338 research outputs found

    Experimental fully contextual correlations

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    Quantum correlations are contextual yet, in general, nothing prevents the existence of even more contextual correlations. We identify and test a noncontextuality inequality in which the quantum violation cannot be improved by any hypothetical postquantum theory, and use it to experimentally obtain correlations in which the fraction of noncontextual correlations is less than 0.06. Our correlations are experimentally generated from the results of sequential compatible tests on a four-state quantum system encoded in the polarization and path of a single photon.Comment: REVTeX4, 6 pages, 3 figure

    How much contextuality?

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    The amount of contextuality is quantified in terms of the probability of the necessary violations of noncontextual assignments to counterfactual elements of physical reality.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Pentagrams and paradoxes

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    Klyachko and coworkers consider an orthogonality graph in the form of a pentagram, and in this way derive a Kochen-Specker inequality for spin 1 systems. In some low-dimensional situations Hilbert spaces are naturally organised, by a magical choice of basis, into SO(N) orbits. Combining these ideas some very elegant results emerge. We give a careful discussion of the pentagram operator, and then show how the pentagram underlies a number of other quantum "paradoxes", such as that of Hardy.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    State-independent quantum violation of noncontextuality in four dimensional space using five observables and two settings

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    Recently, a striking experimental demonstration [G. Kirchmair \emph{et al.}, Nature, \textbf{460}, 494(2009)] of the state-independent quantum mechanical violation of non-contextual realist models has been reported for any two-qubit state using suitable choices of \emph{nine} product observables and \emph{six} different measurement setups. In this report, a considerable simplification of such a demonstration is achieved by formulating a scheme that requires only \emph{five} product observables and \emph{two} different measurement setups. It is also pointed out that the relevant empirical data already available in the experiment by Kirchmair \emph{et al.} corroborate the violation of the NCR models in accordance with our proof

    Parity proofs of the Kochen-Specker theorem based on the 24 rays of Peres

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    A diagrammatic representation is given of the 24 rays of Peres that makes it easy to pick out all the 512 parity proofs of the Kochen-Specker theorem contained in them. The origin of this representation in the four-dimensional geometry of the rays is pointed out.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures and 3 tables. Three references have been added. Minor typos have been correcte

    Parity proofs of the Bell-Kochen-Specker theorem based on the 600-cell

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    The set of 60 real rays in four dimensions derived from the vertices of a 600-cell is shown to possess numerous subsets of rays and bases that provide basis-critical parity proofs of the Bell-Kochen-Specker (BKS) theorem (a basis-critical proof is one that fails if even a single basis is deleted from it). The proofs vary considerably in size, with the smallest having 26 rays and 13 bases and the largest 60 rays and 41 bases. There are at least 90 basic types of proofs, with each coming in a number of geometrically distinct varieties. The replicas of all the proofs under the symmetries of the 600-cell yield a total of almost a hundred million parity proofs of the BKS theorem. The proofs are all very transparent and take no more than simple counting to verify. A few of the proofs are exhibited, both in tabular form as well as in the form of MMP hypergraphs that assist in their visualization. A survey of the proofs is given, simple procedures for generating some of them are described and their applications are discussed. It is shown that all four-dimensional parity proofs of the BKS theorem can be turned into experimental disproofs of noncontextuality.Comment: 19 pages, 11 tables, 3 figures. Email address of first author has been corrected. Ref.[5] has been corrected, as has an error in Fig.3. Formatting error in Sec.4 has been corrected and the placement of tables and figures has been improved. A new paragraph has been added to Sec.4 and another new paragraph to the end of the Appendi

    Quantum mechanical effect of path-polarization contextuality for a single photon

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    Using measurements pertaining to a suitable Mach-Zehnder(MZ) type setup, a curious quantum mechanical effect of contextuality between the path and the polarization degrees of freedom of a polarized photon is demonstrated, without using any notion of realism or hidden variables - an effect that holds good for the product as well as the entangled states. This form of experimental context-dependence is manifested in a way such that at \emph{either} of the two exit channels of the MZ setup used, the empirically verifiable \emph{subensemble} statistical properties obtained by an arbitrary polarization measurement depend upon the choice of a commuting(comeasurable) path observable, while this effect disappears for the \emph{whole ensemble} of photons emerging from the two exit channels of the MZ setup.Comment: To be published in IJT

    Testing sequential quantum measurements: how can maximal knowledge be extracted?

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    The extraction of information from a quantum system unavoidably implies a modification of the measured system itself. It has been demonstrated recently that partial measurements can be carried out in order to extract only a portion of the information encoded in a quantum system, at the cost of inducing a limited amount of disturbance. Here we analyze experimentally the dynamics of sequential partial measurements carried out on a quantum system, focusing on the trade-off between the maximal information extractable and the disturbance. In particular we consider two different regimes of measurement, demonstrating that, by exploiting an adaptive strategy, an optimal trade-off between the two quantities can be found, as observed in a single measurement process. Such experimental result, achieved for two sequential measurements, can be extended to N measurement processes.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure


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    Abstract This paper presents development of a new tag supply system for the data-acquisition (DAQ) system for SACLA user experiments. The X-ray Free-Electron Laser facility in SPring-8, SACLA, has delivered X-ray laser beams to users since March 2012. For the user experiments at SACLA, a dedicated DAQ system has been developed. The DAQ system is currently capable to operate with maximum twelve sensors of multiport charge-coupled device (MPCCD) for X-ray detection. The data of twelve sensors are read out with individual readout modules. We implement a new tag supply system to ensure the reconstruction of the diffraction image of the user experiments. The tag data are used to synchronize the data obtained by SACLA user experiments. One master server receives a signal given by accelerator and the delivery of the tag data follows to five experimental halls at SACLA and some of monitors at SACLA accelerator. We employ dedicated communication lines to deliver the tag data. The longest distance to deliver the tag data is about one kilometre. The new tag supply system has been operating stably since April, 2014
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