1,765 research outputs found

    Complex Network Analysis of State Spaces for Random Boolean Networks

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    We apply complex network analysis to the state spaces of random Boolean networks (RBNs). An RBN contains NN Boolean elements each with KK inputs. A directed state space network (SSN) is constructed by linking each dynamical state, represented as a node, to its temporal successor. We study the heterogeneity of an SSN at both local and global scales, as well as sample-to-sample fluctuations within an ensemble of SSNs. We use in-degrees of nodes as a local topological measure, and the path diversity [Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 198701 (2007)] of an SSN as a global topological measure. RBNs with 2K52 \leq K \leq 5 exhibit non-trivial fluctuations at both local and global scales, while K=2 exhibits the largest sample-to-sample, possibly non-self-averaging, fluctuations. We interpret the observed ``multi scale'' fluctuations in the SSNs as indicative of the criticality and complexity of K=2 RBNs. ``Garden of Eden'' (GoE) states are nodes on an SSN that have in-degree zero. While in-degrees of non-GoE nodes for K>1K>1 SSNs can assume any integer value between 0 and 2N2^N, for K=1 all the non-GoE nodes in an SSN have the same in-degree which is always a power of two

    Dry and wet interfaces: Influence of solvent particles on molecular recognition

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    We present a coarse-grained lattice model to study the influence of water on the recognition process of two rigid proteins. The basic model is formulated in terms of the hydrophobic effect. We then investigate several modifications of our basic model showing that the selectivity of the recognition process can be enhanced by considering the explicit influence of single solvent particles. When the number of cavities at the interface of a protein-protein complex is fixed as an intrinsic geometric constraint, there typically exists a characteristic fraction that should be filled with water molecules such that the selectivity exhibits a maximum. In addition the optimum fraction depends on the hydrophobicity of the interface so that one has to distinguish between dry and wet interfaces.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Gauge Theories with a Layered Phase

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    We study abelian gauge theories with anisotropic couplings in 4+D4+D dimensions. A layered phase is present, in the absence as well as in the presence of fermions. A line of second order transitions separates the layered from the Coulomb phase, if D3D\leq 3.Comment: 17 pages+9 figures (in LATeX and PostScript in a uuencoded, compressed tar file appended at the end of the LATeX file) , CPT-94/P.303

    Noncompact sigma-models: Large N expansion and thermodynamic limit

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    Noncompact SO(1,N) sigma-models are studied in terms of their large N expansion in a lattice formulation in dimensions d \geq 2. Explicit results for the spin and current two-point functions as well as for the Binder cumulant are presented to next to leading order on a finite lattice. The dynamically generated gap is negative and serves as a coupling-dependent infrared regulator which vanishes in the limit of infinite lattice size. The cancellation of infrared divergences in invariant correlation functions in this limit is nontrivial and is in d=2 demonstrated by explicit computation for the above quantities. For the Binder cumulant the thermodynamic limit is finite and is given by 2/(N+1) in the order considered. Monte Carlo simulations suggest that the remainder is small or zero. The potential implications for ``criticality'' and ``triviality'' of the theories in the SO(1,N) invariant sector are discussed.Comment: 46 pages, 2 figure

    Random sampling vs. exact enumeration of attractors in random Boolean networks

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    We clarify the effect different sampling methods and weighting schemes have on the statistics of attractors in ensembles of random Boolean networks (RBNs). We directly measure cycle lengths of attractors and sizes of basins of attraction in RBNs using exact enumeration of the state space. In general, the distribution of attractor lengths differs markedly from that obtained by randomly choosing an initial state and following the dynamics to reach an attractor. Our results indicate that the former distribution decays as a power-law with exponent 1 for all connectivities K>1K>1 in the infinite system size limit. In contrast, the latter distribution decays as a power law only for K=2. This is because the mean basin size grows linearly with the attractor cycle length for K>2K>2, and is statistically independent of the cycle length for K=2. We also find that the histograms of basin sizes are strongly peaked at integer multiples of powers of two for K<3K<3

    Topological correlations in soap froths

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    Correlation in two-dimensional soap froth is analysed with an effective potential for the first time. Cells with equal number of sides repel (with linear correlation) while cells with different number of sides attract (with NON-bilinear) for nearest neighbours, which cannot be explained by the maximum entropy argument. Also, the analysis indicates that froth is correlated up to the third shell neighbours at least, contradicting the conventional ideas that froth is not strongly correlated.Comment: 10 Pages LaTeX, 6 Postscript figure

    On the Tail of the Overlap Probability Distribution in the Sherrington--Kirkpatrick Model

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    We investigate the large deviation behavior of the overlap probability density in the Sherrington--Kirkpatrick model from several analytical perspectives. First we analyze the spin glass phase using the coupled replica scheme. Here generically 1NlogPN(q)\frac1N \log P_N(q) \approx A- {\cal A} ((qqEA)3((|q|-q_{EA})^3, and we compute the first correction to the expansion of \A in powers of TcTT_c-T. We study also the q=1q=1 case, where P(q)P(q) is know exactly. Finally we study the paramagnetic phase, where exact results valid for all qq's are obtained. The overall agreement between the various points of view is very satisfactory. Data from large scale numerical simulations show that the predicted behavior can be detected already on moderate lattice sizes.Comment: 18 pages including ps figure

    Leveraging Sport Mega-Events: New Model or Convenient Justification?

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    A range of recent studies have shown that the social and economic impacts of mega-events are often disappointing. This has stimulated interest in the notion of leveraging; an approach which views mega-events as a resource which can be levered to achieve outcomes which would not have happened automatically by staging an event. This paper aims to advance understanding about leveraging – by exploring the rationale for this approach and by identifying different types of leveraging and their relative merits. The work critically explores whether mega-event leveraging represents a new approach or whether it simply provides a convenient justification for expensive and controversial mega-event projects. The paper aims to enhance conceptual understanding, rather than to explore a specific case empirically; but a series of examples are used for illustrative purposes. These are drawn from projects adopted in association with the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games

    Temperature Chaos in Two-Dimensional Ising Spin Glasses with Binary Couplings: a Further Case for Universality

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    We study temperature chaos in a two-dimensional Ising spin glass with random quenched bimodal couplings, by an exact computation of the partition functions on large systems. We study two temperature correlators from the total free energy and from the domain wall free energy: in the second case we detect a chaotic behavior. We determine and discuss the chaos exponent and the fractal dimension of the domain walls.Comment: 5 pages, 6 postscript figures; added reference

    New Universality Classes for Two-Dimensional σ\sigma-Models

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    We argue that the two-dimensional O(N)O(N)-invariant lattice σ\sigma-model with mixed isovector/isotensor action has a one-parameter family of nontrivial continuum limits, only one of which is the continuum σ\sigma-model constructed by conventional perturbation theory. We test the proposed scenario with a high-precision Monte Carlo simulation for N=3,4N=3,4 on lattices up to 512×512512 \times 512, using a Wolff-type embedding algorithm. [CPU time \approx 7 years IBM RS-6000/320H] The finite-size-scaling data confirm the existence of the predicted new family of continuum limits. In particular, the RPN1RP^{N-1} and NN-vector models do not lie in the same universality class.Comment: 10 pages (includes 2 figures), 211176 bytes Postscript, NYU-TH-93/07/03, IFUP-TH 34/9