18 research outputs found


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    The publication reveals regularities of structural interactions in financial performance results of agricultural enterprises in Chelyabinsk region from 2001 to 2011. The paper declares they build a big system represented as four-tire pyramid which results synergetically on just 65.2 % of possible theoretical level. The authors study resource interaction between the system elements at the level “enterprise → districts → corporations → region”. The most important problems of “enterprise” tire were solved by means of final elements of 8 sub-systems; the most significant problem in “enterprise” tire is profit resources growth in agricultural cooperative “Rossiya”. The problems related to profit (loss) were solved by means of final elements of 4 sub-systems in the “region” tire; high profit resources growth in collective farm “12 let oktyabrya” is considered to be the most significant problem here. The total synergism of resources occurs in four enterprises of “district” tire and “enterprise” tire. The paper points out the lack of synergism in solving the resource problems of “Corporate” tire enterprises and “district” tire enterprises. The “region” tire solves the most significant problem which assumes receipt of profit (losses) from sales by means of the final element of the administration sub-system; this assumes a tendency to profit gain in OOO “Zarya”. The authors pay attention to the lack of synergism between characteristics of “corporation” and “region” tire enterprises. They come to conclusion that the main reason of the situation mentioned above is insufficient investments into the regional economy and inefficient resources applying.С  использованием разработанного алгоритма рассмотрены закономерности структурных взаимосвязей в системе, характеризующей финансовые результаты деятельности сельскохозяйственных предприятий Челябинской области за 2001–2011 гг. Установлено, что они образуют большую систему в виде четырехэшелонной пирамиды, синергетический эффект которой составляет только 65,2% от возможного теоретического уровня. Последовательно рассмотрены ресурсные взаимоотношения между элементами системы на уровне: организации →районы→корпора- ции→область. Через заключительные элементы восьми подсистем решались наиболее важные проблемы эшелона «организации», среди которых ведущей являлась существенный рост ресурсов прибыли СХПК «Россия». В  эшелоне «районы» через заключительные элементы четырех подсистем решались проблемы, связанные с получением прибыли (убытка), среди которых наиболее важной был значимый рост ресурсов в колхозе «12 лет Октября». Обращает на себя внимание полный синергизм ресурсной проблемы для всех четырех организаций эшелона «районы» с эшелоном «организации». Отмечено отсутствие синергизма в решении ресурсных проблем организаций эшелона «корпорации» с эшелоном «районы». В эшелоне «область» через заключительный элемент управляющей подсистемы решалась ведущая проблема, связанная с получением прибыли (убытков) от продаж: тенденция к увеличению прибыли в ООО «Заря». Обращает на себя внимание отсутствие синергизма между показателями организаций, находящихся в эшелонах «корпорации» и «область». Сделан вывод, что основная причина описанного положения – недостаточный приток инвестиций в экономику области, а также неэффективное использование имеющихся ресурсов


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    The authors estimate resource abilities of the cow bones in the pregnancy period, lactation period of “low lactation” before morning milking and after. They used ultrasound osteometry, morphometric measurements and blood testing. The researchers applied ultrasound osteometry in the fifth tail vertebra, mid-ribs and metacarpal. Morphometric measurements relate to the length, width, thickness of vertebra and length, width, thickness and metacarpus circle. The authors defined total calcium concentration, total magnum, inorganic phosphorus and alkaline phosphatase in blood plasma. The experiment was carried out 12 times a day in 2 hours during 3–6 days and 6 months. The researchers applied cluster analysis and divided animals into 3 groups: animals with high adaptation, mid adaptation and low adaptation. The paper explores cows with “low adaptation” and applies system analysis. This contributed to investigating the ideal system where 11 morpho-metric and biophysical parameters are formed into self-developing system, which contains 3 subsystems as two-tiered pyramid before milking and after. The authors make a hypothesis about pyramid tiers, which reflect the main problems in the cow bones: bone tissue→ bones → bones system. The article is concerned with animals with “low adaptation” in the system of “morphometric and biophysical parameters” where the tier bones → bones system is observed before milking and tier bone tissue → bones is observed after milking. The research declares that milking influences system displacement and leads to lower bone structures; “bones” become subsystem principal instead of “bones system”. The authors make conclusion about relation between cow adaptive abilities and losses in structural properties of cow bones, burden on some bones and as a result bone pathology.Для раскрытия закономерностей ресурсных возможностей костей скелета у коров в период беременности и  лактации проводили системную оценку с  помощью следующих методик. Ультразвуковую остеометрию выполняли в области тела 5-го хвостового позвонка, середины ребра и  пястной кости. Морфометрические измерения костей включали следующие параметры: длина, ширина, толщина, окружность тела позвонка; длина, толщина, ширина, окружность пясти. В сыворотке крови определяли содержание общего кальция, общего магния, неорганического фосфора и щелочной фосфатазы. Исследование осуществляли 12 раз в сутки с интервалом 2 ч на протяжении трех-шести суток в течение шести месяцев. Используя кластерный анализ, на основе полученных результатов животных разделили на три группы: с высоким, низким и сред- ним уровнем адаптации. В  данной статье анализируются коровы низкого уровня адаптации. Инструментом исследования явился разработанный алгоритм системного анализа. Выполнение алгоритма позволило получить идеализированную систему, где 11 морфометрических и биофизических показателей, отражающих состояние уровня скелета животных разного уровня адаптации, формируются в саморазвивающуюся иерархическую систему, содержащую до и после доения по три подсистемы в виде двухэшелонной пирамиды. Выдвинута гипотеза, согласно которой эшелоны в пирамиде отражают круг ведущих проблем в скелете коров: костная ткань→ кости → система костей. В рассматриваемой группе животных с низким уровнем адаптации в системе морфометрических и  биофизических характеристик до доения обнаруживаются эшелоны: кости → система костей, а после доения: костная ткань → кости. Оказалось, что доение вызывает смещение в организации системы на более низкие структуры костей животных. При этом управляющей подсистемой вместо системы костей становятся кости. Сделан вывод, что ухудшение адаптационных возможностей организма коров вызывает потерю структурности в системе костей скелета коров, росту нагрузки на отдельные кости, а впоследствии их патологии

