation study in which cross-sectional research design was used. The sample size was one hundred (N=100) survivors which comprises of fifty male and fifty female dengue survivors. The sample was drawn by using purposive sampling strategy which is a technique of non-probability sampling because it is the nature of population which is survivors so this type of sampling is helpful for recruit sample in the study. Two scales Trait Resilience Checklist (Hiew, et al 2000) and Subjective Happiness Scale (Lyubomirsky, 1999) were used to measure resilience and subjective well-being respectively. SPSS-20 was used to run statistical analyses. The results showed that there is significant positive correlation between resilience and subjective well-being among survivors of dengue fever. Furthermore, a significant gender difference was found on subjective well-being that males are happier than females. The results are discussed in the light of already existing literature. Keyword; Resilience, subjective well-being,

    Measurements of the exchange of certain dissolved substances between voluntary muscles and saline solutions: an attempt to study the structure of living muscles by physico-chemical means

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    In the present investigation the diffusion of certain dissolved substances into and out of muscle has been studied. Two of these, lactate and bicarbonate, are normally present in the animal body, while the other two-iodide and iodoacetate - are extraneous substances.In the concluding chapter the results obtained by the writer have been compared with those of the diffusion of various substances as found by other investigators, and an attempt has been made to form an idea of the normal concentration of various dissolved substances in that portion of the muscle into which these can diffuse, and in the rest of the muscle

    Impact of agricultural changes on the rural landscape of south east Scotland, 1972-1900

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    Computational Investigation of Crystalline and Amorphous Borosilicates

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    By utilising both Molecular Dynamics (MD) and Density Functional Theory (DFT), the project focuses on the structure and bonding in glassy and crystalline boron oxide and borates, particularly on the distribution of BO3 and BO4 groups though ring and structural analysis and on the bonding and structural properties of borates. There are two main areas of this research: the first section presents the results of the computational investigation of Boron Trioxide (B2O3) via MD. The second focuses on the alkali-infused crystalline borates to understand their network structure in detail. The MD component of this investigation concentrates on pure B2O3 including the crystalline, molten, and glassy structure. The atomic structure of this material is one that has been widely debated and was a key topic in this project. Characteristics are identified through various structural and mechanical properties and via ring analysis. The results of the initial MD simulations indicate a substantial proportion of BO3 groups present in the structure of pure B2O3 (87.5%). However, expanding the simulation cell size reveals an increase in the BO4 subgroup, indicating a possibility of an increase in boroxol ring formation, this finding demonstrates the need for large simulation cells which is now possible with contemporary computational resources. The thesis then focusses on the testing and identification of a force field to utilise in the MD studies. It explores the two available force fields, containing two- and threebody terms and shows that both can model the molten structure. However, as the Computational Investigation of Crystalline and Amorphous Borosilicates quenching of the simulation takes place, the two-body potential fails to adequately create the glassy phase; whereas the potential with the three-body term is able to achieve the glassy-B2O3 structures at a much quicker rate. Crystalline borates with a range Na2O/B2O3 ratios are next investigated using Density Functional Theory. Various crystals compositions are analysed, with a focus primarily on electronic and mechanical properties. We show that an increase in sodium content in these types of crystals has a direct effect on elasticity and mechanical strength. The results reveal interesting aspects of the bonding in these materials and give insight into the relationship between structure and composition

    A brief survey of research on Pine Wilt Disease under various climatic conditions around the globe

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    Pine wilt disease (PWD), caused by the pinewood nematode (PWN) Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, causes significant losses in coniferous forests in eastern Asia, including Japan, China, and South Korea, as well as western Europe, including Portugal. The results of the research papers given at the International Symposium on Pine Wilt Disease (IUFRO Working Party Meeting 4.04.03) in Nanjing, China, in July 2009 are summarised in this article. The basic themes discussed included pine wilt disease (PWD), the pinewood nematode (PWN) Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, and other PWN-associated microorganisms that play a significant role in PWD, such as bacteria (e.g., Pseudomonas fluorescens). The majority of the papers are based on PWD-PWN research in East Asia and Russia. The following are some of the specific topics covered: 1) fundamental concepts of PWD development, 2) pathogenicity, 3) host-parasite relationships, including histopathology of diseased conifers and the role of toxins from bacteria-nematode ecto-symbionts, 4) PWN life cycle and transmission, 5) B. xylophilus dissemination models, 6) associations (with other nematodes), 7) diagnostics, 8) quarantine and control of the PWN and 9) biocontrol of the PWN.Keywords: Review; A brief survey of research on Pine Wilt Diseas

    Muslims in Kosovo: A Socio-economic and Demographic Profile: Is the Muslim Population Exploding?

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    Kosovo has the highest percentage of Muslims of any European country except for Turkey. To our knowledge, there has been no systematic study of the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the Muslim population of Kosovo. The present study is the first attempt to fill this gap. Ethnicity and religious affiliation are almost synonymous in Kosovo, with ninety seven percent of Albanians, the dominant ethnic group, identifying themselves as Muslim. With the exception of a tiny fraction, the same is true of Turks, Goranis, and Bosnians: their ethnicity and religion are almost synonymous. By the same token, almost all Serbs are Christian Orthodox. As regards the sectarian division among Muslims, most Muslims are Sunni. Other than Muslims and Orthodox Christians, a tiny minority consists of other groups including Roman Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Bektashi Shias, and non-believers. We estimate that in 2009, the population of Muslims in Kosovo was about 1890000 or 93% of the total population of Kosovo. The share of Muslim population is expected to grow but at a decreasing rate. By 2029, the share of Muslim population is projected to increase to 95 percent under a medium fertility scenario.  This projection is significant in that it casts doubt on the perception of Muslim demographic exceptionalism – the view that Muslims are culturally resistant to family planning and are disposed to early marriages, resulting in a higher growth rate of Muslims relative to non-Muslims. While not new, the subject of Muslim demographic exceptionalism has been receiving increasing traction in the aftermath of the September 2001 attack on the Twin Towers.  We conclude that Muslims are expected to follow the demographic trajectory of other groups albeit with a delayed effect. The projected delayed effect is accounted for by population momentum.Keywords: Muslim, socio-economic characteristics, Kosovo, demography, Balkan, Muslim exceptionalism, demographic transition, population momentum

