82 research outputs found

    Bioaktivitas ekstrak daun zodia euodia suaveolens terhadap hama crocidolomia binotalis=Bioactivity of the Euodia Suaveolens Leaves Extract to the Crocidolomia Binotalis

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    ABSTRACT The research were aimed to determined the bioactivity of the Euodia suaveolens leaves extract to the growth and development of the Crocidolomia binotalis. Leaves were extraced using method described by Martono (1998). Active ingredients were diluted with aseton to get the serial concentration of 100502512,56,25, and 0%. Bioassays were carried out by feeding C. binotalis 1 instar larva with leaves that had been dipped into the extract. Observation included larva mortality, weight (initial weight, four, and seven days after treatment), inhibiotion of the increasing weight, age stadio larva, number dan weight of the pupa, number of the adults (sex ratio), number and percentage eggs hatched. The bioassay result showed that zodia leaves extract at the concetration of 12,5 - 100% inhibited growth and development of the C. binotalis. With mortality rate of 43,3 - 63,3%inhibited the increasing weight of the larvalengthen age larva stadium (2,5 - 5 days)decreasing pupa formed(13,3 - 46,7%), decreasing adults emerged (10 - 33,3%)number of eggsand percentage eggs hatched (33 - 67%). Keywords: bioactivity, Eudia suaveolens, Crocidolomia binotali

    Insect Biodiversity in Organic and Non-Organic Rice Ecosystem in the District of Bantul

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    Measuring biodiversity of insects is an essential part in management concept of insect pest populations based on ecology. This study examined the index of insect biodiversity by measuring species richness, species evenness and heterogeneity in organic and non-organic rice farming ecosystem. The sampling was conducted during the planting season of April–May 2015 and October–November 2015 at 44, 52 and 66 days after rice transplanting (DAT). High number of species richness (7 to 13 species) was found in the non-organic rice field (April–May 2015). In contrast, high number of species richness (22 to 33 species) was found in the organic rice field (October–November 2015). The species evenness and heterogeneity in the organic farming were generally higher than these in the non-organic rice in the both of planting season April–May 2015 and October–November 2015. Overall, the organic rice farming ecosystem can increase species richness, species evenness and heterogeneity of insect. INTISARI Mengukur biodiversitas serangga adalah salah satu bagian penting dalam konsep pengelolaan populasi serangga hama berbasis ekologi. Penelitian ini mengkaji indeks biodiversitas serangga dengan mengukur kekayaan spesies (species richness), kemerataan spesies (species evenness), dan keanekaragaman/kelimpahan spesies (heterogenity) pada sistem budidaya padi organik dan non-organik. Pengambilan sampel diperoleh pada saat musim tanam April–Mei 2015 dan musim tanam Oktober–November 2015 di 44, 52, dan 66 hari setelah tanam. Total kekayaan spesies tertinggi (7–13 spesies) ditemukan di lahan padi non-organik (April–Mei 2015). Sebaliknya, total kekayaan spesies (22–33 spesies) ditemukan di lahan padi organik (Oktober–November 2015). Kemerataan spesies dan heterogenitas di lahan padi organik secara umum lebih tinggi dibanding di padi non-organik pada kedua musim tanam April–Mei 2015 dan Oktober–November 2015. Secara keseluruhan, sistem budidaya di ekosistem padi organik dapat meningkatkan kekayaan spesies, kemerataan spesies, dan heterogenitas serangga

    Resistance Level of Plutella Xylostella L. (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) on Cypermethrin in the Regency of Kupang

