4,672 research outputs found

    Pfaffian Expressions for Random Matrix Correlation Functions

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    It is well known that Pfaffian formulas for eigenvalue correlations are useful in the analysis of real and quaternion random matrices. Moreover the parametric correlations in the crossover to complex random matrices are evaluated in the forms of Pfaffians. In this article, we review the formulations and applications of Pfaffian formulas. For that purpose, we first present the general Pfaffian expressions in terms of the corresponding skew orthogonal polynomials. Then we clarify the relation to Eynard and Mehta's determinant formula for hermitian matrix models and explain how the evaluation is simplified in the cases related to the classical orthogonal polynomials. Applications of Pfaffian formulas to random matrix theory and other fields are also mentioned.Comment: 28 page

    A theory of the electric quadrupole contribution to resonant x-ray scattering: Application to multipole ordering phases in Ce_{1-x}La_{x}B_{6}

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    We study the electric quadrupole (E2) contribution to resonant x-ray scattering (RXS). Under the assumption that the rotational invariance is preserved in the Hamiltonian describing the intermediate state of scattering, we derive a useful expression for the RXS amplitude. One of the advantages the derived expression possesses is the full information of the energy dependence, lacking in all the previous studies using the fast collision approximation. The expression is also helpful to classify the spectra into multipole order parameters which are brought about. The expression is suitable to investigate the RXS spectra in the localized f electron systems. We demonstrate the usefulness of the formula by calculating the RXS spectra at the Ce L_{2,3} edges in Ce_{1-x}La_{x}B_{6} on the basis of the formula. We obtain the spectra as a function of energy in agreement with the experiment of Ce_{0.7}La_{0.3}B_{6}. Analyzing the azimuthal angle dependence, we find the sixfold symmetry in the \sigma-\sigma' channel and the threefold onein the \sigma-\pi' channel not only in the antiferrooctupole (AFO) ordering phase but also in the antiferroquadrupole (AFQ) ordering phase, which behavior depends strongly on the domain distribution. The sixfold symmetry in the AFQ phase arises from the simultaneously induced hexadecapole order. Although the AFO order is plausible for phase IV in Ce_{1-x}La_{x}B_{6}, the possibility of the AFQ order may not be ruled out on the basis of azimuthal angle dependence alone.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    The Metal Abundances across Cosmic Time (MACT\mathcal{MACT}) Survey. II. Evolution of the Mass-Metallicity Relation over 8 Billion Years, using [OIII]λ\lambda4363\AA-based Metallicities

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    We present the first results from MMT and Keck spectroscopy for a large sample of 0.1z10.1\leq z\leq1 emission-line galaxies selected from our narrow-band imaging in the Subaru Deep Field. We measured the weak [OIII]λ\lambda4363 emission line for 164 galaxies (66 with at least 3σ\sigma detections, and 98 with significant upper limits). The strength of this line is set by the electron temperature for the ionized gas. Because the gas temperature is regulated by the metal content, the gas-phase oxygen abundance is inversely correlated with [OIII]λ\lambda4363 line strength. Our temperature-based metallicity study is the first to span \approx8 Gyr of cosmic time and \approx3 dex in stellar mass for low-mass galaxies, log(Mstar/Msun)6.09.0\log{\left(M_{\rm star}/M_{\rm sun}\right)}\approx6.0-9.0. Using extensive multi-wavelength photometry, we measure the evolution of the stellar mass--gas metallicity relation and its dependence on dust-corrected star formation rate (SFR). The latter is obtained from high signal-to-noise Balmer emission-line measurements. Our mass-metallicity relation is consistent with Andrews & Martini at z0.3z\leq0.3, and evolves toward lower abundances at a given stellar mass, log(O/H)(1+z)2.320.26+0.52\log{({\rm O/H})}\propto(1+z)^{-2.32^{+0.52}_{-0.26}}. We find that galaxies with lower metallicities have higher SFRs at a given stellar mass and redshift, although the scatter is large (\approx0.3 dex), and the trend is weaker than seen in local studies. We also compare our mass--metallicity relation against predictions from high-resolution galaxy formation simulations, and find good agreement with models that adopt energy- and momentum-driven stellar feedback. We have identified 16 extremely metal-poor galaxies with abundances less than a tenth of solar; our most metal-poor galaxy at z0.84z\approx0.84 is similar to I Zw 18.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, 2 tables. Updated to match published version in the Astrophysical Journa

    "Direct" Gas-phase Metallicities, Stellar Properties, and Local Environments of Emission-line Galaxies at Redshift below 0.90