    Muslim Population of the Republic of Macedonia: A Demographic and Socio-economic Profile

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    This paper challenges the thesis of Muslim demographic exceptionalism by providing a detailed case study of the Republic of Macedonia. Given the heterogeneity of Muslim populations in different countries, country level investigation of the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of Muslim population is important to devulgarize the level of discussion about this subject, which has been receiving increasing attention in both academic/policy and popular circles in the aftermath of 9/11. The Republic of Macedonia had a population of 2.1 million as of 2009. Ethnicity and religious affiliation are almost identical for the main ethnicities - with the exception of a tiny fraction, almost all ethnic Macedonians are Christian Orthodox, and almost all Albanians, Turks, and Bosnians are Muslim. Ninety two percent of Romas are also Muslims. In 2009, about 35% population of Macedonia was estimated to be Muslim. Muslim population of the Republic of Macedonia will continue to grow over the next twenty years, with its the share of projected to increase to 40 percent by 2029 under a medium fertility scenario. Given the decreasing rate of growth, Muslims are expected to remain a minority for the foreseeable future. Thus, Muslims are expected to follow the demographic trajectory of other groups albeit with a delayed effect because of the population momentum. This finding is consistent with the conclusions from recent studies on the demographics of Muslims, and casts serious doubts on the thesis of Muslim exceptionalism.Keywords: Macedonia, Macedonian, population, Muslim, Balkans, demography, socio-economic characteristic

    Protection of Personal Liberty Under the Pakistan Constitution.

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    The study deals with one of the crucial fundamental rights in the Pakistan Constitution, the right to personal liberty, which is comprehensive. In an era of centralised and totalitarian rule in Pakistan, by the head of the Central Executive before 1958, with little of parliamentary Government or by the head of the armed forces after 1958, this right has been more under attack from bureaucrats, than any other. The constitutional provisions for the protection of personal liberty in Pakistan are as comprehensive as in other modern constitutions, but they are not so extensive as to cover all kinds of arbitrary deprivation of personal liberty. The role of the judiciary in protecting personal liberty has, therefore, been more difficult. It is necessary to maintain a proper balance between the security of State, the public safety and the maintenance of law and order, on one hand and the right to personal liberty on the other. This problem has inspired me to undertake this study. The work is divided into eleven chapters. It begins with the interpretation of the terms 'liberty' and 'personal liberty', the scope of personal liberty in this present age and its historical development from the time of Magna Carta to the French and American Bills of Rights. It is followed, in the next chapter, by an account of the development in the 19th and 20th centuries, the Dutch and Belgian Constitutions, the American 14th Amendment, the development after the World War I and II. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and European Convention of Human Rights are dealt with. A comparative study of the provisions regarding personal liberty in the various constitutions of the world is attempted in the third chapter. The fourth chapter generally deals with development in Pakistan from 1947 to the Proclamation of Martial Law in 1969. A detailed analysis of the constitutional provisions relating to personal liberty, including protection against retroactive punishment, is made in the fifth chapter. Procedural safeguards, such as protection against double jeopardy and self incrimination, are discussed in the sixth chapter. The crucial problems of preventive detention, the satisfaction of detaining authority, the detaining authority's privilege of withholding certain facts in the general public interest and the right of the alien enemy, find by place in the seventh chapter. It is followed in the eighth chapter by the freedom of movement and the question of reasonable restrictions on the right in the general public interest. The remedies for violation of the right to personal liberty, in particular the writ of habeas corpus, is comparatively and analytically discussed in the nineth chapter. In the tenth chapter the difficulties of ensuring the protection of the rights of the people when martial law is in force are discussed. Various kinds of martial law and state of seige, are considered and the role of judiciary analysed. Finally, conclusions are drawn and some suggestions as to the solution of certain problems in the field of personal liberty, are made in the eleventh chapter

    Problemas en las habilidades de lectura del inglés entre alumnos de escuelas primarias rurales

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    Reading skills is a basic language skills for pupils in primary schools. This skill is very important for the pupils to achieve a proficient level in the target language. Therefore, this study aims to identify the problems regarding the reading skills in English among the rural primary school pupils. The participants consist of 150 primary school pupils studying in Standard 4 to Standard 6 in a rural primary school in Sarawak, Malaysia. This study is a descriptive survey research utilizing the use of a questionnaire that encompasses the personal background information and the problems that are faced in reading skills.Las habilidades de lectura son habilidades lingüísticas básicas para los alumnos de las escuelas primarias. Esta habilidad es muy importante para que los alumnos alcancen un nivel competente en el idioma de destino. Por lo tanto, este estudio tiene como objetivo identificar los problemas relacionados con las habilidades de lectura en inglés entre los alumnos de la escuela primaria rural. Los participantes consisten en 150 alumnos de primaria que estudian en el Estándar 4 al Estándar 6 en una escuela primaria rural en Sarawak, Malasia. Este estudio es una investigación de encuesta descriptiva que utiliza el uso de un cuestionario que abarca la información de fondo personal y los problemas que enfrentan las habilidades de lectura