
Complex Network Analysis of State Spaces for Random Boolean Networks


We apply complex network analysis to the state spaces of random Boolean networks (RBNs). An RBN contains NN Boolean elements each with KK inputs. A directed state space network (SSN) is constructed by linking each dynamical state, represented as a node, to its temporal successor. We study the heterogeneity of an SSN at both local and global scales, as well as sample-to-sample fluctuations within an ensemble of SSNs. We use in-degrees of nodes as a local topological measure, and the path diversity [Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 198701 (2007)] of an SSN as a global topological measure. RBNs with 2≤K≤52 \leq K \leq 5 exhibit non-trivial fluctuations at both local and global scales, while K=2 exhibits the largest sample-to-sample, possibly non-self-averaging, fluctuations. We interpret the observed ``multi scale'' fluctuations in the SSNs as indicative of the criticality and complexity of K=2 RBNs. ``Garden of Eden'' (GoE) states are nodes on an SSN that have in-degree zero. While in-degrees of non-GoE nodes for K>1K>1 SSNs can assume any integer value between 0 and 2N2^N, for K=1 all the non-GoE nodes in an SSN have the same in-degree which is always a power of two

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    Last time updated on 03/12/2019