11 research outputs found

    HACCP plan fresh fish processing Marituna

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    In the past regulatory authorities for food products had a duty to ensure that foods offered tothe consumer are at least safe to eat. The authorities required a positive approach of using Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), producing food in a hygienic manner, and by inspection of finished product. It is now realised that inspection of finished product gives a poor control over the safety of foods. Therefore, since 1 January 1993, regulatory authorities in Europe required that companies take a preventative approach to safety based on the principles of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP). Anyone exporting fish products to Europe or North America will have to implement a programme based on HACCP. If a company cannot demonstrate to the satisfaction of regulating agencies in importing countries that it has an effective programme operating in their processing plant, importers will not be permitted to accept the products. The United Nations food standard group Codex Alimentarius Commission has recommended HACCP's adoption as a system for ensuring the safety of foods (including finfish and shellfish) and the prevention of foodborne diseases

    Onderzoek pathogene vibrio soorten in Nederlandse mosselen en oesters in augustus en september 2003

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    Naar aanleiding van de hoge weerstemperatuur in augustus 2003 zijn in de kweek- en verwatergebieden van mosselen en oesters in Nederland enkele monsters onderzocht op de aanwezigheid van voor de mens pathogene vibrio soorten. In geen van de 18 monsters is Vibrio parahaemolyticus, vulnificus of cholerae aangetoond. Echter, de aanwezigheid van Vibrio alginolyticus wijst erop dat pathogene soorten onder deze omstandigheden wel voor kunnen komen en dat een meer uitgebreide risicoanalyse gewenst is

    Hazard Analysis and identification of Critical Control Points of collagen extraction from cod by-products

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    The aim of the European research project “UTILISATION AND STABILISATION OF BY-PRODUCTS FROM COD SPECIES” (QLK1-CT-2000-01017 QLRT-2001-02829) is to investigate whether collagen from fish by-products could serve as an important raw material in high quality food. Since Atlantic cod is a major commodity in western European countries, better use of byproducts from filleting could result in reducing waste and producing a valuable ingredient for thefood industry

    Beoordeling expertiseverslag 'GAB Robins Takkenberg B.V.' inzake gistvorming in potten gemarineerde haring

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    Op verzoek van 'Ouwehands Rederij en Visverwerking BV" in Katwijk werd door het RIVO een beoordeling uitgevoerd van een expertiseverslag van "GAB Robins Takkenberg BV" in Rotterdam. Het expertiseverslag was opgesteld naar aanleiding van toenemende consumentenklachten over gistvorming in potten gemarineerde haring