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    The diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella L. (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) is one of the major pests of the Brassicaceae family. Presently, farmers mostly use insecticide to control this pest. The improper use of insecticide, however, may lead to target pest resistance. Resistance to pyrethroid (cypermethrin) insecticide cases have been widely reported. This research aimed to know whether the farmers use cypermethrin based on the recommended practices and to determine the resistance level of P. xylostella collected from Tarus, Noelbaki, Oesao and Pukdale Villages collected from the Kupang District, East Nusa Tenggara, which were then compared to the population of Cangkringan (Sleman, Yogyakarta) as a susceptible population. The survey showed that these four locations in Kupang, used insecticides intensively and did the mixing of two or three insecticides. Insecticide application in these four locations was mostly not scheduled as recommended on the label of insecticides. The susceptibility test showed that the RR (resistance ratio) value from Kupang (Tarus = 9.2, Noelbaki = 7.2, Oesao 7.3, and Pukdale = 3.8, respecively) was higher than susceptible population (Cangkringan = 1.0). Therefore, P. xylostella larvae collected from Kupang has been resistant to cypermethrin. IntisariPlutella xylostella L. merupakan salah satu hama utama pada tanaman Famili Brassicaceae (Cruciferae). Pengendalian dengan insektisida masih menjadi andalan petani di lapangan. Dampak negatif dari insektisida seperti resistensi, resurgensi dan munculnya hama sekunder tidak membuat efek jera karena minimnya pengetahuan tentang dampak negatif tersebut. Resistensi terhadap golongan piretroid sudah banyak dilaporkan. Salah satunya sipermetrin. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk melihat cara penggunaan insektisida oleh petani dan tingkat kepekaan dari populasi lapang asal Tarus, Noelbaki, Oesao, dan Pukdale (Kupang, NTT) dibandingkan dengan populasi Cangkringan (Sleman, DIY) terhadap insektisida sipermetrin. Data survei tentang cara penggunaan insektisida oleh petani diketahui bahwa penggunaan insektisida di keempat lokasi tersebut cukup intensif dan terjadi pencampuran insektisida yang tidak kompatibel. Penyemprotan dilakukan secara rutin di Desa Tarus; di Desa Noelbaki dan Oesao ada yang secara rutin dan ada yang kondisional; sedangkan penyemprotan secara kondisional di Desa Pukdale. Data uji kepekaan menunjukkan bahwa P. xylostella asal Kupang telah resisten terhadap sipermetrin dengan nilai RR (rasio resistensisi) tertinggi dari populasi Tarus (9,2), Noelbaki (7,2), Oesao (7,3), Pukdale (3,8) dibandingkan dengan populasi peka asal Cangkringan

    The Effect of Bacillus Thuringiensis Toxin Cry1A.105 and Cry2Ab2 on the Survival of the Non-Target Pest, Spodoptera Litura

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    Spodoptera litura is one of the important insect pest of maize besides the notoriously damaging corn borer, Ostrinia furnacalis. S. litura has been the target of various controls including the use of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) toxin Cry1A.105 and Cry2Ab2. This study was conducted to evaluate the acute effect of Bt toxin Cry1A.105 and Cry2Ab2 on the growth and development of S. litura from larval to adult stages. Two sublethal concentrations were used; 0.1875 and 0.0469 ppm for Cry1A.105, and 0.0008 and 0.0003 ppm for Cry2Ab2. The bioassay using diet dipping was carried out on a CRD with three experiments and five repetitions. The observation was carried out on the mortality and survival rates of S. litura. The mortality reached 28% when the larvae were treated with 0.1875 ppm and 20% with 0.0469 ppm of Cry 1A.105. The exposed larvae and pupae were smaller than control. Larval and pupal weight were 117.0 and 165.6 g with 0.1875 ppm, while control were 212.9 and 211.2 g. Cry1A.105 also longer the larval stage, larval stage with higher and lower concentration were 24.5 and 22.3 day, while control was 20.5 day. The resulted pupae from larve which exposed by Cry1A.105 were less than control; there were 40% at concentration 0.1875 ppm and control 61%. The two concentration of Cry2Ab2 produced similar mortality of 20%. Similarly, Cry2Ab2 affected pupal to adult stages development. The longevity of pupal stage with concentration 0.0003 ppm was 9.5 days, followed by 0.0008 ppm (9.1 days) and control (10.1 days). The adult emerge on the highest concentration was 47.4% while control only 34.6%. There results showed that both Cry1A.105 and Cry2Ab2 were detrimental to the survival of S. litura which is the non-target insect of transgenic Bt maize. INTISARI Spodoptera litura merupakan salah satu hama penting yang menyerang tanaman jagung, selain Ostrinia furnacalis. Belakangan ini O. furnacalis diketahui telah menjadi target dari berbagai macam cara pengendalian termasuk penggunaan toksin Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) Cry1A.105 dan Cry2Ab2. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui efek akut toksin Bt Cry1A.105 dan Cry2Ab2 terhadap pertumbuhan dan perkembangan S. litura dari larva sampai imago. Dua konsentrasi subletal yang akan digunakan adalah; 0,1875 dan 0,0469 ppm untuk Cry1A.105, dan 0,0008 dan 0,0003 ppm untuk Cry2Ab2. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode celup pakan dan Rancangan Acak Legkap dengan tiga perlakuan dan lima ulangan. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap mortalitas dan kelangsungan hidup S. litura. Mortalitas mencapai 28% pada larva yang dipaparkan dengan 0,1875 ppm dan 20% dengan 0,0469 ppm Cry 1A.105. Larva dan pupa yang terkena toksin berukuran lebih kecil. Berat larva dan pupa yang terpapar toksin dengan konsentrasi 0,1875 ppm, masing – masing 117,0 dan 165,6 g, sedangkan kontrol masing – masing 212,9 dan 211,2 g. Cry1A.105 juga dapat memperpanjang stadia larva. Lama stadia larva dengan konsentrasi tertinggi dan terendah adalah 24,5 dan 22,3 hari, sedangkan kontrol 20,5 hari. Jumlah pupa yang berhasil terbentuk dari larva yang terpapar toxin Cry1A.105 lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan kontrol; pada konsentrasi 0,1875 ppm sebesar 40%, sedangkan kontrol sebesar 61%. Kedua konsentrasi dari toksin Bt Cry2Ab2 menyebabkan mortalitas yang sama yaitu 20%. Cry2Ab2 juga berpengaruh terhadap lama stadia pupa dan tingkat keberhasilan pembentukan imago. Lama stadia pupa dengan konsentrasi 0,0003 ppm adalah 9,5 hari, diikuti dengan konsentrasi 0,0008 ppm (9,1 hari) dan kontrol (10,1 hari). Jumlah imago terbanyak terdapat pada perlakuan dengan konsentrasi 0,0008 ppm sebesar 47,4% sedangkan pada kontrol hanya 34,6%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa toksin Bt Cry1A. 105 dan Cry2Ab2 juga berpengaruh terhadap kelangsungan hidup S. litura yang merupakan serangga bukan sasaran dari tanaman jagung transgenik Bt

