31 research outputs found

    Land Use Effect on Milky Stork Habitat Selection in Matang Forest Reserve, Perak

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    The global Milky Stork population has undergone a rapid population decline with a current estimated population of 5500 individuals remaining worldwide. In Malaysia Milky Stork populations have declined more than 90% over the last 20 years and less than five individuals being observed recently in Pulau Kelumpang and Pulau Trong, the last known Milky Stork habitats in the Matang Forest Reserve. GIS application is used to analyse habitat selection of Milky Stork in study area. There are 16 different stations have been choosing in this research and three parameter has been set which is land use, vegetation and food availability.  From the results, the highest density of Milky Stork that can be found is at Pulau Gula  and the lowest density of Milky Stork is at Pulau Kelumpang which is only 1 individual was spotted. The result from this study also shows these birds are most likely to be found at disturbed area especially aquaculture activity. This aquaculture activity has provided them to an easy access towards food source. Research finding shown that since captive breeding birds program implemented by Department of wildlife and National Park (DWNP), they are most likely has lost their ability on foraging food in the wild. Some of the staff in DWNP Pulau Gula branch said that when it was rainy days, this bird will come to their building asking for food. The results also show that environment factor like vegetation, food and climate does not have any effects on density of Milky Stork. This situation is very contrary with previous studies that showing these birds are able to get their own food natural habitat. &nbsp

    Penglibatan komuniti tempatan dalam aktiviti ternakan ikan dalam sangkar sekitar kawasan Temerloh, Pahang

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    Aktiviti penternakan ikan dalam sangkar di daerah Temerloh merupakan aktiviti yang berpotensi untuk dimajukan bagi memangkin perkembangan ekonomi komuniti tempatan. Walaupun permintaan terhadap hasil ternakan ikan dalam sangkar ini amat menggalakkan namun aktiviti ternakan ini masih kurang diceburi oleh komuniti tempatan. Oleh itu, kajian ini dilakukan bagi mengenalpasti kesan ternakan ikan dalam sangkar terhadap pembangunan sosioekonomi mereka. Pendekatan kuantitatif melalui pengedaran borang soal selidik dan dapatan data dari Jabatan Perikanan Temerloh dilakukan secara bersemuka dan atas talian atas kekangan pendemik melibatkan seramai 150 orang responden yang terdiri daripada pengusaha penternakan ikan dalam sangkar sekitar kawasan kajian. Kajian menunjukkan aktiviti penternakan ikan dalam sangkar memberi kesan kepada pembangunan ekonomi melalui penyediaan peluang pekerjaan (47%), membantu perkembangan industri (46%) dan menjana pendapatan tambahan komuniti (44%). Dari aspek sosial, aktiviti penternakan ini membantu menambahkan kemahiran dan pengetahuan mereka dalam bidang penternakan (45%). Tambahan lagi, penternakan ikan dalam sangkar juga memudahkan komuniti setempat mendapatkan bekalan ikan segar (38%). Aktiviti penternakan ini juga menyedarkan komuniti tempatan kepentingan teknologi dalam meningkatkan kualiti dan hasil ternakan ikan yang diusahakan iaitu sebanyak 27% responden menyokong penyataan ini. Kajian ini juga menunjukkan 37% pengusaha mengharapkan lebih banyak seminar percuma di sediakan bagi meningkatkan kemahiran dan hasil ternakan mereka. Selain itu, 29% pengusaha juga mengharapkan lebih banyak kemudahan dan infrastruktur berkaitan ternakan ikan dalam sangkar ini diperkenalkan kepada mereka serta 27% pengusaha lebih banyak peruntukan bantuan diberikan kepada mereka dari pihak yang berkenaan. Kajian ini bermanfaat kepada pihak yang berkenaan dalam usaha membantu dan mengalakkan penglibatan komuniti tempatan sekitar Temerloh terhadap aktiviti ternakan ikan dalam sangkar yang dapat memberi kesan yang positif kepada ekonomi dan sosial komuniti tempatan

    Pendekatan spatial bagi analisis lokaliti taburan kes demam denggi sekitar kawasan Kulim, Kedah

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    Persekitaran yang kurang bersih, peningkatan kepadatan populasi penduduk, pergerakan manusia dan proses pembandaran dikenalpasti menjadi faktor yang menyumbang kepada peningkatan kes demam denggi di kebanyakan daerah di Pulau Pinang termasuk daerah Kulim. Pelbagai usaha telah dirangka dan dilaksanakan oleh pihak yang bertanggungjawab, namun kes demam denggi yang direkodkan terus meningkat setiap tahun. Oleh itu, kajian terperinci berkenaan peningkatan kes demam denggi sekitar daerah Kulim perlu dilakukan bagi mengenalpasti pola taburan kes dan lokasi yang terjejas akibat permasalahan ini secara menyeluruh. Kajian ini dilaksanakan dengan mengambil kira elemen ruangan menggunakan pendekatan aplikasi sistem maklumat geografi (GIS) bagi menganalisis situasi taburan kes demam denggi menggunakan pendekatan spatial temporal bagi menganalisis pola taburan kes berasaskan maklumat lokaliti kes yang direkodkan bagi tempoh masa tiga tahun iaitu bagi tahun 2018 hingga 2020. Integrasi analisis statistik dan analisis spatial menggunakan pendekatan GIS digunakan dalam kajian ini bagi meramalkan lokasi yang berisiko untuk terjejas dengan kes demam denggi ini pada masa akan datang. Hasil kajian yang diperolehi menunjukkan kepentingan aplikasi analisis ruangan menggunakan pendekatan aplikasi sistem maklumat geografi (GIS) dalam usaha menangani masalah peningkatan kes demam denggi yang tidak hanya terbatas melalui hasil pemetaan sahaja tetapi juga membantu dalam meramal lokasi berpotensi menunjukkan peningkatan kes demam denggi pada masa akan datang. Pada masa sama analisis yang diperolehi juga membantu mengenalpasti ciri-ciri persekitaran yang menyebabkan penularan kes demam denggi sekitar kawasan kajian. Dalam hal ini, dapatan analisis dan ramalan yang diperolehi membantu meningkatkan kecekapan Jabatan Kesihatan Daerah yang terlibat secara langsung dalam pemantauan dan kawalan terhadap peningkatan kes demam denggi yang direkodkan sekitar Daerah Kulim secara berterusan

    Shorebird Abundance and Species Richness in Penang Island

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    Mangroves area is one type of landscape in Malaysia that sustains various species of shorebirds. Throughout the years, several species of shorebirds are experiencing tremendous declination in population size. Therefore, the species are classified as endangered and near-threatened under the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Development of coastal wetlands for industrial needs and human disturbances are two major factors affecting the number of the migrating species. This study focused on the abundance and species richness of shorebirds at two main sites i.e. Teluk Air Tawar and Kuala Muda. The birds were observed and counted using a point count method from November 2017 to January 2018. Abiotic factors included temperature, humidity, and light intensity was also studied. A total of 3293 birds, belonging to four families were recorded i.e. Scolopacidae, Ardeidae, Charadriidae, and Laridae. Among these, the family Scolopacidae was the most abundant which accounted for 85% of the total birds at Teluk Air Tawar and 61% at Kota Kuala Muda. The family Laridae was least abundant family at both sites with the percentage of 1% at Teluk Air and 5% at Kota Kuala Muda. Research findings showed that Teluk Air Tawar was an ideal habitat for several shorebirds due to the bigger mangrove estuary than Kota Kuala Muda. It functions as a breeding site for aquatic organisms as well as providing shelter for various bird species including shorebirds. Therefore, conservation efforts should be implemented to continuously preserve and protect the mangrove areas to benefit both human and wildlife populations

    Impak ekopelancongan terhadap persekitaran, pembangunan ekonomi, sosial dan budaya komuniti setempat di Pantai Tanjung Kembang Kabong, Sarawak

