235 research outputs found

    Kemampuan Memahami Unsur Intrinsik Teks Drama Siswa Kelas VIII Mts Muhammadiyah Desa Penyasawan Kecamatan Kampar

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    The purposes of this research is to describe the ability in comprehend the element of intrinsic in drama of second year student at MTs Muhammadiyah Penyasawan village Kampar district. The element of intrinsic is element which develop build belleslettres from within. The element of intrinsic is an important elemen whick is supposed to be learned by students in learning literature. In learned literature at school, comprehend the element of intrinsic in drama is one of basic component that should be learned at second grade of MTs. This research is aimed to know the students\u27 ability in comprehend the element of intrinsic in drama of second year student at MTs Muhammadiyah Penyasawan village Kampar district. Generally, there are 5 element of intrinsic are those theme, plot, characteristic, setting, and moral message. In this research, the method that\u27s used is descriptive method with 50 samples. To collect the data, the researcher collected the students\u27 test result, gave score, found the percentage of each element, and considered the average score. The resul can be concluded that the students\u27 ability in understanding the element of intrinsic in drama of second year students at MTs Muhammadiyah Penyasawan village Kampar district are categorized as low with average score 67. Percentage of high ability level student was 8%, medium 32%, and low 60%. The detail of average score of intrinsic element that has obtained is that: theme was categorized as low (46), plot was categorized as high (94), characteristic was categorized as low (66), setting was categorized as medium (79), moral message was categorized as low (50)

    Hidrolisis Selulosa Dari Sekam Padi (Oryza Sativa) Menjadi Glukosa Dengan Katalis Arang Tersulfonasi

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    Cellulose hydrolysis from rice husk (Oryza sativa) into glucose with sulfonated charcoal catalyst was conducted. The aim of this research was to determine sulfuric acid concentration and contact time on the sulfonation process of charcoal which would produce the highest glucose rendement from cellulose hydrolysis of rice husk. Sulfuric acid concentrations in this experiment were 8, 10, and 12 N with variation of contact time of 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 hours respectively. Rice husk was delignified with NaOH 10% to produce cellulose which was hydrolyzed by sulfonated charcoal catalyst. Hydrolysis reaction with the ratio cellulose/aquadest 1:25 (w/v) was conducted in autoclave with temperature 130 oC for 3 hours. The result showed that 8 N concentration of sulfuric acid and 12 hours of contact time produced the highest glucose rendement 17,9%

    Eksperimentasi Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Group Investigation (Gi) Dan Think Pair Share (Tps) Dengan Pendekatan Saintifik Pada Materi Relasi Dan Fungsi Ditinjau Dari Kemampuan Penalaran Siswa SMP Negeri Kelas VIII Di Kabupaten Karanganyar

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    The objective of this research was to investigate the effect of learning model toward learning outcomes in mathematics viewed from the reasoning ability. The learning models of this research were cooperative learning model of the GI with scientific, the cooperative learning model of the TPS with scientific, and the classical learning with scientific.This research used the quasi experimental research method with the factorial design of 3 x 3. Its population was all of the students in Grade VIII of State Junior Secondary Schools of Karanganyar. The samples of the research were taken by using the stratified cluster random sampling technique. The samples consisted of 280 students. The instruments used to gather the data were test of learning outcomes in mathematics and test of reasoning ability. The proposed hypotheses of the research were tested by using the two-way analysis of variance with unbalanced cells. The results of the research were as follows. 1) The students instructed with GI with scientific had a better learning outcomes in mathematics than those instructed TPS with scientific and those instructed the classical learning with scientific. Furthermore, the students instructed TPS with scientific had a better learning outcomes in mathematics than those instructed the classical learning model with scientific. 2) The learning outcomes in mathematics of the students with the high and moderate reasoning ability had a better than that of the students with the low reasoning ability. In addition, the students with the high reasoning ability had the same learning outcomes in mathematics as the students with the moderate reasoning ability. 3) On model of the GI with scientific, the students with the high and low reasoning ability had the same learning outcomes in mathematics as the students with the moderate reasoning ability. Moreover, the students with the high reasoning ability had a better learning outcomes in mathematics than those the students with the low reasoning ability. On model of the TPS with scientific and the classical learning with scientific results in the same learning outcomes in each of reasoning ability. 4) The students with the high reasoning ability, GI with scientific and the classical learning with scientific results in the same learning outcomes in mathematics as TPS with scientific. Furthermore, GI with scientific results in a better learning outcomes in mathematics than the classical learning with scientific. The students with the moderate and low reasoning ability had the same learning outcomes in each of learning model

