1,560 research outputs found

    Modelling and optimizing multiple attribute decisions by using fuzzy sets

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    The purpose of this paper is to present a coherent perspective of modeling and optimizing multiple attribute decisions by using fuzzy sets. In management practice we face most of the time the situation in which a problem have several possible solutions and each solution can be analyzed using multiple criteria models. In the same time, in real life decision making process there is a given level of uncertainty which makes difficult a clear cut analytical analysis. The object of this article is to build a model approach for making multiple criteria decision using fuzzy sets of objects. Elaborating multiple attribute decisions involves performing an assessment and selecting from a given and finite set of possible alternative courses of action in the presence of a given and finite, and usually conflicting set of attributes and criteria.decision making, fuzzy sets, modeling, multiple criteria optimization.

    On optimal structure and geometry of high-speed integrated photodiodes in a standard CMOS technology

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    Analyses of the influence of different geometries (layouts) and structures of high-speed CMOS photodiodes on their intrinsic (physical) and electrical bandwidths are presented. Three photodiode structures are studied: nwell/p-substrate, p+/nwell/p-substrate and p+/nwell. According to the author's knowledge, this is a first time that the influence of various structures and geometries (layouts) of CMOS photodiodes on their bandwidth is analytically analysed

    Analytical calculation of the excess current in the OTBK theory

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    We present an analytical derivation of the excess current in Josephson junctions within the Octavio-Tinkham-Blonder-Klapwijk theory for both symmetric and asymmetric barrier strengths. We confirm the result found numerically by Flensberg et al. for equal barriers [Phys. Rev. B 38, 8707 (1988)], including the prediction of negative excess current for low transparencies, and we generalize it for differing barriers. Our analytical formulae provide for convenient fitting of experimental data, also in the less studied, but practically relevant case of the barrier asymmetry.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Superconductor Science and Technolog

    Looking at teacher education programs in a new way

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    Este artigo tem o objetivo de debater e refletir sobre os Cursos de Formação dos Professores de CiĂȘncias e MatemĂĄtica. Tais cursos apresentam antigos problemas, dentre eles, a desarticulação entre as disciplinas, a teoria e a prĂĄtica, que refletem na construção do perfil do futuro professor. Assim, faz-se necessĂĄria uma nova forma de pensar e estruturar os Cursos de Formação Docente. Nesta perspectiva, este artigo apresenta alguns conceitos de Bachelard e Lakatos que podem contribuir para uma formação de cunho reflexivo __________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis paper aims to discuss and reflect about Science and Mathematics Teacher Education Programs. Those programs have been showing quite a few problems; one of these is about articulation. There is no articulation between the several disciplines of the program and also no articulation between theory and practice. It shows that it is crucial to think about a new way of structuring and planning teacher education. In this way, this paper presents some Bachelar s and Lakato s conceptions that can contribute to a new conception of teacher education a reflexive teacher education

    An in-situ assessment of Dorsal Cranial Myopathy in broilers, approaching regarding meteorological influences in South Brazil, classification, and appearance of the lesions during industrial processing

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    Broiler meat is a high-quality food for humans, and is worldwide consumed. Brazil plays an important role in the poultry industry and in its South region is situated the most important pro- ducer. Recently, alterations on the meat aspect have aroused the interest of researchers to clarify their causes. The objective of this investigation was to evaluate the relationship between environ- mental conditions and seasons on the prevalence of Dorsal Cranial Myopathy (DCM) and also, to generate a DCM classification in scores, for griller-type broilers. Carcasses were picked out from several stages of industrial processing from a slaughterhouse located in South Brazil. The preva- lence of DCM was measured using the database of partial condemnations of the Official Inspection Service during 19 months. Meteorological data were obtained from the National Institute of Meteo- rology (in Portuguese Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia- INMET), of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply. In addition, microorganisms with public health importance were measured on samples taken from the muscles with DCM. The prevalence of DCM was compared among sea- sons using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The relation with other environmental conditions was accessed using a principal component analysis. Partial condemnations by DCM were higher (P 0.05). Visually, it could be noted that the hemorrhagic lesion of the Anterior latissimus dorsi (ALD) muscle diminished during the processing line, making the DCM imperceptible, even in those carcasses with severe DCM score at the beginning of the process. In conclusion, the climate features approached here could be correlated to this emerging myopathy. However, this lesion does not represent a food security issue for the consumers regarding evaluated microorganisms, as this kind of lesion tends to disappear in the final sellable product

