26 research outputs found
In the Russian Federation, the incidence of cancer diagnosed at an advanced stage still remains high. A majority of patients (75 %) present with an advanced disease. The goal of palliative care is achievement of the best quality of life and relief of suffering of cancer patients. However, today there is no single model of palliative care.The aim of the study was to analyze the activities of the Department of Palliative Care of Almetyevsky Branch of the Republican Clinical Oncology Center of the Republic of Tatarstan.Material and methods. The Palliative Service of the Republic of Tatarstan is unites several institutions, including the Almetyevsky branch of the Republican Clinical Oncological Dispensary, which was organized in 2015. Based on the population of Almetyevsky region, there are two medical outreach teams.Results. Between 2016 and 2017, 1 025 patients received palliative care at home, and 6 625 visits were made. Pain syndrome was the most common reason for admission (more than 80 %) followed by depression (more than 80 %), disability disorders (more than 40 %), insomnia (25 %), dyspnea (22 %), and impaired consciousness (5 %). As a result of the creation of this service, a decrease in the number of ambulance visits to patients was recorded: from 92 to 12 % for the reason of severe intolerable pain, from 75 to 6.6 % due to moderate pain and from 6.7 to 0, 3 % due to mild pain. The incidence of unjustified hospital stay decreased by 28 %.Conclusion. Organization of the team of professionals invoplved in providing high-quality cancer care in Almetyevsk helped to improve the quality of palliative care for incurable cancer patients.В Российской Федерации запущенность онкологических заболеваний остаётся на высоком уровне и по некоторым локализациям может достигать 75 %. Улучшение качества жизни у таких пациентов является основой целью паллиативной медицины. Однако пока нет единой модели организации паллиативной медицинской помощи.Целью исследования явилось изучение результатов деятельности отделения паллиативной медицинской помощи Альметьевского филиала Республиканского клинического онкологического диспансера Республики Татарстан.Материал и методы. Паллиативная служба Республики Татарстан объединяет несколько учреждений, в том числе Альметьевский филиал Республиканского клинического онкологического диспансера, организованный в 2015 г. Исходя из численности населения Альметьевского района, функционирует две врачебные выездные бригады (1 врачебная бригада на 100 тыс. населения).Результаты. За 2016–17 гг. в домашних условиях паллиативная помощь оказана 1025 пациентам, выполнено 6625 посещений. Самыми частыми причинами обращения явились: болевой синдром с различной степенью выраженности (более 80 %), депрессия (более 80 %), диспептические нарушения (более 40 %), бессонница (25 %), одышка (22 %), нарушение сознания (5 %). В результате создания данной службы зафиксировано снижение количества выездов скорой медицинской помощи к пациентам, относящимся к IV клинической группе: по поводу сильной, нестерпимой боли – с 92 до 12 %, умеренной – с 75 до 6,6 %, легкой – с 6,7 до 0,3 %. На 28 % снизилась частота необоснованных госпитализаций этой категории больных
Определение эффективности использования счета в качестве фМРТ-парадигмы при исследовании функциональных связей в норме для оценки управляющих функций мозга
Aim: to explore functional connectivity of the normal brain during Stroop test modification and new suggested counting test performance.Materials and methods. Data were acquired from 18 healthy volunteers who underwent fMRI examination on 3T scanner with Stroop test modification and new suggested counting test used as block paradigms.Results. Functional connectivity analysis showed involvement of similar regions but with different distribution of positive correlations between them: interhemispheric significant positive correlations during Stroop test modification performance were found between anterior insular cortex, interhemispheric significant positive correlations during counting test performance were found between dorsolateral prefrontal cortices bilaterally and inferior parietal cortices bilaterally. Different distribution of significant correlations could be due to specificity of tasks. Comparative analysis showed significantly higher positive correlations with occipital cortex during Stroop test performance.Conclusions. Received data allow alternative use of the abovementioned paradigms for executive functions investigation, with preference for counting test paradigm in patients with vision disturbances.Цель исследования: сравнительный анализ функциональных связей коры головного мозга при выполнении модификаций теста Струпа и теста счет про себя.Материал и методы. Исследование было проведено на 18 здоровых добровольцах, которым выполнялась фМРТ на 3 Тл магнитно-резонансном томографе с использованием двух блоковых парадигм: модификаций теста Струпа и теста счет про себя.