147 research outputs found

    Quantum chemical approach (DFT) of the binary complexation of Hg(II) with L-canavanine and L-arginine.

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    The experimental study of the complexation of the two amino acids, L-canavanine, and L-arginine, with the mercuric ion Hg(II), was completed by the characterization by a quantum calculation based on the DFT method. This study covers electronic, energetic, and structural aspects in the neutral, deprotonated, and complexed states. The atomic net charges show that the active sites of the carboxyl, guanidyl, and amino groups are the oxygen and nitrogen atoms. In fact, the L-canavanine (Can) gave stable mercuric bidentate chelates via the amino and guanidyl groups. Hg(Can)(H2O)2, Hg(Can)2 and Hg(OH)(H2O)(Can), while the L-arginine (Arg) resulted in engagement of carboxyl and amino groups to bidentate complexes: Hg(Arg)(H2O)2, Hg(Arg)2, Hg(Arg)(OH)(H2O). The metal-ligand coordination bond is more rigid with the guanidyl and carboxyl groups than with the amino group; and the bond formed with the amino group is more rigid in the L-canavanine than L-arginine

    Correlation between Apnea Severity and Sagittal Cephalometric Features in a Population of Patients with Polysomnographically Diagnosed Obstructive Sleep Apnea

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    Background and Objective: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a sleep-related breathing disorder featuring a repeated closure of the upper airway during sleep. Craniofacial anatomy is a potential risk and worsening factor for OSA. This study aims to assess the relationship between cephalometric features of craniofacial morphology and OSA severity in a population of patients with OSA. Material and Methods: A sample of forty-two patients (n = 42, M = 76%, mean age = 57.8 ± 10.8) with a polysomnographically (PSG) confirmed diagnosis of OSA were recruited and underwent cephalometric evaluation of 16 cephalometric variables. In addition, the apnea–hypopnea index (AHI), oxygen desaturation (SatMin), Epworth sleepiness scale (ESS), and body mass index (BMI) were assessed. Then t-tests were performed to compare the values of all cephalometric variables between two AHI severity-based groups (mild-to-moderate = AHI ≤ 30; severe = AHI > 30). Single- and multiple-variable regression analyses were performed to assess the associations between AHI scores and cephalometric features. Results: Mean AHI, SatMin, and BMI were 31.4 ev/h, 78.7%, and 28.1, respectively. The cephalometric variables were not significantly different between the two OSA-severity groups (p > 0.05). Multiple-variable regression analyses showed that gonial angle and nasopharynx space were negatively associated with AHI, explaining 24.6% of the total variance. Conclusion: This investigation reported that severity of AHI scores in patients with OSA showed a negative correlation with gonial angle and nasopharynx space. As a general remark, although maxillofacial anatomy can be a predisposing factor for OSA, disease severity depends mainly upon other variables

    Evolution tectono-sédimentaire et magmatique des bassins viséen supérieur d’Azrou-Khénifra et des Jebilet orientales (Meseta marocaine)

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    During Upper Visean times, the eastern mesetian basins of eastern Jebilet and Azrou Khenifra show great tectono-sedimentary and magmatic evolution similarities. Their deposits record large instabilities and disorganization with huge thickness and lithological variations, related to a synsedimentary tectonic context. At the same time, tilted block tectonics affect the basement of these basins, controlled by bordering transfert faults. Basic dominant magmatic bodies set up in these basins. Their continental alkaline chemical characteristics are consistent with the regional geodynamic context in this area. Initiated along the transitional zone between eastern and western Meseta, the Azrou-Khenifra and Jebilet basins correspond to intracontinental throws, initiated on and controlled by major strike-slip faults. Their evolution is most likely earlier in time and of a weak opening rate than the neighboring western Meseta basins.Au Viséen supérieur, les bassins mesetiens des Jebilet orientales et d’Azrou Khénifra montrent de grandes similitudes de leur évolution tectono-sédimentaire et magmatiques. Leurs dépôts enregistrent de grandes instabilités liées à une tectonique syn-sédimentaire responsable localement d’une intense désorganisation et de grandes variations de faciès et d’épaisseurs. Ces instabilités sont engendrées par une tectonique en blocs basculés qui affecte le substratum anté-Viséen, contrôlée par des accidents bordiers sub-verticaux à forte composante transcurrente. Des corps magmatiques, pour l’essentiel basiques, se mettent en place dans ces bassins. Ils présentent des caractères chimiques des séries magmatiques alcalines mise en place dans un contexte intracontinental et anorogénique. Initiés le long de la zone de transition entre la Meseta orientale et occidentale, les bassins d’Azrou-Khénifra et des Jebilet orientales correspondent à des sillons intracontinentaux, initiés et contrôlés par des décrochements. Leur évolution est sans doute plus précoce et montre un faible taux d’ouverture que celui enregistré dans les bassins adjacents de la meseta occidentale

    Impact of climate change on forest resources: Case of Quercus rotundifolia, Tetraclinis articulata, Juniperus phoenicea, J. oxycedrus, J. thurifera and Pinus halepensis

