783 research outputs found


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    The title compound, C17H20N2O2, is chiral but crystallizes in a centrosymmetric space group as a racemate, the relative configuration at the stereogenic centres being 2S*,3R*,4S*. The cyclo­hexane ring adopts a half-chair conformation while the pyrazole ring has an envelope conformation. The crystal packing displays inter­molecular O—H⋯N and N—H⋯O hydrogen bonding


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    The therapeutic strategy in rectal cancer has substantially changed in the past decade. Total mesorectumectomy has been widely used. Many specialized health facilities have accepted radio/chemoradiotherapy for locally advanced rectal cancer as a standard. At the same time as high as one quarter of the patients receiving neoadjuvant therapy demonstrate a complete pathomorphological regression of a tumor. In this connection, the current literature discusses whether medical treatment is permissible in this group of patients

    Early experience with the ARTISENTIAL® articulated instruments in laparoscopic low anterior resection with TME

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    Background: The notion of articulation in surgery has been largely synonymous with robotics. The ARTISENTIAL® instruments aim at bringing advanced articulation to laparoscopy to overcome challenges in narrow anatomical spaces. In this paper, we present first single-center results of a series of low anterior resections, performed with ARTISENTIAL®. Methods: Between September 2020 and August 2021, at the Department of Surgery, St. Marienkrankenhaus Siegen, Siegen, Germany, patients with cancer of the mid- and low rectum were prospectively enrolled in a pilot feasibility study to evaluate the ARTISENTIAL® articulated instruments in performing a laparoscopic low anterior resection. Perioperative and short-term postoperative data were analyzed. Results: Seventeen patients (10 males/7 females) were enrolled in this study. The patients had a median age of 66 years (range 47–80 years) and a median body mass index of 28 kg/m2 (range 23–33 kg/m2). The median time to rectal transection was 155 min (range 118–280 min) and the median total operative time was 276 min (range 192–458 min). The median estimated blood loss was 30 ml (range 5–70 ml) and there were no conversions to laparotomy. The median number of harvested lymph nodes was 15 (range 12–28). Total mesorectal excision (TME) quality was ‘good’ in all patients with no cases of circumferential resection margin involvement (R0 = 100%). The median length of stay was 9 days (range 7–14 days). There were no anastomotic leaks and the overall complication rate was 17.6%. There was one unrelated readmission with no mortality. Conclusions: Low anterior resection with ARTISENTIAL® is feasible and safe. All patients had a successful TME procedure with a good oncological outcome. We will now seek to evaluate the benefits of ARTISENTIAL® in comparison with standard laparoscopic instruments through a larger study

    Extractive Dearomatization of Naphthalane Oil Fraction with Ionic Liquid and -N-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone

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    In the article are given an analysis of the results of researches carried out for the purpose of selective treatment of the Naphthalane oil fraction boiling at 260-3400C with ionic liquid (IL) -morfolinphormiate synthesized on the basis formic acid + morpholine and - N-methyl-2-pyrrolidon (N-MP) and  as an extractant. The aim is to remove poisonous components -  sulfur compounds and toxic carcinogenic polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in order to improve therapeutic properties of Naphthalane oil cut. For this purpose we have used extraction method. On the basis of the conducted researches the role of -N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone and IL-morpholinephormiatee in extraction conditions have been determined in selective treatment of Nafthalan oil, according to the results of spectral analysis residual amount of aromatic hydrocarbons decreased from 18.5% wt accordance to 2%, 1.5%. As well as the amount of sulphur decreased from 0.0354% to 0.010%,  0.011% and 0.019%.In the next stage the treated raffinates with N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone has been purified on silica. In a result amount of aromatic hydrocarbons drastically decrease to be 0.07% and 0.02%. As a result we aquire transparency and at the same time the percentage amount of aromatic hydrocarbons drastically decreased from 2% to 0,07%, 1.5%, to 0.02%. Raffinates obtained in a 2-4 stage dearomatization with N-MP and IL. Raffinate are measured on NMR, UV and IR spectral analysis


