13,777 research outputs found

    Thermoelectric power of cerium up to 6GPa

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    The thermoelectric power (TEP) of cerium has been measured up to 6 GPa. The results have been interpreted using the theories developed by Blandin et.al and Hirst

    Equation of state of bismuth to 222 GPa and comparison of gold and platinum pressure scales to 145 GPa

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    The equation-of-state (EoS) of bcc-bismuth was determined using the Pt pressure scale. Unit cell volumes of Bi, Pt, and Au were also measured simultaneously to megabar pressures by X-ray powder diffraction using a diamond anvil cell and a synchronus radiation source. The results suggest that Au pressure scale gave lower pressure than the Pt pressure scale

    The epigenetic control of E-box and Myc-dependent chromatin modifications regulate the licensing of lamin B2 origin during cell cycle

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    Recent genome-wide mapping of the mammalian replication origins has suggested the role of transcriptional regulatory elements in origin activation. However, the nature of chromatin modifications associated with such trans-factors or epigenetic marks imprinted on cis-elements during the spatio-temporal regulation of replication initiation remains enigmatic. To unveil the molecular underpinnings, we studied the human lamin B2 origin that spatially overlaps with TIMM 13 promoter. We observed an early G1-specific occupancy of c-Myc that facilitated the loading of mini chromosome maintenance protein (MCM) complex during subsequent mid-G1 phase rather stimulating TIMM 13 gene expression. Investigations on the Myc-induced downstream events suggested a direct interaction between c-Myc and histone methyltransferase mixed-lineage leukemia 1 that imparted histone H3K4me3 mark essential for both recruitment of acetylase complex HBO1 and hyperacetylation of histone H4. Contemporaneously, the nucleosome remodeling promoted the loading of MCM proteins at the origin. These chromatin modifications were under the tight control of active demethylation of E-box as evident from methylation profiling. The active demethylation was mediated by the Ten-eleven translocation (TET)-thymine DNA glycosylase-base excision repair (BER) pathway, which facilitated spatio-temporal occupancy of Myc. Intriguingly, the genome-wide 43% occurrence of E-box among the human origins could support our hypothesis that epigenetic control of E-box could be a molecular switch for the licensing of early replicating origins

    Whistlers detected and analyzed by Automatic Whistler Detector (AWD) at low latitude Indian stations

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    Abstract Recently, at three Indian low latitude stations: Varanasi (geomag. lat. 14°55′N, geomag. long. 153°54′E, L: 1.078), Allahabad (geomag. lat. 16.05°N; geomag. long. 155.34°E, L: 1.081) and Lucknow (geomag. lat. 17.6°N, geomag. long. 154.5°E, L: 1.104) an Automatic Whistler Detector (AWD) has been installed in December, 2010 for detection and analysis of whistlers. This instrument automatically detects and collects statistical whistlers data for the investigation of whistlers generation and propagation. Large numbers of whistlers have been recorded at Varanasi and Allahabad during the year 2011 which is analyzed in the present study. Different types of whistlers have been recorded at Varanasi and Allahabad. The correlation between recorded whistlers and causative lightning strikes were analyzed using data provided by World-Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN). We observed that for both the stations more than 50% of causative sferics of whistlers were observed to match closely with the times of WWLLN detected lightning strikes within the propagation times of causative tweeks. All of these lightning strikes originated from the region within 500–600 km radius circle from the conjugate point of Varanasi and Allahabad supports the ducted propagation at low latitude stations. The dispersion of the observed whistlers varies between 8 and 18 s1/2, which shows that the observed whistlers have propagated in ducted mode and whole propagation path of whistlers lies in the ionosphere. The ionospheric columnar electron contents of these observed whistlers vary between 13.21 TECU and 56.57 TECU. The ionospheric parameters derived from whistler data at Varanasi compare well with the other measurements made by other techniques

    Features of discrete VLF emissions observed at Gulmarg, India during the magnetic storm of 6-7 March, 1986

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    During the analysis of archived VLF data from Indian low latitude ground stations, some discrete VLF emissions recorded at the low latitude ground station Gulmarg (geomagnetic latitude 24°26′N; geomagnetic longitude 147°09′E, L = 1.28) during moderate magnetic storm activity (Σ K P − = 32, K P index varies from 4 to 6 during the observation period) on 6/7 March, 1986 are presented in this paper. The dynamic spectra of these discrete VLF emissions were observed along with tweeks and its harmonics, which is interesting and complex to explain. In most of the events the harmonic frequency of tweeks correlates with the starting frequency of harmonics of discrete emissions. In order to explain the observed features of discrete VLF emissions, we propose cyclotron resonance interaction between whistler mode wave and energetic electrons of inner radiation belt as possible generation mechanism. An attempt is also made to determine parallel energy, anisotropy and wave growth relevant to the generation process of VLF emission

    Characterisation of atmospheric aerosol by SEM-EDX and Ion-chromatography techniques for eastern Indo-Gangetic plain location, Varanasi, India

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    Atmospheric aerosol consists of both natural and anthropogenic origin. Studies have shown that continuous exposure to these particles is associated with a high percentage of death from respiratory and cardiovascular disease. In the present study, we have first time used both SEM-EDX analysis as well as chemical analysis to understand the differences in morphology and elemental composition of aerosols sample from a suburban clean and green area of Banaras Hindu University campus and some much polluted urban areas of the Varanasi city situated in the eastern Indo-Gangetic plain. The analysis was done by using scanning electron microscope (SEM) coupled with energy dispersive X-ray microanalyzer (EDX) and ionchromatography (IC). Analyses show that C, Ca, Na, S, Si, Al have dominated the sample

    Influence of drip lateral placement depth and fertigation level on germination, yield and water-use efficiency of cucumber (Cucumis sativus)

