829 research outputs found

    Stemming text-based web page classification using machine learning algorithms: a comparison

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    The research aim is to determine the effect of word-stemming in web pages classification using different machine learning classifiers, namely Naive Bayes (NB), k-Nearest Neighbour (k-NN), Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Multilayer Perceptron (MP). Each classifiers' performance is evaluated in term of accuracy and processing time. This research uses BBC dataset that has five predefined categories. The result demonstrates that classifiers' performance is better without word stemming, whereby all classifiers show higher classification accuracy, with the highest accuracy produced by NB and SVM at 97% for F1 score, while NB takes shorter training time than SVM. With word stemming, the effect on training and classification time is negligible, except on Multilayer Perceptron in which word stemming has effectively reduced the training time

    A Comparative Study on Different Baits Used to Attract House Fly in Malaysia

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    House flies are commonly found at homes and businesses in Malaysia. Many kinds of baits are used to attract and trap these flies either by mechanical or chemical means. But all these baits are not capable of attracting flies equally. The main goal of this study is to find out the best bait that can attract house fly effectively. Two baits made in abroad and four baits made in Malaysia were selected for conducting this study because these baits are commonly used in Malaysia. Experiments were carried out by using six selected baits in food industry, fish market and poultry farm in the east coast of Malaysia. Data were collected from the field experiments continuously for six days and analysed to determine the best bait that trap the house flies very effectively. Data analysis results show that the Chinese Electronic Fly Catcher bait is the best one for trapping house flies effectively compared to other baits. Further investigation is still underway to find the volatile compound used for this Chinese Electronic Fly Catcher bait, which will help to generate new bait with the same effect

    Pengaruh Konsentrasi Chemical Agent (Detergen, NaOH) dan Tekanan Trans-Membran pada Pencucian Membran dari Proses Pengolahan Air Gambut secara Cross Flow

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    Peat water is the kind of surface water that which widely available in the swampy area and lowlands that require more treatment so that can beclassified as a clean water and can be drunk. One of the alternative technology that can be used for peat water treating is membrane technology. The first challenge of the membrane technology is fouling. The purpose of this research is to learn the affectivity and efficiency of the cleaner materials likeNaOH and detergent in the regeneration process of ultrafiltration membrane at the peat water filtering operation. This research was done by using ultrafiltration membrane that the peat water as the feed. The used methodwas cross flow system with variations were pressing operation 1 bar and 1,5 bar and concentration of NaOH and detergent 1%, 1,5%, and 2%. The filtering process of peat water carried on for 120 minutes and the each cleaning time was 20 minutes. The highest of cleaning affectivity was reached 21,14% using detergent 2%. The highest of cleaning efficiency based on recovery flux was 84,88% and based on resistance removal was 21,09%

    Scalability challenges in healthcare blockchain system - a systematic review

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    Blockchain technology is a private, secure, trustworthy, and transparent information exchange performed in a decentralised manner. In this case, the coordination and validation efforts are simplified as the records are designed to update regularly and there is no difference in the two databases. This review focuses on how the blockchain addresses scalability challenges and provides solutions in the healthcare field through the implementation of blockchain technology. Accordingly, 16 solutions fell under two main areas, namely storage optimization and redesign of blockchain. However, limitations persist, including block size, high volume of data, transactions, number of nodes, and protocol challenges. This review consists of six stages, namely identification of research question, procedures of research, screening of relevant articles, keywording based on the abstract, data extraction, and mapping process. Through Atlas.ti software, the selected keywords were used to analyse through the relevant articles. As a result, 48 codes and 403 quotations were compiled. Manual coding was performed to categorise the quotations. The codes were then mapped onto the network as a mapping process. Notably, 16 solutions fell under two main areas, namely storage optimization and redesign of blockchain. Basically, there are 3 solutions compiled for storage optimization and 13 solutions for the redesign of the blockchain, namely blockchain modelling, read mechanism, write mechanism, and bi-directional network

