2,798 research outputs found

    Inward and Outward Integral Equations and the KKR Method for Photons

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    In the case of electromagnetic waves it is necessary to distinguish between inward and outward on-shell integral equations. Both kinds of equation are derived. A correct implementation of the photonic KKR method then requires the inward equations and it follows directly from them. A derivation of the KKR method from a variational principle is also outlined. Rather surprisingly, the variational KKR method cannot be entirely written in terms of surface integrals unless permeabilities are piecewise constant. Both kinds of photonic KKR method use the standard structure constants of the electronic KKR method and hence allow for a direct numerical application. As a by-product, matching rules are obtained for derivatives of fields on different sides of the discontinuity of permeabilities. Key words: The Maxwell equations, photonic band gap calculationsComment: (to appear in J. Phys. : Cond. Matter), Latex 17 pp, PRA-HEP 93/10 (exclusively English and unimportant misprints corrected

    Comments on ``Differential cross section for Aharonov-Bohm effect with nonstandard boundary conditions''

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    We show that the violation of rotational symmetry for differential cross section for Aharonov-Bohm effect with nonstandard boundary conditions has been known for some time. Moreover, the results were applied to discuss the Hall effect and persistent currents of fermions in a plane pierced by a flux tube.Comment: 4 pages, plain latex, Author URL http://www.amolf.nl/external/wwwlab/atoms/theory/, replaced with final versio

    The Malkus–Robbins dynamo with a linear series motor

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    Hide [1997] has introduced a number of different nonlinear models to describe the behavior of n-coupled self-exciting Faraday disk homopolar dynamos. The hierarchy of dynamos based upon the Hide et al. [1996] study has already received much attention in the literature (see [Moroz, 2001] for a review). In this paper we focus upon the remaining dynamo, namely Case 3 of [Hide, 1997] for the particular limit in which the Malkus–Robbins dynamo [Malkus, 1972; Robbins, 1997] obtains, but now modified by the presence of a linear series motor. We compare and contrast the linear and the nonlinear behaviors of the two types of dynamo

    Analysis of the level of labor potential development in higher educational institutions of Ukraine: competitiveness of university graduates

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    The article focuses on the possibility of using the criterion of competitiveness of domestic higher education institutions in the international labor market to analyze the level of development of labor potential of a particular university. In the article the relationship between the level of professional competence of future professionals and the quality of labor potential of universities which were involved in their formation and development. This article contains statistical information on the results of participation of Ukrainian university students in international student competitions, which the author used to characterize the quality of professional institutions in the field of competitiveness of future specialists. In addition, the article contains generalizations as for the possibility of usage the competitiveness feature level of graduates as an indicator (index) of the quality of university's labor potential

    Державне управління якістю вищої освіти: менеджмент на рівні особистості

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    The article defined the directions of state management of the higher education quality, with taking into account peculiarities of manifestation (perception) of its contents on the individuality level. The article draws attention to the importance of aim to obtain higher education for ensuring its quality and also determined the place and role of the state in the corresponding process. In addition, the article determines the place and role of career guidance work in the system of higher education quality assurance, and presents a list of basic normative legal documents, which regulate relevant field of work. The article contains proposals for improving the normative legal mechanism of state management of the higher education quality.В статті визначено напрями державного управління якістю вищої освіти з прийняттям до уваги особливостей прояву (сприйняття) її змісту на індивідуальному рівні. В статті звернуто увагу на значущість мети здобуття вищої освіти для забезпечення її якості, а також визначено місце та роль держави у відповідному процесі. Крім того, стаття містить узагальнення щодо місця та ролі профорієнтаційної роботи в системі забезпечення якості вищої освіти, а також подано перелік основних нормативно-правових документів, які регламентують відповідний напрям роботи. Стаття містить пропозиції щодо вдосконалення нормативно-правового механізму державного управління якістю вищої освіти

    Mentality of ukrainian people as the basis for transformation of institutional system of the state: requirements for process's of efficiency

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    The article presents the results of theoretical studies of the need to address the subjects of public administration to the main characteristics and trends of people's mentality manifestations in the planning and administration of the institutional system of the state transformation. In addition, the article describes some of the approaches to the determination of the content of the category «mentality», as well as highlighted the conceptual basis of its positioning. The article contains the conclusions regarding the place and role of the mentality of the people in the process of transformational change of the institutional environment of the state, as well as the activities of its authorities