    Susceptibility of the Asian Corn Borer, Ostrinia Furnacalis, to Bacillus Thuringiensis Toxin CRY1AC

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    The larval susceptibility of the Asian corn borer, Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenee) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), to a Bacillus thuringiensis protein (Cry1Ac) was evaluated using insect feeding bioassays. The founding population of O. furnacalis was originally collected from the experimental station of UGM at Kalitirto and had been reared in the laboratory for three generations using an artificial diet “InsectaLf”. The tested instars were exposed on diets treated with a series of concentrations of Cry1Ac for one week. The LC50 values on the seventh day after treatment for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th instars were 7.79, 21.12, 113.66, and 123.17 ppm, respectively, showing that the higher the instars the lesser the susceptibility to Cry1Ac. When the neonates were exposed to sublethal concentrations of Cry1Ac (0.0583, 0.116, and 0.5830 ppm), growth and development of the surviving larvae were inhibited. The fecundity and viability of females produced from treated larvae decreased with increasing the concentrations. These findings indicate that Cry1Ac is toxic to larva of O. furnacalis and has chronic effects to larvae surviving from Cry1Ac ingestion. Kepekaan larva penggerek batang jagung Asia, Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenee) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), terhadap protein Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ac diuji dengan metode celup pakan. Larva berasal dari pertanaman jagung di KP-4, UGM di Kalitirto dan telah dikembangbiakkan di laboratorium menggunakan pakan buatan (InsectaLF) selama tiga generasi sebelum digunakan untuk pengujian. Larva O. furnacalis yang diuji dipaparkan pada pakan buatan yang telah dicelupkan pada seri konsentrasi Cry1Ac. Nilai LC50 pada hari ketujuh setelah perlakukan untuk instar 1, 2, 3, dan 4 berturut-turut adalah 0,79; 21,12; 113,66; dan 123,17 ppm. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa instar yang semakin tinggi tingkat kepekaannya terhadap Cry1Ac semakin menurun. Larva yang baru menetas dan diberi pakan yang telah dicelupkan pada konsentrasi sublethal Cry1Ac sebagian akan mati, sedangkan larva yang hidup pertumbuhan dan perkembangannya terhambat. Fekunditas dan vialibitas serangga betina hasil dari larva yang diperlakukan dengan Cry1Ac menurun. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Cry1Ac toksik terhadap larva O. furnacalis dan juga mempunyai efek kronik terhadap larva yang tetap hidup setelah memakan toksin

    Preferensi Ngengat Citripestis Sagitiferella terhadap Minyak Atsiri Tiga Varietas Jeruk