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    Using deep narrow-band (NB) imaging and optical spectroscopy from the Keck telescope and MMT, we identify a sample of 20 emission-line galaxies (ELGs) at z=0.065-0.90 where the weak auroral emission line, [OIII]4363, is detected at >3\sigma. These detections allow us to determine the gas-phase metallicity using the "direct'' method. With electron temperature measurements and dust attenuation corrections from Balmer decrements, we find that 4 of these low-mass galaxies are extremely metal-poor with 12+log(O/H) <= 7.65 or one-tenth solar. Our most metal-deficient galaxy has 12+log(O/H) = 7.24^{+0.45}_{-0.30} (95% confidence), similar to some of the lowest metallicity galaxies identified in the local universe. We find that our galaxies are all undergoing significant star formation with average specific star formation rate (SFR) of (100 Myr)^{-1}, and that they have high central SFR surface densities (average of 0.5 Msun/yr/kpc^2. In addition, more than two-thirds of our galaxies have between one and four nearby companions within a projected radius of 100 kpc, which we find is an excess among star-forming galaxies at z=0.4-0.85. We also find that the gas-phase metallicities for a given stellar mass and SFR lie systematically below the local M-Z-(SFR) relation by \approx0.2 dex (2\sigma\ significance). These results are partly due to selection effects, since galaxies with strong star formation and low metallicity are more likely to yield [OIII]4363 detections. Finally, the observed higher ionization parameter and electron density suggest that they are lower redshift analogs to typical z>1 galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal (15 November 2013). 31 pages in emulateapj format with 16 figures and 7 tables. Revised to address referee's comments, which include discussion on selection effects, similarities to green pea galaxies, and nebular continuum contribution. Modifications were made for some electron temperature and metallicity measurement

    Oscillating density of states near zero energy for matrices made of blocks with possible application to the random flux problem

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    We consider random hermitian matrices made of complex blocks. The symmetries of these matrices force them to have pairs of opposite real eigenvalues, so that the average density of eigenvalues must vanish at the origin. These densities are studied for finite N×NN\times N matrices in the Gaussian ensemble. In the large NN limit the density of eigenvalues is given by a semi-circle law. However, near the origin there is a region of size 1N1\over N in which this density rises from zero to the semi-circle, going through an oscillatory behavior. This cross-over is calculated explicitly by various techniques. We then show to first order in the non-Gaussian character of the probability distribution that this oscillatory behavior is universal, i.e. independent of the probability distribution. We conjecture that this universality holds to all orders. We then extend our consideration to the more complicated block matrices which arise from lattices of matrices considered in our previous work. Finally, we study the case of random real symmetric matrices made of blocks. By using a remarkable identity we are able to determine the oscillatory behavior in this case also. The universal oscillations studied here may be applicable to the problem of a particle propagating on a lattice with random magnetic flux.Comment: 47 pages, regular LateX, no figure

    Eynard-Mehta theorem, Schur process, and their pfaffian analogs

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    We give simple linear algebraic proofs of Eynard-Mehta theorem, Okounkov-Reshetikhin formula for the correlation kernel of the Schur process, and Pfaffian analogs of these results. We also discuss certain general properties of the spaces of all determinantal and Pfaffian processes on a given finite set.Comment: AMSTeX, 21 pages, a new section adde

    Determinantal process starting from an orthogonal symmetry is a Pfaffian process

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    When the number of particles NN is finite, the noncolliding Brownian motion (BM) and the noncolliding squared Bessel process with index ν>1\nu > -1 (BESQ(ν)^{(\nu)}) are determinantal processes for arbitrary fixed initial configurations. In the present paper we prove that, if initial configurations are distributed with orthogonal symmetry, they are Pfaffian processes in the sense that any multitime correlation functions are expressed by Pfaffians. The 2×22 \times 2 skew-symmetric matrix-valued correlation kernels of the Pfaffians processes are explicitly obtained by the equivalence between the noncolliding BM and an appropriate dilatation of a time reversal of the temporally inhomogeneous version of noncolliding BM with finite duration in which all particles start from the origin, Nδ0N \delta_0, and by the equivalence between the noncolliding BESQ(ν)^{(\nu)} and that of the noncolliding squared generalized meander starting from Nδ0N \delta_0.Comment: v2: AMS-LaTeX, 17 pages, no figure, corrections made for publication in J.Stat.Phy

    Eigenvalue statistics of the real Ginibre ensemble

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    The real Ginibre ensemble consists of random N×NN \times N matrices formed from i.i.d. standard Gaussian entries. By using the method of skew orthogonal polynomials, the general nn-point correlations for the real eigenvalues, and for the complex eigenvalues, are given as n×nn \times n Pfaffians with explicit entries. A computationally tractable formula for the cumulative probability density of the largest real eigenvalue is presented. This is relevant to May's stability analysis of biological webs.Comment: 4 pages, to appear PR

    Universality for orthogonal and symplectic Laguerre-type ensembles

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    We give a proof of the Universality Conjecture for orthogonal (beta=1) and symplectic (beta=4) random matrix ensembles of Laguerre-type in the bulk of the spectrum as well as at the hard and soft spectral edges. Our results are stated precisely in the Introduction (Theorems 1.1, 1.4, 1.6 and Corollaries 1.2, 1.5, 1.7). They concern the appropriately rescaled kernels K_{n,beta}, correlation and cluster functions, gap probabilities and the distributions of the largest and smallest eigenvalues. Corresponding results for unitary (beta=2) Laguerre-type ensembles have been proved by the fourth author in [23]. The varying weight case at the hard spectral edge was analyzed in [13] for beta=2: In this paper we do not consider varying weights. Our proof follows closely the work of the first two authors who showed in [7], [8] analogous results for Hermite-type ensembles. As in [7], [8] we use the version of the orthogonal polynomial method presented in [25], [22] to analyze the local eigenvalue statistics. The necessary asymptotic information on the Laguerre-type orthogonal polynomials is taken from [23].Comment: 75 page