8 research outputs found

    Practical aspects of business model application in veterinary activities

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    In the article, following the theoretical aspect, there is analyzed the business model canvas and there is presented the business model classification involving the discussion related to the particularity of veterinary activities. The research aim is after having summarized theoretical aspects of business models, to disclose business model application peculiarities in veterinary activities. In order to disclose the business model application peculiarities in veterinary activities and to supplement the research by other authors, there was disclosed the peculiarity of veterinary service and there was completed the most relevant business model analysis allocated to the development of veterinary activities. Having systematized the business models introduced in different sources it was noticed that there had not been found any business models which were named as ones being unambiguously relevant to veterinary activities. There have been accurately analyzed application possibilities of the business model canvas for the analysis and development in veterinary service activitiesLietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitetasVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Pecularities of application of business models in veterinary practice

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    Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitetasVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Factors influencing choice of veterinary service

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    Increasing competition among health care service providers for pets and constantly growing requirements for the veterinary service quality, force veterinary service providers to search for some possibilities to remain competitive in the market in order to meet both customer needs and expectations, and animal needs best. The aim of the research is - having identified the choice motives for animal health care service, to enumerate the factors, influencing the choice of veterinary service. In order to find the pet keepers' approach concerning the factors, influencing the choice of veterinary service, a pilot research was completed. According to the gained primary data results in the research, it was found that the key factors, influencing the choice of veterinary service are as follows: the service quality of health care, the recommendation of the person responsible for animal care and the price for the delivered serviceLietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitetasVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Influence of linseed oil, natural and synthetic antioxidants on laying hens productivity, short chain fatty acid (SCFA) and ammonia nitrogen

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    Poultry and eggs are nutritious and healthy foods that contain high-quality proteins and low levels of fat compared with other meats. Recent studies have shown that poultry performance is closely associated with colonic health. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of dietary supplemented linseed oil, lycopene and santoqun on laying hens produc tivity, short chain fatty acid and ammonia nitrogen concentration in caecum. A total of 40 Lohman Brown laying hens which were 30 weeks old were assigned to three treatment groups (10 hens per each treatment group) and fed with the experimental diets for 8 weeks. The I (control) group compound feed was supplemented with linseed oil (4.5%), the II (experimental) group – was supplemented with linseed oil (4.5%) + lycopene (25g/kg) and III (experimental) group – linseed oil (4.5%) = santoqun (0.15g/kg) and keeping in the same conditions. The results shown that on laying hens productivity parameter antioxidants did not had any statistical significant effect. Statistical significant results were get just in butyric acid content in laying hens caecum, it decreased from 22 to 35% (P>0.05). The results of this study clearly demonstrate that natural and synthetic antioxidants used in laying hens nutrition decreased SCFA and ammonia nitrogen content in caecum

    Jerusalem artichoke tuber’s powder influence on lambs weight, meat chemical composition and technological indexes

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    In this research, effects of using Jerusalem artichoke tuber's flour in extruded compound feed on lamb's produktivity and lamb's meat chemical composition were analysed. A total number of 24 Lithuanian blackhead breed sheep were divided into 2 groups (12 lambs in each group). I was control group, II experimental, where farm ratio was supplemented with 200 g/day of Jerusalem artichoke tuber's flour. Lambs were weighed after being born, 21st day of age, 2 months age, 3 months age, 4 months age and 6 months age, i.e. before slaughter. Weighings were pweformed before morning feeding. Lambs were slaughtered at 6 months of age. In the end; of the trial, lamb's from experimental group had 5 percent bigger weight, comparing to control group. Jerusalem artichoke influenced meat's chemical composition, concentration of fat in experimental group's meat increased by 1.83% (P<0.05) comparing to control group. Besides that, jerusalem artichoke tuber's powder affected meat color, experimental group's lambs meat distinguished for being darker. The difference between groups was 3.4%, (p<0.05). Though experimental group's meat was more red by 2.62% comparing to control group's meat

    Influence of chicory flour (Cichorium intybus L.) on physiology of digestive tract and health in rabbits

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    Tirta cikorijos įtaka triušių virškinimo fiziologiniams procesams. 24 Naujosios Zelandijos veislės triušiai buvo suskirstyti į tris grupes (kontrolinė, I ir II bandomosios) ir auginti iki 90 dienų. Visų grupių triušiai šerti vienodais kombinuotaisiais pašarais. Į bandomųjų grupių triušių pašarus buvo įmaišyta cikorijos tokiu santykiu: I grupės – 2,5 proc., II grupės – 5 proc. Nustatyta, kad didesnis cikorijos kiekis sumažino klubinės žarnos turinio pH ir klampumą, padidino vandens absorbciją klubinės ir aklosios žarnų virškinamajame turinyje palyginti su kontroline grupe (p≤0,05). I grupės triušiams, kurių pašaruose buvo 2,5 proc. cikorijos, padidėjo virškinamojo trakto turinio apimtis ir baltymų kiekis aklojoje žarnoje (p≤0,05). Tyrimų duomenimis, į pašarus įmaišius 5 proc. cikorijos (II grupė), ženkliai sumažėjo storosios žarnos turinio pH (p≤0,05). Apibendrinant tyrimų rezultatus galima teigti, kad cikorijoje esantis inulinas palankiai veikė triušių virškinimo fiziologinius procesus ir gali būti naudojamas kaip funkcinio maisto ingredientas triušių pašaruoseA 36-day experiment carried out on 54-day-old rabbits addressed to analyse physiological properties of diets supplemented with chicory roots flour. Twenty-four rabbits were allocated in individual cages to three treatments, in which they were fed each diet with the chicory flour at 0.25 and 50 g/kg - I and II experimental groups (Groups 1 and 2), and control (Group 3), respectively). The chicory administered at a higher dose (Group 2), lowered ileal pH and viscosity, and evoked increased hydration of ileal and caecal digesta, compared to the controls (P≤0.05). Group 1 was characterized by the highest increase in the bulk of digesta and concentration of protein in the caecum (P ≤ 0.05 vs. Group 3). The lowest colonic pH was found in Group 2 (P≤0.05 vs. Group 3). Group 1 was characterized by a significantly higher volatile fatty acids (VFA) pool size in the caecum, whereas rabbits in Group 2 had the highest colonic VFA pool size (P≤0.05 vs. Group 3). In conclusion, the chicory flour rich in inulin, exerted positive effects on the rabbit gastrointestinal tract physiology and would be a potential source of functional feed additivesVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij