21 research outputs found

    Summation characteristics of the detection of compound gratings

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    AbstractMany classical experiments have shown that two superimposed gratings are more easily detected than a single grating, in keeping with probability theory. Here we test the rules for the detection of 2-component compound gratings by extending the range of parameters used in previous experiments. Two complementary methods of deriving summation indices are described. Data are presented so that the conditions for the transition from probability to neural summation are easily identified. True probability summation occurs only when grating contrasts are carefully perceptually equalised and spatial frequency differs by more than a factor of 2. A wide range of contrast ratios of the component gratings were explored such that gratings were at different contrasts, relative to respective thresholds. We find clear evidence of suppressive interactions when the compound gratings are composed of a close to threshold low frequency component and a below-threshold higher spatial frequency component

    Spalvoto stimulo suvokimas regimojo lauko periferijoje

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    We have studied the changes that occur in human colour perception in the peripheral retina. By modelling the magnitude of activation produced in the L-M and S-(L+M) cone-opponent systems for matched para-foveal and peripheral chromatic stimuli, we have found that variations in perceived appearance are mirrored by a reduction in function of the L-M opponent system. The operation of the S-cone opponent system is affected to a much lesser degree, implying that there is a changing pattern of predominance between the two cone-opponent mechanisms in the peripheral retina. We will explore possible retinal and cortical bases for these changes.Mes tyrėme, kaip pakinta stimulo spalvos suvokimas, kai stimulas matomas regimojo lauko centre ir kai periferijoje. Lygindami L-M ir S-(L+M) oponentinių sistemų, gaunančių signalus iš centrinės ir periferinės tinklainės dalies, aktyvumą, nustatėme, kad spalvų suvokimo pokyčiai atspindi L-M oponentinės sistemos aktyvumo silpnėjimą periferijoje. S kūgelių įtaka oponentinės sistemos aktyvumui kinta mažiau negu L-M kūgelių. Taigi, dviejų oponentinių sistemų santykinė įtaka spalvos suvokimui periferijoje ir centre pakinta. Straipsnyje tiriama, kokią reikšmę šiems pokyčiams turi tinklainėje ir smegenų žievėje vykstantys procesai.&nbsp

    Phases of daylight and the stability of color perception in the near peripheral human retina

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