    System for Synchronous Detection Trace of Explosives and Drags Substances on Human Fingers

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    AbstractThe sampling unit of the device, based on ion mobility spectroscopy technique, for detection of ultra small (trace) substances concentration on human fingers and documents is described. The vapor pressure of many dangerous substances is very small; so the heating of an investigated surface is needed for effective detection. However the direct heating of the human fingers by irradiation of the gas-discharge lamp is not effective because a small concentration of the melamine (pigment of the black or brown color) in the skin of the human palm. Therefore in this work the combination of the two methods is used: a grid is heated by the irradiation of the gas-discharge lamp and a grid heats the surface of the finger which is pressed to a grid

    Complete characteristics of rating estimations economic development of subjects of the Russian Federation

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    This paper allocates complete characteristics of indicators of economic development of subjects of the Russian Federation. Their system representation has appeared more informative, than system of simple social and economic indexes as allows reflecting variety of communications between them, providing preserving and development of researched objects. It is established that at deterioration of state of the economy of regions of their structure change the role in formation of base indicators. At the first stage it is expressed by change of a vector of development with an opposite direction; on the second — in transition from an optimum condition of available structures on periphery; on the third — in the termination of their participation in forming of under laying echelons. At transition of subsystems of social and economic indexes from the first on the second echelon the contribution of the moved potential from structures «resource-product» and «process» for elements of activization increases, for structures «object», on the contrary, decreases, while for final elements the opposite situation is observed. As approaching the top echelon there is a reduction of interaction of base indicators from structures «resource-product» and «process», and on the contrary, growth to structures «object». The conclusion is drawn that successful social and economic activity of regions is determined by synchronous interaction of all allocated structures («resource-product», «process» and «object»). Use of the offered algorithm on the basis of complete characteristics allows not only to find out problem regions, but also shows possibility of management on the basis of revealed statistical regularities their condition by forming of optimum mutual relations between the allocated subsystems and, finally, creation of the big possibilities for realization of the having potential

    Aerosol/Ink Jet Printing Technology for High-Temperature MEMS Sensors

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    In this work we present the results on the application of additive technology that is aerosol and ink jet technique for the fabrication of high-temperature metal oxide gas sensors. The application of thin (12 μm) alumina membrane, aerosol jet printing of Pt microheater (line width 40–60 μm), printed sensing layer made of nanocristalline tin dioxide based material, laser cutting of the membrane enabled the fabrication of full-printed cantilever-shaped high-temperature sensor with optimal power consumption (~80 mW at 450 °C) applicable in wireless instruments for the detection of combustible and toxic gases including methane


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    The article has the rating of efficiency of activity of a metallurgical complex of Ural is executed on the basis of the developed system of complete characteristics. System performance of complete characteristics of object, reflecting external and inwardness of structures, allows to evaluation objectively a qualitative status of branch with a different level of integration. Application of this factor will allow to trace development in more details of integration processes and to make necessary changes in case of occurrence of any contradictions among its partners


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    With the help of specially developed algorithm of the system analysis in article laws of structural mutual relations in social and economic system of the Chelyabinsk region are considered. It is established, that the importance of points of growth of economy of region in 1995-2006 was reduced according to the circuit: «coal mining»  «release of road technics»  «release of tractors»  «an area under crops under commercial crops»  …  «densities of budgetary investments into a fixed capital». Allocation of priority directions has allowed to create and concentrate attention to those models of management of economic processes which, first of all, provide achievement of objects in view


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    For economic rating of efficiency of a metallurgical complex of Ural the algorithm in which basis performance about structure and echelon the device of evaluation object lays is offered. With the help of multivariate methods of the analysis are selected the big system of industrial-financial parameters and its subsystems which final elements determine problems of development of a metallurgical complex. Its decision is possible by the received actual and best models. The found out structures, supervising education and the order of an arrangement of elements in subsystems, subsystems in echelons and echelons in the big system, supporting synergetic relations at all levels, provide economic stability of a complex. It has allowed to reveal not only the typical, but also the specific characteristics of a metallurgical business, both in some regions of Ural, and at possible integration of all the Urals region

    Pervaporation unit with MEMS gas sensor for the measurement of methane concentration in water

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    The monitoring of concentration of methane dissolved in water is important for the security of underwater pipelines, delineation of oil and gas fields, and optimization of proper location of oil and gas wells. The reported system consists of metal oxide gas sensor separated from water by hydrophobic pervaporation membrane. Methane MEMS sensor was based on multilayer SiO2/Si3N4 film equipped with platinum heater and coated with sensing layer made of nanoparticle SnO2/Pd (3 wt. %). Methane saturation of water leads to a decrease in sensor resistance by a factor of 6 - 7, the response time of the system is of 200-300 s

    MEMS system for fire detection in the forest

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    This work focuses on the implementation of a MEMS fire detection system for controlling wide remote forest regions. The system is based on an innovative approach exploiting MEMS sensors with specific functions for detecting gas, wind and temperature, integrating data collected by a custom software. The aim of the work is to detect variations of the parameters measured by the sensors because any variation will promptly identify the presence of a forest fire. The technology and the structure of the system will be used also for other different applications of environmental monitoring, both outdoor and indoor