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui preferensi ngengat Citripestis sagitiferella terhadap minyakatsiri yang diekstrak dari tiga varietas jeruk (manis pacitan, besar nambangan, dan siem). Buah jeruk yang digunakansebagai materi untuk ekstraksi diambil dari Batu, Malang (untuk jeruk manis dan siem) dan Magetan (untuk jerukbesar) pada bulan Juli 2001. Minyak atsiri jeruk diperoleh dengan metode destilasi uap air. Ngengat C. sagitiferellayang digunakan untuk perlakuan diperoleh dengan mengumpulkan larva yang menyerang jeruk manis di Batu Malangpada bulan Oktober 2001, kemudian buah yang terserang dibawa ke laboratorium Ilmu Hama Tumbuhan FakultasPertanian Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta untuk dipelihara sampai menjadi ngengat. Ngengat yang barumuncul kemudian digunakan untuk uji preferensi menggunakan olfaktometer yang berbentuk Y dan terbuat daritabung kaca py rex. Untuk mengetahui komposisi senyawa kimia dari minyak atsiri jeruk, dilakukan deteksimenggunakan kromatografi gas dan kromatografi gas-spektrofotometri massa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwangengat C. sagitiferella tertarik pada minyak atsiri dari ketiga varietas jeruk. Tingkat preferensi C. sagitiferellatertinggi adalah terhadap minyak atsiri dari jeruk manis, dan selanjutnya jeruk besar dan siem. Minyak atsiri yangdiekstrak dari jeruk manis yang berumur 6 bulan lebih menarik ngengat C. sagitiferella dibandingkan yang berumur 2bulan. The pref er ence of Citripestis sagitiferella mothsto vol a tile com pounds of three cit rus va ri et ies. The ob jec tive of this re search was to de ter mine the pref er ence ofC. sagitiferella moths to vol a tile com pounds ex tracted from three cit rus va ri et ies (pacitan sweet or ange, nambanganpom elo, and siem or ange). Citrus fruits were taken from Batu, Malang (sweet or ange and siem or ange) and Magetan(pom elo) in July 2001. The vol a tile com pounds were ob tained through a steam distilation method. The lar vae of C.sagitiferella were col lected from dam aged sweet or ange (Batu, Malang) in Oc to ber 2001, and brought to the lab o ra -tory for sub se quent de vel op ment. Newly emerged moths were used in this study. The pref er ence tests were car ried outus ing a Y shape olfactometer. The GC and GC-MS were used to de tect the com po nents of vol a tile com pounds. There sults showed that C. sagitiferella moths at tracted to vol a tile com pounds ex tracted from all cit rus va ri et ies tested,with sweet or ange was found to be the most pref er a ble, fol lowed by pom elo and siem or ange. Fur ther more, the vol a tilecom pounds ex tracted from 6 months (af ter fruit set ting) sweet or ange was more at trac tive for C. sagitiferella mothsthen the 2 months (af ter fruit set ting) or ange fruit

    Parasitism of the Rice Brown Planthopper Eggs in Various Periods of TIME of the Day

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    The rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) is an important pest of rice. Since at the early stage, this pest is infested by parasitoids, but most cultural practices do not consider the existences of parasitoids in rice ecosystem. This study was aimed to determine the level of parasitism on N. lugens with regard to the time of the day. This information would be useful to minimize the effect of insecticide application to the parasitoids. Trapping of egg parasitoids in rice ecosystem was conducted every two hours from 05.00 a.m. until 04.00 p.m. Parasitism occured as early as at 05.00 a.m. (12.26% of the total parasitoid found), reached the peak abundance at 11.00 a.m. (36.13%), and decreased at 01.00 p.m. The parasitism level varied from 1.12 to 8.51% at 66 days after planting. The highest number of parasitoids and the highest parasitism level occured when trapping was conducted between 11.00 a.m.−01.00 p.m.. Before and after this period of time, the number of parasitoid emerged and parasitism were low. This suggest that if insecticide is necessary, it should be applied in the early morning or late afternoon. INTISARIWereng batang padi cokelat, Nilaparvata lugens (Hemiptera: Delphacidae), merupakan salah satu hama penting padi. Praktik budidaya pertanian padi belum memperhatikan aktivitas parasitoid dalam ekosistem. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui tingkat parasitasi telur N. lugens pada beberapa waktu dalam sehari. Informasi ini akan bermanfaat untuk mengurangi dampak aplikasi insektisida terhadap parasitoid. Pemerangkapan parasitoid telur N. lugens di lahan padi dilakukan setiap dua jam yang dimulai pada pukul 05.00 sampai pukul 16.00. Parasitoid telur N. lugens mulai aktif pada pukul 05.00 (12,26%), mencapai puncaknya pukul 11.00 (36,13%), dan mulai mengalami penurunan pada pukul 13.00. Tingkat parasitasi pada tanaman padi umur 66 hari setelah tanam berkisar mulai 1,12−8,51%. Hasil pemerangkapan menunjukkan bahwa jumlah parasitoid yang paling banyak muncul dan tingkat parasitisme tinggi terjadi pada waktu pemerangkapan yang dilakukan pada pukul 11.00−13.00. Sebelum dan sesudah waktu pemerangkapan tersebut jumlah parasitoid dan tingkat parasitisme rendah. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa apabila aplikasi insektisida diperlukan, maka harus dilakukan di pagi hari atau sore hari