    A novel composite web service selection based on quality of service

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    Using the internet, as a dynamic environment thanks to its distributed characteristic, for web service deployment has become a crucial issue in QoS-driven service composition. An accurate adaption should be undertaken to provide a reliable service composition which enables the composited services are being executed appropriately. That is, the critical aspect of service composition is the proper execution of combination of web services while the appropriate service adaption performed with respect to predetermined functional and non-functional characteristics. In this paper, we attempts to deliberate the optimization approaches to devise the appropriate scheme for QoS-based composite web service selection

    Quality issues facing Malaysian higher learning institutions: a case study of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

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    This chapter analyses the extent to which Malaysian universities have responded to the pressing call for enhancing institutional quality and advocating academic excellence. Malaysian universities have been challenged by both internal and external assessments that suggest that they are not on a par with their international competitors. As a result there have been great demands for an urgent remedy. This chapter explores the progress that has been made in responding to those demands and the limitations that have been encountered. In so doing it provides a case study that focuses on engineering programmes in particular. The chapter is intended to answer the question: can institutional quality improvement deliver the human capital that Malaysia needs in order to remain globally competitive

    Pengembangan Media Audio Visual Untuk Perolehan Kosa Kata Anak Usia Dini

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    The purpose of this research is to find a profile view of relevant audio-visual media for the acquisition of vocabulary early childhood, found a pattern group of words that are relevant to the type of early childhood by living environments, finding systematic kind of a group of words that are relevant to the acquisition of vocabulary early childhood. Research conducted research and development approach. Data collection techniques in this research through observation and interviews. The results showed that the appearance of the media profile contains elements such as text, images, animation, and audio. The group said in early childhood began to get to know members of the body, recognize family members, knowing the types of food, familiar bedding, knowing the type of animals and vehicles with patterns of a group of words that correspond to Indonesian rule that pattern Explained - Describe (D - M ), systematic type group said in early childhood classified in the group of words that element type nouns, verbs and adjectives

    Textile diamond dipoles for body centric communications at 2.45GHZ and 5.8GHZ

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    This study proposes textile diamond dipoles for body centric communication that operate at 2.45GHz and 5.8GHz. The proposed antennas have been rigorously tested under wearable and body centric measurements. Both substrates and conducting parts of the diamond dipoles are entirely made of textiles; which is deemed fit for wearable communications. Experiments such as bending, wetness and SAR were performed to investigate the antennas' performance for body communication realization. Bending was found not to cause any significant performance disruption. On the other hand, since the proposed antenna is not made of water-proof material, the performance was distorted under wet condition. However, once the antenna was dried out, the original performance was achieved. SAR measurement was also conducted and significant SAR values were observed when placing the proposed diamond dipoles close to human body

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Numbered Heads Together (Nht) untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas IV Sdn 016 Simpang Poros Kecamatan Rimba Melintang

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    The study design was a classroom action research (CAR). research was conducted in two cycles of four meetings and two replications of material daily. background of the problem in this study is the low student learning outcomes fourth grade intersections shaft 016 countries with an average value of 69.5% of 20 students reached the KKM beelom as many as 13 people (65%). KKM while reaching only 7 people (70%). formulation of the problem in this research "is research cooperative learning model Numbered Heads Together (NHT) can improve the learning outcomes of students social studies student learning outcomes through the implementation of IPS cooperatif learning model types Numbered Heads Together (NHT) class IV 016 public primary axis intersection. The experiment was conducted in the second semester of the school year in March 2014 2013/2014 subjects were fourth grade students of SD Negeri Simpang shaft 016 by the number of students 20 people, consisting of 11 boys and 9 girls. Data collection instrument in this study is the observation sheet and the teacher and the student achievement test. Once implemented cooperative learning model Numbered Heads Together (NHT). Based on these results it can be concluded that the application of cooperative learning model Numbered Heads Together (NHT) can improve student learning outcomes fourth grade public school districts 016 spindle Simpang Rimba Rokan Hilir Transversefourth grade Simpang 016 shaft country?". purpose of this study to improve