2,705 research outputs found

    Quantum limited measurements of atomic scattering properties

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    We propose a method to perform precision measurements of the interaction parameters in systems of N ultra-cold spin 1/2 atoms. The spectroscopy is realized by first creating a coherent spin superposition of the two relevant internal states of each atom and then letting the atoms evolve under a squeezing Hamiltonian. The non-linear nature of the Hamiltonian decreases the fundamental limit imposed by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle to N^(-2), a factor of N smaller than the fundamental limit achievable with non-interacting atoms. We study the effect of decoherence and show that even with decoherence, entangled states can outperform the signal to noise limit of non-entangled states. We present two possible experimental implementations of the method using Bose-Einstein spinor condensates and fermionic atoms loaded in optical lattices and discuss their advantages and disadvantages.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures. References adde

    Coherence-controlled transparency and far-from-degenerate parametric gain in a strongly-absorbing Doppler-broadened medium

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    An inversionless gain of anti-Stokes radiation above the oscillation threshold in an optically-dense far-from-degenerate double-Lambda Doppler-broadened medium accompanied by Stokes gain is predicted. The outcomes are illustrated with numerical simulations applied to sodium dimer vapor. Optical switching from absorption to gain via transparency controlled by a small variation of the medium and of the driving radiation parameters which are at a level less than one photon per molecule is shown. Related video/audio clips see in: A.K. Popov, S.A. Myslivets, and T.F. George, Optics Express Vol. 7, No 3, 148 (2000)(http://epubs.osa.org/oearchive/source/22947.htm) or download: http://kirensky.krasn.ru/popov/opa/opa.htmComment: 4 pages, 3 eps figures, to be published in Optics Letters, vol.25, No 18 (2000), minor style changes and reference correctio

    Decoherence Dynamics in Low-Dimensional Cold Atom Interferometers

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    We report on a study of the dynamics of decoherence of a matter-wave interferometer, consisting of a pair of low-dimensional cold atom condensates at finite temperature. We identify two distinct regimes in the time dependence of the coherence factor of the interferometer: quantum and classical. Explicit analytical results are obtained in both regimes. In particular, in the two-dimensional (2D) case in the classical (long time) regime, we find that the dynamics of decoherence is universal, exhibiting a power-law decay with an exponent, proportional to the ratio of the temperature to the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature of a single 2D condensate. In the one-dimensional (1D) case in the classical regime we find a universal nonanalytic time dependence of decoherence, which is a consequence of the nonhydrodynamic nature of damping in 1D liquids.Comment: 4 pages, published versio

    Turbulence Analysis Of An Experimental Flux-Rope Plasma

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    We have previously generated elongated Taylor double-helix flux-rope plasmas in the SSX MHD wind tunnel. These plasmas are remarkable in their rapid relaxation (about one Alfven time) and their description by simple analytical Taylor force-free theory despite their high plasma beta and high internal flow speeds. We report on the turbulent features observed in these plasmas including frequency spectra, autocorrelation function, and probability distribution functions of increments. We discuss here the possibility that the turbulence facilitating access to the final state supports coherent structures and intermittency revealed by non-Gaussian signatures in the statistics. Comparisons to a Hall-MHD simulation of the SSX MHD wind tunnel show similarity in several statistical measures

    Temporal and Spatial Turbulent Spectra of MHD Plasma and an Observation of Variance Anisotropy

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    The nature of MHD turbulence is analyzed through both temporal and spatial magnetic fluctuation spectra. A magnetically turbulent plasma is produced in the MHD wind-tunnel configuration of the Swarthmore Spheromak Experiment (SSX). The power of magnetic fluctuations is projected into directions perpendicular and parallel to a local mean field; the ratio of these quantities shows the presence of variance anisotropy which varies as a function of frequency. Comparison amongst magnetic, velocity, and density spectra are also made, demonstrating that the energy of the turbulence observed is primarily seeded by magnetic fields created during plasma production. Direct spatial spectra are constructed using multi-channel diagnostics and are used to compare to frequency spectra converted to spatial scales using the Taylor Hypothesis. Evidence for the observation of dissipation due to ion inertial length scale physics is also discussed as well as the role laboratory experiment can play in understanding turbulence typically studied in space settings such as the solar wind. Finally, all turbulence results are shown to compare fairly well to a Hall-MHD simulation of the experiment.Comment: 17 pages, 17 figures, Submitted to Astrophysical Journa
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