2 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this research is to know marketing institution, marketing channel, marketing function, market structure, market behavior, market performance, marketing cost, marketing margin, marketing profit and marketing efficiency of beef cattle in animal market Suka Village TigapanahSubdistrictKaro District. The research conducted in the animal market of Suka Village TigapanahSubdistrictKaro District from March until April 2017. This research used primary data obtained from observation and interview of respondents. Determination of respondents with snowball sampling method that has 30 respondents. Secondary data is obtained from related institutions such as the Central Agency of Statistics and the Karo District Agricultural Departement. The parameters studied were marketing institution, marketing channel, marketing function, market structure, market conduct, market performance, marketing margin, farmer's share and profit to cost ratio. The results is marketing institutions involved are farmers and agent. The marketing channels are the first two channels: the farmer - the consumer and the second channel: the farmer – the agent - the consumer. Marketing functions undertaken by marketing institutions are the functions of exchange, physical and facilities. The market structure is oligopoly and oligopsoni. Market conduct is the practice of pricing away from dishonesty and marketing costs are not uniform and the absence of intervention from the government. Market performance is that there is no technological progress and no improvement of product quality and service maximization. Marketing margin of cannel I is Rp.0 and channel II is Rp.815.384. Farmer's share of channel I is 100% and channel II is 95.59%. The profit to cost ratio of channel I is 105,86 and channel II is 2,55. The conclusion of this research is the marketing of beef cattle in the animal market of Suka Village TigapanahSubdistrictKaro District has been efficient

    Sistem Filtering Berbahan Daun Mangga untuk Emisi Partikulat Matter2,5

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    The annual growth of the vehicle industry sector has the potential to spur economic growth, but it can also harm the environment. The negative impact that can endanger human health is air pollution. Particulate Matter 2.5μm (PM2.5) is a very small air pollutant in size that can cause various diseases such as disorders of the respiratory tract if exposed to PM2.5 while exceeding the quality standard and continuously (55μg/m3 for daily quality standard and 15μg/m3 annual quality standard). This study aimed to see the effectiveness of the filtering system tool made from mango leaves and activated carbon to reduce PM2.5 emissions. This study was an pra-experimental research design with the one-group pre-post test design method. The population in this study is PM2.5 particulate emissions deriving from two motor vehicle emissions, emission source 1 (old two-wheeled motor vehicles) and emission source 2 (new two-wheeled motor vehicles). PM2.5 data were collected using the EVM-7 tool. The results showed a decrease in the concentration of PM2.5 before and after the mango leaf filter was installed on both emission sources. The average concentration of particulate matter decreases with the influence of different temperatures and humidity. It is recommended to continue this research to develop a filtering tool that can be used by the wider community to reduce air pollution, especially PM2.5. Keywords: PM2.5, Mango Leaf Filtering, Activated Carbo