    Confirmation That Helopeltis Species Attacking Cacao in YOGYAKARTA is Helopeltis Bradyi Waterhouse, Not Helopeltis Antonii Signoret (Heteroptera: Miridae)

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    Helopeltis antonii Signort (Heteroptera: Miridae) has long been reported to attack cacao and other host plants in Java. A recently published literature review refuted this idea and offered morphological evidence suggesting that this attacker is actually H. bradyi Waterhouse. However, through the present, local reports still identify attacks as coming from H. antonii. To confirm which of these two species is implicated in cacao damage, we conducted an examination of the external morphology, genitalia and the biology of Helopeltis sampled from infested cacao plants in Yogyakarta. 42 females and 9 males, sampled from 3 different locations, were observed to be morphologically similar to H. bradyi, especially with regard to the pale band on the base of all femora, the knife-shaped male lobal sclerite, and the presence of a ‘Y' shaped junction on the posteriorly fused female genital chamber. The duration of the life stages (in days) of the laboratory-reared insects were: 7−11 (eggs), 12−19 (nymphs), 9−44 (female) and 16−54 (male) d, measurements which fall within the ranges of the parameters usually reported locally for H. antonii, with the exception of male adult life stages which are longer than the aforementioned reports. Morphological changes were observed during all stages of development, including within adult stages. In female adults specifically, external morphology and genital development proceeded continuously until the insects reached the full-grown condition, characterized by stable color, and fully sclerotized genital chamber. Our preliminary study of the morphology and development of lab-reared insects descended from individuals infesting cacao fields, indicated the presence of H. bradyi instead of H. antonii in Yogyakarta, and therefore stipulated a need to review the existence of the latter in Indonesia

    Pola Sebaran Kelompok Telur Ostrinia Furnacalis Guenée (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) pada Beberapa Fase Pertumbuhan Tanaman Jagung (Zea Mays L.)

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    A field study was conducted to determine the distribution of egg masses of Ostrinia furnacalis on corn leaves and within corn field. The corn field was divided into three regions: the inner edge closed to other crops and outer edge closed to main road and the middle region. The numbers of egg masses laid were recorded entirely in all corn plants existed (census method). Egg laying period lasted for 34 days, with 11 days from initiation of egg laying to the peak of oviposition and 23 days from the peak to termination of egg laying. The egg masses laid on corn leaves were distributed in aggregation pattern. During eight-opened-leaf to twelve-opened-leaf stages, there were 847 egg masses found, and 80.9% was laid on the sixth-to-ninth leaves. From tasseling to blister stages there were 491 egg masses found of which approximately 80.7% was laid on the seventh-to-11 32.8, and 29.8% of those were found in the inner edge, middle, and outer edge of corn field, respectively. leaves. Egg masses laid within corn field varied, in which 37.4, 32.8, and 29.8% of those were found in the inner edge, middle, and outer edge of corn field, respectively. Kajian lapang dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui pola sebaran peletakan kelompok telur ngengat Ostrinia furnacalis pada daun tanaman jagung dan penyebarannya pada lahan pertanaman jagung. Lahan penelitian dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok yaitu lahan pinggir dalam berdekatan dengan pertanaman lain, bagian tengah lahan, dan lahan pinggir luar berdekatan dengan jalan raya. Pengamatan kelompok telur dilakukan pada seluruh tanaman jagung (sensus). Periode peletakan telur berlangsung selama 34 hari, dengan periode inisiasi hingga puncak 11 hari dan periode setelah puncak hingga akhir peletakan telur 23 hari. Peletakan telur O. furnacalis pada daun tanaman jagung menyebar secara berkelompok. Pada fase 8 hingga 10 daun telah terbuka sempurna ditemukan sebanyak 847 kelompok telur, 80,9% diantaranya ditemukan pada daun ke 6–9. Pada fase VT (bunga jantan) hingga fase R2 (bunga betina telah kering) ditemukan sebanyak 491 kelompok telur, 80,7% diantaranya ditemukan pada daun 7–11. Penyebaran kelompok telur pada bagian lahan terjadi secara berkelompok. Jumlah kelompok telur tertinggi berturut-turut dari bagian lahan pinggir dalam, bagian tengah lahan, dan bagian lahan pinggir luar masing-masing 37,4; 32,8; dan 29,8%

