242 research outputs found

    BDSIM-Beamline Simulation Toolkit Based on GEANT4

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    http://cern.ch/AccelConf/e06/PAPERS/WEPCH124.PDFInternational audienceBDSIM is a code that combines accelerator-style par- ticle tracking with traditional Geant-style tracking based on Runge-Kutta techniques. This approach means that particle beams can be tracked efficiently when inside the beampipe, while also enabling full Geant4 processes when beam-particles interact with beamline apertures. Tracking of the resulting secondary particles is automatic. The code is described, including a new MAD-style interface and new geometry description, and key performance parameters are listed

    Update on the Status of BDSIM

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    International audienceRecent updates to the status of the BDSIM particle tracking code are presented. In particular, we describe efforts to combine the secondary particle generation of BDSIM with the wakefield calculations of Placet in order to quantify backgrounds from col- limating elements in the beam delivery system of the International Linear Collider. Further recent updates to BDSIM are also introduced

    Halo Estimates and Simulations for Linear Colliders

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    Halo simulations and estimates are important for the design of future linear accelerators. We describe the main processes with analytic estimates and present our generic simulations in application to the ILC

    Beam emittance measurement with laser wire scanners in the International Linear Collider beam delivery system

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    Accurate measurement of the beam phase space is essential for the next generation of electron accelerators. A scheme for beam optics optimization and beam matrix reconstruction algorithms for the diagnostics section of the beam delivery system of the International Linear Collider (ILC) based on laser-wire beam profile monitors are discussed. Possible modes of operation of the laser-wire system together with their corresponding performance are presented. Based on these results, prospects for reconstructing the ILC beam emittance from representative laser-wire beam size measurements are evaluated

    Construction of stations for applied research at the NICA accelerator complex

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    This paper presents the applied stations descriptio

    Beam Profile Measurements and Simulations of the PETRA Laser-Wire

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    The Laser-wire will be an essential diagnostic tool at the International Linear Collider. It uses a finely focussed laser beam to measure the transverse profile of electron bunches by detecting the Compton-scattered photons (or degraded electrons) downstream of where the laser beam intersects the electron beam. Such a system has been installed at the PETRA storage ring at DESY, which uses a piezo-driven mirror to scan the laser-light across the electron beam. Lat- est results of experimental data taking are presented and compared to detailed simulations using the Geant4 based program BDSIM.Comment: 3 pagesm 4 figures. Submitted as a conference paper for the Particle Accelerator Conference 2005 (PAC05


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    Industrial safety system evolved on the railways for decades. In new economic conditions, many of its basic principles remain, but also those factors have arisen that require scientific analysis, experimental verification, modern technical and technological means. At the example of construction and maintenance of bridgeworks, the authors examine and evaluate the situation with safety, injury rate, fire hazard in railway transport.Система промышленной безопасности складывалась на железных дорогах десятилетиями. В новых экономических условиях многие ее базовые принципы сохранились, но появились и те факторы, которые требуют научного анализа, экспериментальной проверки, современных технико-технологических средств. На примере строительства и обслуживания мостовых сооружений авторы исследуют и оценивают ситуацию с безопасностью труда, травматизмом, пожароопасностью на объектах железнодорожного транспорта


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    Interrelation of labor safety and of environment has always been a leading factor for profession of bridge builders who conduct construction and repair works at the railway installations. Cartogram of working conditions and analytic data permit the authors to classify this professional group as subject to injuries and risks.Взаимосвязь безопасности труда и окружающей среды для профессий, к которым относятся мостовики, ведущие строительно-ремонтные работы на инженерных сооружениях железных дорог, всегда была фактором номер один. Картограммы условий труда и аналитические данные дают авторам основание считать исследуемую профессиональную группу травмозависимой и находящейся в зоне риска