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    Forest resources in the Ourika watershed are subject to several anthropogenic and climatic degradation factors. As for the human factor, this degradation of forest resources is explained by the bad practices exercised by the local population expressed by the cutting of live wood, carbonization, and overgrazing. In terms of the climatic factor, the decrease in the amount of rainfall and the increase in temperature contribute to the exacerbation of the degradation of these resources. In order to better understand the evolution of plant cover in a changing climate context, this study highlights an assessment of the impact of climate change on forest dynamics based on a process-based model at the forest landscape scale which makes it possible to simulate the changes according to growth, succession, disturbances (fire, wind, insects, etc), forest management, and land use change. This analysis is based on the use of the LANDIS-II model and the PnET-succession extension. Projections of the dynamics of forest communities are made using climate projections from the Japanese global circulation model adopted by Morocco (model for interdisciplinary research on climate – earth system models) and this by adopting the two climate scenarios , representative concentration pathways 4.5 and 8.5. The results obtained highlight the spatial distribution of the ecosystems studied after 100 years with a quantitative evaluation of the total average biomass of these resources as a function of climatic disturbances. In general, the estimated total biomass will decline over the coming years under the joint effect of the climate change and the aging of forest stands, while on the other hand, the distribution of potential areas for species settlement remains independent of the effect of these climate changes

    Prevalence of oral behaviours in general dental patients attending a university clinic in Italy

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    Background: Oral behaviors represent a diverse array of habits beyond the physiological behaviors of the stomatognathic system. Objective: To describe the prevalence of different oral behaviors, as reported with the Oral Behavior Checklist (OBC-21), in a convenience sample of patients attending an Italian university clinic for routine dental cares. Methods: In this study, charts of adult patients presenting to the dental department of a regional hospital in Trieste, Italy, from January 2018 and January 2019 were reviewed. Patients with complete files were retrieved, and those with orofacial pain complaints were excluded. OBC-21 scores and grades (score of 0 corresponding to no risk, 1-24 to low risk, and higher than 24 to high risk) were analyzed and stratified according to age and sex. Results: Data from a total of 1424 patients were reported. The overall mean OBC score was 13.3 ± 9.9, with 6.7% no-risk grade, 79.6% low-risk grade, and 13.7% high-risk grade. In general, mean OBC scores decreased with increasing age. Females showed a higher frequency of high-risk grade than males. Most frequent prevalent habits included yawning (73.1%), eating between meals (66.9%) and chewing food on one side only (63.3%). Other behaviors were also highly prevalent, including pressing, touching, or holding teeth together other than while eating (52.7%) and awake clenching (47.5%). Conclusion: A low-risk grade of oral behaviors has been found to be frequent in our sample. Future studies are warranted to confirm these findings in larger, representative general populations and to assess if any of these habits are linked to negative effects on the stomatognathic system

    Signal acquisition and analysis of ambulatory electromyographic recordings for the assessment of sleep bruxism: A scoping review

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    Background: Ambulatory electromyographic (EMG) devices are increasingly being used in sleep bruxism studies. EMG signal acquisition, analysis and scoring methods vary between studies. This may impact comparability of studies and the assessment of sleep bruxism in patients. Objectives: (a) To provide an overview of EMG signal acquisition and analysis methods of recordings from limited-channel ambulatory EMG devices for the assessment of sleep bruxism; and (b) to provide an overview of outcome measures used in sleep bruxism literature utilising such devices. Method: A scoping review of the literature was performed. Online databases PubMed and Semantics Scholar were searched for studies published in English until 7 October 2020. Data on five categories were extracted: recording hardware, recording logistics, signal acquisition, signal analysis and sleep bruxism outcomes. Results: Seventy-eight studies were included, published between 1977 and 2020. Recording hardware was generally well described. Reports of participant instructions in device handling and of dealing with failed recordings were often lacking. Basic elements of signal acquisition, for example amplifications factors, impedance and bandpass settings, and signal analysis, for example rectification, signal processing and additional filtering, were underreported. Extensive variability was found for thresholds used to characterise sleep bruxism events. Sleep bruxism outcomes varied, but typically represented frequency, duration and/or intensity of masticatory muscle activity (MMA). Conclusion: Adequate and standardised reporting of recording procedures is highly recommended. In future studies utilising ambulatory EMG devices, the focus may need to shift from the concept of scoring sleep bruxism events to that of scoring the whole spectrum of MMA

    Monitoring Charge Exchange in P3HT-Nanotube Composites Using Optical and Electrical Characterisation

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    Charge exchange at the bulk heterojunctions of composites made by mixing single wall nanotubes (SWNTs) and polymers show potential for use in optoelectronic devices such as solar cells and optical sensors. The density/total area of these heterojunctions is expected to increase with increasing SWNT concentration but the efficiency of solar cell peaks at low SWNT concentrations. Most researchers use current–voltage measurements to determine the evolution of the SWNT percolation network and optical absorption measurements to monitor the spectral response of the composites. However, these methods do not provide a detailed account of carrier transport at the concentrations of interest; i.e., near or below the percolation threshold. In this article, we show that capacitance–voltage (C–V) response of (metal)-(oxide)-(semiconducting composite) devices can be used to fill this gap in studying bulk heterojunctions. In an approach where we combine optical absorption methods withC–Vmeasurements we can acquire a unified optoelectronic response from P3HT-SWNT composites. This methodology can become an important tool for optoelectronic device optimization
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