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    A field experiment was conducted from February to June for three years (2009-2011) to evaluate the response of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) under 0 (surface) (D00), 5(D05), 10 (D10) and 15 (D15) cm depth of lateral placement and four levels of fertilizer application with NPK in the ratio of 50:30:30, 100:60:60, 120:90:90 and 150:120:120 kg/ ha (F1, F2, F3 and F4). Uniformity of water application through subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) system was assessed every year. Soil moisture content in root zone, germination percentage, vine length and yield per plot were recorded and irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) was estimated.It was observed that soil moisture content was higher and moisture profile was more uniform under SDI. Shallower depths of lateral, D00 and D05, resulted in higher seed germination percentage (92.8 and 90.2 %). Increased moisture and nutrient availability under D10 and D15 resulted in higher vine length (2.49 and 2.36m). During 2011, treatments D10 and D15 recorded highest mean yields of 31.7 and 32.9 t/ha, respectively. Fertigation level F3 recorded consistently higher mean yields for three consecutive cropping seasons yielding higher mean IWUE under D10 (0.49 to 0.81 t/ha/cm) and D15 (0.50 to 0.85 t/ha/cm).The results showed that SDI maintained uniform moisture in soil profile, minimized the evaporative loss and consequently increased IWUE. The SDI system with lateral placement depth of10 cm and fertigation level F3 is recommended as an optimum practice for better yields and increased IWUE of cucumber cultivation. This record was migrated from the OpenDepot repository service in June, 2017 before shutting down

    Biology and interactions of two distinct monopartite begomoviruses and betasatellites associated with radish leaf curl disease in India

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Emerging whitefly transmitted begomoviruses are major pathogens of vegetable and fibre crops throughout the world, particularly in tropical and sub-tropical regions. Mutation, pseudorecombination and recombination are driving forces for the emergence and evolution of new crop-infecting begomoviruses. Leaf curl disease of field grown radish plants was noticed in Varanasi and Pataudi region of northern India. We have identified and characterized two distinct monopartite begomoviruses and associated beta satellite DNA causing leaf curl disease of radish (<it>Raphanus sativus</it>) in India.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We demonstrate that RaLCD is caused by a complex of two Old World begomoviruses and their associated betasatellites. Radish leaf curl virus-Varanasi is identified as a new recombinant species, <it>Radish leaf curl virus </it>(RaLCV) sharing maximum nucleotide identity of 87.7% with Tomato leaf curl Bangladesh virus-[Bangladesh:2] (Accession number AF188481) while the virus causing radish leaf curl disease-Pataudi is an isolate of Croton yellow vein mosaic virus-[India] (CYVMV-IN) (Accession number AJ507777) sharing 95.8% nucleotide identity. Further, RDP analysis revealed that the RaLCV has a hybrid genome, a putative recombinant between <it>Euphorbia leaf curl virus </it>and <it>Papaya leaf curl virus</it>. Cloned DNA of either RaLCV or CYVMV induced mild leaf curl symptoms in radish plants. However, when these clones (RaLCV or CYVMV) were individually co-inoculated with their associated cloned DNA betasatellite, symptom severity and viral DNA levels were increased in radish plants and induced typical RaLCD symptoms. To further extend these studies, we carried out an investigation of the interaction of these radish-infecting begomoviruses and their associated satellite, with two tomato infecting begomoviruses (<it>Tomato leaf curl Gujarat virus </it>and <it>Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus</it>). Both of the tomato-infecting begomoviruses showed a contrasting and differential interaction with DNA satellites, not only in the capacity to interact with these molecules but also in the modulation of symptom phenotypes by the satellites.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This is the first report and experimental demonstration of Koch's postulate for begomoviruses associated with radish leaf curl disease. Further observations also provide direct evidence of lateral movement of weed infecting begomovirus in the cultivated crops and the present study also suggests that the exchange of betasatellites with other begomoviruses would create a new disease complex posing a serious threat to crop production.</p

    A modified bayesian filter for randomly delayed measurements

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    © 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The research of Dr. P. Date was partially supported by EPSRC, U.K., under grant reference EP/L019477/1

    Formulation of Thermosensitive Hydrogel Containing Cyclodextrin for Controlled Drug Delivery of Camptothecin

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    Purpose: To formulate and evaluate temperature-sensitive, controlled-release camptothecin hydrogel for anticancer drug delivery.Method: Temperature-sensitive hydrogel based on chitosan/β-glycerophosphate (β-GP)/β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) was prepared by crosslinking method. The formulations were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), x-ray diffraction (XRD), gelation time, and viscometry, as well as for controlled release. The formulation, containing camptothecin, was studied by MTT assay on tumor cell MCF-7. The effectiveness of treatment was measured in terms of controlled tumor growth inhibition (TGI).Results: The hydrogel formulation showed good properties in terms of pH, gelation, viscosity and invitro release. The gelation temperature and viscosity of the formulation was optimum. Camptothecin (CPT) released from the hydrogel (TF8) over 8 h in pH 7.4 buffer ranged from 38.97 - 92.5 %, and varied according to the composition of the hydrogels. Release of camptothecin was lowest from preparations without cyclodextrins. Tumor growth inhibition activity of CPT in MCF-7 cell was highest for the formulation containing 1 % chitosan, 8 % β-GP and 1 % β-CD while no inhibition was observed for the blank temperature sensitive hydrogel formulation.Conclusion: These formulations are a promising and more effective delivery system that can be developed to serve as an alternative to the conventional system for anticancer drug delivery.Keywords: Hydrogel, Chitosan, β-Glycerophosphate, β-Cyclodextrin, Camptothecin, MCF-7 cell lin