890 research outputs found

    Exploring the Effects of Video Self-Modeling as an Intervention for Social Interactions in Young Children with Disabilities

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    Video Self-Modeling (VSM) provides learning opportunities for young children with disabilities through technology by watching a 3-minute video clip of himself/herself successfully performing a desired behavior. In this study, a single case multiple-baseline design was used to determine the effectiveness of VSM in increasing social interactions specifically in the area of cooperative play in three young children ages 4 years old and 5 years old. The participants in the study receive Special Education Services under the Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), and Developmental and Cognitively Delayed (DCD) educational categorical labels and participate in a center-based classroom with non-typical peers. VSM enhanced overall play skills, appropriate play, and engagement in play activities. The relationship between educational labels and VSM effectiveness is discussed along with other factors that may influence VSM outcomes with young children with a variety of disabilities

    Work integrated learning: A whole of curriculum approach

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    The School of Nursing and Midwifery at Edith Cowan University, Western Australia is currently developing an innovative work integrated learning masters to service the needs of students and industry. As this paper details, the program is aimed at Registered Nurses and Midwives to support and develop the skills to conceptualise and implement a work integrated program of study, the products of which are then used as recognised assessment items. Unlike many other work integrated learning initiatives, this curriculum is entirely work integrated learning based with early units of study providing students with the foundational skills and conceptual understanding required to implement a series of employment based projects and work based activities. Importantly, central to this program is the requirement for students to map their program of learning against essential and desirable criteria, congruent with an ability to frame an argument of competence, substantiated by quality evidence. During the course, students undertake a series of ‘traditionally taught’ units that are designed to support entry into clinical specialty practice areas. The largest proportion of units however, will support students to undertake project activities that address the needs of their employer, whilst also contributing to a portfolio of evidence required as part of the master’s award. The program’s philosophy is underpinned by a trilateral relationship between the student, industry and the University. The relationship developed through the implementation of the program enables capacity building, both for the student and for industry through the provision of advanced practitioners who align with the local and strategic goals of their organisation

    Metastability and anomalous fixation in evolutionary games on scale-free networks

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    We study the influence of complex graphs on the metastability and fixation properties of a set of evolutionary processes. In the framework of evolutionary game theory, where the fitness and selection are frequency-dependent and vary with the population composition, we analyze the dynamics of snowdrift games (characterized by a metastable coexistence state) on scale-free networks. Using an effective diffusion theory in the weak selection limit, we demonstrate how the scale-free structure affects the system's metastable state and leads to anomalous fixation. In particular, we analytically and numerically show that the probability and mean time of fixation are characterized by stretched exponential behaviors with exponents depending on the network's degree distribution.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Physical Review Letter

    Phosphorylation of pRb: mechanism for RB pathway inactivation in MYCN-amplified retinoblastoma.

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    A small, but unique subgroup of retinoblastoma has been identified with no detectable mutation in the retinoblastoma gene (RB1) and with high levels of MYCN gene amplification. This manuscript investigated alternate pathways of inactivating pRb, the encoded protein in these tumors. We analyzed the mutation status of the RB1 gene and MYCN copy number in a series of 245 unilateral retinoblastomas, and the phosphorylation status of pRb in a subset of five tumors using immunohistochemistry. There were 203 tumors with two mutations in RB1 (RB1(-/-) , 83%), 29 with one (RB1(+/-) , 12%) and 13 with no detectable mutations (RB1(+/+) , 5%). Eighteen tumors carried MYCN amplification between 29 and 110 copies: 12 had two (RB1(-/-) ) or one RB1 (RB1(+/-) ) mutations, while six had no mutations (RB1(+/+) ). Immunohistochemical staining of tumor sections with antibodies against pRb and phosphorylated Rb (ppRb) displayed high levels of pRb and ppRb in both RB1(+/+) and RB1(+/-) tumors with MYCN amplification compared to no expression of these proteins in a classic RB1(-/-) , MYCN-low tumor. These results establish that high MYCN amplification can be present in retinoblastoma with or without coding sequence mutations in the RB1 gene. The functional state of pRb is inferred to be inactive due to phosphorylation of pRb in the MYCN-amplified retinoblastoma without coding sequence mutations. This makes inactivation of RB1 by gene mutation or its protein product, pRb, by protein phosphorylation, a necessary condition for initiating retinoblastoma tumorigenesis, independent of MYCN amplification