    Impact of Abamectin on Anagrus Nilaparvatae, an Egg Parasitoid of Nilaparvata Lugens

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    Anagrus nilaparvatae (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) is an egg parasitoid potential for controlling the major pests on rice, the brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens [Hemiptera: Delphacidae]).Abamectin is one of insecticides registered for N. lugens. The research was aimed to investigate the impact of contact application of abamectin on the parasitism level of A. nilaparvatae under laboratory conditions. Adults of A. nilaparvatae and the first instars as well as adults of N. lugens were exposed to the residue of abamection inside the test tube. A. nilaparvatae was much more susceptible to abamectin compared to N. lugens. Application of abamectin at the recommended concentration (22.78 ppm) for 30 min caused 100% mortality, and it reduced to 85% when the concentration was decreased to 0.36 ppm. In contrast, the mortality for the first instar of N. lugens was only 15% at 22.78 and no mortality at 0.36 ppm. No N. lugens adults died even when they were exposed to 22.78 ppm. Furthermore, the parasitism test was conducted using 38 days after planting of IR-64 rice variety. Those plants were infested with 50 females of N. lugens for 2 days. A. nilaparvatae were exposed by contact to 0.02, 0.23, and 2.28 ppm of abamectin. The survivors were released to the rice plant containing eggs of N. lugens. Contact application of abamectin reduced parasitism level of A. nilaparvatae as much as 86.34, 70.01, and 28.43% with concentrations of 2.28 ppm, 0.23 and 0.02 ppm, respectively. In addition, the number of parasitoids emerged decreased with increasing concentration of abamectin. These results suggest that abamectin could be detrimental to A. nilaparvatae due to direct mortality, reduced the parasitism level, and decreased the number of progeny produced. IntisariAnagrus nilaparvatae (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) merupakan salah satu parasitoid telur yang berpotensi untuk mengendalikan hama utama tanaman padi, wereng batang padi cokelat (Nilaparvata lugens [Hemiptera: Delphacidae]). Abamektin adalah salah satu insektisida yang terdaftar untuk pengendalian N. lugens. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak aplikasi kontak abamektin terhadap suseptibilitas dan tingkat parasitasi A. nilaparvatae terhadap telur N. lugens pada kondisi laboratorium. Imago A. nilaparvatae serta instar satu dan imago N. lugens dipapar dengan residu abamektin di dalam tabung reaksi. A. nilaparvatae lebih peka terhadap abamektin dibandingkan N. lugens. Aplikasi abamektin pada konsentrasi anjuran (22,78 ppm) selama 30 menit menyebabkan mortalitas A. nilaparvatae 100%, dan mengurangi sampai dengan 85% pada konsentrasi yang lebih rendah 0,36 ppm. Sebaliknya, mortalitas instar satu N. lugens hanya sebesar 15% pada 22,78 ppm dan tidak menimbulkan kematian pada 0,36 ppm. Konsentrasi 22,78 ppm tidak menimbulkan kematian imago N. lugens. Selanjutnya, uji parasitasi dilakukan menggunakan media tanaman padi varietas IR-64 umur 38 hari setelah tanam. Tanaman diinfestasi dengan 50 ekor betina N. lugens selama dua hari. A. nilaparvatae dipapar abamektin dengan metode kontak pada konsentrasi 0.02, 0,23, dan 2,28 ppm. Parasitoid yang mampu bertahan hidup dilepaskan pada tanaman padi yang telah diinfestasi telur N. lugens. Aplikasi kontak abamektin mengurangi tingkat parasitasi A. nilaparvatae sebesar 86,34, 70.01, dan 28,43% pada konsentrasi 2,28; 0,23; dan 0,02 ppm. Selain itu, jumlah parasitoid yang muncul semakin menurun dengan peningkatan konsentrasi abamektin. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa abamektin dapat merugikan secara langsung terhadap mortalitas serta mengurangi tingkat parasitasi dan jumlah keturunan A. nilaparvatae