    The Factor-Portfolios Approach to Asset Management using Genetic Algorithms

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    We present an investment process that: (i) decomposes securities into risk factors; (ii) allows for the construction of portfolios of assets that would selectively expose the manager to desired risk factors; (iii) perform a risk allocation between these portfolios, allowing for tracking error restrictions in the optimization process and (iv) give the flexibility to manage dinamically the transfer coeffficient (TC). The contribution of this article is to present an investment process that allows the asset manager to limit risk exposure to macro-factors - including expectations on correlation dynamics - whilst allowing for selective exposure to risk factors using mimicking portfolios that emulate the behaviour of given specific. An Artificial Intelligence (AI) optimisation technique is used for risk-budget allocation to factor-portfolios.Active Management, Portfolio Optimization, Genetic Algorithms, Propensities. Classification JEL: G11; G14; G32.


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    Komunikasi adalah cara penyampaian pesan antar manusia dengan tujuan agar pesan yang akan disampaikandapat dipahami. Dalam pembelajaran matematika, siswa diharuskan untuk mempunyai kemampuankomunikasi yang baik dan jelas. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakanpendekatan kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan profil komunikasi matematis siswa SMP dalammenyelesaikan soal matematika ditinjau dari self efficacy. Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu angket selfefficacy, tes kemampuan matematika, tes komunikasi matematis, dan wawancara. Subjek dalam penelitianini adalah satu siswa kelas IX dengan self efficacy tinggi dan satu siswa kelas IX dengan self efficacy rendah.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa dengan self efficacy tinggi memiliki komunikasi matematissebagai berikut.1) Akurat, lengkap, lancar dalam menuliskan hal-hal yang diketahui dan ditanyakan padasoal. 2) Akurat, lengkap, lancar dalam menuliskan pernyataan pada soal ke dalam model matematika. 3)Akurat, lengkap, lancar dalam menuliskan ide atau relasi matematis untuk menyelesaikan soal yangdiberikan. 4) Akurat, tidak lengkap, lancar dalam menuliskan langkah-langkah penyelesaian soal menujusolusi akhir secara matematis. 5) Akurat, lengkap, lancar dalam menuliskan alasan terkait dengan solusimatematika dalam konteks semula. Sedangkan siswa dengan self efficacy rendah memiliki komunikasimatematis sebagai berikut. 1) Akurat, tidak lengkap, lancar dalam menuliskan hal-hal yang diketahui danditanyakan pada soal. 2) Akurat, lengkap, lancar dalam menuliskan pernyataan pada soal ke dalam modelmatematika. 3) Akurat, lengkap, lancar dalam menuliskan ide atau relasi matematis untuk menyelesaikansoal yang diberikan. 4) Akurat, tidak lengkap, tidak lancar dalam menuliskan langkah-langkah penyelesaiansoal menuju solusi akhir secara matematis. 5) Akurat, lengkap, lancar dalam menuliskan alasan terkait dengansolusi matematika dalam konteks semula. Penelitian ini memberikan gambaran bahwa self efficacy yangdimiliki siswa memberi pengaruh terhadap komunikasi matematisnya dalam menyelesaikan soal matematika

    Research Tool Patents and Free-Libre Biotechnology: A Unified Perspective.

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    This paper proposes a unified conceptual framework to analyse the multiple role and consequences of patents in the case of biotechnology research tools. We argue that the knowledge/information and independent/complementary nature of research tools define heterogeneous frameworks in which the patent system plays different roles. In particular, using the analogy with the free-libre open source movement in software, we show that patents can promote open innovation by ensuring the freedom of some pieces of knowledge. A strong conclusion of the paper is therefore that, against common belief, an adequate use of the patent system may contribute to preserving freedom of access to upstream research tools within a framework that we call free-libre biotechnology.Intellectual property rights, sequential innovation, open source, life science, collective invention.