    Kualitas Sperma Ejakulat Pejantan Ayam Kukuak Balenggek Pada Pengandangan Tunggal Terisolasi (Ejaculated Sperm Quality of Isolated Single Caging of Balenggek Chickens)

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    The Balenggek chicken is a long crower type fowl. This fowl have isolated and caging in single cage for years to result the long crower sound.This study was carried out to identify the influence of fed to the ejaculate sperm quality of balenggek chickens. First, the sperm were collected from isolated caging of Balenggek fowl more or less than three years and un-isolated caging of Balenggek fowl as control group. Second, the sperm were collected from isolated caging of Balenggek fowl more or less than three years and un-isolated caging of Balenggek fowl as control group, after treated by 124 ComFed for three months. The sperm were collected by massages methods and analyze with counting chamber of Improve Neubauer. Slides of sperm were stained by Eosin. Variables observed were sperm ejaculated, colours, and sperm consistency. The results shows that the sperm quality of Balenggek fowl increased (from 2.5 billion sperm/ml to 3.5 billion sperm/ml) significantly higher (p<0.05) in isolated caging fowl with reschedule feeding. Sperm color and its consistency were increased from + (c quality) to ++ (b quality). It can conclude that single caging could decreased the ejaculated sperm of Balengggek chickens quality and it. could reveal increased after it treated by 124 ConFed

    Uji Aktivitas Antibakteri Sediaan Gel Ekstrak Daun Sereh (Cymbopogon Nardus L. Rendle) Terhadap Bakteri Staphylococcus Aureus Penyebab Jerawat: Anti Bacterial Activity Test of Extract Gel Formulation of Lemongrass Leaves (Cymbopogon Nardus L. Rendle) on Staphylococcus Aureus Acne Causing Bacteria

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    Penelitian tentang uji aktivitas antibakteri sediaan gel ekstrak daun sereh (Cymbopogon nardus L.Rendle) terhadap pertumbuhan bakteri Staphylococcus aureus telah dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi konsentrasi karbopol, konsentrasi ekstrak, dan kombinasi keduanya terhadap stabilitas gel dan aktivitas antibakteri terhadap Staphylococcus aureus. Ekstrak daun sereh (Cymbopogon nardus L.Rendle) diperoleh dengan cara maserasi dengan etanol 96%. Desain penelitian menggunakan analisis data ANOVA rancangan acak lengkap pola faktorial dengan  variasi konsentrasi ekstrak 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%  dan karbopol sebagai basis gel dengan konsentrasi 0,5%, 1% dan 2%. Evaluasi stabilitas sediaan mencakup uji organoleptis, uji homogenitas, uji pH, uji viskositas, dan uji aktivitas antibakteri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variasi konsentrasi ekstrak mempengaruhi stabilitas dan aktivitas antibakteri gel ekstrak daun sereh (Cymbopogon nardus L.Rendle). Variasi konsentrasi karbopol mempengaruhi aktivitas antibakteri tetapi tidak mempengaruhi stabilitas. Kombinasi variasi konsentrasi karbopol dan ekstrak mempengaruhi aktivitas antibakteri. Kombinasi perlakuan yang baik diperoleh pada formula A2B4, karena memiliki aktivitas antibakteri tertinggi yaitu 14,56 mm

    An In Vivo Study Of A Locally-Manufactured Hydroxyapatite -Based Material As Bone Replacement Material.