    Інститут корпоративного університету та його досвід для розвитку трудового потенціалу класичного вищого навчального закладу

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    This article focuses on some historical aspects of the formation and development of corporate training centers with taking into account the peculiarities of their functioning within a modern system of vocational education. In the article there is defined the categorical meaning of corporate education, and formulated the goal of corporate functioning of the institution. This article contains the author's opinion on the content of category definitions of corporate education and corporate university, and the results justify the importance of relevant experience of the Institute for the development of labor potential of classic form of higher education. In addition, the article presents generalizations about the possibility of using the traditional mechanisms of corporate universities to develop their own labor potential, within the system of classical universities in terms of improving the content of vocational training of subjects and objects of the educational process.Акцентується увага на окремих історичних аспектах формування та розвитку корпоративних навчальних центрів з прийняттям до уваги особливостей їх функціонування у межах сучасної системи професійної освіти. Визначено категоріальний зміст корпоративної освіти, а також сформульовано мету функціонування корпоративного навчального закладу. Викладено авторську думку щодо змісту визначень категорій корпоративної освіти та корпоративного університету, а також результати обґрунтування значущості досвіду функціонування відповідних інститутів для розвитку трудового потенціалу класичних за формою свого утворення вищих навчальних закладів. Наведено узагальнення щодо можливості використання традиційних для корпоративних університетів механізмів розвитку власного трудового потенціалу, у межах системи управління класичними вищими навчальними закладами в частині удосконалення змісту системи професійної підготовки суб’єктів та об’єктів навчально-виховного процесу

    Resonance-Induced Effects in Photonic Crystals

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    For the case of a simple face-centered-cubic photonic crystal of homogeneous dielectric spheres, we examine to what extent single-sphere Mie resonance frequencies are related to band gaps and whether the width of a gap can be enlarged due to nearby resonances. Contrary to some suggestions, no spectacular effects may be expected. When the dielectric constant of the spheres ϵs\epsilon_s is greater than the dielectric constant ϵb\epsilon_b of the background medium, then for any filling fraction ff there exists a critical ϵc\epsilon_c above which the lowest lying Mie resonance frequency falls inside the lowest stop gap in the (111) crystal direction, close to its midgap frequency. If ϵs<ϵb\epsilon_s <\epsilon_b, the correspondence between Mie resonances and both the (111) stop gap and a full gap does not follow such a regular pattern. If the Mie resonance frequency is close to a gap edge, one can observe a resonance-induced widening of a relative gap width by 5\approx 5%.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figs., RevTex. For more info look at http://www.amolf.nl/external/wwwlab/atoms/theory/index.htm

    Metallo-dielectric diamond and zinc-blende photonic crystals

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    It is shown that small inclusions of a low absorbing metal can have a dramatic effect on the photonic band structure. In the case of diamond and zinc-blende photonic crystals, several complete photonic band gaps (CPBG's) can open in the spectrum, between the 2nd-3rd, 5th-6th, and 8th-9th bands. Unlike in the purely dielectric case, in the presence of small inclusions of a low absorbing metal the largest CPBG for a moderate dielectric constant (epsilon<=10) turns out to be the 2nd-3rd CPBG. The 2nd-3rd CPBG is the most important CPBG, because it is the most stable against disorder. For a diamond and zinc-blende structure of nonoverlapping dielectric and metallo-dielectric spheres, a CPBG begins to decrease with an increasing dielectric contrast roughly at the point where another CPBG starts to open--a kind of gap competition. A CPBG can even shrink to zero when the dielectric contrast increases further. Metal inclusions have the biggest effect for the dielectric constant 2<=epsilon<=12, which is a typical dielectric constant at near infrared and in the visible for many materials, including semiconductors and polymers. It is shown that one can create a sizeable and robust 2nd-3rd CPBG at near infrared and visible wavelengths even for a photonic crystal which is composed of more than 97% low refractive index materials (n<=1.45, i.e., that of silica glass or a polymer). These findings open the door for any semiconductor and polymer material to be used as genuine building blocks for the creation of photonic crystals with a CPBG and significantly increase the possibilities for experimentalists to realize a sizeable and robust CPBG in the near infrared and in the visible. One possibility is a construction method using optical tweezers, which is analyzed here.Comment: 25 pp, 23 figs, RevTex, to appear in Phys Rev B. For more information look at http://www.amolf.nl/research/photonic_materials_theory/moroz/moroz.htm