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    Pantai Tanjung Kembang di Kabong, Sarawak merupakan salah satu kawasan ekopelancongan yang mula mendapat perhatian dan kunjungan pengunjung dalam negara mahupun luar negara. Keindahan semulajadi di kawasan ini berpotensi untuk dibangunkan dan dikomersialkan namun kekurangan sambutan daripada komuniti setempat dan kemudahan asas yang tidak mencukupi menyekat usaha untuk membangunkan kawasan ini. Oleh itu, kajian ini dijalankan adalah bertujuan untuk melihat penglibatan komuniti setempat dalam aktiviti pelancongan serta kesannya terhadap persekitaran, pembangunan ekonomi, sosial dan budaya komunitit setempat di Pantai Tanjung Kembang. Kaedah kuantitatif digunakan iaitu pengedaran set borang soal selidik kepada komuniti setempat yang terlibat secara langsung mahupun tidak langsung dalam aktiviti ekopelancongan di kawasan ini. Seramai 77 orang responden telah terlibat di dalam tinjauan ini iaitu di kalangan komuniti setempat. Teknik analisis yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah dengan menggunakan aplikasi Package for Social Science (SPSS) versi 27.0 seperti nilai min, kekerapan dan sisihan piawai. Dapatan kajian mendapati bahawa tiga jenis pekerjaan utama atau penglibatan oleh komuniti di sekitar kawasan termasuklah peniaga kecil-kecilan (35 orang), pemandu pelancong (21 orang) dan pekebun kelapa (21 orang). Apek ekonomi akibat daripada aktiviti ekopelancongan menunjukkan kesan yang positif apabila pernyataan “peluang pekerjaan”, “peluang perniagaan”, “industri produk berkembang” dan “menjana pendapatan’ mendapat kan nilai min yang tinggi iaitu masing-masing (4.65), (4.57), (4.56) dan (4.48). Manakala aspek sosial pula terdapat dua penyataan yang mempunyai nilai min tinggi iaitu “Peningkatan masalah sosial” (4.66) dan “Kemasukan warga asing” (4.69). Penyataan bagi persekitaran ketiga-tiganya mendapatkan nilai min yang tinggi iaitu “Kebersihan kawasan terjejas” (4.40), “Pencemaran meningkat” (4.43) dan “Hasil tangkapan terjejas” (4.62). Akhir sekali, hanya satu penyataan yang berkaitan dengan budaya yang mendapat nilai min tinggi iaitu “Pemuliharaan landskap” (4.00). Melalui kajian ini dapat membuktikan bahawa kawasan Pantai Tanjung Kembang sememangnya berpotensi untuk dibangunkan sebagai salah satu kawasan ekopelancong di negeri Sarawak. Namun begitu, pihak bertanggungjawab khususnya kerajaan negeri berperanan dalam memberi bantuan dan sokongan dari segi kewangan dan pendedahan bagi mengalakkan penglibatan komuniti tempatan secara langsung dalam aktiviti ekopelancongan di kawasan ini. Usaha ini adalah untuk mendorong komuniti tempatan dalam menambahbaik tahap ekonomi mereka dan menghapuskan stigma negatif terhadap pembangunan sekitar kawasan Pantai Tanjung Kembang sebagai kawasan ekopelancongan yang dilakukan.Hasil kajian ini juga membantu perancangan dan pelaksanaan pembangunan ekopelancongan di sekitar kawasan Pantai Tanjung Kembang yang mendapat sambutan dan kerjasama masyarakat setempat

    Research related to fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) around the world over the year 2000 – 2021: an overview and guidelines

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    Fireflies are groups of the Coleoptera order and the Lampyridae family. Fireflies are typically classified as nocturnal insects, however some are diurnal, and others have mixed nocturnal and diurnal characteristics. They are also known as luminescent insects due to their ability to emit light. Bibliometric analysis is a popular and rigorous method for discovering and analyzing enormous volumes of scientific data. Therefore, the objective of this study is to present overview and guidelines in studies related to firefly research worldwide from 2000 to 2021 using bibliometric analysis to provide researchers and scholars around the world an overview of results and trends in firefly research. A textual query on three databases; Scopus (289 papers), Web of Science (303 papers), and PubMed (541 papers) using the term “Fireflies Coleoptera Lampyridae” was performed on 30 August 2021 retrieving 1133 scholarly papers from 2000 to 2021 related to firefly studies for in-depth analysis. Bibliometric analysis were performed using Rstudio software version 4.1.1 and biblioshiniy for bibliometrix to visualize and analyze trends of firefly research. This bibliometric analysis was analyzed the annual scientific publication growth, the most productive authors, most frequent word has been using, most famous journal name, and which countries has highest collaboration with other country in firefly research. According to the findings of the analysis, there is significant inconsistency in global trends in annual scientific production, with the number of publications increasing and decreasing. In firefly research, according to the findings has show the most relevant authors is Fu X (Scopus), Fu XH (WoS), and Hosseinkhani S (PubMed). Moreover, the most relevant journals articles in fireflies studies is Zootaxa (Scopus & WoS), and Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences : Official Journal Of The European Photochemistry Association And The European Society For Photobiology (PubMed). Futhermore, the most frequently utilized keywords in fireflies study is lampyridae, firefly, bioluminescence, animals and fireflies. China and USA is the most highest collaboration among others countries in fireflies research. This research can help researchers or academics who are new to firefly research by providing information on which publications and authors to refer when performing firefly research