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    Preoperative staging by digital examination, endorectal ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) allows an assessment of the risk of local recurrence after surgery alone. The successful management of rectal cancer requires a multidisciplinary approach, with treatment decisions based on precise patient evaluations. Chemoradiotherapy (CRT) is associated with reduction of tumor size and downstaging.The aim of this study is to assess how often complete clinical response is achieved after eoadjuvant CRT and its concordance with pathologic complete response.Results. Patients with biopsy-proven, locally advanced rectal cancer (T3, T4) were treated by CRT followed by radical surgery. Tumors were re-assessed after 8 weeks from CRT completion using MRI and endoscopic examination. The results of examination were comparedwith the final histopathologic status.Conclusions. Neoadjuvant CRT leads to significant tumor regression and in some patients there is complete disappearance of neoplasm. MRI combining with colonoscopic findings is a useful tool to evaluate these features.Предоперационное стадирование с использованием инструментальных методов диагностики: эндоректальной ультрасонографии и магнитно-резонансной томографии (МРТ) позволяет оценить риск развития местного рецидива после хирургического лечения рака прямой кишки (РПК).Успешное лечение РПК требует мультидисциплинарного подхода, использования химиолучевой терапии (ХЛТ).Цель исследования: оценить, как часто достигается полный клинический ответ после неоадъювантной ХЛТ и каково его соотношение с полным патологическим регрессом.Результаты. Пациенты с местно-распространенным РПК (T3, T4), морфологически подтвержденным, подвергались ХЛТ с последующей радикальной операцией. Оценка эффекта производилась через 8 нед после завершения ХЛТ с помощью МРТ и эндоскопического исследования. Результаты сравнивались с окончательным гистологическим заключением.Выводы. Неоадъювантная ХЛТ приводит к существенному регрессу опухоли, а у некоторых пациентов к ее полному исчезновению. МРТ вместе с фиброколоноскопией позволяют оценить эффект лечения


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    The therapeutic strategy in rectal cancer has substantially changed in the past decade. Total mesorectumectomy has been widely used. Many specialized health facilities have accepted radio/chemoradiotherapy for locally advanced rectal cancer as a standard. At the same time as high as one quarter of the patients receiving neoadjuvant therapy demonstrate a complete pathomorphological regression of a tumor. In this connection, the current literature discusses whether medical treatment is permissible in this group of patients.В последние десятилетия лечебная стратегия в отношении рака прямой кишки (РПК) существенно изменилась. Повсеместное распространение получила тотальная мезоректумэктомия. Лучевая/химиолучевая терапия местно-распространенного РПК принята в качестве стандарта многими специализированными лечебными учреждениями. При этом до четверти пациентов, получивших неоадъювантную терапию, демонстрируют полный патоморфологический регресс опухоли. В связи с этим в современной литературе обсуждается вопрос о допустимости консервативной тактики в отношении указанной категории больных

    Technological Aspects of Introduction Crocus Alatavicus According to GACP Requirements

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    According to the forecasts of the World Health Organization, the share of herbal medicines in the global pharmaceutical market is more than 40%. The pronounced growth trend of phytopreparations can lead to depletion of stocks of medicinal plants and the introduction of medicinal plants into the culture is a suitable solution to the problem. In order to ensure the quality of medicinal plants, in 2003 the World Health Organization (WHO) issued guidelines on Good cultivation and harvesting practices (GACP) medicinal plants. This article presents the results of the introduction of the Crocus alatavicus plant by seeds. The aim of the study is to develop a technology for the introduction of Crocus alatavicus by the method of seed propagation according to the principles of GACP. The development of the introduction technology according to the principles of GACP guarantees the provision of domestic pharmaceutical production with high-quality plant raw materials. The introduction was carried out at the pilot production plantation of "Phytoleum" LLP. The results of the study showed that during seed propagation, autumn sowing of Crocus alatavicus seeds is preferable. The introduction of organic fertilizer of vermicompost before sowing seeds has a positive effect on the germination of seeds and the survival of seedlings. The plant in the fourth year of vegetation goes into the generative period and the fruit will form. The results of the introduction of Crocus alatavicus by seeds in the period from 2018 to 2022 showed good seed germination and high survival of seedlings, which makes it possible to recommend the plant for introduction into culture. It is important to emphasize that the ability to cultivate C. alatavicus from seeds creates new opportunities for use as domestic raw materials for the purpose of further rational use in scientific and practical medicine, preserving this species in culture