Результаты. Анализ функциональных связей при обработке данных фМРТ показал, что, несмотря на вовлечение сходных структур, характер распределения связей отличается: при выполнении теста Струпа межполушарные связи наблюдались между передними отделами островка, а при счете про себя – латеральной префронтальной корой с обеих сторон и нижними отделами теменных долей с обеих сторон. Различия распределения связей обусловлены, вероятно, спецификой предложенных заданий. При сравнительном анализе корреляций парадигмы значимо отличались по связям со зрительной корой, которые были больше при выполнении модификации теста Струпа.Заключение. Полученные данные свидетельствуют о возможности эффективного альтернативного использования модификации теста счет про себя для оценки управляющих функций мозга, а также его преимуществах при обследовании пациентов с нарушениями зрения
The problem of planning the motion path of an unmanned vehicle is presented in the article. The results of development and the software implementation, and the research of the algorithm for constructing quasi- optimal trajectory of an unmanned vehicle in a known environment are shown. The RRT standard algorithm as the basis for the path construction between two points is used in the article. To improve the efficiency, the basic algorithm of the following modifications such as the orientation to the finish point, the removal of intermediate vertices are introduced. The orientation to the finish point allows to check the possibility of the direct connection to the last point which could be found by the RRT algorithm. The orientation also reduces the trajectory searching, because the basic RRT algorithm searches the point until a randomly generated point appears in the vicinity of the finish line. The deleting process of the intermediate vertices is carried out for such route sections where the trajectory could be straighten by the intermediate vertices’ removing without crossing the obstacles. The consideration of the kinematic constraints on the minimum turning radius of the vehicle, which is based on the Dubins curves is implemented in the article. As a result of all these algorithm modifications, its performance has been increased about 30% according to the computer simulation results
Circadian blood pressure profile and myocardial hypertrophy in patients with renal arterial hypertension
The authors discuss the role of renal arterial hypertension etiology (chronic glomerulonephritis, chronic pyelonephritis) in myocardial hypertrophy development and the association between 24-hour blood pressure monitoring parameters and left ventricular myocardial mass
In the Russian Federation, the incidence of cancer diagnosed at an advanced stage still remains high. A majority of patients (75 %) present with an advanced disease. The goal of palliative care is achievement of the best quality of life and relief of suffering of cancer patients. However, today there is no single model of palliative care.The aim of the study was to analyze the activities of the Department of Palliative Care of Almetyevsky Branch of the Republican Clinical Oncology Center of the Republic of Tatarstan.Material and methods. The Palliative Service of the Republic of Tatarstan is unites several institutions, including the Almetyevsky branch of the Republican Clinical Oncological Dispensary, which was organized in 2015. Based on the population of Almetyevsky region, there are two medical outreach teams.Results. Between 2016 and 2017, 1 025 patients received palliative care at home, and 6 625 visits were made. Pain syndrome was the most common reason for admission (more than 80 %) followed by depression (more than 80 %), disability disorders (more than 40 %), insomnia (25 %), dyspnea (22 %), and impaired consciousness (5 %). As a result of the creation of this service, a decrease in the number of ambulance visits to patients was recorded: from 92 to 12 % for the reason of severe intolerable pain, from 75 to 6.6 % due to moderate pain and from 6.7 to 0, 3 % due to mild pain. The incidence of unjustified hospital stay decreased by 28 %.Conclusion. Organization of the team of professionals invoplved in providing high-quality cancer care in Almetyevsk helped to improve the quality of palliative care for incurable cancer patients
Some characteristics of surface hardening of steel 65g in the electric-spark method
© Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. The paper presents the results of studies of some physical and mechanical properties of metal samples made of 65G steel, hardened by electrospark method. Researches are connected with the solution of problems of increase of a resource of work of details and working bodies of agricultural machines. The elemental composition, phase composition and microstructure of the surface of 65G steel samples processed by the electrospark method were investigated