    Diet Composition of the Wild Stump-Tailed Macaque(Macaca arctoides) in Perlis State Park, Peninsular Malaysia, Using a Chloroplast tRNL DNA Metabarcoding Approach: A Preliminary Study

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    Understanding dietary diversity is a fundamental task in the study of stump-tailed macaque, Macaca arctoides in its natural habitat. However, direct feeding observation and morphological identification using fecal samples are not effective and nearly impossible to obtain in natural habitats because this species is sensitive to human presence. As ecological methods are challenging and time-consuming, DNA metabarcoding offers a more powerful assessment of the diet. We used a chloroplast tRNL DNA metabarcoding approach to identify the diversity of plants consumed by free-ranging M. arctoides in the Malaysia–Thailand border region located in Perlis State Park, Peninsular Malaysia. DNA was extracted from three fecal samples, and chloroplast tRNL DNA was amplified and sequenced using the Illumina MiniSeq platform. Sequences were analyzed using the CLC Genomic Workbench software. A total of 145 plant species from 46 families were successfully identified as being consumed by M. arctoides. The most abundant species were yellow saraca, Saraca thaipingensis (11.70%), common fig, Ficus carica (9.33%), aramata, Clathrotropis brachypetala (5.90%), sea fig, Ficus superba (5.44%), and envireira, Malmea dielsiana (1.70%). However, Clathrotropis and Malmea are not considered Malaysian trees because of limited data available from Malaysian plant DNA. Our study is the first to identify plant taxa up to the species level consumed by stump-tailed macaques based on a DNA metabarcoding approach. This result provides an important understanding on diet of wild M. arctoides that only reside in Perlis State Park, Malaysia

    iDietScoreTM: Meal recommender system for athletes and active individuals

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    Individualized meal planning is a nutrition counseling strategy that focuses on improving food behavior changes. In the sports setting, the number of experts who are sports dietitians or nutritionists (SD/SN) is small in number, and yet the demand for creating meal planning for a vast number of athletes often cannot be met. Although some food recommender system had been proposed to provide healthy menu planning for the general population, no similar solution focused on the athlete's needs. In this study, the iDietScoreTM architecture was proposed to give athletes and active individuals virtual individualized meal planning based on their profile, includes energy and macronutrients requirement, sports category, age group, training cycles, training time and individual food preferences. Knowledge acquisition on the expert domain (the SN) was conducted prior to the system design through a semistructured interview to understand meal planning activities' workflow. The architecture comprises: (1) iDietScoreTM web for SN/SD, (2) mobile application for athletes and active individuals and (3) expert system. SN/SD used the iDietScoreTM web to develop a meal plan and initiate the compilation meal plan database for further use in the expert system. The user used iDietScoreTM mobile app to receive the virtual individualized meal plan. An inference-based expert system was applied in the current study to generate the meal plan recommendation and meal reconstruction for the user. Further research is necessary to evaluate the prototype

    Interspecific variation in the diet of Symphalangus syndactylus and Macaca nemestrina at Genting Highlands, Pahang, Peninsular Malaysia

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    Primate communities in the Genting Highlands consist of a single species of Hylobatidae and four species of Cercopithecidae, which are known to exhibit social interaction behaviour. Thus, a study on the diets of Symphalangus syndactylus (siamang; family Hylobatidae) and Macaca nemestrina (pig-tailed macaque; family Cercopithecidae) was carried out at Genting Highlands, in order to compare the dietary preferences and interspecific competition between the two primate families. A DNA metabarcoding approach was used to analyse diet intake using non-invasive samples based on the trnL region. Based on the 140 amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) generated, 26 plant orders, 46 different families, 60 genera and 49 species were identified from 23 different plant classes. Fabaceae and Moraceae were classified as the most preferred plants at the family level for S. syndactylus; meanwhile, Piperaceae and Arecaceae were classified as the most preferred for M. nemestrina. Only six out of the 60 different plant genera classified in this study, were found to be consumed by both species. Therefore, the low similarity of preferred plants in the diets between the two families suggests that there is little interspecific competition. These findings are important for future conservation management of highland primates, especially in the Genting Highlands