2,893 research outputs found

    Resíduo desidratado de vitivinícolas do Vale do São Francisco associado a diferentes fontes energéticas na alimentação de ovinos: desempenho animal.

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    Objetivou-se com a realização deste trabalho avaliar o ganho de peso e conversão alimentar em ovinos confinados recebendo dietas contendo resíduo de vitivinícolas associado a diferentes fontes energéticas. Foram utilizados 18 ovinos sem padrão racial definido, não castrados, com peso médio de 23 kg e oito meses de idade. O período experimental constou de 63 dias, sendo as dietas compostas de 50% de resíduo de vitivinícolas e 50% de concentrados energéticos: grão de milho moído (Zea mays), raspa de mandioca (Manihot esculenta) enriquecida com 1,8% de uréia e farelo de palma forrageira (Opuntia ficus) enriquecido com 1,1% de uréia. Para determinação do ganho de peso os animais foram pesados no início do experimento e a cada sete dias e, para coversão alimentar foi feita a relação entre o consumo de matéria seca e ganho de peso total num período de 63 dias. Os ganhos de peso médio diários foram de 117, 71 e 132g; a conversão alimentar 9,50, 13,28 e 11,30, respectivamente para as combinações resíduo e grão de milho moído, raspa de mandioca e farelo de palma. As médias diárias de ganho de peso vivo obtido pelos ovinos ao longo do período de engorda revelaram um bom potencial forrageiro do resíduo de vitivinícolas combinado as diferentes fontes energéticas

    The revolving door : evidence from the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain, Belgium, Greece and Brazil

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    The following study analyses the academic background and careers of 175 members of Governments and Central Banks of seven countries (Belgium, Brazil, France, Germany, Greece, Spain and United Kingdom) for the years 1975 and 2015, in order to verify whether the “Revolving Door Theory” can be applied to these cases. After some research on the curricula vitae of the members of Governments and Central Banks, we found that, for instance, that more Government and Central Bank members studied abroad for the case of the UK and US than for the other countries. We also found that it is more common for Central Bank executive members to obtain PhDs than it is the case for Government members. Moreover, external promotions in the Central Banks in 1975 were quite relevant but no cases were registered for 2015; for Governments, the trend was the exact opposite, no external promotions in 1975 but many cases in 2015. While it is not possible to find irrefutable evidence to sustain the Revolving Door hypothesis, it is still possible to find recurrent patterns in different countries that may be explained by that theory. More expanded databases and a larger selection of countries is required for that analysis

    Shortened first-line TB treatment in Brazil: potential cost savings for patients and health services.

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    BACKGROUND: Shortened treatment regimens for tuberculosis are under development to improve treatment outcomes and reduce costs. We estimated potential savings from a societal perspective in Brazil following the introduction of a hypothetical four-month regimen for tuberculosis treatment. METHODS: Data were gathered in ten randomly selected health facilities in Rio de Janeiro. Health service costs were estimated using an ingredient approach. Patient costs were estimated from a questionnaire administered to 126 patients. Costs per visits and per case treated were analysed according to the type of therapy: self-administered treatment (SAT), community- and facility-directly observed treatment (community-DOT, facility-DOT). RESULTS: During the last 2 months of treatment, the largest savings could be expected for community-DOT; on average USD 17,351-18,203 and USD 43,660-45,856 (bottom-up and top-down estimates) per clinic. Savings to patients could also be expected as the median (interquartile range) patient-related costs during the two last months were USD 108 (13-291), USD 93 (36-239) and USD 11 (7-126), respectively for SAT, facility-DOT and community-DOT. CONCLUSION: Introducing a four-month regimen may result in significant cost savings for both the health service and patients, especially the poorest. In particular, a community-DOT strategy, including treatment at home, could maximise health services savings while limiting patient costs. Our cost estimates are likely to be conservative because a 4-month regimen could hypothetically increase the proportion of patients cured by reducing the number of patients defaulting and we did not include the possible cost benefits from the subsequent prevention of costs due to downstream transmission averted and rapid clinical improvement with less side effects in the last two months

    Morphological Divergence among Progeny of Macroptilium lathyroides Accessions from the Semi-Arid Region of Pernambuco, Brazil

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    Macroptilium is a legume genus with approximately 20 species, usually annual or biennial, herbaceous and distributed mainly in the Americas. It is widely used as a forage resource in grasslands and usually fixes atmospheric N. Martins et al. (2001) indicated that half-sib family selection with progeny testing is the most common plant breeding method used in Brazil. In the scientific literature, however, there are few studies dedicated to Macroptilium spp. This study evaluated morphological divergence among Macroptilium spp. progeny from accessions collected in 4 counties located in the semi-arid region of Pernambuco State, NE Brazil

    Functional evaluation of sublingual microcirculation indicates successful weaning from VA-ECMO in cardiogenic shock

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    Background: Veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VA-ECMO) is increasingly adopted for the treatment of cardiogenic shock (CS). However, a marker of successful weaning remains largely unknown. Our hypothesis was that successful weaning is associated with sustained microcirculatory function during ECMO flow reduction. Therefore, we sought to test the usefulness of microcirculatory imaging in the same sublingual spot, using incident dark field (IDF) imaging in assessing successful weaning from VA-ECMO and compare IDF imaging with echocardiographic parameters. Methods: Weaning was performed by decreasing the VA-ECMO flow to 50% (F50) from the baseline