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    Synthetic HA has excellent biocompatibility, but it has limited application due to its low toughness and flexural strength. In order to improve the mechanical properties (impact resistance, and tensile strength), metals and other elements were added to HA

    Kecepatan Membaca Efektif Siswa Kelas XI SMA Negeri 2 Tembilahan Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir

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    This study titled The Effective Reading Speed class XI student of SMA Negeri 2 Tembilahan, Indragiri Hilir Regency. The problem in the study of how fast effective reading is, there any difference in the effective speed reading samples per group, per rank, per ethnic, per department and per gender is. The method used is descriptive method, with a total sample of 146 students in class XI SMA Negeri 2 Tembilahan. Data collection techniques to provide a test reading paragraphs exposition, consisting of four topics, such as Religion, Sports, Education and Environment. Every topic paragraph exposition consists of 60-160 wpm. The time process of reading paragraph is calculated by the researchers. After that, the students were given a multiple choice test consisting of five questions and five answers per topic selection. Then researchers correcting students' answer sh using the reading speed formula. To know there any difference is in the speed of reading per group of samples, per rank, per ethnic, calculated using ANOVA. Per department, and per gender, calculated using the t test. If ANOVA rejected, counting is used again with the t test. Based on the research, the result that (1) the speed of effective reading low category (2) the speed of effective reading per different sample group, science class in speed reading higher than social class, the reading speed of science class is low category and social class is very low category (3) The speed Effective reading per rank is different, the first is high category ranking and the second ranked low category, ranking third category is very low (4) The effective reading speed per ethnic is the same or no difference (5) the effective reading speed by different departments, the speed reading of science majors (141 , 27 as low category) is higher than the social majors (114.99 as very low category) (6) effective reading speed per gender, women effective speed reading higher 136.86) than men (120.67) but as same as low category. Overall, it can be concluded that the effective speed reading class XI student of SMAN 2 Tembilahan Indragiri Hilir Regency has low category which is between 120-150 wpm

    Effects of late flushing and ewe breed on lamb mortality at birth.

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    A total of 92 Zel and 92 Zel×Shal ewes, 3–5 years of age and body weight of between 35 and 45 kg were randomly allocated in to four groups in order to determine effects of late flushing and breed on lamb mortality at birth. A completely randomized design in factorial arrangement with two factors (Flushing & Breed) and two levels were used. Ewes were fed in two nutritional groups including none flushing diet (2 mcal/kg metabolizeble energy, 11.5 percent crud protein and 1.7 kg/ewe/day dry matter intake) and flushing diet (2.2 mcal/kg metabolizeble energy, 11.5 percent crud protein and 1.7 kg/ewe/day dry matter intake). The flushing continued for last six week of pregnancy. Animals were housed in pens (10 ewes/pen) and allowed free access to water. The results showed that late flushing had a significant effect on lamb mortality at birth (P<0.05). Zel breed had lower lamb mortality than Zel×Shal breed (P<0.05)

    Local food concept in self sufficient producer in Malaysia

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    Local food means food produced in the same province in which it’s sold or food sold across provincial borders within 50 kilometres of the originating province or territory.There is no consistent definition of “local food”.The purposes of this analysis includes (a) to distinguish between the defining attributes of local food concept and its irrelevant structure and (b) to determine its internal structure by breaking it into simpler elements.The Wilson concept analysis was employed for analysis.Result showed that local food concept differs from halal food concept.Halal food refers to hygiene and healthy foods accord with the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah of the Prophet, Ijma’ (consensus) and Qiyas (deduction of analogy according to the Syafie or any one of the Hanafi, Maliki or Hanbali School of thought or fatwa approved by the relevant Islamic Authority).While, paddy in 1970-1980 met about 87% of the domestic need the result of government policy that emphasised higher food self-sufficiency by increasing yields.In paddy sector, Ninamaju Sdn Bhd is a rice producer started its operation since 1981 originated from and located at northern part of Malaysia or the rice bowl of Malaysia, Kedah.Involved in the production of high quality rice and processing using high-tech machines to meet the demands of daily food community