    Achieving excellence in postgraduate community nurse practice placements

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    This qualitative research using focus groups and an online questionnaire into excellent postgraduate community nurse placements concluded that student trainees need to be ensured of diverse and new experiences besides being recognized by practice staff as already qualified nurses with an array of existing experience. Their community practice teacher trainers need to be trained to cope with postgraduate versus pre-registration needs and especially aware of tailoring nurse experiences to the individual. This requires a finer awareness of their knowledge and student status along with ambivalent needs requiring guidance but space to work independently. Delphi Experts concluded trainer motivation and support most crucial elements in postgraduate placements along with clarity of expectations. Basic introduction and administration sets learning in motion and Start right,stay right! is a catchword to abide by

    An exactly solvable coarse-grained model for species diversity

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    We present novel analytical results about ecosystem species diversity that stem from a proposed coarse grained neutral model based on birth-death processes. The relevance of the problem lies in the urgency for understanding and synthesizing both theoretical results of ecological neutral theory and empirical evidence on species diversity preservation. Neutral model of biodiversity deals with ecosystems in the same trophic level where per-capita vital rates are assumed to be species-independent. Close-form analytical solutions for neutral theory are obtained within a coarse-grained model, where the only input is the species persistence time distribution. Our results pertain: the probability distribution function of the number of species in the ecosystem both in transient and stationary states; the n-points connected time correlation function; and the survival probability, definned as the distribution of time-spans to local extinction for a species randomly sampled from the community. Analytical predictions are also tested on empirical data from a estuarine fish ecosystem. We find that emerging properties of the ecosystem are very robust and do not depend on specific details of the model, with implications on biodiversity and conservation biology.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures. To appear in Journal of Statistichal Mechanic

    Nongaussian fluctuations arising from finite populations: Exact results for the evolutionary Moran process

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    The appropriate description of fluctuations within the framework of evolutionary game theory is a fundamental unsolved problem in the case of finite populations. The Moran process recently introduced into this context [Nowak et al., Nature (London) 428, 646 (2004)] defines a promising standard model of evolutionary game theory in finite populations for which analytical results are accessible. In this paper, we derive the stationary distribution of the Moran process population dynamics for arbitrary 2×22\times{}2 games for the finite size case. We show that a nonvanishing background fitness can be transformed to the vanishing case by rescaling the payoff matrix. In contrast to the common approach to mimic finite-size fluctuations by Gaussian distributed noise, the finite size fluctuations can deviate significantly from a Gaussian distribution.Comment: 4 pages (2 figs). Published in Physical Review E (Rapid Communications

    Preservation of information in a prebiotic package model

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    The coexistence between different informational molecules has been the preferred mode to circumvent the limitation posed by imperfect replication on the amount of information stored by each of these molecules. Here we reexamine a classic package model in which distinct information carriers or templates are forced to coexist within vesicles, which in turn can proliferate freely through binary division. The combined dynamics of vesicles and templates is described by a multitype branching process which allows us to write equations for the average number of the different types of vesicles as well as for their extinction probabilities. The threshold phenomenon associated to the extinction of the vesicle population is studied quantitatively using finite-size scaling techniques. We conclude that the resultant coexistence is too frail in the presence of parasites and so confinement of templates in vesicles without an explicit mechanism of cooperation does not resolve the information crisis of prebiotic evolution.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, accepted version, to be published in PR
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