734 research outputs found

    c-axis Josephson Tunneling in Twinned YBCO Crystals

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    Josephson tunneling between YBCO and Pb with the current flowing along the c-axis of the YBCO is persumed to come from an s-wave component of the superconductivity of the YBCO. Experiments on multi-twin samples are not entirely consistent with this hypothesis. The sign change of the s-wave order parameter across the N_T twin boundaries should give cancelations, resulting in a small (N)(\sqrt{N}) tunneling current. The actual current is larger than this. We present a theory of this unexpectedly large current based upon a surface effect: disorder-induced supression of the d-wave component at the (001) surface leads to s-wave coherence across the twin boundaries and a non-random tunneling current. We solve the case of an ordered array of d+s and d-s twins, and estimate that the twin size at which s-wave surface coherence occurs is consistent with typical sizes observed in experiments. In this picture, there is a phase difference of π/2\pi/2 between different surfaces of the material. We propose a corner junction experiment to test this picture.Comment: 5 pages, 4 eps figure

    On the growth of the Bergman kernel near an infinite-type point

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    We study diagonal estimates for the Bergman kernels of certain model domains in C2\mathbb{C}^2 near boundary points that are of infinite type. To do so, we need a mild structural condition on the defining functions of interest that facilitates optimal upper and lower bounds. This is a mild condition; unlike earlier studies of this sort, we are able to make estimates for non-convex pseudoconvex domains as well. This condition quantifies, in some sense, how flat a domain is at an infinite-type boundary point. In this scheme of quantification, the model domains considered below range -- roughly speaking -- from being ``mildly infinite-type'' to very flat at the infinite-type points.Comment: Significant revisions made; simpler estimates; very mild strengthening of the hypotheses on Theorem 1.2 to get much stronger conclusions than in ver.1. To appear in Math. An

    ARPES in the normal state of the cuprates: comparing the marginal Fermi liquid and spin fluctuation scenarios

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    We address the issue whether ARPES measurements of the spectral function Ak(ω)A_k (\omega) near the Fermi surface in the normal state of near optimally doped cuprates can distinguish between the marginal Fermi liquid scenario and the spin-fluctuation scenario. We argue that the data for momenta near the Fermi surface are equally well described by both theories, but this agreement is nearly meaningless as in both cases one has to add to Σ(ω)\Sigma^{\prime \prime} (\omega) a large constant of yet unknown origin. We show that the data can be well fitted by keeping only this constant term in the self-energy. To distinguish between the two scenarios, one has to analyze the data away from the Fermi surface, when the intrinsic piece in Σ(ω)\Sigma (\omega) becomes dominant.Comment: Accepted for publication in Europhysics Letters, Incorrect interpretation of reference 10 correcte

    Observation of nonlinear self-trapping of broad beams in defocusing waveguide arrays

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    We demonstrate experimentally the localization of broad optical beams in periodic arrays of optical waveguides with defocusing nonlinearity. This observation in optics is linked to nonlinear self-trapping of Bose-Einstein-condensed atoms in stationary periodic potentials being associated with the generation of truncated nonlinear Bloch states, existing in the gaps of the linear transmission spectrum. We reveal that unlike gap solitons, these novel localized states can have an arbitrary width defined solely by the size of the input beam while independent of nonlinearity

    Observation of the second harmonic in superconducting current-phase relation of Nb/Au/(001)YBa2Cu3Ox heterojunctions

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    The superconducting current-phase relation (CPR) of Nb/Au/(001)YBa2Cu3Ox heterojunctions prepared on epitaxial c-axis oriented YBa2Cu3Ox thin films has been measured in a single-junction interferometer. For the first time, the second harmonic of the CPR of such junctions has been observed. The appearance of the second harmonic and the relative sign of the first and second harmonics of the CPR can be explained assuming, that the macroscopic pairing symmetry of our YBa2Cu3Ox thin films is of the d+s typeComment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Anomalous specific heat jump in the heavy fermion superconductor CeCoIn5_5

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    We study the anomalously large specific heat jump and its systematic change with pressure in CeCoIn5_5 superconductor. Starting with the general free energy functional of the superconductor for a coupled electron boson system, we derived the analytic result of the specific heat jump of the strong coupling superconductivity occurring in the coupled electron boson system. Then using the two component spin-fermion model we calculate the specific heat coefficient C(T)/TC(T)/T both for the normal and superconducting states and show a good agreement with the experiment of CeCoIn5_5. Our result also clearly demonstrated that the specific heat coefficient C(T)/TC(T)/T of a coupled electron boson system can be freely interpreted as a renormalization either of the electronic or of the bosonic degrees of freedom.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Colloquium: Quantum interference of clusters and molecules

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    We review recent progress and future prospects of matter wave interferometry with complex organic molecules and inorganic clusters. Three variants of a near-field interference effect, based on diffraction by material nanostructures, at optical phase gratings, and at ionizing laser fields are considered. We discuss the theoretical concepts underlying these experiments and the experimental challenges. This includes optimizing interferometer designs as well as understanding the role of decoherence. The high sensitivity of matter wave interference experiments to external perturbations is demonstrated to be useful for accurately measuring internal properties of delocalized nanoparticles. We conclude by investigating the prospects for probing the quantum superposition principle in the limit of high particle mass and complexity.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures; v2: corresponds to published versio

    Concept of an ionizing time-domain matter-wave interferometer

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    We discuss the concept of an all-optical and ionizing matter-wave interferometer in the time domain. The proposed setup aims at testing the wave nature of highly massive clusters and molecules, and it will enable new precision experiments with a broad class of atoms, using the same laser system. The propagating particles are illuminated by three pulses of a standing ultraviolet laser beam, which detaches an electron via efficient single photon-absorption. Optical gratings may have periods as small as 80 nm, leading to wide diffraction angles for cold atoms and to compact setups even for very massive clusters. Accounting for the coherent and the incoherent parts of the particle-light interaction, we show that the combined effect of phase and amplitude modulation of the matter waves gives rise to a Talbot-Lau-like interference effect with a characteristic dependence on the pulse delay time.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figure