715 research outputs found
Slow and fast dynamics in coupled systems: A time series analysis view
We study the dynamics of systems with different time scales, when access only
to the slow variables is allowed. We use the concept of Finite Size Lyapunov
Exponent (FSLE) and consider both the case when the equations of motion for the
slow components are known, and the situation when a scalar time series of one
of the slow variables has been measured. A discussion on the effects of
parameterizing the fast dynamics is given. We show that, although the
computation of the largest Lyapunov exponent can be practically infeasible in
complex dynamical systems, the computation of the FSLE allows to extract
information on the characteristic time and on the predictability of the
large-scale, slow-time dynamics even with moderate statistics and unresolved
small scales.Comment: 17 pages RevTeX, 6 PostScript figures, tarred, gzipped, uuencoded.
Submitted to Physica
Generation of large-scale winds in horizontally anisotropic convection
We simulate three-dimensional, horizontally periodic Rayleigh-B\'enard
convection between free-slip horizontal plates, rotating about a distant
horizontal axis. When both the temperature difference between the plates and
the rotation rate are sufficiently large, a strong horizontal wind is generated
that is perpendicular to both the rotation vector and the gravity vector. The
wind is turbulent, large-scale, and vertically sheared. Horizontal anisotropy,
engendered here by rotation, appears necessary for such wind generation. Most
of the kinetic energy of the flow resides in the wind, and the vertical
turbulent heat flux is much lower on average than when there is no wind
We use the moments of counts of neighbors as given by the Generalized
Correlation Integrals, to study the clustering properties of Dark Matter Halos
(DH) in Cold Dark Matter (CDM) and Cold+Hot Dark Matter (CHDM) models. We
compare the results with those found in the CfA and SSRS galaxy catalogs. We
show that if we apply the analysis in redshift space, both models reproduce
equally well the observed clustering of galaxies. Mass segregation is also
found in the models: more massive DHs are more clustered compared with less
massive ones. In redshift space, this mass segregation is reduced by a factor
2-3 due to the peculiar velocities. Observational catalogs give an indication
of luminosity and size segregation, which is consistent with the predictions of
the models. Because the mass segregation is smaller in redshift space, it is
suggestive that the real luminosity or size segregation of galaxies could be
significantly larger than what it is found in redshift catalogs.Comment: 13 pages including 9 figures (220 KB) in uuencoded compressed
Postscript format. To appear in The Astrophysical Journal, June 10. Latex
file and figures available at ftp://astrohp.ft.uam.es/pub/preprints/masse
«Репетиции смерти» в стихотворениях “Блюз беженцев» У.Х. Одена и «Беженцы» Р. Джаррелла (к вопросу осмысления проблемы беженцев в американской поззии о второй мировой войне)
The article deals with the best American poems devoted to refugees of the world war II. The comparative analyses based on the thematic and stylistic similarity was carried out. Various forms of the main artistic device – repetition – were studied
Produttivita primaria dell' ecosistema marino, turbolenza oceanica e cicli biogeochimici globali
Il ciclo globale del carbonio e la concentrazione atmosferica di CO2 sono influenzati dai flussi biogeochimici fra oceano ed atmosfera. Questi flussi dipendono dal funzionamento dell’ecosistema marino; modifiche significative nella dinamica del plancton e nella produttività primaria possono avere rilevanti effetti sul clima. La dinamica del plancton, a sua volta, risente degli effetti di trasporto e rimescolamento indotti dalle strutture a mesoscala quali vortici e fronti, che per questo motivo sono uno degli attori sulla scena della dinamica del clim
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