1,490 research outputs found

    Elasticity and metastability limit in supercooled liquids: a lattice model

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    We present Monte Carlo simulations on a lattice system that displays a first order phase transition between a disordered phase (liquid) and an ordered phase (crystal). The model is augmented by an interaction that simulates the effect of elasticity in continuum models. The temperature range of stability of the liquid phase is strongly increased in the presence of the elastic interaction. We discuss the consequences of this result for the existence of a kinetic spinodal in real systems.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Role of saddles in mean-field dynamics above the glass transition

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    Recent numerical developments in the study of glassy systems have shown that it is possible to give a purely geometric interpretation of the dynamic glass transition by considering the properties of unstable saddle points of the energy. Here we further develop this program in the context of a mean-field model, by analytically studying the properties of the closest saddle point to an equilibrium configuration of the system. We prove that when the glass transition is approached the energy of the closest saddle goes to the threshold energy, defined as the energy level below which the degree of instability of the typical stationary points vanishes. Moreover, we show that the distance between a typical equilibrium configuration and the closest saddle is always very small and that, surprisingly, it is almost independent of the temperature

    Coarsening Dynamics of a Nonconserved Field Advected by a Uniform Shear Flow

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    We consider the ordering kinetics of a nonconserved scalar field advected by a uniform shear flow. Using the Ohta-Jasnow-Kawasaki approximation, modified to allow for shear-induced anisotropy, we calculate the asymptotic time dependence of the characteristic length scales, L_parallel and L_perp, that describe the growth of order parallel and perpendicular to the mean domain orientation. In space dimension d=3 we find, up to constants, L_parallel = gamma t^{3/2}, L_perp = t^{1/2}, where gamma is the shear rate, while for d = 2 we find L_parallel = gamma^{1/2} t (ln t)^{1/4}, L_perp = gamma^{-1/2}(ln t)^{-1/4} . Our predictions for d=2 can be tested by experiments on twisted nematic liquid crystals.Comment: RevTex, 4 page

    Specific heat anomaly in a supercooled liquid with amorphous boundary conditions

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    We study the specific heat of a model supercooled liquid confined in a spherical cavity with amorphous boundary conditions. We find the equilibrium specific heat has a cavity-size-dependent peak as a function of temperature. The cavity allows us to perform a finite-size scaling (FSS) analysis, which indicates that the peak persists at a finite temperature in the thermodynamic limit. We attempt to collapse the data onto a FSS curve according to different theoretical scenarios, obtaining reasonable results in two cases: a "not-so-simple" liquid with nonstandard values of the exponents {\alpha} and {\nu}, and random first-order theory, with two different length scales.Comment: Includes Supplemental Materia

    Basins of attraction of metastable states of the spherical pp-spin model

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    We study the basins of attraction of metastable states in the spherical pp-spin spin glass model, starting the relaxation dynamics at a given distance from a thermalized condition. Weighting the initial condition with the Boltzmann distribution we find a finite size for the basins. On the contrary, a white weighting of the initial condition implies vanishing basins of attraction. We make the corresponding of our results with the ones of a recently constructed effective potential.Comment: LaTeX, 7 pages, 7 eps figure

    Dynamical quenching and annealing in self-organization multiagent models

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    We study the dynamics of a generalized Minority Game (GMG) and of the Bar Attendance Model (BAM) in which a number of agents self-organize to match an attendance that is fixed externally as a control parameter. We compare the usual dynamics used for the Minority Game with one for the BAM that makes a better use of the available information. We study the asymptotic states reached in both frameworks. We show that states that can be assimilated to either thermodynamic equilibrium or quenched configurations can appear in both models, but with different settings. We discuss the relevance of the parameter GG that measures the value of the prize for winning in units of the fine for losing. We also provide an annealing protocol by which the quenched configurations of the GMG can progressively be modified to reach an asymptotic equlibrium state that coincides with the one obtained with the BAM.Comment: around 20 pages, 10 figure

    On the stationary points of the TAP free energy

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    In the context of the p-spin spherical model, we introduce a method for the computation of the number of stationary points of any nature (minima, saddles, etc.) of the TAP free energy. In doing this we clarify the ambiguities related to the approximations usually adopted in the standard calculations of the number of states in mean field spin glass models.Comment: 11 pages, 1 Postscript figure, plain Te

    Coexistence of supersymmetric and supersymmetry-breaking states in spherical spin-glasses

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    The structure of states of the perturbed p-spin spherical spin-glass is analyzed. At low enough free energy metastable states have a supersymmetric structure, while at higher free energies the supersymmetry is broken. The transition between the supersymmetric and the supersymmetry-breaking phase is triggered by a change in the stability of states

    Dynamic relaxation of a liquid cavity under amorphous boundary conditions

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    The growth of cooperatively rearranging regions was invoked long ago by Adam and Gibbs to explain the slowing down of glass-forming liquids. The lack of knowledge about the nature of the growing order, though, complicates the definition of an appropriate correlation function. One option is the point-to-set correlation function, which measures the spatial span of the influence of amorphous boundary conditions on a confined system. By using a swap Monte Carlo algorithm we measure the equilibration time of a liquid droplet bounded by amorphous boundary conditions in a model glass-former at low temperature, and we show that the cavity relaxation time increases with the size of the droplet, saturating to the bulk value when the droplet outgrows the point-to-set correlation length. This fact supports the idea that the point-to-set correlation length is the natural size of the cooperatively rearranging regions. On the other hand, the cavity relaxation time computed by a standard, nonswap dynamics, has the opposite behavior, showing a very steep increase when the cavity size is decreased. We try to reconcile this difference by discussing the possible hybridization between MCT and activated processes, and by introducing a new kind of amorphous boundary conditions, inspired by the concept of frozen external state as an alternative to the commonly used frozen external configuration.Comment: Completely rewritten version. After the first submission it was realized that swap and nonswap dynamics results are qualitatively different. This version reports the results of both dynamics and discusses the different behaviors. 17 pages, 18 figure

    Static correlations functions and domain walls in glass-forming liquids: the case of a sandwich geometry

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    The problem of measuring nontrivial static correlations in deeply supercooled liquids made recently some progress thanks to the introduction of amorphous boundary conditions, in which a set of free particles is subject to the effect of a different set of particles frozen into their (low temperature) equilibrium positions. In this way, one can study the crossover from nonergodic to ergodic phase, as the size of the free region grows and the effect of the confinement fades. Such crossover defines the so-called point-to-set correlation length, which has been measured in a spherical geometry, or cavity. Here, we make further progress in the study ofcorrelations under amorphous boundary conditions by analyzing the equilibrium properties of a glass-forming liquid, confined in a planar ("sandwich") geometry. The mobile particles are subject to amorphous boundary conditions with the particles in the surrounding walls frozen into their low temperature equilibrium configurations. Compared to the cavity, the sandwich geometry has three main advantages: i) the width of the sandwich is decoupled from its longitudinal size, making the thermodynamic limit possible; ii) for very large width, the behaviour off a single wall can be studied; iii) we can use "anti-parallel" boundary conditions to force a domain wall and measure its excess energy. Our results confirm that amorphous boundary conditions are indeed a very useful new tool inthe study of static properties of glass-forming liquids, but also raise some warning about the fact that not all correlation functions that can be calculated in this framework give the same qualitative results.Comment: Submited to JCP special issue on the glass transisio
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